'8.2.0', /* * Minimum mysql version. */ 'min_mysql_version' => '5.7.7', /* * Minimum mariadb version. */ 'min_mariadb_version' => '10.2.7', /* * Minimum pgsql version. */ 'min_pgsql_version' => '9.2.0', /* * Minimum sqlite version. */ 'min_sqlite_version' => '3.35.0', /* * Marketplace url. */ 'base_url' => 'https://invoiceshelf.com', /* * List of languages supported by InvoiceShelf. */ 'languages' => [ ['code' => 'ar', 'name' => 'Arabic'], ['code' => 'nl', 'name' => 'Dutch'], ['code' => 'en', 'name' => 'English'], ['code' => 'fr', 'name' => 'French'], ['code' => 'de', 'name' => 'German'], ['code' => 'ja', 'name' => 'Japanese'], ['code' => 'it', 'name' => 'Italian'], ['code' => 'lv', 'name' => 'Latvian'], ['code' => 'pl', 'name' => 'Polish'], ['code' => 'pt_BR', 'name' => 'Portuguese (Brazilian)'], ['code' => 'sr', 'name' => 'Serbian Latin'], ['code' => 'ko', 'name' => 'Korean'], ['code' => 'es', 'name' => 'Spanish'], ['code' => 'sv', 'name' => 'Svenska'], ['code' => 'sk', 'name' => 'Slovak'], ['code' => 'vi', 'name' => 'Tiếng Việt'], ['code' => 'cs', 'name' => 'Czech'], ['code' => 'el', 'name' => 'Greek'], ['code' => 'hr', 'name' => 'Crotian'], ['code' => 'mk', 'name' => 'Macedonian'], ['code' => 'th', 'name' => 'ไทย'], ], /* * List of Fiscal Years */ 'fiscal_years' => [ ['key' => 'settings.preferences.fiscal_years.january_december', 'value' => '1-12'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.fiscal_years.february_january', 'value' => '2-1'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.fiscal_years.march_february', 'value' => '3-2'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.fiscal_years.april_march', 'value' => '4-3'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.fiscal_years.may_april', 'value' => '5-4'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.fiscal_years.june_may', 'value' => '6-5'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.fiscal_years.july_june', 'value' => '7-6'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.fiscal_years.august_july', 'value' => '8-7'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.fiscal_years.september_august', 'value' => '9-8'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.fiscal_years.october_september', 'value' => '10-9'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.fiscal_years.november_october', 'value' => '11-10'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.fiscal_years.december_november', 'value' => '12-11'], ], /* * List of convert estimate options */ 'convert_estimate_options' => [ ['key' => 'settings.preferences.no_action', 'value' => 'no_action'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.delete_estimate', 'value' => 'delete_estimate'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.mark_estimate_as_accepted', 'value' => 'mark_estimate_as_accepted'], ], /* * List of retrospective edits */ 'retrospective_edits' => [ ['key' => 'settings.preferences.allow', 'value' => 'allow'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.disable_on_invoice_partial_paid', 'value' => 'disable_on_invoice_partial_paid'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.disable_on_invoice_paid', 'value' => 'disable_on_invoice_paid'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.disable_on_invoice_sent', 'value' => 'disable_on_invoice_sent'], ], /* * List of setting menu */ 'setting_menu' => [ [ 'title' => 'settings.menu_title.account_settings', 'group' => '', 'name' => 'Account Settings', 'link' => '/admin/settings/account-settings', 'icon' => 'UserIcon', 'owner_only' => false, 'ability' => '', 'model' => '', ], [ 'title' => 'settings.menu_title.company_information', 'group' => '', 'name' => 'Company information', 'link' => '/admin/settings/company-info', 'icon' => 'OfficeBuildingIcon', 'owner_only' => true, 'ability' => '', 'model' => '', ], [ 'title' => 'settings.menu_title.preferences', 'group' => '', 'name' => 'Preferences', 'link' => '/admin/settings/preferences', 