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"list_of_payments": "Bagian ini akan berisi daftar pembayaran.", "select_payment_mode": "Pilih mode pembayaran", "confirm_mark_as_sent": "Penawaran ini akan ditandai telah dikirim", "confirm_send_payment": "Pembayaran ini akan dikirim melalui email ke pelanggan", "send_payment_successfully": "Pembayaran berhasil dikirim", "something_went_wrong": "terjadi kesalahan", "confirm_delete": "Anda tidak akan dapat memulihkan Pembayaran ini | Anda tidak akan dapat memulihkan Pembayaran ini", "created_message": "Pembayaran berhasil dibuat", "updated_message": "Pembayaran berhasil diperbaharui", "deleted_message": "Pembayaran berhasil dihapus | Pembayaran berhasil dihapus", "invalid_amount_message": "Jumlah pembayaran tidak valid", "amount_due": "Due Amount" }, "expenses": { "title": "Pengeluaran", "expenses_list": "Daftar Pengeluaran", "select_a_customer": "Pilih pelanggan", "expense_title": "Judul", "customer": "Pelanggan", "currency": "Mata Uang", "contact": "Kontak", "category": "Kategori", "from_date": "Dari Tanggal", "to_date": "Sampai Tanggal", "expense_date": "Tanggal", "description": "Deskripsi", "receipt": "Tanda Terima", "amount": "Jumlah", "action": "Aksi", "not_selected": "Tidak dipilih", "note": "Catatan", "category_id": "Id kategori", "date": "Tanggal", "add_expense": "Tambahkan pengeluaran", "add_new_expense": "Tambah Pengeluaran Baru", "save_expense": "Simpan Pengeluaran", "update_expense": "Edit Pengeluaran", "download_receipt": "Unduh Tanda Terima", "edit_expense": "Edit Pengeluaran", "new_expense": "Pengeluaran Baru", "expense": "Biaya | Pengeluaran", "no_expenses": "Belum ada pengeluaran!", "list_of_expenses": "Bagian ini akan berisi daftar pengeluaran.", "confirm_delete": "Anda tidak akan dapat memulihkan Pengeluaran ini | Anda tidak akan dapat memulihkan Pengeluaran ini", "created_message": "Pengeluaran berhasil dibuat", "updated_message": "Pengeluaran berhasil diperbaharui", "deleted_message": "Pengeluaran berhasil dihapus | Pengeluaran berhasil dihapus", "categories": { "categories_list": "Daftar Kategori", "title": "Judul", "name": "Nama", "description": "Deskripsi", "amount": "Jumlah", "actions": "Tindakan", "add_category": "Tambah Kategori", "new_category": "Kategori Baru", "category": "Kategori | Kategori", "select_a_category": "Pilih kategori" } }, "login": { "email": "Surat Elektronik", "password": "Kata Sandi", "forgot_password": "Lupa Kata Sandi?", "or_signIn_with": "atau Masuk dengan", "login": "Masuk", "register": "Daftar", "reset_password": "Atur Ulang Kata Sandi", "password_reset_successfully": "Reset Kata Sandi Berhasil", "enter_email": "Masukkan email", "enter_password": "Masukkan Kata Sandi", "retype_password": "Ketik Ulang Kata Sandi" }, "modules": { "buy_now": "Beli Sekarang", "install": "Pasang", "price": "Harga", "download_zip_file": "Unduh zip", "unzipping_package": "Membuka file Zip", "copying_files": "Salin semua file", "deleting_files": "Hapus file yang tidak digunakan", "completing_installation": "Menyelesaikan Instalasi", "update_failed": "Pembaruan Gagal", "install_success": "Modul sudah berhasil dipasang!", "customer_reviews": "Ulasan", "license": "Lisensi", "faq": "Pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan", "monthly": "Bulanan", "yearly": "Tahunan", "updated": "Terbaru", "version": "Versi", "disable": "Nonaktifkan", "module_disabled": "Module dinonaktifkan", "enable": "Aktifkan", "module_enabled": "Module diaktifkan", "update_to": "Perbarui Ke", "module_updated": "Modul Berhasil Diperbarui!", "title": "Modul", "module": "Modul", "api_token": "Token API", "invalid_api_token": "Token API tidak valid.", "other_modules": "Modul lainnya", "view_all": "Lihat Semua", "no_reviews_found": "Belum ada ulasan untuk produk ini!", "module_not_purchased": "Produk belum dibeli", "module_not_found": "Modul Tidak Ditemukan", "version_not_supported": "This module version doesn't support the current version of InvoiceShelf", "last_updated": "Terakhir diperbarui pada", "connect_installation": "Hubungkan instalasimu", "api_token_description": "Masuk ke {url} dan hubungkan instalasi ini dengan memasukkan Token API. Modul yang Anda beli akan muncul di sini setelah koneksi dibuat.", "view_module": "Lihat Module", "update_available": "Pembaruan Tersedia", "purchased": "Pembelian", "installed": "Terinstal", "no_modules_installed": "Belum Ada Modul yang Terpasang!", "disable_warning": "Semua pengaturan untuk saat ini akan dikembalikan.", "what_you_get": "Apa yang bisa Anda dapatkan", "sign_up_and_get_token": "Sign up & Get Token" }, "users": { "title": "Pengguna", "users_list": "Daftar Pengguna", "name": "Nama", "description": "Deskripsi", "added_on": "Ditambahkan Pada", "date_of_creation": "Tanggal pembuatan", "action": "Aksi", "add_user": "Tambah Pengguna", "save_user": "Simpan Pengguna", "update_user": "Edit Pengguna", "user": "Pengguna | Pengguna", "add_new_user": "Tambahkan pengguna baru", "new_user": "Pengguna baru", "edit_user": "Edit Pengguna", "no_users": "Belum ada pengguna!", "list_of_users": "Bagian ini akan berisi daftar pengguna.", "email": "Surat Elektronik", "phone": "Telepon", "password": "Kata Sandi", "user_attached_message": "Tidak dapat menghapus item yang sudah