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"出現錯誤", "invalid_due_amount_message": "發票總額不能少於支付總額. 請更新發票或刪除相關支付再繼續.", "mark_as_default_invoice_template_description": "If enabled, the selected template will be automatically selected for new invoices." }, "recurring_invoices": { "title": "定期發票", "invoices_list": "定期發票表", "days": "{days} 天", "months": "{months} 月", "years": "{years} 年", "all": "全選", "paid": "已付款", "unpaid": "未付款", "viewed": "已查看", "overdue": "逾期", "active": "生效", "completed": "已完成", "customer": "客戶", "paid_status": "付款狀態", "ref_no": "REF NO.", "number": "NUMBER", "amount_due": "AMOUNT DUE", "partially_paid": "Partially Paid", "total": "Total", "discount": "Discount", "sub_total": "Sub Total", "invoice": "Recurring Invoice | Recurring Invoices", "invoice_number": "Recurring Invoice Number", "next_invoice_date": "Next Invoice Date", "ref_number": "Ref Number", "contact": "Contact", "add_item": "Add an Item", "date": "Date", "limit_by": "Limit by", "limit_date": "Limit Date", "limit_count": "Limit Count", "count": 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"add_customer_email": "Please add an email address for this customer to send invoices automatically.", "item": { "title": "Item Title", "description": "Description", "quantity": "Quantity", "price": "Price", "discount": "Discount", "total": "Total", "total_discount": "Total Discount", "sub_total": "Sub Total", "tax": "Tax", "amount": "Amount", "select_an_item": "Type or click to select an item", "type_item_description": "Type Item Description (optional)" }, "frequency": { "title": "Frequency", "select_frequency": "Select Frequency", "minute": "Minute", "hour": "Hour", "day_month": "Day of month", "month": "Month", "day_week": "Day of week", "every_minute": "Every Minute", "every_30_minute": "Every 30 Minute", "every_hour": "Every Hour", "every_2_hour": "Every 2 Hour", "every_day_at_midnight": "Every day at midnight", "every_week": "Every Week", "every_15_days_at_midnight": "Every 15 days at midnight", "on_the_first_day_of_every_month_at_midnight": "On the first day of every month at 00:00", "every_6_month": "Every 6 Month", "every_year_on_the_first_day_of_january_at_midnight": "Every year on the first day of january at 00:00", "custom": "Custom" }, "confirm_delete": "You will not be able to recover this Invoice | You will not be able to recover these Invoices", "created_message": "Recurring Invoice created successfully", "updated_message": "Recurring Invoice updated successfully", "deleted_message": "Recurring Invoice deleted successfully | Recurring Invoices deleted successfully", "marked_as_sent_message": "Recurring Invoice marked as sent successfully", "user_email_does_not_exist": "User email does not exist", "something_went_wrong": "something went wrong", "invalid_due_amount_message": "Total Recurring Invoice amount cannot be less than total paid amount for this Recurring Invoice. Please update the invoice or delete the associated payments to continue.", "limit": { "none": "None", "date": "Date", "count": "Count" } }, "payments": { "title": "付款", "payments_list": "付款清單", "record_payment": "紀錄付款", "customer": "客户", "date": "日期", "amount": "總額", "action": "操作", "payment_number": "付款號碼", "payment_mode": "支付模式", "invoice": "發票", "note": "備註", "add_payment": "加入付款", "new_payment": "新付款", "edit_payment": "編輯付款", "view_payment": "檢視付款", "add_new_payment": "新增付款", "send_payment_receipt": "傳送付款收據", "send_payment": "發送付款", "save_payment": "保存付款", "update_payment": "更新付款", "payment": "付款 | 付款", "no_payments": "沒有付款", "not_selected": "未選取", "no_invoice": "沒有發票", "no_matching_payments": "沒有符合的付款!", "list_of_payments": "這部份包含付款列表.", "select_payment_mode": "選擇付款模式", "confirm_mark_as_sent": "此報價將會標示為已傳送", "confirm_send_payment": "此付款將會由電郵發送到客戶", "send_payment_successfully": "成功傳送付款", "something_went_wrong": "出現錯誤", "confirm_delete": "你將不能夠還原此付款 | 你將不能夠還原這些付款", "created_message": "成功新增付款", "updated_message": "成功更新付款", "deleted_message": "成功刪除付款 | 成功刪除付款", "invalid_amount_message": "付款金額有誤", "amount_due": "Due Amount" }, "expenses": { "title": "支出", "expenses_list": "支出列表", "select_a_customer": "選擇客戶", "expense_title": "標題", "customer": "客戶", "currency": "Currency", "contact": "聯絡", "category": "分類", "from_date": "啟始日", "to_date": "終止日", "expense_date": "日期", "description": "詳情", "receipt": "收據", "amount": "總額", "action": "操作", "not_selected": "未選取", "note": "備註", "category_id": "分類 