_block_frame = $frame; $this->_frames = []; $this->y = $y; $this->get_float_offsets(); } /** * Returns the floating elements inside the first floating parent * * @param Page $root * * @return Frame[] */ public function get_floats_inside(Page $root) { $floating_frames = $root->get_floating_frames(); if (count($floating_frames) == 0) { return $floating_frames; } // Find nearest floating element $p = $this->_block_frame; while ($p->get_style()->float === "none") { $parent = $p->get_parent(); if (!$parent) { break; } $p = $parent; } if ($p == $root) { return $floating_frames; } $parent = $p; $childs = []; foreach ($floating_frames as $_floating) { $p = $_floating->get_parent(); while (($p = $p->get_parent()) && $p !== $parent); if ($p) { $childs[] = $p; } } return $childs; } public function get_float_offsets() { static $anti_infinite_loop = 10000; // FIXME smelly hack $reflower = $this->_block_frame->get_reflower(); if (!$reflower) { return; } $cb_w = null; $block = $this->_block_frame; $root = $block->get_root(); if (!$root) { return; } $style = $this->_block_frame->get_style(); $floating_frames = $this->get_floats_inside($root); $inside_left_floating_width = 0; $inside_right_floating_width = 0; $outside_left_floating_width = 0; $outside_right_floating_width = 0; foreach ($floating_frames as $child_key => $floating_frame) { $floating_frame_parent = $floating_frame->get_parent(); $id = $floating_frame->get_id(); if (isset($this->floating_blocks[$id])) { continue; } $float = $floating_frame->get_style()->float; $floating_width = $floating_frame->get_margin_width(); if (!$cb_w) { $cb_w = $floating_frame->get_containing_block("w"); } $line_w = $this->get_width(); if (!$floating_frame->_float_next_line && ($cb_w <= $line_w + $floating_width) && ($cb_w > $line_w)) { $floating_frame->_float_next_line = true; continue; } // If the child is still shifted by the floating element if ($anti_infinite_loop-- > 0 && $floating_frame->get_position("y") + $floating_frame->get_margin_height() >= $this->y && $block->get_position("x") + $block->get_margin_width() >= $floating_frame->get_position("x") ) { if ($float === "left") { if ($floating_frame_parent === $this->_block_frame) { $inside_left_floating_width += $floating_width; } else { $outside_left_floating_width += $floating_width; } } elseif ($float === "right") { if ($floating_frame_parent === $this->_block_frame) { $inside_right_floating_width += $floating_width; } else { $outside_right_floating_width += $floating_width; } } $this->floating_blocks[$id] = true; } // else, the floating element won't shift anymore else { $root->remove_floating_frame($child_key); } } $this->left += $inside_left_floating_width; if ($outside_left_floating_width > 0 && $outside_left_floating_width > ((float)$style->length_in_pt($style->margin_left) + (float)$style->length_in_pt($style->padding_left))) { $this->left += $outside_left_floating_width - (float)$style->length_in_pt($style->margin_left) - (float)$style->length_in_pt($style->padding_left); } $this->right += $inside_right_floating_width; if ($outside_right_floating_width > 0 && $outside_right_floating_width > ((float)$style->length_in_pt($style->margin_left) + (float)$style->length_in_pt($style->padding_right))) { $this->right += $outside_right_floating_width - (float)$style->length_in_pt($style->margin_right) - (float)$style->length_in_pt($style->padding_right); } } /** * @return float */ public function get_width() { return $this->left + $this->w + $this->right; } /** * @return Block */ public function get_block_frame() { return $this->_block_frame; } /** * @return AbstractFrameDecorator[] */ function &get_frames() { return $this->_frames; } /** * @param AbstractFrameDecorator $frame */ public function add_frame(Frame $frame): void { $this->_frames[] = $frame; if ($frame->get_positioner() instanceof InlinePositioner) { $this->inline = true; } } /** * Remove the frame at the given index and all following frames from the * line. * * @param int $index */ public function remove_frames(int $index): void { $lastIndex = count($this->_frames) - 1; if ($index < 0 || $index > $lastIndex) { return; } for ($i = $lastIndex; $i >= $index; $i--) { $f = $this->_frames[$i]; unset($this->_frames[$i]); $this->w -= $f->get_margin_width(); } // Reset array indices $this->_frames = array_values($this->_frames); // Recalculate the height of the line $h = 0.0; $this->inline = false; foreach ($this->_frames as $f) { $h = max($h, $f->get_margin_height()); if ($f->get_positioner() instanceof InlinePositioner) { $this->inline = true; } } $this->h = $h; } /** * Get the `outside` positioned list markers to be vertically aligned with * the line box. * * @return ListBullet[] */ public function get_list_markers(): array { return $this->list_markers; } /** * Add a list marker to the line box. * * The list marker is only added for the purpose of vertical alignment, it * is not actually added to the list of frames of the line box. */ public function add_list_marker(ListBullet $marker): void { $this->list_markers[] = $marker; } /** * An iterator of all list markers and inline positioned frames of the line * box. * * @return \Iterator
*/ public function frames_to_align(): \Iterator { yield from $this->list_markers; foreach ($this->_frames as $frame) { if ($frame->get_positioner() instanceof InlinePositioner) { yield $frame; } } } /** * Trim trailing whitespace from the line. */ public function trim_trailing_ws(): void { $lastIndex = count($this->_frames) - 1; if ($lastIndex < 0) { return; } $lastFrame = $this->_frames[$lastIndex]; $reflower = $lastFrame->get_reflower(); if ($reflower instanceof TextFrameReflower && !$lastFrame->is_pre()) { $reflower->trim_trailing_ws(); $this->recalculate_width(); } } /** * Recalculate LineBox width based on the contained frames total width. * * @return float */ public function recalculate_width(): float { $width = 0.0; foreach ($this->_frames as $frame) { $width += $frame->get_margin_width(); } return $this->w = $width; } /** * @return string */ public function __toString(): string { $props = ["wc", "y", "w", "h", "left", "right", "br"]; $s = ""; foreach ($props as $prop) { $s .= "$prop: " . $this->$prop . "\n"; } $s .= count($this->_frames) . " frames\n"; return $s; } } /* class LineBoxList implements Iterator { private $_p = 0; private $_lines = array(); } */