[ 'not_started' => 'default', 'in_progress' => 'info', 'on_hold' => 'warning', 'cancelled' => 'purple', 'completed' => 'success', ], /** * Various invoice statuses, with their corresponding bootstrap colors (colors are used for labels etc) * The following colors are available: (default|info|warning|success|danger|primary|green|lime|brown) * [IMPORTANT WARNING] * Only change the color values */ 'invoice_statuses' => [ 'draft' => 'default', 'due' => 'warning', 'overdue' => 'danger', 'paid' => 'success', 'part_paid' => 'info', ], /** * Various estimate statuses, with their corresponding bootstrap colors (colors are used for labels etc) * The following colors are available: (default|info|warning|success|danger|primary|green|lime|brown) * [IMPORTANT WARNING] * Only change the color values */ 'estimate_statuses' => [ 'draft' => 'default', 'new' => 'info', 'accepted' => 'success', 'declined' => 'warning', 'revised' => 'primary', 'expired' => 'danger', ], /** * Various task statuses, with their corresponding bootstrap colors (colors are used for labels etc) * The following colors are available: (default|info|warning|success|danger|primary|green|lime|brown) * [IMPORTANT WARNING] * Only change the color values */ 'task_statuses' => [ 'new' => 'default', 'in_progress' => 'info', 'testing' => 'purple', 'awaiting_feedback' => 'warning', 'completed' => 'success', ], /** * Various task priority, with their corresponding bootstrap colors (colors are used for labels etc) * The following colors are available: (default|info|warning|success|danger|primary|green|lime|brown) * [IMPORTANT WARNING] * Only change the color values * normal | high | urgent */ 'task_priority' => [ 'low' => 'default', 'normal' => 'info', 'high' => 'warning', 'urgent' => 'danger', ], /** * Various ticket statuses, with their corresponding bootstrap colors (colors are used for labels etc) * The following colors are available: (default|info|warning|success|danger|primary|green|lime|brown) * [IMPORTANT WARNING] * Only change the color values */ 'ticket_statuses' => [ 'open' => 'info', 'on_hold' => 'warning', 'answered' => 'success', 'closed' => 'default', ], /** * Various ticket priority, with their corresponding bootstrap colors (colors are used for labels etc) * The following colors are available: (default|info|warning|success|danger|primary|green|lime|brown) * [IMPORTANT WARNING] * Only change the color values */ 'ticket_priority' => [ 'normal' => 'info', 'high' => 'warning', 'urgent' => 'danger', ], /** * This determins the type of events that are notified to users * i.e. - events that show up in the notifications tab and that are sent as email notifications * [options] * true | false * */ 'notifiable_events' => [ //all user notifications //team only notifications 'event_team_new_assignment' => true, 'event_team_new_payment' => true, 'event_team_project_status_change' => true, 'event_team_lead_status_change' => true, 'event_team_task_status_change' => true, //client only notifications 'event_client_new_invoice' => true, 'event_client_ticket_reply' => true, 'event_client_project_status_change' => true, ], /** * Optionally show placeholder [disabled] actions buttons (e.g. delete/edit buttons etc), when the user does not have required permissions * If disabled, the buttons will simply not be viabled at all * [options] * true | false */ 'placeholder_actions_buttons' => true, /** * Show small information tooltips when user hovers over Edit, Delete, etc buttons * [options] * true | false */ 'show_action_button_tooltips' => true, /** * used as auto increment in db position. * You should not usually need to change this value */ 'db_position_increment' => 16384, /** * file uploads and attachments * Array of file types (by file extension) that users are not allowed to upload. * You can add to this array, using the exampe format below * [example] * * 'disallowed_file_types' => [ * '.php', * '.exe', * '.mp3', * ], */ 'disallowed_file_types' => [ '.php', '.exe', ], /** * Pagination limits of other specific items.... (which are not managed via the admin dashboard) * [notes] * - 'pagination_project_timeline' - as displayed on the project home page (right panel) * - 'pagination_event_notifications' - as displayed in top navigation, notifications drop down */ 'limits' => [ 'pagination_project_timeline' => 12, 'pagination_event_notifications' => 200, ], /** * This set the default notification settings for a new client user/contact * [available option] * - 'no' : user will not receive any in-app notifications and will not receive any email notificatons * - 