Where('settings_id', 1) ->first(); //set timezone date_default_timezone_set($settings->settings_system_timezone); //currency symbol position setting if ($settings->settings_system_currency_position == 'left') { $settings['currency_symbol_left'] = $settings->settings_system_currency_symbol; $settings['currency_symbol_right'] = ''; } else { $settings['currency_symbol_right'] = $settings->settings_system_currency_symbol; $settings['currency_symbol_left'] = ''; } //lead statuses $settings['lead_statuses'] = []; $settings['lead_custom_statuses'] = []; foreach (\App\Models\LeadStatus::get() as $status) { $id = $status->leadstatus_id; $color = $status->leadstatus_color; $title = $status->leadstatus_title; $settings['lead_statuses'] += [ $id => $color, ]; $settings['lead_custom_statuses'] += [ $id => $title, ]; } //task custom statuses $settings['task_statuses'] = []; $settings['task_custom_statuses'] = []; foreach (\App\Models\TaskStatus::get() as $status) { $id = $status->taskstatus_id; $color = $status->taskstatus_color; $title = $status->taskstatus_title; $settings['task_statuses'] += [ $id => $color, ]; $settings['task_custom_statuses'] += [ $id => $title, ]; } //ticket custom statuses $settings['ticket_statuses'] = []; $settings['ticket_custom_statuses'] = []; foreach (\App\Models\TicketStatus::get() as $status) { $id = $status->ticketstatus_id; $color = $status->ticketstatus_color; $title = $status->ticketstatus_title; $settings['ticket_statuses'] += [ $id => $color, ]; $settings['ticket_custom_statuses'] += [ $id => $title, ]; } //Just a list of all payment geteways - used in dropdowns and filters $settings['gateways'] = [ 'Paypal', 'Stripe', 'Bank', 'Cash', ]; //cronjob path $settings['cronjob_path'] = '/usr/local/bin/php ' . BASE_DIR . '/application/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1'; //all team members $settings['team_members'] = \App\Models\User::Where('type', 'team')->Where('status', 'active')->get(); //the main admin user $settings['main_admin_user'] = \App\Models\User::Where('id', 1)->first(); //javascript file versioning to avoid caching when making updates $settings['versioning'] = $settings->settings_system_javascript_versioning; //[saas] set the customers 'from' email address for users using [local] email if (env('MT_TPYE')) { if ($settings->settings_saas_email_server_type == 'local') { $settings['settings_email_from_address'] = $settings->settings_saas_email_local_address; } } //save once to config config(['system' => $settings]); $categories = \App\Models\Category::Where('category_type', 'project')->orderBy('category_name', 'asc')->get(); config(['projects_categories' => $categories]); //recaptcha config([ 'recaptcha.api_site_key' => $settings->settings2_captcha_api_site_key, 'recaptcha.api_secret_key' => $settings->settings2_captcha_api_secret_key, ]); /** * how many rows to show in settings. Defaults to a hard set value, if not present * fallback value: 5 */ config(['settings.custom_fields_display_limit' => config('settings.custom_fields_display_limit') ?? 5]); //custom css froms database $settings2_theme_css = ''; config(['css.application' => $settings2_theme_css]); //[modules] - enabled modules $enabled_modules = \App\Models\Module::where('module_status', 'enabled')->pluck('module_name')->toArray(); config(['modules.enabled' => $enabled_modules]); } /** * [STANDALONE] * bootstrap the application email service (standalone version). * * @return void */ function middlewareBootMail() { //do not run this for SETUP path if (env('SETUP_STATUS') != 'COMPLETED') { return; } //get settings $settings = \App\Models\Settings::find(1); //defaults $email_signature = ''; $email_footer = ''; //get email signature if ($template = \App\Models\EmailTemplate::Where('emailtemplate_name', 'Email Signature')->first()) { $email_signature = $template->emailtemplate_body; } //get email footer if ($template = \App\Models\EmailTemplate::Where('emailtemplate_name', 'Email Footer')->first()) { $email_footer = $template->emailtemplate_body; } //save to config config([ 'mail.default' => $settings->settings_email_server_type, 'mail.mailers.smtp' => [ 'transport' => 'smtp', 'host' => $settings->settings_email_smtp_host, 'port' => $settings->settings_email_smtp_port, 'encryption' => ($settings->settings_email_smtp_encryption == 'none') ? '' : $settings->settings_email_smtp_encryption, 'username' => $settings->settings_email_smtp_username, 'password' => $settings->settings_email_smtp_password, 'url' => env('MAIL_URL'), 'timeout' => null, 'local_domain' => env('MAIL_EHLO_DOMAIN'), ], 'mail.data' => [ 'company_name' => config('system.settings_company_name'), 'todays_date' => runtimeDate(date('Y-m-d')), 'email_signature' => $email_signature, 'email_footer' => $email_footer, 'dashboard_url' => url('/'), ], ]); } /** * [SAAS] * bootstrap the application email service (SaaS version). * * @return void */ function middlewareSaaSBootMail() { //get tenant settings $settings = \App\Models\Settings::find(1); //get landlord settings $landlord_settings = \App\Models\Landlord\Settings::On('landlord')->Where('settings_id', 'default')->first(); //defaults $email_signature = ''; $email_footer = ''; //get email signature if ($template = \App\Models\EmailTemplate::Where('emailtemplate_name', 'Email Signature')->first()) { $email_signature = $template->emailtemplate_body; } //get email footer if ($template = \App\Models\EmailTemplate::Where('emailtemplate_name', 'Email Footer')->first()) { $email_footer = $template->emailtemplate_body; } //customer is using their own SMTP servr if ($settings->settings_saas_email_server_type == 'smtp') { config([ 'mail.default' => $settings->settings_email_server_type, 'mail.mailers.smtp' => [ 'transport' => 'smtp', 'host' => $settings->settings_email_smtp_host, 'port' => $settings->settings_email_smtp_port, 'encryption' => ($settings->settings_email_smtp_encryption == 'none') ? '' : $settings->settings_email_smtp_encryption, 'username' => $settings->settings_email_smtp_username, 'password' => $settings->settings_email_smtp_password, 'url' => env('MAIL_URL'), 'timeout' => null, 'local_domain' => env('MAIL_EHLO_DOMAIN'), ], 'mail.data' => [ 'company_name' => config('system.settings_company_name'), 'todays_date' => runtimeDate(date('Y-m-d')), 'email_signature' => $email_signature, 'email_footer' => $email_footer, 'dashboard_url' => url('/'), ], ]); } //customer is using local (landlord) mail settings if ($settings->settings_saas_email_server_type == 'local') { //save to config config([ 'mail.default' => $landlord_settings->settings_email_server_type, 'mail.mailers.smtp' => [ 'transport' => 'smtp', 'host' => $landlord_settings->settings_email_smtp_host, 'port' => $landlord_settings->settings_email_smtp_port, 'encryption' => ($landlord_settings->settings_email_smtp_encryption == 'none') ? '' : $landlord_settings->settings_email_smtp_encryption, 'username' => $landlord_settings->settings_email_smtp_username, 'password' => $landlord_settings->settings_email_smtp_password, 'url' => env('MAIL_URL'), 'timeout' => null, 'local_domain' => env('MAIL_EHLO_DOMAIN'), ], 'mail.data' => [ 'company_name' => config('system.settings_company_name'), 'todays_date' => runtimeDate(date('Y-m-d')), 'email_signature' => $email_signature, 'email_footer' => $email_footer, 'dashboard_url' => url('/'), ], ]); } } /** * [STANDALONE] & [SAAS] * Bootstrap the application services. * * @return void */ function middlewareBootTheme() { //do not run this for SETUP path if (env('SETUP_STATUS') != 'COMPLETED') { //set default theme config([ 'theme.selected_theme_css' => 'public/themes/default/css/style.css?v=1', ]); //skip this provider return; } //get settings $settings = \App\Models\Settings::find(1); //get all directories in themes folder $directories = Storage::disk('root')->directories('public/themes'); //clean up directory names array_walk($directories, function (&$value, $key) { $value = str_replace('public/themes/', '', $value); }); //check if default theme exists if (!in_array($settings->settings_theme_name, $directories)) { Log::critical("The selected theme directory could not be found", ['process' => '[validating theme]', config('app.debug_ref'), 'function' => __function__, 'file' => basename(__FILE__), 'line' => __line__, 'path' => __file__, 'Theme Directory: ' => '/public/themes/' . $settings->settings_theme_name]); abort(409, __('lang.default_theme_not_found') . ' [' . runtimeThemeName($settings->settings_theme_name) . ']'); } //check if css file exists if (!is_file(BASE_DIR . '/public/themes/' . $settings->settings_theme_name . '/css/style.css')) { Log::critical("The selected theme does not seem to have a style.css files", ['process' => '[validating theme]', config('app.debug_ref'), 'function' => __function__, 'file' => basename(__FILE__), 'line' => __line__, 'path' => __file__, 'Theme Directory: ' => '/public/themes/' . $settings->settings_theme_name]); abort(409, __('lang.selected_theme_is_invalid')); } //validate if the folders in the /public/themes/ directory have a style.css file $list = []; foreach ($directories as $directory) { if (is_file(BASE_DIR . "/public/themes/$directory/css/style.css")) { $list[] = $directory; } } //set global theme (used for users who are not logged in) config([ 'theme.list' => $list, 'theme.selected_name' => $settings->settings_theme_name, //main css file 'theme.selected_theme_css' => 'public/themes/' . $settings->settings_theme_name . '/css/style.css?v=' . $settings->settings_system_javascript_versioning, //invoice/estimate pdf (web preview) //[8 Aug 2021] all themes should now use the 'default' theme's bill-pdf.css file (public/themes/default/css/bill-pdf.css) 'theme.selected_theme_pdf_css' => 'public/themes/default/css/bill-pdf.css?v=' . $settings->settings_system_javascript_versioning, //[MT] 'theme.selected_theme_saas_css' => 'public/themes/' . $settings->settings_theme_name . '/css/saas.css?v=' . $settings->settings_system_javascript_versioning, ]); //[user custom theme] - set the theme for the current user (apply to all views) view()->composer('*', function ($view) { if (auth()->check()) { //validate current theme if (!is_file(BASE_DIR . '/public/themes/' . auth()->user()->pref_theme . '/css/style.css')) { //set use to default system theme auth()->user()->pref_theme = $settings->settings_theme_name; auth()->user()->save(); } } }); }