'[updating-functions]', config('app.debug_ref'), 'function' => __function__, 'file' => basename(__FILE__), 'line' => __line__, 'path' => __file__, 'project_id' => 1]); //get default folders $default_folder = \App\Models\FileFolder::Where('filefolder_id', 1)->first(); //get all the projects $projects = \App\Models\Project::get(); //create defaultfolders for each project foreach ($projects as $project) { //create a new default folder $folder = new \App\Models\FileFolder(); $folder->filefolder_name = $default_folder->filefolder_name; $folder->filefolder_creatorid = 0; $folder->filefolder_projectid = $project->project_id; $folder->filefolder_default = 'yes'; $folder->filefolder_system = 'no'; $folder->save(); //update all project files \App\Models\File::where('fileresource_type', 'project') ->where('fileresource_id', $project->project_id) ->update([ 'file_folderid' => $folder->filefolder_id, ]); } //log Log::info("updating function (file folders feature) has completed", ['process' => '[updating-functions]', config('app.debug_ref'), 'function' => __function__, 'file' => basename(__FILE__), 'line' => __line__, 'path' => __file__, 'project_id' => 1]); } /** * * @date - August 2022 * * @version - 1.12 (when releasing spaces) * * @details * - updates for the [spaces] feature * */ function cronjob_updating_1_11_part_2() { /**----------------------------------------------------------------------- * (1) CREATE A SPACE FOR EACH TEAM MEMBER *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //log Log::info("updating function (spaces feature) has started", ['process' => '[updating-functions]', config('app.debug_ref'), 'function' => __function__, 'file' => basename(__FILE__), 'line' => __line__, 'path' => __file__, 'project_id' => 1]); //get all active team members $users = \App\Models\User::Where('type', 'team')->where('status', 'active')->orderBy('id', 'asc')->get(); //create a count, to add uniqueness to the project id $count = 1; //loop all users aand create their space foreach ($users as $user) { //create a space for this user $space = new \App\Models\Project(); $space->project_uniqueid = str_unique(); $space->project_id = -(time() + $count); $space->project_type = 'space'; $space->project_creatorid = 0; $space->project_title = config('system.settings2_spaces_user_space_title'); $space->project_reference = 'default-user-space'; $space->save(); //update the user's database recrd with the new space, unique id $user->space_uniqueid = $space->project_uniqueid; $user->save(); //assign the user to the new space $assigned = new \App\Models\ProjectAssigned(); $assigned->projectsassigned_projectid = $space->project_id; $assigned->projectsassigned_userid = $user->id; $assigned->save(); //create a default folder for the [files] feature, in the space $folder = new \App\Models\FileFolder(); $folder->filefolder_creatorid = 0; $folder->filefolder_projectid = $space->project_id; $folder->filefolder_name = config('system.settings2_spaces_user_files_default_folder_name'); $folder->filefolder_default = 'yes'; $folder->filefolder_system = 'no'; $folder->save(); //small pause $count++; } /**----------------------------------------------------------------------- * (1) CREATE THE DEFAULT SHARED SPACE, FOR ALL TEAM MEMBERS *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //continue with the count from above, to add uniqueness to the project id $count++; //create the team space $space = new \App\Models\Project(); $space->project_uniqueid = str_unique(); $space->project_id = -(time() - $count); $space->project_type = 'space'; $space->project_creatorid = 0; $space->project_title = config('system.settings2_spaces_team_space_title'); $space->project_reference = 'default-team-space'; $space->save(); //create a default folder for the [files] feature, in the space $folder = new \App\Models\FileFolder(); $folder->filefolder_creatorid = 0; $folder->filefolder_projectid = $space->project_id; $folder->filefolder_name = 'Default'; $folder->filefolder_default = 'yes'; $folder->filefolder_system = 'no'; $folder->save(); //save the unique id of the space, in the settings table \App\Models\Settings2::where('settings2_id', 1) ->update([ 'settings2_spaces_team_space_id' => $space->project_uniqueid, ]); //assign all team members to this soace foreach ($users as $user) { $assigned = new \App\Models\ProjectAssigned(); $assigned->projectsassigned_projectid = $space->project_id; $assigned->projectsassigned_userid = $user->id; $assigned->save(); } //log Log::info("updating function (spaces feature) has completed", ['process' => '[updating-functions]', config('app.debug_ref'), 'function' => __function__, 'file' => basename(__FILE__), 'line' => __line__, 'path' => __file__, 'project_id' => 1]); } /** * [messages] * * @date - January 2023 * * @version - 2.0.1 * * @details * - add a unique_id to each user * */ function updating_2_0_1() { //log Log::info("updating function (v2.0.1) has started", ['process' => '[updating-functions]', config('app.debug_ref'), 'function' => __function__, 'file' => basename(__FILE__), 'line' => __line__, 'path' => __file__, 'project_id' => 1]); //get all users if ($users = \App\Models\User::get()) { //add a unique id for each user that does not have one foreach ($users as $user) { if (!$user->unique_id) { $user->unique_id = str_unique(); $user->save(); } } } //log Log::info("updating function (v2.0.1) has completed", ['process' => '[updating-functions]', config('app.debug_ref'), 'function' => __function__, 'file' => basename(__FILE__), 'line' => __line__, 'path' => __file__, 'project_id' => 1]); } /** * [custom ticket statuses] * * @date - January 2023 * * @version - 2.0.2 * * @details * - custom ticket statuses * */ function updating_2_0_2() { //log Log::info("updating function (v2.0.2) has started", ['process' => '[updating-functions]', config('app.debug_ref'), 'function' => __function__, 'file' => basename(__FILE__), 'line' => __line__, 'path' => __file__, 'project_id' => 1]); //update ticket status with system lang \App\Models\TicketStatus::where('ticketstatus_id', 1) ->update(['ticketstatus_title' => __('lang.open')]); //update ticket status with system lang \App\Models\TicketStatus::where('ticketstatus_id', 2) ->update(['ticketstatus_title' => __('lang.closed')]); //update ticket status with system lang \App\Models\TicketStatus::where('ticketstatus_id', 3) ->update(['ticketstatus_title' => __('lang.on_hold')]); //update ticket status with system lang \App\Models\TicketStatus::where('ticketstatus_id', 4) ->update(['ticketstatus_title' => __('lang.answered')]); //log Log::info("updating function (v2.0.2) has completed", ['process' => '[updating-functions]', config('app.debug_ref'), 'function' => __function__, 'file' => basename(__FILE__), 'line' => __line__, 'path' => __file__, 'project_id' => 1]); } /** * [cleanup] * * @date - January 2023 * * @version - 2.0 * * @details * - custom ticket statuses * */ function updating_2_0() { //log Log::info("updating function (v2.0) has started", ['process' => '[updating-functions]', config('app.debug_ref'), 'function' => __function__, 'file' => basename(__FILE__), 'line' => __line__, 'path' => __file__, 'project_id' => 1]); //cleanup try { $cleaup = path_application() . '/resources/lang/czech/langs.php'; if (file_exists($cleaup)) { unlink($cleaup); } } catch (Exception $e) { //nothing } //log Log::info("updating function (v2.0) has completed", ['process' => '[updating-functions]', config('app.debug_ref'), 'function' => __function__, 'file' => basename(__FILE__), 'line' => __line__, 'path' => __file__, 'project_id' => 1]); }