digunakan", "confirm_delete": "Anda tidak akan dapat memulihkan Pengguna ini | Anda tidak akan dapat memulihkan Pengguna ini", "created_message": "Pengguna berhasil dibuat", "updated_message": "Pengguna berhasil diedit", "deleted_message": "Pengguna berhasil dihapus | Pengguna berhasil dihapus", "select_company_role": "Pilih Peran untuk {company}", "companies": "Perusahaan" }, "reports": { "title": "Laporan", "from_date": "Dari tanggal", "to_date": "Sampai tanggal", "status": "Status", "paid": "Lunas", "unpaid": "Belum dibayar", "download_pdf": "Unduh PDF", "view_pdf": "Lihat PDF", "update_report": "Update Laporan", "report": "Laporan | Laporan", "profit_loss": { "profit_loss": "Laba rugi", "to_date": "Sampai tanggal", "from_date": "Dari tanggal", "date_range": "Pilih Rentang Tanggal" }, "sales": { "sales": "Penjualan", "date_range": "Pilih Rentang Tanggal", "to_date": "Sampai tanggal", "from_date": "Dari tanggal", "report_type": "Jenis laporan", "sort": { "by_customer": "By Customer", "by_item": "By Item" } }, "taxes": { "taxes": "Pajak", "to_date": "To Date", "from_date": "From Date", "date_range": "Select Date Range" }, "errors": { "required": "Field is required" }, "invoices": { "invoice": "Invoice", "invoice_date": "Invoice Date", "due_date": "Due Date", "amount": "Amount", "contact_name": "Contact Name", "status": "Status" }, "estimates": { "estimate": "Estimate", "estimate_date": "Estimate Date", "due_date": "Due Date", "estimate_number": "Estimate Number", "ref_number": "Ref Number", "amount": "Amount", "contact_name": "Contact Name", "status": "Status" }, "expenses": { "expenses": "Expenses", "category": "Category", "date": "Date", "amount": "Amount", "to_date": "To Date", "from_date": "From Date", "date_range": "Select Date Range" } }, "settings": { "menu_title": { "account_settings": "Account Settings", "company_information": "Company Information", "customization": "Customization", "preferences": "Preferences", "notifications": "Notifications", "tax_types": "Tax Types", "expense_category": "Expense Categories", "update_app": "Update App", "backup": "Backup", "file_disk": "File Disk", "custom_fields": "Custom Fields", "payment_modes": "Payment Modes", "notes": "Notes", "exchange_rate": "Exchange Rate", "address_information": "Address Information" }, "address_information": { "section_description": " Anda dapat memperbarui informasi Alamat Anda dengan menggunakan formulir di bawah ini." }, "title": "Settings", "setting": "Settings | Settings", "general": "General", "language": "Language", "primary_currency": "Primary Currency", "timezone": "Time Zone", "date_format": "Date Format", "currencies": { "title": "Currencies", "currency": "Currency | Currencies", "currencies_list": "Currencies List", "select_currency": "Pilih Mata Uang", "name": "Nama", "code": "Kode", "symbol": "Simbol", "precision": "Presisi", "thousand_separator": "Pemisah Ribuan", "decimal_separator": "Pemisah Desimal", "position": "Posisi", "position_of_symbol": "Posisi simbol", "right": "Kanan", "left": "Kiri", "action": "Tindakan", "add_currency": "Tambah mata uang" }, "mail": { "host": "Mail Host", "port": "Mail Port", "driver": "Mail Driver", "secret": "Secret", "mailgun_secret": "Mailgun Secret", "mailgun_domain": "Domain", "mailgun_endpoint": "Mailgun Endpoint", "ses_secret": "SES Secret", "ses_key": "SES Key", "password": "Mail Password", "username": "Mail Username", "mail_config": "Mail Configuration", "from_name": "From Mail Name", "from_mail": "From Mail Address", "encryption": "Mail Encryption", "mail_config_desc": "Below is the form for Configuring Email driver for sending emails from the app. You can also configure third party providers like Sendgrid, SES etc." }, "pdf": { "title": "PDF Setting", "footer_text": "Teks footer", "pdf_layout": "PDF Layout" }, "company_info": { "company_info": "Company info", "company_name": "Company Name", "tax_id": "Tax Identification Number", "vat_id": "VAT Identification Number", "company_logo": "Company Logo", "section_description": "Information about your company that will be displayed on invoices, estimates and other documents created by InvoiceShelf.", "phone": "Phone", "country": "Country", "state": "State", "city": "City", "address": "Address", "zip": "Zip", "save": "Save", "delete": "Delete", "updated_message": "Company information updated successfully", "delete_company": "Delete Company", "delete_company_description": "Once you delete your company, you will lose all the data and files associated with it permanently.", "are_you_absolutely_sure": "Are you absolutely sure?", "delete_company_modal_desc": "This action cannot be undone. This will permanently delete {company} and all of its associated data.", "delete_company_modal_label": "Please type {company} to confirm" }, "custom_fields": { "title": "Custom Fields", "section_description": "Customize your Invoices, Estimates & Payment Receipts with your own fields. Make sure to use the below added fields on the address formats on Customization settings page.", "add_custom_field": "Add Custom Field", "edit_custom_field": "Edit Custom Field", "field_name": "Field Name", "label": "Label", "type": "Type", "name": "Name", "slug": "Slug", "required": "Required", "placeholder": "Placeholder", "help_text": "Help