belongsTo('App\Models\User', 'client_creatorid', 'id'); } /** * relatioship business rules: * - the Client can have many Projects * - the Project belongs to one Client */ public function projects() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Project', 'project_clientid', 'client_id'); } /** * relatioship business rules: * - the Client can have many Users * - the User belongs to one Client */ public function users() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\User', 'clientid', 'client_id'); } /** * relatioship business rules: * - the Client can have many Invoices * - the Invoice belongs to one Client */ public function invoices() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Invoice', 'bill_clientid', 'client_id'); } /** * relatioship business rules: * - the Client can have many Estimates * - the Estimate belongs to one Client */ public function estimates() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Estimate', 'bill_clientid', 'client_id'); } /** * relatioship business rules: * - the Client can have many Notes * - the Note belongs to one Client * - other Note can belong to other tables (Leads, etc) */ public function notes() { return $this->morphMany('App\Models\Note', 'noteresource'); } /** * relatioship business rules: * - the Category can have many Clients * - the CLient belongs to one Category */ public function category() { return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Category', 'client_categoryid', 'category_id'); } /** * relatioship business rules: * - the Client can have many Proposals * - the Proposal belongs to one Client */ public function proposals() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Proposal', 'doc_lead_id', 'lead_id'); } /** * relatioship business rules: * - the Client can have many Contracts * - the Contract belongs to one Client */ public function contracts() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Contract', 'doc_lead_id', 'lead_id'); } /** * relatioship business rules: * - the Client can have many Expenses * - the Expense belongs to one Client */ public function expenses() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Expense', 'expense_clientid', 'client_id'); } /** * relatioship business rules: * - the Client can have many Files * - the File belongs to one Client * - other Files can belong to other tables (Project, etc) */ public function files() { return $this->morphMany('App\Models\File', 'fileresource'); } /** * relatioship business rules: * - the Client can have many Payments * - the Payment belongs to one Client */ public function payments() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Payment', 'payment_clientid', 'client_id'); } /** * relatioship business rules: * - the Client can have many Tags * - the Tags belongs to one Client * - other tags can belong to other tables */ public function tags() { return $this->morphMany('App\Models\Tag', 'tagresource'); } /** * relatioship business rules: * - the Client can have many Tickets * - the Ticket belongs to one Client */ public function tickets() { return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Ticket', 'ticket_clientid', 'client_id'); } /** * Query Scope: Counting a clients projects (of various statuses) * @param object $query automatically passed by eloquent * @param string $status project status (eg. in_progress) * @return bool */ public function scopeCountProjects($query, $status = '') { //condition by status $conditional = " AND projects.project_status = '$status'"; $name = "count_projects_$status"; //all projects if ($status == 'all') { $conditional = ''; } //pending if ($status == 'pending') { $conditional = " AND projects.project_status NOT IN('on_hold', 'cancelled', 'completed')"; } //return query return $query->selectRaw("(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM projects WHERE projects.project_clientid = clients.client_id $conditional ) AS $name"); } /** * Query Scope: Counting a clients invoices (of various statuses) * @param object $query automatically passed by eloquent * @param string $status invoice status (eg. paid) * @return null */ public function scopeCountInvoices($query, $status = '') { //condition by status $conditional = " AND invoices.bill_status = '$status'"; $name = "count_invoices_$status"; //all invoices if ($status == 'all') { $conditional = ''; } //return query $query->selectRaw("(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM invoices WHERE invoices.bill_clientid = clients.client_id $conditional ) AS $name"); } /** * Query Scope: Sum of clients invoices (of various statuses) * @param object $query automatically passed by eloquent * @param string $status invoice status (eg. paid) * @return null */ public function scopeSumInvoices($query, $status = '') { //condition by status $conditional = " AND invoices.bill_status = '$status'"; $name = "sum_invoices_$status"; //all invoices if ($status == 'all') { $conditional = ''; } //query return $query->selectRaw("(SELECT SUM(bill_final_amount) FROM invoices WHERE invoices.bill_clientid = clients.client_id $conditional ) AS $name"); } /** * Query Scope: Sum of clients payments * @param object $query automatically passed by eloquent * @param string $status invoice status (eg. paid) * @return null */ public function scopeSumPayments($query) { //query return $query->selectRaw("(SELECT SUM(payment_amount) FROM payments WHERE payments.payment_clientid = clients.client_id ) AS sum_all_payments"); } /** * pre-formatted data * @return string */ public function getFormattedClientCreatedAttribute() { return runtimeDate($this->client_created); } /** * pre-lang applied data * @return string */ public function getLangClientStatusAttribute() { return runtimeLang($this->client_status); } }