[], ]; protected ?SchemaConfig $_schemaConfig = null; /** * @param array
$columns * @param array
$indexes * @param array
$uniqueConstraints * @param array
$fkConstraints * @param array
$options */ public function __construct( string $name, array $columns = [], array $indexes = [], array $uniqueConstraints = [], array $fkConstraints = [], array $options = [], ) { if ($name === '') { throw InvalidTableName::new($name); } $this->_setName($name); foreach ($columns as $column) { $this->_addColumn($column); } foreach ($indexes as $idx) { $this->_addIndex($idx); } foreach ($uniqueConstraints as $uniqueConstraint) { $this->_addUniqueConstraint($uniqueConstraint); } foreach ($fkConstraints as $fkConstraint) { $this->_addForeignKeyConstraint($fkConstraint); } $this->_options = array_merge($this->_options, $options); } public function setSchemaConfig(SchemaConfig $schemaConfig): void { $this->_schemaConfig = $schemaConfig; } /** * Sets the Primary Key. * * @param array
$columnNames */ public function setPrimaryKey(array $columnNames, ?string $indexName = null): self { if ($indexName === null) { $indexName = 'primary'; } $this->_addIndex($this->_createIndex($columnNames, $indexName, true, true)); foreach ($columnNames as $columnName) { $column = $this->getColumn($columnName); $column->setNotnull(true); } return $this; } /** * @param array
$columnNames * @param array
$flags * @param array
$options */ public function addUniqueConstraint( array $columnNames, ?string $indexName = null, array $flags = [], array $options = [], ): self { $indexName ??= $this->_generateIdentifierName( array_merge([$this->getName()], $columnNames), 'uniq', $this->_getMaxIdentifierLength(), ); return $this->_addUniqueConstraint($this->_createUniqueConstraint($columnNames, $indexName, $flags, $options)); } /** * @param array
$columnNames * @param array
$flags * @param array
$options */ public function addIndex( array $columnNames, ?string $indexName = null, array $flags = [], array $options = [], ): self { $indexName ??= $this->_generateIdentifierName( array_merge([$this->getName()], $columnNames), 'idx', $this->_getMaxIdentifierLength(), ); return $this->_addIndex($this->_createIndex($columnNames, $indexName, false, false, $flags, $options)); } /** * Drops the primary key from this table. */ public function dropPrimaryKey(): void { if ($this->_primaryKeyName === null) { return; } $this->dropIndex($this->_primaryKeyName); $this->_primaryKeyName = null; } /** * Drops an index from this table. */ public function dropIndex(string $name): void { $name = $this->normalizeIdentifier($name); if (! $this->hasIndex($name)) { throw IndexDoesNotExist::new($name, $this->_name); } unset($this->_indexes[$name]); } /** * @param array
$columnNames * @param array
$options */ public function addUniqueIndex(array $columnNames, ?string $indexName = null, array $options = []): self { $indexName ??= $this->_generateIdentifierName( array_merge([$this->getName()], $columnNames), 'uniq', $this->_getMaxIdentifierLength(), ); return $this->_addIndex($this->_createIndex($columnNames, $indexName, true, false, [], $options)); } /** * Renames an index. * * @param string $oldName The name of the index to rename from. * @param string|null $newName The name of the index to rename to. If null is given, the index name * will be auto-generated. */ public function renameIndex(string $oldName, ?string $newName = null): self { $oldName = $this->normalizeIdentifier($oldName); $normalizedNewName = $this->normalizeIdentifier($newName); if ($oldName === $normalizedNewName) { return $this; } if (! $this->hasIndex($oldName)) { throw IndexDoesNotExist::new($oldName, $this->_name); } if ($this->hasIndex($normalizedNewName)) { throw IndexAlreadyExists::new($normalizedNewName, $this->_name); } $oldIndex = $this->_indexes[$oldName]; if ($oldIndex->isPrimary()) { $this->dropPrimaryKey(); return $this->setPrimaryKey($oldIndex->getColumns(), $newName ?? null); } unset($this->_indexes[$oldName]); if ($oldIndex->isUnique()) { return $this->addUniqueIndex($oldIndex->getColumns(), $newName, $oldIndex->getOptions()); } return $this->addIndex($oldIndex->getColumns(), $newName, $oldIndex->getFlags(), $oldIndex->getOptions()); } /** * Checks if an index begins in the order of the given columns. * * @param array
$columnNames */ public function columnsAreIndexed(array $columnNames): bool { foreach ($this->getIndexes() as $index) { if ($index->spansColumns($columnNames)) { return true; } } return false; } /** @param array
$options */ public function addColumn(string $name, string $typeName, array $options = []): Column { $column = new Column($name, Type::getType($typeName), $options); $this->_addColumn($column); return $column; } /** @param array
$options */ public function modifyColumn(string $name, array $options): self { $column = $this->getColumn($name); $column->setOptions($options); return $this; } /** * Drops a Column from the Table. */ public function dropColumn(string $name): self { $name = $this->normalizeIdentifier($name); unset($this->_columns[$name]); return $this; } /** * Adds a foreign key constraint. * * Name is inferred from the local columns. * * @param array