Text", "default_value": "Default Value", "prefix": "Prefix", "starting_number": "Starting Number", "model": "Model", "help_text_description": "Enter some text to help users understand the purpose of this custom field.", "suffix": "Suffix", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "order": "Order", "custom_field_confirm_delete": "You will not be able to recover this Custom Field", "already_in_use": "Custom Field is already in use", "deleted_message": "Custom Field deleted successfully", "options": "options", "add_option": "Add Options", "add_another_option": "Add another option", "sort_in_alphabetical_order": "Sort in Alphabetical Order", "add_options_in_bulk": "Add options in bulk", "use_predefined_options": "Use Predefined Options", "select_custom_date": "Select Custom Date", "select_relative_date": "Select Relative Date", "ticked_by_default": "Ticked by default", "updated_message": "Custom Field updated successfully", "added_message": "Custom Field added successfully", "press_enter_to_add": "Press enter to add new option", "model_in_use": "Cannot update model for fields which are already in use.", "type_in_use": "Cannot update type for fields which are already in use.", "model_type": { "customer": "Customer", "invoice": "Invoice", "estimate": "Estimate", "expense": "Expense", "payment": "Payment" } }, "customization": { "customization": "customization", "updated_message": "Company information updated successfully", "save": "Save", "insert_fields": "Insert Fields", "learn_custom_format": "Learn how to use custom format", "add_new_component": "Add New Component", "component": "Component", "Parameter": "Parameter", "series": "Series", "series_description": "To set a static prefix/postfix like 'INV' across your company. It supports character length of up to 6 chars.", "series_param_label": "Series Value", "delimiter": "Delimiter", "delimiter_description": "Single character for specifying the boundary between 2 separate components. By default its set to -", "delimiter_param_label": "Delimiter Value", "date_format": "Date Format", "date_format_description": "A local date and time field which accepts a format parameter. The default format: 'Y' renders the current year.", "date_format_param_label": "Format", "sequence": "Sequence", "sequence_description": "Consecutive sequence of numbers across your company. You can specify the length on the given parameter.", "sequence_param_label": "Sequence Length", "customer_series": "Customer Series", "customer_series_description": "To set a different prefix/postfix for each customer.", "customer_sequence": "Customer Sequence", "customer_sequence_description": "Consecutive sequence of numbers for each of your customer.", "customer_sequence_param_label": "Sequence Length", "random_sequence": "Random Sequence", "random_sequence_description": "Random alphanumeric string. You can specify the length on the given parameter.", "random_sequence_param_label": "Sequence Length", "invoices": { "title": "Invoices", "invoice_number_format": "Invoice Number Format", "invoice_number_format_description": "Customize how your invoice number gets generated automatically when you create a new invoice.", "preview_invoice_number": "Preview Invoice Number", "due_date": "Due Date", "due_date_description": "Specify how due date is automatically set when you create an invoice.", "due_date_days": "Invoice Due after days", "set_due_date_automatically": "Set Due Date Automatically", "set_due_date_automatically_description": "Enable this if you wish to set due date automatically when you create a new invoice.", "default_formats": "Default Formats", "default_formats_description": "Below given formats are used to fill up the fields automatically on invoice creation.", "default_invoice_email_body": "Default Invoice Email Body", "company_address_format": "Company Address Format", "shipping_address_format": "Shipping Address Format", "billing_address_format": "Billing Address Format", "invoice_email_attachment": "Send invoices as attachments", "invoice_email_attachment_setting_description": "Enable this if you want to send invoices as email attachment. Please note that 'View Invoice' button in emails will not be displayed anymore when enabled.", "invoice_settings_updated": "Invoice Settings updated successfully", "retrospective_edits": "Retrospective Edits", "allow": "Allow", "disable_on_invoice_partial_paid": "Disable after partial payment is recorded", "disable_on_invoice_paid": "Disable after full payment is recorded", "disable_on_invoice_sent": "Disable after invoice is sent", "retrospective_edits_description": " Based on your country's laws or your preference, you can restrict users from editing finalised invoices." }, "estimates": { "title": "Estimates", "estimate_number_format": "Estimate Number Format", "estimate_number_format_description": "Customize how your estimate number gets generated automatically when you create a new estimate.", "preview_estimate_number": "Preview Estimate Number", "expiry_date": "Expiry Date", "expiry_date_description": "Specify how expiry date is automatically set when you create an estimate.", "expiry_date_days": "Estimate Expires after days", "set_expiry_date_automatically": "Set Expiry Date