Id", "date": "日期", "add_expense": "加入支出", "add_new_expense": "新增支出", "save_expense": "保存支出", "update_expense": "更新支出", "download_receipt": "下載收據", "edit_expense": "編輯支出", "new_expense": "新支出", "expense": "支出 | 支出", "no_expenses": "沒有支出!", "list_of_expenses": "這部份包含支出列表", "confirm_delete": "你將不能夠還原此支出 | 你將不能夠還原這些支出", "created_message": "成功新增支出", "updated_message": "成功更新支出", "deleted_message": "成功刪除支出 | 成功刪除支出", "categories": { "categories_list": "分類列表", "title": "標題", "name": "名稱", "description": "詳情", "amount": "總額", "actions": "操作", "add_category": "加入分類", "new_category": "新分類", "category": "分類 | 分類", "select_a_category": "選擇一個分類" } }, "login": { "email": "電郵", "password": "密碼", "forgot_password": "忘記密碼?", "or_signIn_with": "或登錄", "login": "登入", "register": "註冊", "reset_password": "重設密碼", "password_reset_successfully": "密碼已成功重設。", "enter_email": "輸入電郵", "enter_password": "輸入密碼", "retype_password": "重新輸入密碼" }, "modules": { "buy_now": "Buy Now", "install": "Install", "price": "Price", "download_zip_file": "Download ZIP file", "unzipping_package": "Unzipping Package", "copying_files": "Copying Files", "deleting_files": "Deleting Unused files", "completing_installation": "Completing Installation", "update_failed": "Update Failed", "install_success": "Module has been installed successfully!", "customer_reviews": "Reviews", "license": "License", "faq": "FAQ", "monthly": "Monthly", "yearly": "Yearly", "updated": "Updated", "version": "Version", "disable": "Disable", "module_disabled": "Module Disabled", "enable": "Enable", "module_enabled": "Module Enabled", "update_to": "Update To", "module_updated": "Module Updated Successfully!", "title": "Modules", "module": "Module | Modules", "api_token": "API token", "invalid_api_token": "Invalid API Token.", "other_modules": "Other Modules", "view_all": "View All", "no_reviews_found": "There are no reviews for this module yet!", "module_not_purchased": "Module Not Purchased", "module_not_found": "Module Not Found", "version_not_supported": "This module version doesn't support the current version of InvoiceShelf", "last_updated": "Last Updated On", "connect_installation": "Connect your installation", "api_token_description": "Login to {url} and connect this installation by entering the API Token. Your purchased modules will show up here after the connection is established.", "view_module": "View Module", "update_available": "Update Available", "purchased": "Purchased", "installed": "Installed", "no_modules_installed": "No Modules Installed Yet!", "disable_warning": "All the settings for this particular will be reverted.", "what_you_get": "What you get", "sign_up_and_get_token": "Sign up & Get Token" }, "users": { "title": "用戶", "users_list": "用戶列表", "name": "名稱", "description": "詳情", "added_on": "增加於", "date_of_creation": "創建日期", "action": "操作", "add_user": "加入用戶", "save_user": "保存用戶", "update_user": "更新用戶", "user": "用戶 | 用戶", "add_new_user": "新增用戶", "new_user": "新用戶", "edit_user": "編輯用戶", "no_users": "沒有用戶", "list_of_users": "這部份包含用戶列表.", "email": "電郵", "phone": "電話", "password": "密碼", "user_attached_message": "已使用的商品不允許刪除.", "confirm_delete": "你將不能夠還原此用戶 | 你將不能夠還原這些用戶", "created_message": "成功刪除用戶", "updated_message": "成功更新用戶", "deleted_message": "成功刪除用戶 | 成功刪除用戶", "select_company_role": "Select Role for {company}", "companies": "Companies" }, "reports": { "title": "報告", "from_date": "啟始日", "to_date": "終止日", "status": "狀態", "paid": "已付款", "unpaid": "未付款", "download_pdf": "下載 PDF", "view_pdf": "查閱PDF", "update_report": "更新報告", "report": "報告 | 報告", "profit_loss": { "profit_loss": "營利及虧損", "to_date": "終止日", "from_date": "啟始日", "date_range": "請選擇日期範圍" }, "sales": { "sales": "銷售", "date_range": "請選擇日期範圍", "to_date": "終止日", "from_date": "啟始日", "report_type": "報告類型", "sort": { "by_customer": "By Customer", "by_item": "By Item" } }, "taxes": { "taxes": "税項", "to_date": "終止日", "from_date": "啟始日", "date_range": "請選擇日期範圍" }, "errors": { "required": "此欄位為必需" }, "invoices": { "invoice": "發票", "invoice_date": "發票日期", "due_date": "截止日期", "amount": "總額", "contact_name": "聯絡人名稱", "status": "狀態" }, "estimates": { "estimate": "報價", "estimate_date": "報價日期", "due_date": "截止日期", "estimate_number": "報價單", "ref_number": "相關號碼", "amount": "總額", "contact_name": "聯絡人名稱", "status": "狀態" }, "expenses": { "expenses": "支出", "category": "分類", "date": "日期", "amount": "總額", "to_date": "終止日", "from_date": "啟始日", "date_range": "請選擇日期範圍" } }, "settings": { "menu_title": { "account_settings": "帳戶設定", "company_information": "公司資料", "customization": "個人化", "preferences": "偏好設定", "notifications": "通知", "tax_types": "稅收類型", "expense_category": "支出類別", "update_app": "更新 