getTable()); $query = $class::select('*'); foreach ($columns as $column) { $query->orWhere($column, 'like', '%'.$arg.'%'); } return $query->get(); } throw new Exception("Don't know what to do with this datatype. Please make PR."); } /** * The query builder's "where" method accepts up to 4 arguments, but let's lock it to 3. * Two arguments (i.e. u("name", "Anders") returns App\User::where("name", "Anders")). * Three arguments (i.e. u("id", ">", 1) returns App\User::where("id", ">", 1)). * */ if ($totalArgs >= 2 && $totalArgs <= 3) { return $class::where(...$args)->get(); } throw new Exception("Too many arguments!"); } /** * Insert "first" and "last" variables (e.g. '$u', '$u_', etc) and model functions (e.g. 'u()', etc). * For "first" variable, returns "::first()" if class DB table exists, otherwise "new" (if 'tableless_models' set to true). * For "last" variable, returns "::latest()->first()" if class DB table exists, otherwise "new" (if 'tableless_models' set to true). * */ array_set($GLOBALS, 'tinx.names', array ( 'App\\Models\\Assigned' => 'a', 'App\\Models\\Lineitem' => 'li', 'App\\Models\\Unit' => 'u', 'App\\Models\\Timer' => 'tim', 'App\\Models\\Ticket' => 'ti', 'App\\Models\\TaskAssigned' => 'taa', 'App\\Models\\Task' => 'ta', 'App\\Models\\Tag' => 't', 'App\\Models\\Settings' => 's', 'App\\Models\\Role' => 'r', 'App\\Models\\ProjectAssigned' => 'pa', 'App\\Models\\Project' => 'pro', 'App\\Models\\Predefined' => 'pr', 'App\\Models\\Payment' => 'p', 'App\\Models\\Note' => 'n', 'App\\Models\\Milestone' => 'm', 'App\\Models\\LeadStatus' => 'lst', 'App\\Models\\Attachment' => 'at', 'App\\Models\\LeadSources' => 'ls', 'App\\Models\\LeadAssigned' => 'la', 'App\\Models\\Lead' => 'l', 'App\\Models\\Item' => 'it', 'App\\Models\\Invoice' => 'i', 'App\\Models\\File' => 'f', 'App\\Models\\Expense' => 'ex', 'App\\Models\\Event' => 'ev', 'App\\Models\\Estimate' => 'es', 'App\\Models\\ContractTemplate' => 'ct', 'App\\Models\\Contract' => 'con', 'App\\Models\\Comment' => 'co', 'App\\Models\\Client' => 'cl', 'App\\Models\\Category' => 'c', 'App\\Models\\User' => 'us', )); $latestColumn = 'created_at'; try { $a = App\Models\Assigned::first() ?: app('App\Models\Assigned'); $a_ = App\Models\Assigned::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Assigned'); if (!function_exists('a')) { function a(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Assigned', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Assigned'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Assigned'); } try { $li = App\Models\Lineitem::first() ?: app('App\Models\Lineitem'); $li_ = App\Models\Lineitem::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Lineitem'); if (!function_exists('li')) { function li(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Lineitem', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Lineitem'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Lineitem'); } try { $u = App\Models\Unit::first() ?: app('App\Models\Unit'); $u_ = App\Models\Unit::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Unit'); if (!function_exists('u')) { function u(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Unit', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Unit'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Unit'); } try { $tim = App\Models\Timer::first() ?: app('App\Models\Timer'); $tim_ = App\Models\Timer::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Timer'); if (!function_exists('tim')) { function tim(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Timer', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Timer'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Timer'); } try { $ti = App\Models\Ticket::first() ?: app('App\Models\Ticket'); $ti_ = App\Models\Ticket::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Ticket'); if (!function_exists('ti')) { function ti(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Ticket', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Ticket'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Ticket'); } try { $taa = App\Models\TaskAssigned::first() ?: app('App\Models\TaskAssigned'); $taa_ = App\Models\TaskAssigned::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\TaskAssigned'); if (!function_exists('taa')) { function taa(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\TaskAssigned', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\TaskAssigned'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\TaskAssigned'); } try { $ta = App\Models\Task::first() ?: app('App\Models\Task'); $ta_ = App\Models\Task::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Task'); if (!function_exists('ta')) { function ta(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Task', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Task'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Task'); } try { $t = App\Models\Tag::first() ?: app('App\Models\Tag'); $t_ = App\Models\Tag::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Tag'); if (!function_exists('t')) { function t(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Tag', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Tag'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Tag'); } try { $s = App\Models\Settings::first() ?: app('App\Models\Settings'); $s_ = App\Models\Settings::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Settings'); if (!function_exists('s')) { function s(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Settings', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Settings'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Settings'); } try { $r = App\Models\Role::first() ?: app('App\Models\Role'); $r_ = App\Models\Role::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Role'); if (!function_exists('r')) { function r(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Role', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Role'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Role'); } try { $pa = App\Models\ProjectAssigned::first() ?: app('App\Models\ProjectAssigned'); $pa_ = App\Models\ProjectAssigned::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\ProjectAssigned'); if (!function_exists('pa')) { function pa(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\ProjectAssigned', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\ProjectAssigned'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\ProjectAssigned'); } try { $pro = App\Models\Project::first() ?: app('App\Models\Project'); $pro_ = App\Models\Project::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Project'); if (!function_exists('pro')) { function pro(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Project', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Project'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Project'); } try { $pr = App\Models\Predefined::first() ?: app('App\Models\Predefined'); $pr_ = App\Models\Predefined::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Predefined'); if (!function_exists('pr')) { function pr(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Predefined', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Predefined'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Predefined'); } try { $p = App\Models\Payment::first() ?: app('App\Models\Payment'); $p_ = App\Models\Payment::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Payment'); if (!function_exists('p')) { function p(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Payment', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Payment'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Payment'); } try { $n = App\Models\Note::first() ?: app('App\Models\Note'); $n_ = App\Models\Note::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Note'); if (!function_exists('n')) { function n(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Note', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Note'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Note'); } try { $m = App\Models\Milestone::first() ?: app('App\Models\Milestone'); $m_ = App\Models\Milestone::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Milestone'); if (!function_exists('m')) { function m(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Milestone', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Milestone'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Milestone'); } try { $lst = App\Models\LeadStatus::first() ?: app('App\Models\LeadStatus'); $lst_ = App\Models\LeadStatus::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\LeadStatus'); if (!function_exists('lst')) { function lst(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\LeadStatus', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\LeadStatus'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\LeadStatus'); } try { $at = App\Models\Attachment::first() ?: app('App\Models\Attachment'); $at_ = App\Models\Attachment::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Attachment'); if (!function_exists('at')) { function at(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Attachment', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Attachment'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Attachment'); } try { $ls = App\Models\LeadSources::first() ?: app('App\Models\LeadSources'); $ls_ = App\Models\LeadSources::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\LeadSources'); if (!function_exists('ls')) { function ls(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\LeadSources', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\LeadSources'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\LeadSources'); } try { $la = App\Models\LeadAssigned::first() ?: app('App\Models\LeadAssigned'); $la_ = App\Models\LeadAssigned::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\LeadAssigned'); if (!function_exists('la')) { function la(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\LeadAssigned', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\LeadAssigned'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\LeadAssigned'); } try { $l = App\Models\Lead::first() ?: app('App\Models\Lead'); $l_ = App\Models\Lead::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Lead'); if (!function_exists('l')) { function l(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Lead', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Lead'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Lead'); } try { $it = App\Models\Item::first() ?: app('App\Models\Item'); $it_ = App\Models\Item::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Item'); if (!function_exists('it')) { function it(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Item', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Item'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Item'); } try { $i = App\Models\Invoice::first() ?: app('App\Models\Invoice'); $i_ = App\Models\Invoice::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Invoice'); if (!function_exists('i')) { function i(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Invoice', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Invoice'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Invoice'); } try { $f = App\Models\File::first() ?: app('App\Models\File'); $f_ = App\Models\File::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\File'); if (!function_exists('f')) { function f(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\File', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\File'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\File'); } try { $ex = App\Models\Expense::first() ?: app('App\Models\Expense'); $ex_ = App\Models\Expense::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Expense'); if (!function_exists('ex')) { function ex(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Expense', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Expense'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Expense'); } try { $ev = App\Models\Event::first() ?: app('App\Models\Event'); $ev_ = App\Models\Event::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Event'); if (!function_exists('ev')) { function ev(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Event', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Event'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Event'); } try { $es = App\Models\Estimate::first() ?: app('App\Models\Estimate'); $es_ = App\Models\Estimate::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Estimate'); if (!function_exists('es')) { function es(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Estimate', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Estimate'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Estimate'); } try { $ct = App\Models\ContractTemplate::first() ?: app('App\Models\ContractTemplate'); $ct_ = App\Models\ContractTemplate::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\ContractTemplate'); if (!function_exists('ct')) { function ct(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\ContractTemplate', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\ContractTemplate'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\ContractTemplate'); } try { $con = App\Models\Contract::first() ?: app('App\Models\Contract'); $con_ = App\Models\Contract::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Contract'); if (!function_exists('con')) { function con(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Contract', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Contract'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Contract'); } try { $co = App\Models\Comment::first() ?: app('App\Models\Comment'); $co_ = App\Models\Comment::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Comment'); if (!function_exists('co')) { function co(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Comment', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Comment'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Comment'); } try { $cl = App\Models\Client::first() ?: app('App\Models\Client'); $cl_ = App\Models\Client::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Client'); if (!function_exists('cl')) { function cl(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Client', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Client'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Client'); } try { $c = App\Models\Category::first() ?: app('App\Models\Category'); $c_ = App\Models\Category::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\Category'); if (!function_exists('c')) { function c(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\Category', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Category'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\Category'); } try { $us = App\Models\User::first() ?: app('App\Models\User'); $us_ = App\Models\User::latest($latestColumn)->first() ?: app('App\Models\User'); if (!function_exists('us')) { function us(...$args) { return tinx_query('App\Models\User', ...$args); } } } catch (Throwable $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\User'); } catch (Exception $e) { tinx_forget_name('App\Models\User'); } unset($latestColumn); /** * Quick reference array. * */ $names = array_get($GLOBALS, 'tinx.names');