Automatically", "set_expiry_date_automatically_description": "Enable this if you wish to set expiry date automatically when you create a new estimate.", "default_formats": "Default Formats", "default_formats_description": "Below given formats are used to fill up the fields automatically on estimate creation.", "default_estimate_email_body": "Default Estimate Email Body", "company_address_format": "Company Address Format", "shipping_address_format": "Shipping Address Format", "billing_address_format": "Billing Address Format", "estimate_email_attachment": "Send estimates as attachments", "estimate_email_attachment_setting_description": "Enable this if you want to send the estimates as an email attachment. Please note that 'View Estimate' button in emails will not be displayed anymore when enabled.", "estimate_settings_updated": "Estimate Settings updated successfully", "convert_estimate_options": "Estimate Convert Action", "convert_estimate_description": "Specify what happens to the estimate after it gets converted to an invoice.", "no_action": "No action", "delete_estimate": "Delete estimate", "mark_estimate_as_accepted": "Mark estimate as accepted" }, "payments": { "title": "Payments", "payment_number_format": "Payment Number Format", "payment_number_format_description": "Customize how your payment number gets generated automatically when you create a new payment.", "preview_payment_number": "Preview Payment Number", "default_formats": "Default Formats", "default_formats_description": "Below given formats are used to fill up the fields automatically on payment creation.", "default_payment_email_body": "Default Payment Email Body", "company_address_format": "Company Address Format", "from_customer_address_format": "From Customer Address Format", "payment_email_attachment": "Send payments as attachments", "payment_email_attachment_setting_description": "Enable this if you want to send the payment receipts as an email attachment. Please note that 'View Payment' button in emails will not be displayed anymore when enabled.", "payment_settings_updated": "Payment Settings updated successfully" }, "items": { "title": "Items", "units": "Units", "add_item_unit": "Add Item Unit", "edit_item_unit": "Edit Item Unit", "unit_name": "Unit Name", "item_unit_added": "Item Unit Added", "item_unit_updated": "Item Unit Updated", "item_unit_confirm_delete": "You will not be able to recover this Item unit", "already_in_use": "Item Unit is already in use", "deleted_message": "Item Unit deleted successfully" }, "notes": { "title": "Notes", "description": "Save time by creating notes and reusing them on your invoices, estimates & payments.", "notes": "Notes", "type": "Type", "add_note": "Add Note", "add_new_note": "Add New Note", "name": "Name", "edit_note": "Edit Note", "note_added": "Note added successfully", "note_updated": "Note Updated successfully", "note_confirm_delete": "You will not be able to recover this Note", "already_in_use": "Note is already in use", "deleted_message": "Note deleted successfully", "types": { "estimate": "Estimate", "invoice": "Invoice", "payment": "Payment" } } }, "account_settings": { "profile_picture": "Profile Picture", "name": "Name", "email": "Email", "password": "Password", "confirm_password": "Confirm Password", "account_settings": "Account Settings", "save": "Save", "section_description": "You can update your name, email & password using the form below.", "updated_message": "Account Settings updated successfully" }, "user_profile": { "name": "Name", "email": "Email", "password": "Password", "confirm_password": "Confirm Password" }, "notification": { "title": "Notifications", "email": "Send Notifications to", "description": "Which email notifications would you like to receive when something changes?", "invoice_viewed": "Invoice viewed", "invoice_viewed_desc": "When your customer views the invoice sent via invoiceshelf dashboard.", "estimate_viewed": "Estimate viewed", "estimate_viewed_desc": "When your customer views the estimate sent via invoiceshelf dashboard.", "save": "Save", "email_save_message": "Email saved successfully", "please_enter_email": "Please Enter Email" }, "roles": { "title": "Roles", "description": "Manage the roles & permissions of this company", "save": "Save", "add_new_role": "Add New Role", "role_name": "Role Name", "added_on": "Added on", "add_role": "Add Role", "edit_role": "Edit Role", "name": "Name", "permission": "Permission | Permissions", "select_all": "Select All", "none": "None", "confirm_delete": "You will not be able to recover this Role", "created_message": "Role created successfully", "updated_message": "Role updated successfully", "deleted_message": "Role deleted successfully", "already_in_use": "Role is already in use" }, "exchange_rate": { "exchange_rate": "Exchange Rate", "title": "Fix Currency Exchange issues", "description": "Please enter exchange rate of all the currencies mentioned below to help InvoiceShelf properly calculate the amounts in {currency}.", "drivers": "Drivers", "new_driver": "Add New Provider", "edit_driver": "Edit Provider", "select_driver": "Select Driver", "update": "select exchange rate ", "providers_description": "Configure your exchange rate providers here to automatically fetch the latest exchange rate on