'App\Models\Lead', 'task' => 'App\Models\Task', ]); class Checklist extends Model { /** * @primaryKey string - primry key column. * @dateFormat string - date storage format * @guarded string - allow mass assignment except specified * @CREATED_AT string - creation date column * @UPDATED_AT string - updated date column */ protected $primaryKey = 'checklist_id'; protected $dateFormat = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'; protected $guarded = ['checklist_id']; const CREATED_AT = 'checklist_created'; const UPDATED_AT = 'checklist_updated'; /** * relatioship business rules: * - leads, tasks etc can have many checklists * - the checklist can be belong to just one of the above */ public function checklistresource() { return $this->morphTo(); } }