App", "backup": "備份", "file_disk": "檔案磁碟", "custom_fields": "自定欄位", "payment_modes": "付款方式", "notes": "備註", "exchange_rate": "Exchange Rate", "address_information": "Address Information" }, "address_information": { "section_description": " You can update Your Address information using form below." }, "title": "設定", "setting": "設定 | 設定", "general": "一般", "language": "語言", "primary_currency": "主要貨幣", "timezone": "時區", "date_format": "日期格式", "currencies": { "title": "貨幣", "currency": "貨幣 | 貨幣", "currencies_list": "貨幣列表", "select_currency": "選擇貨幣", "name": "名稱", "code": "碼", "symbol": "符號", "precision": "精確度", "thousand_separator": "千位分隔符", "decimal_separator": "小數分隔符", "position": "位置", "position_of_symbol": "符號位置", "right": "右", "left": "左", "action": "操作", "add_currency": "加入貨幣" }, "mail": { "host": "電郵主機", "port": "電郵端口", "driver": "電郵驅動", "secret": "金鑰", "mailgun_secret": "Mailgun 金鑰", "mailgun_domain": "網域", "mailgun_endpoint": "Mailgun \bendpoint", "ses_secret": "SES 金鑰", "ses_key": "SES 匙", "password": "郵件密碼", "username": "郵件登入名稱", "mail_config": "郵件設定", "from_name": "郵件傳送名稱", "from_mail": "郵件傳送地址", "encryption": "郵件加密", "mail_config_desc": "下列可以設定外送郵件設置. 你亦可使用第三方的郵件服務如Sendgrid, SES 等." }, "pdf": { "title": "PDF設定", "footer_text": "頁尾文字", "pdf_layout": "PDF \b佈局" }, "company_info": { "company_info": "公司資訊", "company_name": "公司名稱", "tax_id": "Tax Identification Number", "vat_id": "VAT Identification Number", "company_logo": "公司Logo", "section_description": "公司的資料會顯示在發票, 報價及其他文件上.", "phone": "電話", "country": "國家", "state": "縣/市", "city": "城市", "address": "地址", "zip": "郵遞區號", "save": "儲存", "delete": "Delete", "updated_message": "成功更新公司資料", "delete_company": "Delete Company", "delete_company_description": "Once you delete your company, you will lose all the data and files associated with it permanently.", "are_you_absolutely_sure": "Are you absolutely sure?", "delete_company_modal_desc": "This action cannot be undone. This will permanently delete {company} and all of its associated data.", "delete_company_modal_label": "Please type {company} to confirm" }, "custom_fields": { "title": "自定欄位", "section_description": "自訂你的發票, 報價及付款收據欄位. 請確定以下在自訂欄位頁裡新增的欄位是地址格式.", "add_custom_field": "加入自訂欄位", "edit_custom_field": "編輯自訂欄位", "field_name": "欄位名稱", "label": "標籤", "type": "類型", "name": "名稱", "slug": "Slug", "required": "必填", "placeholder": "Placeholder", "help_text": "說明文字", "default_value": "默認值", "prefix": "前置", "starting_number": "起始號碼", "model": "模式", "help_text_description": "請為此欄位輸入幫助說明.", "suffix": "後綴名", "yes": "是", "no": "否", "order": "訂單", "custom_field_confirm_delete": "你將無法恢復此欄位", "already_in_use": "此自訂欄位已在使用", "deleted_message": "成功刪除自訂欄位", "options": "選項", "add_option": "加入選項", "add_another_option": "加入另一個選項", "sort_in_alphabetical_order": "以字母作排序", "add_options_in_bulk": "批量加入選項", "use_predefined_options": "使用預定義選項", "select_custom_date": "選擇自訂日期", "select_relative_date": "選擇相關日期", "ticked_by_default": "預設已選擇", "updated_message": "成功更新自訂欄位", "added_message": "成功新增自訂欄位", "press_enter_to_add": "Press enter to add new option", "model_in_use": "Cannot update model for fields which are already in use.", "type_in_use": "Cannot update type for fields which are already in use.", "model_type": { "customer": "Customer", "invoice": "Invoice", "estimate": "Estimate", "expense": "Expense", "payment": "Payment" } }, "customization": { "customization": "個人化", "updated_message": "成功更新公司資料", "save": "儲存", "insert_fields": "Insert Fields", "learn_custom_format": "Learn how to use custom format", "add_new_component": "Add New Component", "component": "Component", "Parameter": "Parameter", "series": "Series", "series_description": "To set a static prefix/postfix like 'INV' across your company. It supports character length of up to 6 chars.", "series_param_label": "Series Value", "delimiter": "Delimiter", "delimiter_description": "Single character for specifying the boundary between 2 separate components. By default its set to -", "delimiter_param_label": "Delimiter Value", "date_format": "Date Format", "date_format_description": "A local date and time field which accepts a format parameter. The default format: 'Y' renders the current year.", "date_format_param_label": "Format", "sequence": "Sequence", "sequence_description": "Consecutive sequence of numbers across your company. You can specify the length on the given parameter.", "sequence_param_label": "Sequence Length", "customer_series": "Customer Series", "customer_series_description": "To