*/ private array $namespaces = []; /** @var array
*/ protected array $_tables = []; /** @var array
*/ protected array $_sequences = []; protected SchemaConfig $_schemaConfig; /** * @param array
$tables * @param array
$sequences * @param array
$namespaces */ public function __construct( array $tables = [], array $sequences = [], ?SchemaConfig $schemaConfig = null, array $namespaces = [], ) { $schemaConfig ??= new SchemaConfig(); $this->_schemaConfig = $schemaConfig; $name = $schemaConfig->getName(); if ($name !== null) { $this->_setName($name); } foreach ($namespaces as $namespace) { $this->createNamespace($namespace); } foreach ($tables as $table) { $this->_addTable($table); } foreach ($sequences as $sequence) { $this->_addSequence($sequence); } } protected function _addTable(Table $table): void { $namespaceName = $table->getNamespaceName(); $tableName = $this->normalizeName($table); if (isset($this->_tables[$tableName])) { throw TableAlreadyExists::new($tableName); } if ( $namespaceName !== null && ! $table->isInDefaultNamespace($this->getName()) && ! $this->hasNamespace($namespaceName) ) { $this->createNamespace($namespaceName); } $this->_tables[$tableName] = $table; $table->setSchemaConfig($this->_schemaConfig); } protected function _addSequence(Sequence $sequence): void { $namespaceName = $sequence->getNamespaceName(); $seqName = $this->normalizeName($sequence); if (isset($this->_sequences[$seqName])) { throw SequenceAlreadyExists::new($seqName); } if ( $namespaceName !== null && ! $sequence->isInDefaultNamespace($this->getName()) && ! $this->hasNamespace($namespaceName) ) { $this->createNamespace($namespaceName); } $this->_sequences[$seqName] = $sequence; } /** * Returns the namespaces of this schema. * * @return list
A list of namespace names. */ public function getNamespaces(): array { return array_values($this->namespaces); } /** * Gets all tables of this schema. * * @return list
*/ public function getTables(): array { return array_values($this->_tables); } public function getTable(string $name): Table { $name = $this->getFullQualifiedAssetName($name); if (! isset($this->_tables[$name])) { throw TableDoesNotExist::new($name); } return $this->_tables[$name]; } private function getFullQualifiedAssetName(string $name): string { $name = $this->getUnquotedAssetName($name); if (! str_contains($name, '.')) { $name = $this->getName() . '.' . $name; } return strtolower($name); } /** * The normalized name is qualified and lower-cased. Lower-casing is * actually wrong, but we have to do it to keep our sanity. If you are * using database objects that only differentiate in the casing (FOO vs * Foo) then you will NOT be able to use Doctrine Schema abstraction. * * Every non-namespaced element is prefixed with this schema name. */ private function normalizeName(AbstractAsset $asset): string { $name = $asset->getName(); if ($asset->getNamespaceName() === null) { $name = $this->getName() . '.' . $name; } return strtolower($name); } /** * Returns the unquoted representation of a given asset name. */ private function getUnquotedAssetName(string $assetName): string { if ($this->isIdentifierQuoted($assetName)) { return $this->trimQuotes($assetName); } return $assetName; } /** * Does this schema have a namespace with the given name? */ public function hasNamespace(string $name): bool { $name = strtolower($this->getUnquotedAssetName($name)); return isset($this->namespaces[$name]); } /** * Does this schema have a table with the given name? */ public function hasTable(string $name): bool { $name = $this->getFullQualifiedAssetName($name); return isset($this->_tables[$name]); } public function hasSequence(string $name): bool { $name = $this->getFullQualifiedAssetName($name); return isset($this->_sequences[$name]); } public function getSequence(string $name): Sequence { $name = $this->getFullQualifiedAssetName($name); if (! $this->hasSequence($name)) { throw SequenceDoesNotExist::new($name); } return $this->_sequences[$name]; } /** @return list
*/ public function getSequences(): array { return array_values($this->_sequences); } /** * Creates a new namespace. * * @return $this */ public function createNamespace(string $name): self { $unquotedName = strtolower($this->getUnquotedAssetName($name)); if (isset($this->namespaces[$unquotedName])) { throw NamespaceAlreadyExists::new($unquotedName); } $this->namespaces[$unquotedName] = $name; return $this; } /** * Creates a new table. */ public function createTable(string $name): Table { $table = new Table($name); $this->_addTable($table); foreach ($this->_schemaConfig->getDefaultTableOptions() as $option => $value) { $table->addOption($option, $value); } return $table; } /** * Renames a table. * * @return $this */ public function renameTable(string $oldName, string $newName): self { $table = $this->getTable($oldName); $table->_setName($newName); $this->dropTable($oldName); $this->_addTable($table); return $this; } /** * Drops a table from the schema. * * @return $this */ public function dropTable(string $name): self { $name = $this->getFullQualifiedAssetName($name); $this->getTable($name); unset($this->_tables[$name]); return $this; } /** * Creates a new sequence. */ public function createSequence(string $name, int $allocationSize = 1, int $initialValue = 1): Sequence { $seq = new Sequence($name, $allocationSize, $initialValue); $this->_addSequence($seq); return $seq; } /** @return $this */ public function dropSequence(string $name): self { $name = $this->getFullQualifiedAssetName($name); unset($this->_sequences[$name]); return $this; } /** * Returns an array of necessary SQL queries to create the schema on the given platform. * * @return list
* * @throws Exception */ public function toSql(AbstractPlatform $platform): array { $builder = new CreateSchemaObjectsSQLBuilder($platform); return $builder->buildSQL($this); } /** * Return an array of necessary SQL queries to drop the schema on the given platform. * * @return list
*/ public function toDropSql(AbstractPlatform $platform): array { $builder = new DropSchemaObjectsSQLBuilder($platform); return $builder->buildSQL($this); } /** * Cloning a Schema triggers a deep clone of all related assets. */ public function __clone() { foreach ($this->_tables as $k => $table) { $this->_tables[$k] = clone $table; } foreach ($this->_sequences as $k => $sequence) { $this->_sequences[$k] = clone $sequence; } } }