/*! * WHMCS Dynamic Client Dropdown Library * * Based upon Selectize.js * * @copyright Copyright (c) WHMCS Limited 2005-2015 * @license http://www.whmcs.com/license/ WHMCS Eula */ $(document).ready(function(){ if (typeof WHMCS.selectize !== "undefined") { jQuery('.selectize-client-search').data('search-url', getClientSearchPostUrl()); WHMCS.selectize.clientSearch(); } else { var clientDropdown = jQuery(".selectize-client-search"); var clientSearchSelectize = clientDropdown.selectize( { plugins: ['whmcs_no_results'], valueField: clientDropdown.data('value-field'), labelField: 'name', searchField: ['name', 'email', 'companyname'], create: false, maxItems: 1, preload: 'focus', optgroupField: 'status', optgroupLabelField: 'name', optgroupValueField: 'id', optgroups: [ {$order: 1, id: 'active', name: clientDropdown.data('active-label')}, {$order: 2, id: 'inactive', name: clientDropdown.data('inactive-label')} ], render: { item: function (item, escape) { if (typeof dropdownSelectClient == "function") { dropdownSelectClient( escape(item.id), escape(item.name) + (item.companyname ? ' (' + escape(item.companyname) + ')' : '') + (item.id > 0 ? ' - #' + escape(item.id) : ''), escape(item.email) ); } return '
' + escape(item.name) + (item.companyname ? ' (' + escape(item.companyname) + ')' : '') + (item.id > 0 ? ' - #' + escape(item.id) : '') + '
'; }, option: function (item, escape) { return '
' + escape(item.name) + (item.companyname ? ' (' + escape(item.companyname) + ')' : '') + (item.id > 0 ? ' - #' + escape(item.id) : '') + '
' + (item.email ? '
' + escape(item.email) + '
' : '') + '
'; } }, load: function (query, callback) { jQuery.ajax({ url: getClientSearchPostUrl(), type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: { dropdownsearchq: query, clientId: currentValue }, error: function () { callback(); }, success: function (res) { callback(res); } }); }, score: function(search) { var score = this.getScoreFunction(search); return function(item) { var thisScore = score(item); if (thisScore && item.status === 'inactive') { thisScore = 0.0000001; } return thisScore; }; }, onChange: function (value) { if (jQuery('#goButton').length) { if (value.length && value != currentValue) { jQuery('#goButton').click(); } } }, onFocus: function () { currentValue = clientSearchSelectize.getValue(); clientSearchSelectize.clear(); }, onBlur: function () { if (clientSearchSelectize.getValue() == '' || clientSearchSelectize.getValue() < 1) { clientSearchSelectize.setValue(currentValue); } } }); var currentValue = ''; if (clientSearchSelectize.length) { /** * selectize assigns any items to an array. In order to be able to run additional * functions on this (like auto-submit and clear). * * @link https://github.com/brianreavis/selectize.js/blob/master/examples/api.html */ clientSearchSelectize = clientSearchSelectize[0].selectize; } } });