set a different prefix/postfix for each customer.", "customer_sequence": "Customer Sequence", "customer_sequence_description": "Consecutive sequence of numbers for each of your customer.", "customer_sequence_param_label": "Sequence Length", "random_sequence": "Random Sequence", "random_sequence_description": "Random alphanumeric string. You can specify the length on the given parameter.", "random_sequence_param_label": "Sequence Length", "invoices": { "title": "發票", "invoice_number_format": "Invoice Number Format", "invoice_number_format_description": "Customize how your invoice number gets generated automatically when you create a new invoice.", "preview_invoice_number": "Preview Invoice Number", "due_date": "Due Date", "due_date_description": "Specify how due date is automatically set when you create an invoice.", "due_date_days": "Invoice Due after days", "set_due_date_automatically": "Set Due Date Automatically", "set_due_date_automatically_description": "Enable this if you wish to set due date automatically when you create a new invoice.", "default_formats": "Default Formats", "default_formats_description": "Below given formats are used to fill up the fields automatically on invoice creation.", "default_invoice_email_body": "預設發票電郵內容", "company_address_format": "公司地址格式", "shipping_address_format": "送貨地址格式", "billing_address_format": "帳單地址格式", "invoice_email_attachment": "以附件形式傳送發票", "invoice_email_attachment_setting_description": "啟用此項, 如果你要以附件形式傳送發票. 如選擇此項, 「檢視發票」按扭將不會在電郵中顯示.", "invoice_settings_updated": "Invoice Settings updated successfully", "retrospective_edits": "Retrospective Edits", "allow": "Allow", "disable_on_invoice_partial_paid": "Disable after partial payment is recorded", "disable_on_invoice_paid": "Disable after full payment is recorded", "disable_on_invoice_sent": "Disable after invoice is sent", "retrospective_edits_description": " Based on your country's laws or your preference, you can restrict users from editing finalised invoices." }, "estimates": { "title": "報價", "estimate_number_format": "Estimate Number Format", "estimate_number_format_description": "Customize how your estimate number gets generated automatically when you create a new estimate.", "preview_estimate_number": "Preview Estimate Number", "expiry_date": "Expiry Date", "expiry_date_description": "Specify how expiry date is automatically set when you create an estimate.", "expiry_date_days": "Estimate Expires after days", "set_expiry_date_automatically": "Set Expiry Date Automatically", "set_expiry_date_automatically_description": "Enable this if you wish to set expiry date automatically when you create a new estimate.", "default_formats": "Default Formats", "default_formats_description": "Below given formats are used to fill up the fields automatically on estimate creation.", "default_estimate_email_body": "預設報價電郵內容", "company_address_format": "公司地址格式", "shipping_address_format": "送貨地址格式", "billing_address_format": "帳單地址格式", "estimate_email_attachment": "以附件形式傳送報價", "estimate_email_attachment_setting_description": "啟用此項, 如果你要以附件形式傳送報價. 如選擇此項, 「檢視報價」按扭將不會在電郵中顯示.", "estimate_settings_updated": "Estimate Settings updated successfully", "convert_estimate_options": "Estimate Convert Action", "convert_estimate_description": "Specify what happens to the estimate after it gets converted to an invoice.", "no_action": "No action", "delete_estimate": "Delete estimate", "mark_estimate_as_accepted": "Mark estimate as accepted" }, "payments": { "title": "付款", "payment_number_format": "Payment Number Format", "payment_number_format_description": "Customize how your payment number gets generated automatically when you create a new payment.", "preview_payment_number": "Preview Payment Number", "default_formats": "Default Formats", "default_formats_description": "Below given formats are used to fill up the fields automatically on payment creation.", "default_payment_email_body": "預設付款電郵內容", "company_address_format": "公司地址格式", "from_customer_address_format": "客戶地址格式", "payment_email_attachment": "以附件形式傳送付款", "payment_email_attachment_setting_description": "啟用此項, 如果你要以附件形式傳送付款收據. 