transactions.", "key": "API Key", "name": "Name", "driver": "Driver", "is_default": "IS DEFAULT", "currency": "Currencies", "exchange_rate_confirm_delete": "You will not be able to recover this driver", "created_message": "Provider Created successfully", "updated_message": "Provider Updated Successfully", "deleted_message": "Provider Deleted Successfully", "error": " You cannot Delete Active Driver", "default_currency_error": "This currency is already used in one of the Active Provider", "exchange_help_text": "Enter exchange rate to convert from {currency} to {baseCurrency}", "currency_freak": "Currency Freak", "currency_layer": "Currency Layer", "open_exchange_rate": "Open Exchange Rate", "currency_converter": "Currency Converter", "server": "Server", "url": "URL", "active": "Active", "currency_help_text": "This provider will only be used on above selected currencies", "currency_in_used": "The following currencies are already active on another provider. Please remove these currencies from selection to activate this provider again." }, "tax_types": { "title": "Tax Types", "add_tax": "Add Tax", "edit_tax": "Edit Tax", "description": "You can add or Remove Taxes as you please. InvoiceShelf supports Taxes on Individual Items as well as on the invoice.", "add_new_tax": "Add New Tax", "tax_settings": "Tax Settings", "tax_per_item": "Tax Per Item", "tax_name": "Tax Name", "compound_tax": "Compound Tax", "percent": "Percent", "action": "Action", "tax_setting_description": "Enable this if you want to add taxes to individual invoice items. By default, taxes are added directly to the invoice.", "created_message": "Tax type created successfully", "updated_message": "Tax type updated successfully", "deleted_message": "Tax type deleted successfully", "confirm_delete": "You will not be able to recover this Tax Type", "already_in_use": "Tax is already in use" }, "payment_modes": { "title": "Payment Modes", "description": "Modes of transaction for payments", "add_payment_mode": "Add Payment Mode", "edit_payment_mode": "Edit Payment Mode", "mode_name": "Mode Name", "payment_mode_added": "Payment Mode Added", "payment_mode_updated": "Payment Mode Updated", "payment_mode_confirm_delete": "You will not be able to recover this Payment Mode", "payments_attached": "This payment method is already attached to payments. Please delete the attached payments to proceed with deletion.", "expenses_attached": "This payment method is already attached to expenses. Please delete the attached expenses to proceed with deletion.", "deleted_message": "Payment Mode deleted successfully" }, "expense_category": { "title": "Expense Categories", "action": "Action", "description": "Categories are required for adding expense entries. You can Add or Remove these categories according to your preference.", "add_new_category": "Add New Category", "add_category": "Add Category", "edit_category": "Edit Category", "category_name": "Category Name", "category_description": "Description", "created_message": "Expense Category created successfully", "deleted_message": "Expense category deleted successfully", "updated_message": "Expense category updated successfully", "confirm_delete": "You will not be able to recover this Expense Category", "already_in_use": "Category is already in use" }, "preferences": { "currency": "Currency", "default_language": "Default Language", "time_zone": "Time Zone", "fiscal_year": "Financial Year", "date_format": "Date Format", "discount_setting": "Discount Setting", "discount_per_item": "Discount Per Item ", "discount_setting_description": "Enable this if you want to add Discount to individual invoice items. By default, Discount is added directly to the invoice.", "expire_public_links": "Automatically Expire Public Links", "expire_setting_description": "Specify whether you would like to expire all the links sent by application to view invoices, estimates & payments, etc after a specified duration.", "save": "Save", "preference": "Preference | Preferences", "general_settings": "Default preferences for the system.", "updated_message": "Preferences updated successfully", "select_language": "Select Language", "select_time_zone": "Select Time Zone", "select_date_format": "Select Date Format", "select_financial_year": "Select Financial Year", "recurring_invoice_status": "Recurring Invoice Status", "create_status": "Create Status", "active": "Active", "on_hold": "On Hold", "update_status": "Update Status", "completed": "Completed", "company_currency_unchangeable": "Company currency cannot be changed", "fiscal_years": { "january_december": "January - December", "february_january": "February - January", "march_february": "March - February", "april_march": "April - March", "may_april": "May - April", "june_may": "June - May", "july_june": "July - June", "august_july": "August - July", "september_august": "September - August", "october_september": "October - September", "november_october": "November - October", "december_november": "December - November" } }, "update_app": { "title": "Update App", "description": "You can easily update InvoiceShelf by checking for a new update by clicking the button below", "check_update": "Check for updates", "insider_consent": "Opt-in for Insider releases. Recommended for