'icon' => 'CogIcon', 'owner_only' => true, 'ability' => '', 'model' => '', ], [ 'title' => 'settings.menu_title.customization', 'group' => '', 'name' => 'Customization', 'link' => '/admin/settings/customization', 'icon' => 'PencilAltIcon', 'owner_only' => true, 'ability' => '', 'model' => '', ], [ 'title' => 'settings.roles.title', 'group' => '', 'name' => 'Roles', 'link' => '/admin/settings/roles-settings', 'icon' => 'UserGroupIcon', 'owner_only' => true, 'ability' => '', 'model' => '', ], [ 'title' => 'settings.menu_title.exchange_rate', 'group' => '', 'name' => 'Exchange Rate Provider', 'link' => '/admin/settings/exchange-rate-provider', 'icon' => 'CashIcon', 'owner_only' => false, 'ability' => 'view-exchange-rate-provider', 'model' => ExchangeRateProvider::class, ], [ 'title' => 'settings.menu_title.notifications', 'group' => '', 'name' => 'Notifications', 'link' => '/admin/settings/notifications', 'icon' => 'BellIcon', 'owner_only' => true, 'ability' => '', 'model' => '', ], [ 'title' => 'settings.menu_title.tax_types', 'group' => '', 'name' => 'Tax types', 'link' => '/admin/settings/tax-types', 'icon' => 'CheckCircleIcon', 'owner_only' => false, 'ability' => 'view-tax-type', 'model' => TaxType::class, ], [ 'title' => 'settings.menu_title.payment_modes', 'group' => '', 'name' => 'Payment modes', 'link' => '/admin/settings/payment-mode', 'icon' => 'CreditCardIcon', 'owner_only' => false, 'ability' => 'view-payment', 'model' => Payment::class, ], [ 'title' => 'settings.menu_title.custom_fields', 'group' => '', 'name' => 'Custom fields', 'link' => '/admin/settings/custom-fields', 'icon' => 'CubeIcon', 'owner_only' => false, 'ability' => 'view-custom-field', 'model' => CustomField::class, ], [ 'title' => 'settings.menu_title.notes', 'group' => '', 'name' => 'Notes', 'link' => '/admin/settings/notes', 'icon' => 'ClipboardCheckIcon', 'owner_only' => false, 'ability' => 'view-all-notes', 'model' => Note::class, ], [ 'title' => 'settings.menu_title.expense_category', 'group' => '', 'name' => 'Expense Category', 'link' => '/admin/settings/expense-category', 'icon' => 'ClipboardListIcon', 'owner_only' => false, 'ability' => 'view-expense', 'model' => Expense::class, ], [ 'title' => 'settings.mail.mail_config', 'group' => '', 'name' => 'Mail Configuration', 'link' => '/admin/settings/mail-configuration', 'icon' => 'MailIcon', 'owner_only' => true, 'ability' => '', 'model' => '', ], [ 'title' => 'settings.menu_title.file_disk', 'group' => '', 'name' => 'File Disk', 'link' => '/admin/settings/file-disk', 'icon' => 'FolderIcon', 'owner_only' => true, 'ability' => '', 'model' => '', ], [ 'title' => 'settings.menu_title.backup', 'group' => '', 'name' => 'Backup', 'link' => '/admin/settings/backup', 'icon' => 'DatabaseIcon', 'owner_only' => true, 'ability' => '', 'model' => '', ], [ 'title' => 'settings.menu_title.update_app', 'group' => '', 'name' => 'Update App', 'link' => '/admin/settings/update-app', 'icon' => 'RefreshIcon', 'owner_only' => true, 'ability' => '', 'model' => '', ], ], /* * List of main menu */ 'main_menu' => [ [ 'title' => 'navigation.dashboard', 'group' => 1, 'link' => '/admin/dashboard', 'icon' => 'HomeIcon', 'name' => 'Dashboard', 'owner_only' => false, 'ability' => 'dashboard', 'model' => '', ], [ 'title' => 'navigation.customers', 'group' => 1, 'link' => '/admin/customers', 'icon' => 'UserIcon', 'name' => 'Customers', 'owner_only' => false, 'ability' => 'view-customer', 'model' => Customer::class, ], [ 'title' => 'navigation.items', 'group' => 1, 'link' => '/admin/items', 'icon' => 'StarIcon', 'name' => 'Items', 'owner_only' => false, 'ability' => 'view-item', 'model' => Item::class, ], [ 'title' => 'navigation.estimates', 'group' => 2, 'link' => '/admin/estimates', 'icon' => 'DocumentIcon', 'name' => 'Estimates', 'owner_only' => false, 'ability' => 'view-estimate', 'model' => Estimate::class, ], [ 'title' => 'navigation.invoices', 'group' => 2, 