如選擇此項, 「檢視付款」按扭將不會在電郵中顯示.", "payment_settings_updated": "Payment Settings updated successfully" }, "items": { "title": "商品", "units": "單位", "add_item_unit": "加入商品單位", "edit_item_unit": "編輯商品單位", "unit_name": "單位名稱", "item_unit_added": "已新增商品單位", "item_unit_updated": "已更新商品單位", "item_unit_confirm_delete": "你將無法恢復此商品單位", "already_in_use": "商品單位已在使用", "deleted_message": "成功刪除商品單位" }, "notes": { "title": "備註", "description": "保存備註可在發票, 報價和付款上重覆使用.", "notes": "備註", "type": "類型", "add_note": "加入備註", "add_new_note": "新增備註", "name": "名稱", "edit_note": "編輯備註", "note_added": "成功加入備註", "note_updated": "成功更新備註", "note_confirm_delete": "你將無法恢復此備註", "already_in_use": "此備註已在使用", "deleted_message": "成功刪除備註", "types": { "estimate": "Estimate", "invoice": "Invoice", "payment": "Payment" } } }, "account_settings": { "profile_picture": "用戶個人相片", "name": "名稱", "email": "電郵", "password": "密碼", "confirm_password": "確認密碼", "account_settings": "帳戶設定", "save": "儲存", "section_description": "你可在以下更新你的名稱, 電郵及密碼.", "updated_message": "成功更新帳戶設定" }, "user_profile": { "name": "名稱", "email": "電郵", "password": "密碼", "confirm_password": "確認密碼" }, "notification": { "title": "通知", "email": "發送通知給", "description": "請輸入接收通知的電郵", "invoice_viewed": "已檢視的發票", "invoice_viewed_desc": "客戶於何時閱讀發票", "estimate_viewed": "報價已讀", "estimate_viewed_desc": "客戶於何時閱讀報價", "save": "儲存", "email_save_message": "成功保存郵件", "please_enter_email": "請輸入電郵" }, "roles": { "title": "Roles", "description": "Manage the roles & permissions of this company", "save": "Save", "add_new_role": "Add New Role", "role_name": "Role Name", "added_on": "Added on", "add_role": "Add Role", "edit_role": "Edit Role", "name": "Name", "permission": "Permission | Permissions", "select_all": "Select All", "none": "None", "confirm_delete": "You will not be able to recover this Role", "created_message": "Role created successfully", "updated_message": "Role updated successfully", "deleted_message": "Role deleted successfully", "already_in_use": "Role is already in use" }, "exchange_rate": { "exchange_rate": "Exchange Rate", "title": "Fix Currency Exchange issues", "description": "Please enter exchange rate of all the currencies mentioned below to help InvoiceShelf properly calculate the amounts in {currency}.", "drivers": "Drivers", "new_driver": "Add New Provider", "edit_driver": "Edit Provider", "select_driver": "Select Driver", "update": "select exchange rate ", "providers_description": "Configure your exchange rate providers here to automatically fetch the latest exchange rate on transactions.", "key": "API Key", "name": "Name", "driver": "Driver", "is_default": "IS DEFAULT", "currency": "Currencies", "exchange_rate_confirm_delete": "You will not be able to recover this driver", "created_message": "Provider Created successfully", "updated_message": "Provider Updated Successfully", "deleted_message": "Provider Deleted Successfully", "error": " You cannot Delete Active Driver", "default_currency_error": "This currency is already used in one of the Active Provider", "exchange_help_text": "Enter exchange rate to convert from {currency} to {baseCurrency}", "currency_freak": "Currency Freak", "currency_layer": "Currency Layer", "open_exchange_rate": "Open Exchange Rate", "currency_converter": "Currency Converter", "server": "Server", "url": "URL", "active": "Active", "currency_help_text": "This provider will only be used on above selected currencies", "currency_in_used": "The following currencies are already active on another provider. Please remove these currencies from selection to activate this provider again." }, "tax_types": { "title": "稅收類型", "add_tax": "加入稅項", "edit_tax": "編輯稅項", "description": "你可以新增或移除稅項. InvoiceShelf支持獨立稅項.", "add_new_tax": "新增稅項", "tax_settings": "稅項設定", "tax_per_item": "商品稅項", "tax_name": "稅項名稱", "compound_tax": "複合稅", "percent": "百分比", "action": "操作", "tax_setting_description": "啟用此項, 如果你要將稅項以每個獨立商品計算. 預設稅項以整單發票計算.", "created_message": "成功新增稅項類型", "updated_message": "成功更新稅項類型", "deleted_message": "成功刪除稅項類型", "confirm_delete": "你將無法恢復此稅項類型", "already_in_use": "此稅項已在使用" }, "payment_modes": { "title": "Payment Modes", "description": "Modes of transaction for payments", "add_payment_mode": "Add Payment Mode", "edit_payment_mode": "Edit Payment Mode", "mode_name": "Mode Name", "payment_mode_added": "Payment Mode Added", "payment_mode_updated": "Payment Mode Updated", "payment_mode_confirm_delete": "You will not be able to recover this Payment Mode", "payments_attached": "This payment method is already attached to payments. Please delete the attached payments to proceed with deletion.", "expenses_attached": "This payment method is already attached to expenses. Please delete the attached expenses to proceed with deletion.", "deleted_message": "Payment Mode deleted successfully" }, "expense_category": { "title": "支出類別", "action": "操作", "description": "新增支出需要類別. 