testing purposes only.", "avail_update": "New Update available", "next_version": "Next version", "requirements": "Requirements", "update": "Update Now", "update_progress": "Update in progress...", "progress_text": "It will just take a few minutes. Please do not refresh the screen or close the window before the update finishes", "update_success": "App has been updated! Please wait while your browser window gets reloaded automatically.", "latest_message": "No update available! You are on the latest version.", "current_version": "Current Version", "download_zip_file": "Download ZIP file", "unzipping_package": "Unzipping Package", "copying_files": "Copying Files", "deleting_files": "Deleting Unused files", "running_migrations": "Running Migrations", "finishing_update": "Finishing Update", "update_failed": "Update Failed", "update_failed_text": "Sorry! Your update failed on : {step} step", "update_warning": "All of the application files and default template files will be overwritten when you update the application using this utility. Please take a backup of your templates & database before updating." }, "backup": { "title": "Backup | Backups", "description": "The backup is a zipfile that contains all files in the directories you specify along with a dump of your database", "new_backup": "Add New Backup", "create_backup": "Create Backup", "select_backup_type": "Select Backup Type", "backup_confirm_delete": "You will not be able to recover this Backup", "path": "path", "new_disk": "New Disk", "created_at": "created at", "size": "size", "dropbox": "dropbox", "local": "local", "healthy": "healthy", "amount_of_backups": "amount of backups", "newest_backups": "newest backups", "used_storage": "used storage", "select_disk": "Select Disk", "action": "Action", "deleted_message": "Backup deleted successfully", "created_message": "Backup created successfully", "invalid_disk_credentials": "Invalid credential of selected disk" }, "disk": { "title": "File Disk | File Disks", "description": "By default, InvoiceShelf will use your local disk for saving backups, avatar and other image files. You can configure more than one disk drivers like DigitalOcean, S3 and Dropbox according to your preference.", "created_at": "created at", "dropbox": "dropbox", "name": "Name", "driver": "Driver", "disk_type": "Type", "disk_name": "Disk Name", "new_disk": "Add New Disk", "filesystem_driver": "Filesystem Driver", "local_driver": "local Driver", "local_root": "local Root", "public_driver": "Public Driver", "public_root": "Public Root", "public_url": "Public URL", "public_visibility": "Public Visibility", "media_driver": "Media Driver", "media_root": "Media Root", "aws_driver": "AWS Driver", "aws_key": "AWS Key", "aws_secret": "AWS Secret", "aws_region": "AWS Region", "aws_bucket": "AWS Bucket", "aws_root": "AWS Root", "s3_endpoint": "S3 Endpoint", "s3_key": "S3 Key", "s3_secret": "S3 Secret", "s3_region": "S3 Region", "s3_bucket": "S3 Bucket", "s3_root": "S3 Root", "do_spaces_type": "Do Spaces type", "do_spaces_key": "Do Spaces key", "do_spaces_secret": "Do Spaces Secret", "do_spaces_region": "Do Spaces Region", "do_spaces_bucket": "Do Spaces Bucket", "do_spaces_endpoint": "Do Spaces Endpoint", "do_spaces_root": "Do Spaces Root", "dropbox_type": "Dropbox Type", "dropbox_token": "Dropbox Token", "dropbox_key": "Dropbox Key", "dropbox_secret": "Dropbox Secret", "dropbox_app": "Dropbox App", "dropbox_root": "Dropbox Root", "default_driver": "Default Driver", "is_default": "IS DEFAULT", "set_default_disk": "Set Default Disk", "set_default_disk_confirm": "This disk will be set as default and all the new PDFs will be saved on this disk", "success_set_default_disk": "Disk set as default successfully", "save_pdf_to_disk": "Save PDFs to Disk", "disk_setting_description": " Enable this, if you wish to save a copy of each Invoice, Estimate & Payment Receipt PDF on your default disk automatically. Turning this option will decrease the load-time when viewing the PDFs.", "select_disk": "Select Disk", "disk_settings": "Disk Settings", "confirm_delete": "Your existing files & folders in the specified disk will not be affected but your disk configuration will be deleted from InvoiceShelf", "action": "Action", "edit_file_disk": "Edit File Disk", "success_create": "Disk added successfully", "success_update": "Disk updated successfully", "error": "Disk addition failed", "deleted_message": "File Disk deleted successfully", "disk_variables_save_successfully": "Disk Configured Successfully", "disk_variables_save_error": "Disk configuration failed.", "invalid_disk_credentials": "Invalid credential of selected disk" }, "taxations": { "add_billing_address": "Enter Billing Address", "add_shipping_address": "Enter Shipping Address", "add_company_address": "Enter Company Address", "modal_description": "The information below is required in order to fetch sales tax.", "add_address": "Add Address for fetching sales tax.", "address_placeholder": "Example: 123, My Street", "city_placeholder": "Example: Los Angeles", "state_placeholder": "Example: CA", "zip_placeholder": "Example: 90024", "invalid_address": "Please provide valid address details." } }, "wizard": { "account_info": "Account Information", "account_info_desc": "Below details