getAllowedProtocols(); if (!array_key_exists($protocol, $allowed_protocols)) { throw new ImageException("Permission denied on $url. The communication protocol is not supported.", E_WARNING); } foreach ($allowed_protocols[$protocol]["rules"] as $rule) { [$result, $message] = $rule($full_url); if (!$result) { throw new ImageException("Error loading $url: $message", E_WARNING); } } } if ($protocol === "file://") { $resolved_url = $full_url; } elseif (isset(self::$_cache[$full_url])) { $resolved_url = self::$_cache[$full_url]; } else { $tmp_dir = $options->getTempDir(); if (($resolved_url = @tempnam($tmp_dir, "ca_dompdf_img_")) === false) { throw new ImageException("Unable to create temporary image in " . $tmp_dir, E_WARNING); } $tempfile = $resolved_url; $image = null; if ($is_data_uri) { if (($parsed_data_uri = Helpers::parse_data_uri($url)) !== false) { $image = $parsed_data_uri["data"]; } } else { list($image, $http_response_header) = Helpers::getFileContent($full_url, $options->getHttpContext()); } // Image not found or invalid if ($image === null) { $msg = ($is_data_uri ? "Data-URI could not be parsed" : "Image not found"); throw new ImageException($msg, E_WARNING); } if (@file_put_contents($resolved_url, $image) === false) { throw new ImageException("Unable to create temporary image in " . $tmp_dir, E_WARNING); } self::$_cache[$full_url] = $resolved_url; } // Check if the local file is readable if (!is_readable($resolved_url) || !filesize($resolved_url)) { throw new ImageException("Image not readable or empty", E_WARNING); } list($width, $height, $type) = Helpers::dompdf_getimagesize($resolved_url, $options->getHttpContext()); if (($width && $height && in_array($type, ["gif", "png", "jpeg", "bmp", "svg","webp"], true)) === false) { throw new ImageException("Image type unknown", E_WARNING); } if ($type === "svg") { $parser = xml_parser_create("utf-8"); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false); xml_set_element_handler( $parser, function ($parser, $name, $attributes) use ($options, $parsed_url, $full_url) { if (strtolower($name) === "image") { if (!\array_key_exists($full_url, self::$svgRefs)) { self::$svgRefs[$full_url] = []; } $attributes = array_change_key_case($attributes, CASE_LOWER); $urls = []; $urls[] = $attributes["xlink:href"] ?? ""; $urls[] = $attributes["href"] ?? ""; foreach ($urls as $url) { if (empty($url)) { continue; } $inner_full_url = Helpers::build_url($parsed_url["protocol"], $parsed_url["host"], $parsed_url["path"], $url); if (empty($inner_full_url)) { continue; } self::detectCircularRef($full_url, $inner_full_url); self::$svgRefs[$full_url][] = $inner_full_url; [$resolved_url, $type, $message] = self::resolve_url($url, $parsed_url["protocol"], $parsed_url["host"], $parsed_url["path"], $options); if (!empty($message)) { throw new ImageException("This SVG document references a restricted resource. $message", E_WARNING); } } } }, false ); if (($fp = fopen($resolved_url, "r")) !== false) { while ($line = fread($fp, 8192)) { xml_parse($parser, $line, false); } fclose($fp); xml_parse($parser, "", true); } xml_parser_free($parser); } } catch (ImageException $e) { if ($tempfile) { unlink($tempfile); } $resolved_url = self::$broken_image; list($width, $height, $type) = Helpers::dompdf_getimagesize($resolved_url, $options->getHttpContext()); $message = self::$error_message; Helpers::record_warnings($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage() . " \n $url", $e->getFile(), $e->getLine()); self::$_cache[$full_url] = $resolved_url; } return [$resolved_url, $type, $message]; } static function detectCircularRef(string $src, string $target) { if (!\array_key_exists($target, self::$svgRefs)) { return; } foreach (self::$svgRefs[$target] as $ref) { if ($ref === $src) { throw new ImageException("Circular external SVG image reference detected.", E_WARNING); } self::detectCircularRef($src, $ref); } } /** * Register a temp file for the given original image file. * * @param string $filePath The path of the original image. * @param string $tempPath The path of the temp file to register. * @param string $key An optional key to register the temp file at. */ static function addTempImage(string $filePath, string $tempPath, string $key = "default"): void { if (!isset(self::$tempImages[$filePath])) { self::$tempImages[$filePath] = []; } self::$tempImages[$filePath][$key] = $tempPath; } /** * Get the path of a temp file registered for the given original image file. * * @param string $filePath The path of the original image. * @param string $key The key the temp file is registered at. */ static function getTempImage(string $filePath, string $key = "default"): ?string { return self::$tempImages[$filePath][$key] ?? null; } /** * Unlink all cached images (i.e. temporary images either downloaded * or converted) except for the bundled "broken image" */ static function clear(bool $debugPng = false) { foreach (self::$_cache as $file) { if ($file === self::$broken_image) { continue; } if ($debugPng) { print "[clear unlink $file]"; } if (file_exists($file)) { unlink($file); } } foreach (self::$tempImages as $versions) { foreach ($versions as $file) { if ($file === self::$broken_image) { continue; } if ($debugPng) { print "[unlink temp image $file]"; } if (file_exists($file)) { unlink($file); } } } self::$_cache = []; self::$tempImages = []; self::$svgRefs = []; } static function detect_type($file, $context = null) { list(, , $type) = Helpers::dompdf_getimagesize($file, $context); return $type; } static function is_broken($url) { return $url === self::$broken_image; } } if (file_exists(realpath(__DIR__ . "/../../lib/res/broken_image.svg"))) { Cache::$broken_image = realpath(__DIR__ . "/../../lib/res/broken_image.svg"); }