請先新增或移除類別.", "add_new_category": "新增類別", "add_category": "加入分類", "edit_category": "編輯分類", "category_name": "分類名稱", "category_description": "詳情", "created_message": "成功新增支出分類", "deleted_message": "成功刪除支出分類", "updated_message": "成功更新支出分類", "confirm_delete": "你將無法恢復此支出分類", "already_in_use": "此分類已在使用" }, "preferences": { "currency": "貨幣", "default_language": "預設語言", "time_zone": "時區", "fiscal_year": "財政年度", "date_format": "日期格式", "discount_setting": "折扣設定", "discount_per_item": "商品折扣", "discount_setting_description": "啟用此項, 如果你要將折扣以每個獨立商品計算. 預設折扣以整單發票計算.", "expire_public_links": "Automatically Expire Public Links", "expire_setting_description": "Specify whether you would like to expire all the links sent by application to view invoices, estimates & payments, etc after a specified duration.", "save": "儲存", "preference": "偏好設定 | 偏好設定", "general_settings": "系統預設偏好設定", "updated_message": "成功更新偏好設定", "select_language": "選取語言", "select_time_zone": "選取時區", "select_date_format": "選擇日期格式", "select_financial_year": "選擇財政年度", "recurring_invoice_status": "Recurring Invoice Status", "create_status": "Create Status", "active": "Active", "on_hold": "On Hold", "update_status": "Update Status", "completed": "Completed", "company_currency_unchangeable": "Company currency cannot be changed", "fiscal_years": { "january_december": "January - December", "february_january": "February - January", "march_february": "March - February", "april_march": "April - March", "may_april": "May - April", "june_may": "June - May", "july_june": "July - June", "august_july": "August - July", "september_august": "September - August", "october_september": "October - September", "november_october": "November - October", "december_november": "December - November" } }, "update_app": { "title": "更新 App", "description": "你可以點擊下方按鈕更新InvoiceShelf", "check_update": "檢查更新", "insider_consent": "Opt-in for Insider releases. Recommended for testing purposes only.", "avail_update": "有新更新可用", "next_version": "下一版本", "requirements": "要求", "update": "立即更新", "update_progress": "正在更新。。。", "progress_text": "這會花費數分鐘. 請不要刷新螢幕或關閉視窗, 請耐心等待直至更新完成.", "update_success": "App 已完成更新! 請等待直至你的視窗自動刷新.", "latest_message": "沒有可用的更新。您正執行最新版的程式。", "current_version": "當前版本", "download_zip_file": "下載ZIP檔案", "unzipping_package": "解壓檔案", "copying_files": "複製文件", "deleting_files": "刪除沒用文件中", "running_migrations": "正在執行整合", "finishing_update": "正完成更新", "update_failed": "更新失敗", "update_failed_text": "抱歉! 你的更新在這步驟中失敗: {step} step", "update_warning": "All of the application files and default template files will be overwritten when you update the application using this utility. Please take a backup of your templates & database before updating." }, "backup": { "title": "備份 | 備份", "description": "此備份是ZIP壓縮檔, 包含所有檔案及數據庫資料", "new_backup": "新增備份", "create_backup": "建立備份", "select_backup_type": "選擇備份類型", "backup_confirm_delete": "你將無法恢復此備份", "path": "路徑", "new_disk": "新碰碟", "created_at": "建立於", "size": "大小", "dropbox": "Dropbox", "local": "本地", "healthy": "健康", "amount_of_backups": "備份大小", "newest_backups": "最新的備份", "used_storage": "使用的空間", "select_disk": "選擇磁碟", "action": "操作", "deleted_message": "成功刪除備份", "created_message": "成功新增備份", "invalid_disk_credentials": "選擇的磁碟權限有誤" }, "disk": { "title": "檔案磁碟 | 檔案磁碟", "description": "預設InvoiceShelf會使用你本機作為資料備份. 你可設定多於一個磁碟如DigialOcean, S3 及 Dropbox.", "created_at": "建立於", "dropbox": "Dropbox", "name": "名稱", "driver": "驅動", "disk_type": "類型", "disk_name": "磁碟名稱", "new_disk": "加入新的磁碟", "filesystem_driver": "檔案系統驅動", "local_driver": "本地驅動", "local_root": "本地Root", "public_driver": "公共驅動", "public_root": "公共Root", "public_url": "公共URL", "public_visibility": "公共可見", "media_driver": "媒體驅動", "media_root": "媒體Root", "aws_driver": "AWS驅動", "aws_key": "AWS匙", "aws_secret": "AWS金鑰", "aws_region": "AWS區域", "aws_bucket": "AWS Bucket", "aws_root": "AWS Root", "s3_endpoint": "S3 Endpoint", "s3_key": "S3 Key", "s3_secret": "S3 Secret", "s3_region": "S3 Region", "s3_bucket": "S3 Bucket", "s3_root": "S3 Root", "do_spaces_type": "Do Space 類型", "do_spaces_key": "Do Space 匙", "do_spaces_secret": "Do Spaces 金鑰", "do_spaces_region": "Do Spaces 區域", "do_spaces_bucket": "Do Spaces Bucket", "do_spaces_endpoint": "Do Spaces 端點", "do_spaces_root": "Do Spaces Root", "dropbox_type": "Dropbox 類型", "dropbox_token": "Dropbox 令牌", "dropbox_key": "Dropbox 匙", "dropbox_secret": "Dropbox 金鑰", "dropbox_app": "Dropbox應用", "dropbox_root": "Dropbox Root", "default_driver": "預設驅動", "is_default": "是預設", "set_default_disk": "設為預設磁碟", "set_default_disk_confirm": "此磁碟將會設為預設, 所有PDF將會保存到此磁碟", "success_set_default_disk": "成功預設磁碟", "save_pdf_to_disk": "保存PDF到磁碟", "disk_setting_description": "啟動此項, 如果你想自動保存發票, 報價及付款收據的PDF備份到你預設的磁碟. 