* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Ramsey\Uuid\Rfc4122; use Ramsey\Uuid\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Ramsey\Uuid\Fields\SerializableFieldsTrait; use Ramsey\Uuid\Type\Hexadecimal; use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid; use function bin2hex; use function dechex; use function hexdec; use function sprintf; use function str_pad; use function strlen; use function substr; use function unpack; use const STR_PAD_LEFT; /** * RFC 4122 variant UUIDs are comprised of a set of named fields * * Internally, this class represents the fields together as a 16-byte binary * string. * * @psalm-immutable */ final class Fields implements FieldsInterface { use MaxTrait; use NilTrait; use SerializableFieldsTrait; use VariantTrait; use VersionTrait; /** * @param string $bytes A 16-byte binary string representation of a UUID * * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the byte string is not exactly 16 bytes * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the byte string does not represent an RFC 4122 UUID * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the byte string does not contain a valid version */ public function __construct(private string $bytes) { if (strlen($this->bytes) !== 16) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'The byte string must be 16 bytes long; ' . 'received ' . strlen($this->bytes) . ' bytes' ); } if (!$this->isCorrectVariant()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'The byte string received does not conform to the RFC 4122 variant' ); } if (!$this->isCorrectVersion()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'The byte string received does not contain a valid RFC 4122 version' ); } } public function getBytes(): string { return $this->bytes; } public function getClockSeq(): Hexadecimal { if ($this->isMax()) { $clockSeq = 0xffff; } elseif ($this->isNil()) { $clockSeq = 0x0000; } else { $clockSeq = hexdec(bin2hex(substr($this->bytes, 8, 2))) & 0x3fff; } return new Hexadecimal(str_pad(dechex($clockSeq), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)); } public function getClockSeqHiAndReserved(): Hexadecimal { return new Hexadecimal(bin2hex(substr($this->bytes, 8, 1))); } public function getClockSeqLow(): Hexadecimal { return new Hexadecimal(bin2hex(substr($this->bytes, 9, 1))); } public function getNode(): Hexadecimal { return new Hexadecimal(bin2hex(substr($this->bytes, 10))); } public function getTimeHiAndVersion(): Hexadecimal { return new Hexadecimal(bin2hex(substr($this->bytes, 6, 2))); } public function getTimeLow(): Hexadecimal { return new Hexadecimal(bin2hex(substr($this->bytes, 0, 4))); } public function getTimeMid(): Hexadecimal { return new Hexadecimal(bin2hex(substr($this->bytes, 4, 2))); } /** * Returns the full 60-bit timestamp, without the version * * For version 2 UUIDs, the time_low field is the local identifier and * should not be returned as part of the time. For this reason, we set the * bottom 32 bits of the timestamp to 0's. As a result, there is some loss * of fidelity of the timestamp, for version 2 UUIDs. The timestamp can be * off by a range of 0 to 429.4967295 seconds (or 7 minutes, 9 seconds, and * 496730 microseconds). * * For version 6 UUIDs, the timestamp order is reversed from the typical RFC * 4122 order (the time bits are in the correct bit order, so that it is * monotonically increasing). In returning the timestamp value, we put the * bits in the order: time_low + time_mid + time_hi. */ public function getTimestamp(): Hexadecimal { $timestamp = match ($this->getVersion()) { Uuid::UUID_TYPE_DCE_SECURITY => sprintf( '%03x%04s%08s', hexdec($this->getTimeHiAndVersion()->toString()) & 0x0fff, $this->getTimeMid()->toString(), '' ), Uuid::UUID_TYPE_REORDERED_TIME => sprintf( '%08s%04s%03x', $this->getTimeLow()->toString(), $this->getTimeMid()->toString(), hexdec($this->getTimeHiAndVersion()->toString()) & 0x0fff ), // The Unix timestamp in version 7 UUIDs is a 48-bit number, // but for consistency, we will return a 60-bit number, padded // to the left with zeros. Uuid::UUID_TYPE_UNIX_TIME => sprintf( '%011s%04s', $this->getTimeLow()->toString(), $this->getTimeMid()->toString(), ), default => sprintf( '%03x%04s%08s', hexdec($this->getTimeHiAndVersion()->toString()) & 0x0fff, $this->getTimeMid()->toString(), $this->getTimeLow()->toString() ), }; return new Hexadecimal($timestamp); } public function getVersion(): ?int { if ($this->isNil() || $this->isMax()) { return null; } /** @var int[] $parts */ $parts = unpack('n*', $this->bytes); return $parts[4] >> 12; } private function isCorrectVariant(): bool { if ($this->isNil() || $this->isMax()) { return true; } return $this->getVariant() === Uuid::RFC_4122; } }