'link' => '/admin/invoices', 'icon' => 'DocumentTextIcon', 'name' => 'Invoices', 'owner_only' => false, 'ability' => 'view-invoice', 'model' => Invoice::class, ], [ 'title' => 'navigation.recurring-invoices', 'group' => 2, 'link' => '/admin/recurring-invoices', 'icon' => 'DocumentTextIcon', 'name' => 'Recurring Invoices', 'owner_only' => false, 'ability' => 'view-recurring-invoice', 'model' => RecurringInvoice::class, ], [ 'title' => 'navigation.payments', 'group' => 2, 'link' => '/admin/payments', 'icon' => 'CreditCardIcon', 'name' => 'Payments', 'owner_only' => false, 'ability' => 'view-payment', 'model' => Payment::class, ], [ 'title' => 'navigation.expenses', 'group' => 2, 'link' => '/admin/expenses', 'icon' => 'CalculatorIcon', 'name' => 'Expenses', 'owner_only' => false, 'ability' => 'view-expense', 'model' => Expense::class, ], [ 'title' => 'navigation.modules', 'group' => 3, 'link' => '/admin/modules', 'icon' => 'PuzzleIcon', 'name' => 'Modules', 'owner_only' => true, 'ability' => '', 'model' => '', ], [ 'title' => 'navigation.users', 'group' => 3, 'link' => '/admin/users', 'icon' => 'UsersIcon', 'name' => 'Users', 'owner_only' => true, 'ability' => '', 'model' => '', ], [ 'title' => 'navigation.reports', 'group' => 3, 'link' => '/admin/reports', 'icon' => 'ChartBarIcon', 'name' => 'Reports', 'owner_only' => false, 'ability' => 'view-financial-reports', 'model' => '', ], [ 'title' => 'navigation.settings', 'group' => 3, 'link' => '/admin/settings', 'icon' => 'CogIcon', 'name' => 'Settings', 'owner_only' => false, 'ability' => '', 'model' => '', ], ], /* * List of customer portal menu */ 'customer_menu' => [ [ 'title' => 'navigation.dashboard', 'link' => '/customer/dashboard', 'icon' => '', 'name' => '', 'ability' => '', 'owner_only' => false, 'group' => '', 'model' => '', ], [ 'title' => 'navigation.invoices', 'link' => '/customer/invoices', 'icon' => '', 'name' => '', 'ability' => '', 'owner_only' => false, 'group' => '', 'model' => '', ], [ 'title' => 'navigation.estimates', 'link' => '/customer/estimates', 'icon' => '', 'name' => '', 'owner_only' => false, 'ability' => '', 'group' => '', 'model' => '', ], [ 'title' => 'navigation.payments', 'link' => '/customer/payments', 'icon' => '', 'name' => '', 'owner_only' => false, 'ability' => '', 'group' => '', 'model' => '', ], [ 'title' => 'navigation.settings', 'link' => '/customer/settings', 'icon' => '', 'name' => '', 'owner_only' => false, 'ability' => '', 'group' => '', 'model' => '', ], ], /* * List of recurring invoice status */ 'recurring_invoice_status' => [ 'create_status' => [ ['key' => 'settings.preferences.active', 'value' => 'ACTIVE'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.on_hold', 'value' => 'ON_HOLD'], ], 'update_status' => [ ['key' => 'settings.preferences.active', 'value' => 'ACTIVE'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.on_hold', 'value' => 'ON_HOLD'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.completed', 'value' => 'COMPLETED'], ], ], /* * List of exchange rate provider (currency converter server's) */ 'currency_converter_servers' => [ ['key' => 'settings.preferences.premium', 'value' => 'PREMIUM'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.prepaid', 'value' => 'PREPAID'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.free', 'value' => 'FREE'], ['key' => 'settings.preferences.dedicated', 'value' => 'DEDICATED'], ], /* * List of exchange rate drivers */ 'exchange_rate_drivers' => [ ['key' => 'settings.exchange_rate.currency_converter', 'value' => 'currency_converter'], ['key' => 'settings.exchange_rate.currency_freak', 'value' => 'currency_freak'], ['key' => 'settings.exchange_rate.currency_layer', 'value' => 'currency_layer'], ['key' => 'settings.exchange_rate.open_exchange_rate', 'value' => 'open_exchange_rate'], ], /* * List of Custom field supported models */ 'custom_field_models' => [ 'Customer', 'Estimate', 'Invoice', 'Payment', 'Expense', ], ];