啟用此選項將會減慢你打開檢視PDF的速度.", "select_disk": "選擇磁碟", "disk_settings": "磁碟設定", "confirm_delete": "你原來的檔案及資料夾將不受影響, 但你磁碟的設定將會刪除", "action": "操作", "edit_file_disk": "編輯檔案磁碟", "success_create": "成功新增磁碟", "success_update": "成功更新磁碟", "error": "新增磁碟失敗", "deleted_message": "成功刪除磁碟", "disk_variables_save_successfully": "成功設定磁碟", "disk_variables_save_error": "設定磁碟失敗", "invalid_disk_credentials": "選擇的磁碟權限有誤" }, "taxations": { "add_billing_address": "Enter Billing Address", "add_shipping_address": "Enter Shipping Address", "add_company_address": "Enter Company Address", "modal_description": "The information below is required in order to fetch sales tax.", "add_address": "Add Address for fetching sales tax.", "address_placeholder": "Example: 123, My Street", "city_placeholder": "Example: Los Angeles", "state_placeholder": "Example: CA", "zip_placeholder": "Example: 90024", "invalid_address": "Please provide valid address details." } }, "wizard": { "account_info": "帳號資料", "account_info_desc": "以下詳情將會用作建立主要管理員帳戶. 你可以在登入後隨時修改.", "name": "名稱", "email": "電郵", "password": "密碼", "confirm_password": "確認密碼", "save_cont": "儲存並繼續", "company_info": "公司資料", "company_info_desc": "此資料會在發票上顯示. 你可以稍後在設定頁修改.", "company_name": "公司名稱", "company_logo": "公司Logo", "logo_preview": "預覽 Logo", "preferences": "偏好設定", "preferences_desc": "系統預設偏好設定", "currency_set_alert": "The company's currency cannot be changed later.", "country": "國家", "state": "縣/市", "city": "城市", "address": "地址", "street": "地址1 | 地址2", "phone": "電話", "zip_code": "郵遞區號", "go_back": "返回", "currency": "貨幣", "language": "語言", "time_zone": "時區", "fiscal_year": "財政年度", "date_format": "日期格式", "from_address": "寄件人地址", "username": "使用者名稱", "next": "下一個", "continue": "繼續", "skip": "略過", "install_language": { "title": "Choose your language", "description": "Select language wizard to install InvoiceShelf" }, "database": { "database": "網址及數據庫", "connection": "資料庫連線", "host": "數據庫伺服器\b", "port": "數據庫伺服器端口", "password": "資料庫密碼", "app_url": "App 網址", "app_domain": "App 網域名稱", "username": "數據庫用戶名", "db_name": "資料庫名稱", "db_path": "資料庫位置", "overwrite": "Overwrite existing database and proceed", "desc": "在以下伺服器上建立數據庫及設定信用" }, "permissions": { "permissions": "權限", "permission_confirm_title": "你確定要繼續嗎?", "permission_confirm_desc": "資料夾權限檢測失敗", "permission_desc": "請開放以下資料夾的權限讓App繼續. 如果\b檢測失敗, 請更新資料夾權限." }, "verify_domain": { "title": "域名驗證", "desc": "InvoiceShelf使用的會話驗證因安全考量需要域名\b核實. 請輸入你的域名以便你存取你應用.", "app_domain": "App 網域名稱", "verify_now": "立即檢驗", "success": "成功驗證域名", "failed": "Domain verification failed. Please enter valid domain name.", "verify_and_continue": "驗證及繼續", "notes": { "notes": "Notes:", "not_contain": "App domain should not contain", "or": "or", "in_front": "in front of the domain.", "if_you": "If you're accessing the website on a different port, please mention the port. For example:" } }, "mail": { "host": "電郵主機", "port": "電郵端口", "driver": "電郵驅動", "secret": "金鑰", "mailgun_secret": "Mailgun 金鑰", "mailgun_domain": "網域", "mailgun_endpoint": "Mailgun \bendpoint", "ses_secret": "SES 金鑰", "ses_key": "SES 匙", "password": "郵件密碼", "username": "郵件登入名稱", "mail_config": "郵件設定", "from_name": "郵件傳送名稱", "from_mail": "郵件傳送地址", "encryption": "郵件加密", "mail_config_desc": "下列可以設定外送郵件設置. 你亦可使用第三方的郵件服務如Sendgrid, SES 等." }, "req": { "system_req": "系統需求", "php_req_version": "最小的php版本(需要{version})", "check_req": "檢查需求", "system_req_desc": "InvoiceShelf對伺服器有少許需求. 請檢查以下的php版本及\b擴展是否吻合." }, "errors": { "migrate_failed": "遷移失敗", "database_variables_save_error": "未能寫入設定到 .env 檔案. 請檢查檔案權限", "mail_variables_save_error": "電郵設定失敗", "connection_failed": "數據庫連接失敗", "database_should_be_empty": "數據庫應為空" }, "success": { "mail_variables_save_successfully": "成功設定電郵", "database_variables_save_successfully": "成功設定數據庫" } }, "validation": { "invalid_phone": "無效的電話號碼", "invalid_url": "無較URL(ex: http://www.invoiceshelf.com)", "invalid_domain_url": "無較URL(ex: invoiceshelf.com)", "required": "此欄位為必需", "email_incorrect": "電郵錯誤", "email_already_taken": "此電郵已被使用", "email_does_not_exist": "沒有使用此電子郵件的用戶", "item_unit_already_taken": "此商品單位已經被使用.", "payment_mode_already_taken": "此付款方式名稱已經被使用.", "send_reset_link": "發送重設連結", "not_yet": "沒有收到? 