$localColumnNames * @param array
$foreignColumnNames * @param array
$options */ public function addForeignKeyConstraint( string $foreignTableName, array $localColumnNames, array $foreignColumnNames, array $options = [], ?string $name = null, ): self { $name ??= $this->_generateIdentifierName( array_merge([$this->getName()], $localColumnNames), 'fk', $this->_getMaxIdentifierLength(), ); foreach ($localColumnNames as $columnName) { if (! $this->hasColumn($columnName)) { throw ColumnDoesNotExist::new($columnName, $this->_name); } } $constraint = new ForeignKeyConstraint( $localColumnNames, $foreignTableName, $foreignColumnNames, $name, $options, ); return $this->_addForeignKeyConstraint($constraint); } public function addOption(string $name, mixed $value): self { $this->_options[$name] = $value; return $this; } /** * Returns whether this table has a foreign key constraint with the given name. */ public function hasForeignKey(string $name): bool { $name = $this->normalizeIdentifier($name); return isset($this->_fkConstraints[$name]); } /** * Returns the foreign key constraint with the given name. */ public function getForeignKey(string $name): ForeignKeyConstraint { $name = $this->normalizeIdentifier($name); if (! $this->hasForeignKey($name)) { throw ForeignKeyDoesNotExist::new($name, $this->_name); } return $this->_fkConstraints[$name]; } /** * Removes the foreign key constraint with the given name. */ public function removeForeignKey(string $name): void { $name = $this->normalizeIdentifier($name); if (! $this->hasForeignKey($name)) { throw ForeignKeyDoesNotExist::new($name, $this->_name); } unset($this->_fkConstraints[$name]); } /** * Returns whether this table has a unique constraint with the given name. */ public function hasUniqueConstraint(string $name): bool { $name = $this->normalizeIdentifier($name); return isset($this->uniqueConstraints[$name]); } /** * Returns the unique constraint with the given name. */ public function getUniqueConstraint(string $name): UniqueConstraint { $name = $this->normalizeIdentifier($name); if (! $this->hasUniqueConstraint($name)) { throw UniqueConstraintDoesNotExist::new($name, $this->_name); } return $this->uniqueConstraints[$name]; } /** * Removes the unique constraint with the given name. */ public function removeUniqueConstraint(string $name): void { $name = $this->normalizeIdentifier($name); if (! $this->hasUniqueConstraint($name)) { throw UniqueConstraintDoesNotExist::new($name, $this->_name); } unset($this->uniqueConstraints[$name]); } /** * Returns the list of table columns. * * @return list
*/ public function getColumns(): array { return array_values($this->_columns); } /** * Returns whether this table has a Column with the given name. */ public function hasColumn(string $name): bool { $name = $this->normalizeIdentifier($name); return isset($this->_columns[$name]); } /** * Returns the Column with the given name. */ public function getColumn(string $name): Column { $name = $this->normalizeIdentifier($name); if (! $this->hasColumn($name)) { throw ColumnDoesNotExist::new($name, $this->_name); } return $this->_columns[$name]; } /** * Returns the primary key. */ public function getPrimaryKey(): ?Index { if ($this->_primaryKeyName !== null) { return $this->getIndex($this->_primaryKeyName); } return null; } /** * Returns whether this table has an Index with the given name. */ public function hasIndex(string $name): bool { $name = $this->normalizeIdentifier($name); return isset($this->_indexes[$name]); } /** * Returns the Index with the given name. */ public function getIndex(string $name): Index { $name = $this->normalizeIdentifier($name); if (! $this->hasIndex($name)) { throw IndexDoesNotExist::new($name, $this->_name); } return $this->_indexes[$name]; } /** @return array
*/ public function getIndexes(): array { return $this->_indexes; } /** * Returns the unique constraints. * * @return array
*/ public function getUniqueConstraints(): array { return $this->uniqueConstraints; } /** * Returns the foreign key constraints. * * @return array
*/ public function getForeignKeys(): array { return $this->_fkConstraints; } public function hasOption(string $name): bool { return isset($this->_options[$name]); } public function getOption(string $name): mixed { return $this->_options[$name] ?? null; } /** @return array
*/ public function getOptions(): array { return $this->_options; } /** * Clone of a Table triggers a deep clone of all affected assets. */ public function __clone() { foreach ($this->_columns as $k => $column) { $this->_columns[$k] = clone $column; } foreach ($this->_indexes as $k => $index) { $this->_indexes[$k] = clone $index; } foreach ($this->_fkConstraints as $k => $fk) { $this->_fkConstraints[$k] = clone $fk; } } protected function _getMaxIdentifierLength(): int { return $this->_schemaConfig instanceof SchemaConfig ? $this->_schemaConfig->getMaxIdentifierLength() : 63; } protected function _addColumn(Column $column): void { $columnName = $column->getName(); $columnName = $this->normalizeIdentifier($columnName); if (isset($this->_columns[$columnName])) { throw ColumnAlreadyExists::new($this->getName(), $columnName); } $this->_columns[$columnName] = $column; } /** * Adds an index to the table. */ protected function _addIndex(Index $indexCandidate): self { $indexName = $indexCandidate->getName(); $indexName = $this->normalizeIdentifier($indexName); $replacedImplicitIndexes = []; foreach ($this->implicitIndexes as $name => $implicitIndex) { if (! $implicitIndex->isFulfilledBy($indexCandidate) || ! isset($this->_indexes[$name])) { continue; } $replacedImplicitIndexes[] = $name; } if ( (isset($this->_indexes[$indexName]) && ! in_array($indexName, $replacedImplicitIndexes, true)) || ($this->_primaryKeyName !