'yes' : user will only recieve in-app notifications * - 'yes_email' : user will recieve both in-app notifications and email notifications */ 'default_notifications_client' => [ 'notifications_new_project' => 'yes_email', 'notifications_projects_activity' => 'yes_email', 'notifications_billing_activity' => 'yes_email', 'notifications_tasks_activity' => 'yes_email', 'notifications_tickets_activity' => 'yes_email', 'notifications_system' => 'yes_email', ], /** * This set the default notification settings for a new team member * [available option] * - 'no' : user will not receive any in-app notifications and will not receive any email notificatons * - 'yes' : user will only recieve in-app notifications * - 'yes_email' : user will recieve both in-app notifications and email notifications */ 'default_notifications_team' => [ 'notifications_projects_activity' => 'yes_email', 'notifications_billing_activity' => 'yes_email', 'notifications_new_assignement' => 'yes_email', 'notifications_leads_activity' => 'yes_email', 'notifications_tasks_activity' => 'yes_email', 'notifications_tickets_activity' => 'yes_email', 'notifications_system' => 'yes_email', ], /** * Force all nearly created users/contacts/team to change their system generated password when they first login * [available option] * - 'no' * - 'yes' */ 'force_password_change' => 'yes', /** * Projects - Default results table sorting * * [sort_by] (available options) * - project_id * - project_title * - project_date_start * - project_date_due * - project_status * - project_progress * - client_company_name * * [sort_by] (ascending or descending) * - ASC * - DESC * */ 'ordering_projects' => [ 'sort_by' => 'project_id', 'sort_order' => 'DESC', ], /** * Invoices - Default results table sorting * * [sort_by] (available options) * - bill_invoiceid * - bill_date * - bill_due_date * - bill_final_amount * - bill_status * - client_company_name * * [sort_by] (ascending or descending) * - ASC * - DESC * */ 'ordering_invoices' => [ 'sort_by' => 'bill_invoiceid', 'sort_order' => 'DESC', ], /** * Estimates - Default results table sorting * * [sort_by] (available options) * - bill_estimateid * - bill_date * - bill_expiry_date * - bill_final_amount * - bill_status * - client_company_name * * [sort_by] (ascending or descending) * - ASC * - DESC * */ 'ordering_estimates' => [ 'sort_by' => 'bill_estimateid', 'sort_order' => 'DESC', ], /** * Expenses - Default results table sorting * * [sort_by] (available options) * - expense_id * - expense_date * - expense_amount * - client_company_name * [sort_by] (ascending or descending) * - ASC * - DESC * */ 'ordering_expenses' => [ 'sort_by' => 'expense_id', 'sort_order' => 'DESC', ], /** * Payments - Default results table sorting * * [sort_by] (available options) * - payment_id * - payment_date * - payment_invoiceid * - payment_amount * * [sort_by] (ascending or descending) * - ASC * - DESC * */ 'ordering_payments' => [ 'sort_by' => 'payment_id', 'sort_order' => 'DESC', ], /** * Popup notification position * [available option] * - 'topLeft' * - 'topRight' * - 'topCenter' * - 'bottomLeft' * - 'bottomRight' * - 'bottomCenter' */ 'notification_position' => 'bottomLeft', /** * [error] Popup notification visibile duration (in millisecond) * e.g. 2000 = 2 seconds */ 'notification_error_duration' => 5000, /** * [success] Popup notification visibile duration (in millisecond) * e.g. 2000 = 2 seconds */ 'notification_success_duration' => 3000, /** ---------------------------------------------------POST RELEASE CHANGES-------------------------------------------------------- / * Optional new settings. If these settings do not exist in a previous version of Grow CRM, a user can simply add them * These are none breaking settings * [NEXTLOOP NOTES] - * * (1) This settings file is automatically deleted from any update but is included in new releases * (2) New settings added here can (optionally) be added to the middleware /general/settings, for fallback value for old versions * this will allow for using the configs in the application as if they exist for all version of Grow CRM * For clarity, any setting here which has a fallback in settings middleware, must be marked with [*] * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Allow you to change the urls dynamicallay * NB: This require custom coding to be done in the route file and will no work out of the box * */ 'url_mapping' => [ //'projects' => 'designs', ], /** * CUSTOM MODULES * These are additional features which are disabled by default */ 'custom_modules' => [ 'cs_affiliate' => false, ], ];