再次傳送", "password_min_length": "密碼必須包含 {count} 字元", "name_min_length": "名稱必須包含 {count} 字元", "prefix_min_length": "Prefix must have at least {count} letters.", "enter_valid_tax_rate": "輸入正確稅率", "numbers_only": "只可使用數字", "characters_only": "只可使用字母", "password_incorrect": "密碼必須相同", "password_length": "密碼必須至少為 {count} 個字元長度", "qty_must_greater_than_zero": "數量必須是大於零", "price_greater_than_zero": "價格必須大於零", "payment_greater_than_zero": "付款必須大於零", "payment_greater_than_due_amount": "輸入的付款大於發票的總額", "quantity_maxlength": "數量不應大於20個位", "price_maxlength": "單價不應大於20個位", "price_minvalue": "單價應大於零", "amount_maxlength": "總額不應大於20個位", "amount_minvalue": "總額應大於零", "discount_maxlength": "Discount should not be greater than max discount", "description_maxlength": "詳情不應大於65000個字元", "subject_maxlength": "主題不應大於100個字元", "message_maxlength": "訊息不應大於255個字元", "maximum_options_error": "超過最多可使用的 {max} 選項. 請先移除一些選項再選.", "notes_maxlength": "備註不應大於65,000個字元", "address_maxlength": "地址不應大於255個字元", "ref_number_maxlength": "相關號碼不應大於255個字元", "prefix_maxlength": "前輟不應大於5個字元", "something_went_wrong": "出現錯誤", "number_length_minvalue": "數值必須大於0", "at_least_one_ability": "Please select atleast one Permission.", "valid_driver_key": "Please enter a valid {driver} key.", "valid_exchange_rate": "Please enter a valid exchange rate.", "company_name_not_same": "Company name must match with given name." }, "errors": { "starter_plan": "This feature is available on Starter plan and onwards!", "invalid_provider_key": "Please Enter Valid Provider API Key.", "estimate_number_used": "The estimate number has already been taken.", "invoice_number_used": "The invoice number has already been taken.", "payment_attached": "This invoice already has a payment attached to it. Make sure to delete the attached payments first in order to go ahead with the removal.", "payment_number_used": "The payment number has already been taken.", "name_already_taken": "The name has already been taken.", "receipt_does_not_exist": "Receipt does not exist.", "customer_cannot_be_changed_after_payment_is_added": "Customer cannot be change after payment is added", "invalid_credentials": "Invalid Credentials.", "not_allowed": "Not Allowed", "login_invalid_credentials": "These credentials do not match our records.", "enter_valid_cron_format": "Please enter a valid cron format", "email_could_not_be_sent": "Email could not be sent to this email address.", "invalid_address": "Please enter a valid address.", "invalid_key": "Please enter valid key.", "invalid_state": "Please enter a valid state.", "invalid_city": "Please enter a valid city.", "invalid_postal_code": "Please enter a valid zip.", "invalid_format": "Please enter valid query string format.", "api_error": "Server not responding.", "feature_not_enabled": "Feature not enabled.", "request_limit_met": "Api request limit exceeded.", "address_incomplete": "Incomplete Address" }, "pdf_estimate_label": "報價", "pdf_estimate_number": "報價單號", "pdf_estimate_date": "報價日期", "pdf_estimate_expire_date": "有效日期", "pdf_invoice_label": "發票", "pdf_invoice_number": "發票號碼", "pdf_invoice_date": "發票日期", "pdf_invoice_due_date": "截止日期", "pdf_notes": "備註", "pdf_items_label": "商品", "pdf_quantity_label": "數量", "pdf_price_label": "價格", "pdf_discount_label": "折扣", "pdf_amount_label": "總額", "pdf_subtotal": "小計", "pdf_total": "總共", "pdf_payment_label": "付款", "pdf_payment_receipt_label": "付款收據", "pdf_payment_date": "付款日期", "pdf_payment_number": "付款號碼", "pdf_payment_mode": "付款方式", "pdf_payment_amount_received_label": "收到的金額", "pdf_expense_report_label": "支出報告", "pdf_total_expenses_label": "支出總額", "pdf_profit_loss_label": "營利及虧損報告", "pdf_sales_customers_label": "銷售客戶報告", "pdf_sales_items_label": "銷售商品報告", "pdf_tax_summery_label": "稅項總結報告", "pdf_income_label": "收入", "pdf_net_profit_label": "淨收入", "pdf_customer_sales_report": "銷售報告: 以客戶", "pdf_total_sales_label": "總銷售", "pdf_item_sales_label": "銷售報告: 以商品", "pdf_tax_report_label": "稅項報告", "pdf_total_tax_label": "稅項總額", "pdf_tax_types_label": "稅收類型", "pdf_expenses_label": "支出", "pdf_bill_to": "帳單地址,", "pdf_ship_to": "送貨地址,", "pdf_received_from": "接收自", "pdf_tax_label": "Tax", "pdf_tax_id": "Tax-ID", "pdf_vat_id": "VAT-ID", "mail_thanks": "Thanks", "mail_view_estimate": "View Estimate", "mail_viewed_estimate": ":name viewed this Estimate.", "mail_view_invoice": "View Invoice", "mail_viewed_invoice": ":name viewed this Invoice.", "mail_view_payment": "View Payment", "notification_view_estimate": "[Notification] Estimate viewed", "notification_view_invoice": "[Notification] Invoice viewed", "You have received a new invoice from
. Please download using the button below:": "You have received a new invoice from
. Please download using the button below:" }