will be used to create the main Administrator account. Also you can change the details anytime after logging in.", "name": "Name", "email": "Email", "password": "Password", "confirm_password": "Confirm Password", "save_cont": "Save & Continue", "company_info": "Company Information", "company_info_desc": "This information will be displayed on invoices. Note that you can edit this later on settings page.", "company_name": "Company Name", "company_logo": "Company Logo", "logo_preview": "Logo Preview", "preferences": "Company Preferences", "preferences_desc": "Specify the default preferences for this company.", "currency_set_alert": "The company's currency cannot be changed later.", "country": "Country", "state": "State", "city": "City", "address": "Address", "street": "Street1 | Street2", "phone": "Phone", "zip_code": "Zip Code", "go_back": "Go Back", "currency": "Currency", "language": "Language", "time_zone": "Time Zone", "fiscal_year": "Financial Year", "date_format": "Date Format", "from_address": "From Address", "username": "Username", "next": "Next", "continue": "Continue", "skip": "Skip", "install_language": { "title": "Choose your language", "description": "Select language wizard to install InvoiceShelf" }, "database": { "database": "Site URL & Database", "connection": "Database Connection", "host": "Database Host", "port": "Database Port", "password": "Database Password", "app_url": "App URL", "app_domain": "App Domain", "username": "Database Username", "db_name": "Database Name", "db_path": "Database Path", "overwrite": "Overwrite existing database and proceed", "desc": "Create a database on your server and set the credentials using the form below." }, "permissions": { "permissions": "Permissions", "permission_confirm_title": "Are you sure you want to continue?", "permission_confirm_desc": "Folder permission check failed", "permission_desc": "Below is the list of folder permissions which are required in order for the app to work. If the permission check fails, make sure to update your folder permissions." }, "verify_domain": { "title": "Domain Verification", "desc": "InvoiceShelf uses Session based authentication which requires domain verification for security purposes. Please enter the domain on which you will be accessing your web application.", "app_domain": "App Domain", "verify_now": "Verify Now", "success": "Domain Verify Successfully.", "failed": "Domain verification failed. Please enter valid domain name.", "verify_and_continue": "Verify And Continue", "notes": { "notes": "Notes:", "not_contain": "App domain should not contain", "or": "or", "in_front": "in front of the domain.", "if_you": "If you're accessing the website on a different port, please mention the port. For example:" } }, "mail": { "host": "Mail Host", "port": "Mail Port", "driver": "Mail Driver", "secret": "Secret", "mailgun_secret": "Mailgun Secret", "mailgun_domain": "Domain", "mailgun_endpoint": "Mailgun Endpoint", "ses_secret": "SES Secret", "ses_key": "SES Key", "password": "Mail Password", "username": "Mail Username", "mail_config": "Mail Configuration", "from_name": "From Mail Name", "from_mail": "From Mail Address", "encryption": "Mail Encryption", "mail_config_desc": "Below is the form for Configuring Email driver for sending emails from the app. You can also configure third party providers like Sendgrid, SES etc." }, "req": { "system_req": "System Requirements", "php_req_version": "Php (version {version} required)", "check_req": "Check Requirements", "system_req_desc": "InvoiceShelf has a few server requirements. Make sure that your server has the required php version and all the extensions mentioned below." }, "errors": { "migrate_failed": "Migrate Failed", "database_variables_save_error": "Cannot write configuration to .env file. Please check its file permissions", "mail_variables_save_error": "Email configuration failed.", "connection_failed": "Database connection failed", "database_should_be_empty": "Database should be empty" }, "success": { "mail_variables_save_successfully": "Email configured successfully", "database_variables_save_successfully": "Database configured successfully." } }, "validation": { "invalid_phone": "Invalid Phone Number", "invalid_url": "Invalid url (ex: http://www.invoiceshelf.com)", "invalid_domain_url": "Invalid url (ex: invoiceshelf.com)", "required": "Field is required", "email_incorrect": "Incorrect Email.", "email_already_taken": "The email has already been taken.", "email_does_not_exist": "User with given email doesn't exist", "item_unit_already_taken": "This item unit name has already been taken", "payment_mode_already_taken": "This payment mode name has already been taken", "send_reset_link": "Send Reset Link", "not_yet": "Not yet? Send it again", "password_min_length": "Password must contain {count} characters", "name_min_length": "Name must have at least {count} letters.", "prefix_min_length": "Prefix must have at least {count} letters.", "enter_valid_tax_rate": "Enter valid tax rate", "numbers_only": "Numbers Only.", "characters_only": "Characters Only.", "password_incorrect": "Passwords must be identical", "password_length": "Password must be {count} character long.", "qty_must_greater_than_zero": "Quantity must be greater than