== null && $indexCandidate->isPrimary()) ) { throw IndexAlreadyExists::new($indexName, $this->_name); } foreach ($replacedImplicitIndexes as $name) { unset($this->_indexes[$name], $this->implicitIndexes[$name]); } if ($indexCandidate->isPrimary()) { $this->_primaryKeyName = $indexName; } $this->_indexes[$indexName] = $indexCandidate; return $this; } protected function _addUniqueConstraint(UniqueConstraint $constraint): self { $name = $constraint->getName() !== '' ? $constraint->getName() : $this->_generateIdentifierName( array_merge((array) $this->getName(), $constraint->getColumns()), 'fk', $this->_getMaxIdentifierLength(), ); $name = $this->normalizeIdentifier($name); $this->uniqueConstraints[$name] = $constraint; // If there is already an index that fulfills this requirements drop the request. In the case of __construct // calling this method during hydration from schema-details all the explicitly added indexes lead to duplicates. // This creates computation overhead in this case, however no duplicate indexes are ever added (column based). $indexName = $this->_generateIdentifierName( array_merge([$this->getName()], $constraint->getColumns()), 'idx', $this->_getMaxIdentifierLength(), ); $indexCandidate = $this->_createIndex($constraint->getColumns(), $indexName, true, false); foreach ($this->_indexes as $existingIndex) { if ($indexCandidate->isFulfilledBy($existingIndex)) { return $this; } } $this->implicitIndexes[$this->normalizeIdentifier($indexName)] = $indexCandidate; return $this; } protected function _addForeignKeyConstraint(ForeignKeyConstraint $constraint): self { $name = $constraint->getName() !== '' ? $constraint->getName() : $this->_generateIdentifierName( array_merge((array) $this->getName(), $constraint->getLocalColumns()), 'fk', $this->_getMaxIdentifierLength(), ); $name = $this->normalizeIdentifier($name); $this->_fkConstraints[$name] = $constraint; // add an explicit index on the foreign key columns. // If there is already an index that fulfills this requirements drop the request. In the case of __construct // calling this method during hydration from schema-details all the explicitly added indexes lead to duplicates. // This creates computation overhead in this case, however no duplicate indexes are ever added (column based). $indexName = $this->_generateIdentifierName( array_merge([$this->getName()], $constraint->getLocalColumns()), 'idx', $this->_getMaxIdentifierLength(), ); $indexCandidate = $this->_createIndex($constraint->getLocalColumns(), $indexName, false, false); foreach ($this->_indexes as $existingIndex) { if ($indexCandidate->isFulfilledBy($existingIndex)) { return $this; } } $this->_addIndex($indexCandidate); $this->implicitIndexes[$this->normalizeIdentifier($indexName)] = $indexCandidate; return $this; } /** * Normalizes a given identifier. * * Trims quotes and lowercases the given identifier. */ private function normalizeIdentifier(?string $identifier): string { if ($identifier === null) { return ''; } return $this->trimQuotes(strtolower($identifier)); } public function setComment(string $comment): self { // For keeping backward compatibility with MySQL in previous releases, table comments are stored as options. $this->addOption('comment', $comment); return $this; } public function getComment(): ?string { return $this->_options['comment'] ?? null; } /** * @param array
$columns * @param array
$flags * @param array
$options */ private function _createUniqueConstraint( array $columns, string $indexName, array $flags = [], array $options = [], ): UniqueConstraint { if (preg_match('(([^a-zA-Z0-9_]+))', $this->normalizeIdentifier($indexName)) === 1) { throw IndexNameInvalid::new($indexName); } foreach ($columns as $index => $value) { if (is_string($index)) { $columnName = $index; } else { $columnName = $value; } if (! $this->hasColumn($columnName)) { throw ColumnDoesNotExist::new($columnName, $this->_name); } } return new UniqueConstraint($indexName, $columns, $flags, $options); } /** * @param array
$columns * @param array
$flags * @param array
$options */ private function _createIndex( array $columns, string $indexName, bool $isUnique, bool $isPrimary, array $flags = [], array $options = [], ): Index { if (preg_match('(([^a-zA-Z0-9_]+))', $this->normalizeIdentifier($indexName)) === 1) { throw IndexNameInvalid::new($indexName); } foreach ($columns as $columnName) { if (! $this->hasColumn($columnName)) { throw ColumnDoesNotExist::new($columnName, $this->_name); } } return new Index($indexName, $columns, $isUnique, $isPrimary, $flags, $options); } }