, * driver?: key-of
, * driverClass?: class-string
, * driverOptions?: array
, * host?: string, * memory?: bool, * password?: string, * path?: string, * persistent?: bool, * port?: int, * serverVersion?: string, * sessionMode?: int, * user?: string, * unix_socket?: string, * wrapperClass?: class-string
, * } * @psalm-type Params = array{ * application_name?: string, * charset?: string, * dbname?: string, * defaultTableOptions?: array
, * driver?: key-of
, * driverClass?: class-string
, * driverOptions?: array
, * host?: string, * keepReplica?: bool, * memory?: bool, * password?: string, * path?: string, * persistent?: bool, * port?: int, * primary?: OverrideParams, * replica?: array
, * serverVersion?: string, * sessionMode?: int, * user?: string, * wrapperClass?: class-string
, * unix_socket?: string, * } */ final class DriverManager { /** * List of supported drivers and their mappings to the driver classes. * * To add your own driver use the 'driverClass' parameter to {@see DriverManager::getConnection()}. */ private const DRIVER_MAP = [ 'pdo_mysql' => PDO\MySQL\Driver::class, 'pdo_sqlite' => PDO\SQLite\Driver::class, 'pdo_pgsql' => PDO\PgSQL\Driver::class, 'pdo_oci' => PDO\OCI\Driver::class, 'oci8' => OCI8\Driver::class, 'ibm_db2' => IBMDB2\Driver::class, 'pdo_sqlsrv' => PDO\SQLSrv\Driver::class, 'mysqli' => Mysqli\Driver::class, 'pgsql' => PgSQL\Driver::class, 'sqlsrv' => SQLSrv\Driver::class, 'sqlite3' => SQLite3\Driver::class, ]; /** * Private constructor. This class cannot be instantiated. * * @codeCoverageIgnore */ private function __construct() { } /** * Creates a connection object based on the specified parameters. * This method returns a Doctrine\DBAL\Connection which wraps the underlying * driver connection. * * $params must contain at least one of the following. * * Either 'driver' with one of the array keys of {@see DRIVER_MAP}, * OR 'driverClass' that contains the full class name (with namespace) of the * driver class to instantiate. * * Other (optional) parameters: * *
user (string)
: * The username to use when connecting. * *
password (string)
: * The password to use when connecting. * *
driverOptions (array)
: * Any additional driver-specific options for the driver. These are just passed * through to the driver. * *
: * You may specify a custom wrapper class through the 'wrapperClass' * parameter but this class MUST inherit from Doctrine\DBAL\Connection. * *
: * The driver class to use. * * @param Configuration|null $config The configuration to use. * @psalm-param Params $params * * @psalm-return ($params is array{wrapperClass: class-string
} ? T : Connection) * * @template T of Connection */ public static function getConnection( #[SensitiveParameter] array $params, ?Configuration $config = null, ): Connection { $config ??= new Configuration(); $driver = self::createDriver($params['driver'] ?? null, $params['driverClass'] ?? null); foreach ($config->getMiddlewares() as $middleware) { $driver = $middleware->wrap($driver); } /** @var class-string
$wrapperClass */ $wrapperClass = $params['wrapperClass'] ?? Connection::class; if (! is_a($wrapperClass, Connection::class, true)) { throw InvalidWrapperClass::new($wrapperClass); } return new $wrapperClass($params, $driver, $config); } /** * Returns the list of supported drivers. * * @return string[] * @psalm-return list
> */ public static function getAvailableDrivers(): array { return array_keys(self::DRIVER_MAP); } /** * @param class-string
|null $driverClass * @param key-of
|null $driver */ private static function createDriver(?string $driver, ?string $driverClass): Driver { if ($driverClass === null) { if ($driver === null) { throw DriverRequired::new(); } if (! isset(self::DRIVER_MAP[$driver])) { throw UnknownDriver::new($driver, array_keys(self::DRIVER_MAP)); } $driverClass = self::DRIVER_MAP[$driver]; } elseif (! is_a($driverClass, Driver::class, true)) { throw InvalidDriverClass::new($driverClass); } return new $driverClass(); } }