zero.", "price_greater_than_zero": "Price must be greater than zero.", "payment_greater_than_zero": "Payment must be greater than zero.", "payment_greater_than_due_amount": "Entered Payment is more than due amount of this invoice.", "quantity_maxlength": "Quantity should not be greater than 20 digits.", "price_maxlength": "Price should not be greater than 20 digits.", "price_minvalue": "Price should be greater than 0.", "amount_maxlength": "Amount should not be greater than 20 digits.", "amount_minvalue": "Amount should be greater than 0.", "discount_maxlength": "Discount should not be greater than max discount", "description_maxlength": "Description should not be greater than 255 characters.", "subject_maxlength": "Subject should not be greater than 100 characters.", "message_maxlength": "Message should not be greater than 255 characters.", "maximum_options_error": "Maximum of {max} options selected. First remove a selected option to select another.", "notes_maxlength": "Notes should not be greater than 65,000 characters.", "address_maxlength": "Address should not be greater than 255 characters.", "ref_number_maxlength": "Ref Number should not be greater than 255 characters.", "prefix_maxlength": "Prefix should not be greater than 5 characters.", "something_went_wrong": "something went wrong", "number_length_minvalue": "Number length should be greater than 0", "at_least_one_ability": "Please select atleast one Permission.", "valid_driver_key": "Please enter a valid {driver} key.", "valid_exchange_rate": "Please enter a valid exchange rate.", "company_name_not_same": "Company name must match with given name." }, "errors": { "starter_plan": "This feature is available on Starter plan and onwards!", "invalid_provider_key": "Please Enter Valid Provider API Key.", "estimate_number_used": "The estimate number has already been taken.", "invoice_number_used": "The invoice number has already been taken.", "payment_attached": "This invoice already has a payment attached to it. Make sure to delete the attached payments first in order to go ahead with the removal.", "payment_number_used": "The payment number has already been taken.", "name_already_taken": "The name has already been taken.", "receipt_does_not_exist": "Receipt does not exist.", "customer_cannot_be_changed_after_payment_is_added": "Customer cannot be change after payment is added", "invalid_credentials": "Invalid Credentials.", "not_allowed": "Not Allowed", "login_invalid_credentials": "These credentials do not match our records.", "enter_valid_cron_format": "Please enter a valid cron format", "email_could_not_be_sent": "Email could not be sent to this email address.", "invalid_address": "Please enter a valid address.", "invalid_key": "Please enter valid key.", "invalid_state": "Please enter a valid state.", "invalid_city": "Please enter a valid city.", "invalid_postal_code": "Please enter a valid zip.", "invalid_format": "Please enter valid query string format.", "api_error": "Server not responding.", "feature_not_enabled": "Feature not enabled.", "request_limit_met": "Api request limit exceeded.", "address_incomplete": "Incomplete Address" }, "pdf_estimate_label": "Estimate", "pdf_estimate_number": "Estimate Number", "pdf_estimate_date": "Estimate Date", "pdf_estimate_expire_date": "Expiry date", "pdf_invoice_label": "Invoice", "pdf_invoice_number": "Invoice Number", "pdf_invoice_date": "Invoice Date", "pdf_invoice_due_date": "Due date", "pdf_notes": "Notes", "pdf_items_label": "Items", "pdf_quantity_label": "Quantity", "pdf_price_label": "Price", "pdf_discount_label": "Discount", "pdf_amount_label": "Amount", "pdf_subtotal": "Subtotal", "pdf_total": "Total", "pdf_payment_label": "Payment", "pdf_payment_receipt_label": "PAYMENT RECEIPT", "pdf_payment_date": "Payment Date", "pdf_payment_number": "Payment Number", "pdf_payment_mode": "Payment Mode", "pdf_payment_amount_received_label": "Amount Received", "pdf_expense_report_label": "EXPENSES REPORT", "pdf_total_expenses_label": "TOTAL EXPENSE", "pdf_profit_loss_label": "PROFIT & LOSS REPORT", "pdf_sales_customers_label": "Sales Customer Report", "pdf_sales_items_label": "Sales Item Report", "pdf_tax_summery_label": "Tax Summary Report", "pdf_income_label": "INCOME", "pdf_net_profit_label": "NET PROFIT", "pdf_customer_sales_report": "Sales Report: By Customer", "pdf_total_sales_label": "TOTAL SALES", "pdf_item_sales_label": "Sales Report: By Item", "pdf_tax_report_label": "TAX REPORT", "pdf_total_tax_label": "TOTAL TAX", "pdf_tax_types_label": "Tax Types", "pdf_expenses_label": "Expenses", "pdf_bill_to": "Bill to,", "pdf_ship_to": "Ship to,", "pdf_received_from": "Received from:", "pdf_tax_label": "Tax", "pdf_tax_id": "Tax-ID", "pdf_vat_id": "VAT-ID", "mail_thanks": "Thanks", "mail_view_estimate": "View Estimate", "mail_viewed_estimate": ":name viewed this Estimate.", "mail_view_invoice": "View Invoice", "mail_viewed_invoice": ":name viewed this Invoice.", "mail_view_payment": "View Payment", "notification_view_estimate": "[Notification] Estimate viewed", "notification_view_invoice": "[Notification] Invoice viewed", "You have received a new invoice from
. Please download using the button below:": "You have received a new invoice from
. Please download using the button below:" }