*/ final class Clock implements ClockInterface { private static ClockInterface $globalClock; public function __construct( private readonly ?PsrClockInterface $clock = null, private ?\DateTimeZone $timezone = null, ) { } /** * Returns the current global clock. * * Note that you should prefer injecting a ClockInterface or using * ClockAwareTrait when possible instead of using this method. */ public static function get(): ClockInterface { return self::$globalClock ??= new NativeClock(); } public static function set(PsrClockInterface $clock): void { self::$globalClock = $clock instanceof ClockInterface ? $clock : new self($clock); } public function now(): DatePoint { $now = ($this->clock ?? self::get())->now(); if (!$now instanceof DatePoint) { $now = DatePoint::createFromInterface($now); } return isset($this->timezone) ? $now->setTimezone($this->timezone) : $now; } public function sleep(float|int $seconds): void { $clock = $this->clock ?? self::get(); if ($clock instanceof ClockInterface) { $clock->sleep($seconds); } else { (new NativeClock())->sleep($seconds); } } /** * @throws \DateInvalidTimeZoneException When $timezone is invalid */ public function withTimeZone(\DateTimeZone|string $timezone): static { if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80300 && \is_string($timezone)) { $timezone = new \DateTimeZone($timezone); } elseif (\is_string($timezone)) { try { $timezone = new \DateTimeZone($timezone); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \DateInvalidTimeZoneException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); } } $clone = clone $this; $clone->timezone = $timezone; return $clone; } }