/** * WHMCS Telephone Country Code Dropdown * * Using https://github.com/jackocnr/intl-tel-input * * @copyright Copyright (c) WHMCS Limited 2005-2019 * @license https://www.whmcs.com/license/ WHMCS Eula */ jQuery(document).ready(function() { const telephoneSharedCountries = new Map([ ['um', 'us'], // United States Outlying Islands shares dialing code with the US ['ic', 'es'], // Canary Islands shares dialing code with Spain ['gs', 'fk'], // South Georgia and Sandwich Islands shares dialing code with Falkland Islands ['aq', 'nf'], // Antarctica shares dialing code with Norfolk Island ['tf', 're'], // French Southern Territories shares dialing code with Réunion (La Réunion) ['hm', 'nf'], // Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands shares dialing code with Norfolk Island ['an', 'bq'], // Netherlands Antilles shares dialing code with Caribbean Netherlands ['pn', 'nz'], // Pitcairn shares dialing code with New Zealand ]); function assertTelephoneCountry(country) { country = country.toLowerCase(); if (telephoneSharedCountries.has(country)) { return telephoneSharedCountries.get(country); } return country; } if (typeof customCountryData !== "undefined") { var teleCountryData = $.fn['intlTelInput'].getCountryData(); for (var code in customCountryData) { if (customCountryData.hasOwnProperty(code)) { var countryDetails = customCountryData[code]; codeLower = code.toLowerCase(); if (countryDetails === false) { for (var i = 0; i < teleCountryData.length; i++) { if (codeLower === teleCountryData[i].iso2) { teleCountryData.splice(i, 1); break; } } } else { teleCountryData.push( { name: countryDetails.name, iso2: codeLower, dialCode: countryDetails.callingCode, priority: 0, areaCodes: null } ); } } } } if (jQuery('body').data('phone-cc-input')) { var phoneInput = jQuery('input[name^="phone"], input[name$="phone"], input[name="domaincontactphonenumber"]').not('input[type="hidden"]'); if (phoneInput.length) { var countryInput = jQuery('[name^="country"], [name$="country"]'), initialCountry = 'us'; if (countryInput.length) { initialCountry = assertTelephoneCountry(countryInput.val()); } phoneInput.each(function(){ var thisInput = jQuery(this), inputName = thisInput.attr('name'); if (inputName === 'domaincontactphonenumber') { initialCountry = jQuery('[name="domaincontactcountry"]').val().toLowerCase(); } jQuery(this).before( '
' ); try { thisInput.intlTelInput({ preferredCountries: [initialCountry, "us", "gb"].filter(function (value, index, self) { return self.indexOf(value) === index; }), initialCountry: initialCountry, autoPlaceholder: 'polite', //always show the helper placeholder separateDialCode: true }); } catch (error) { console.log(error.message); return false; } thisInput.on('countrychange', function (e, countryData) { jQuery('#populatedCountryCode' + inputName).val(countryData.dialCode); if (jQuery(this).val() === '+' + countryData.dialCode) { jQuery(this).val(''); } }); thisInput.on('blur keydown', function (e) { if (e.type === 'blur' || (e.type === 'keydown' && e.keyCode === 13)) { var number = jQuery(this).intlTelInput("getNumber"), countryData = jQuery(this).intlTelInput("getSelectedCountryData"), countryPrefix = '+' + countryData.dialCode; if (number.indexOf(countryPrefix) === 0 && (number.match(/\+/g) || []).length > 1) { number = number.substr(countryPrefix.length); } jQuery(this).intlTelInput("setNumber", number); } }); jQuery('#populatedCountryCode' + inputName).val(thisInput.intlTelInput('getSelectedCountryData').dialCode); countryInput.on('change', function() { if (thisInput.val() === '') { var country = assertTelephoneCountry(jQuery(this).val()); try { phoneInput.intlTelInput('setCountry', country); } catch (error) { console.log(error.message); return false; } } }); // this must be .attr (not .data) in order for it to be found by [data-initial-value] selector thisInput.attr('data-initial-value', $(thisInput).val()); thisInput.parents('form').find('input[type=reset]').each(function() { var resetButton = this; var form = $(resetButton).parents('form'); if (!$(resetButton).data('phone-handler')) { $(resetButton).data('phone-handler', true); $(resetButton).click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); $(form).trigger('reset'); $(form).find('input[data-initial-value]').each(function() { var inputToReset = this; $(inputToReset).val( $(inputToReset).attr('data-initial-value') ); }); return false; }); } }); }); /** * In places where a form icon is present, hide it. * Where the input has a class of field, remove that and add form-control in place. */ phoneInput.parents('div.form-group').find('.field-icon').hide().end(); phoneInput.removeClass('field').addClass('form-control'); } var registrarPhoneInput = jQuery('input[name$="][Phone Number]"], input[name$="][Phone]"]').not('input[type="hidden"]'); if (registrarPhoneInput.length) { jQuery.each(registrarPhoneInput, function(index, input) { var thisInput = jQuery(this), inputName = thisInput.attr('name'); inputName = inputName.replace('contactdetails[', '').replace('][Phone Number]', '').replace('][Phone]', ''); var countryInput = jQuery('[name$="' + inputName + '][Country]"]'), initialCountry = assertTelephoneCountry(countryInput.val()); thisInput.before('
'); thisInput.intlTelInput({ preferredCountries: [initialCountry, "us", "gb"].filter(function(value, index, self) { return self.indexOf(value) === index; }), initialCountry: initialCountry, autoPlaceholder: 'polite', //always show the helper placeholder separateDialCode: true }); thisInput.on('countrychange', function (e, countryData) { jQuery('#populated' + inputName + 'CountryCode').val(countryData.dialCode); if (jQuery(this).val() === '+' + countryData.dialCode) { jQuery(this).val(''); } }); thisInput.on('blur keydown', function (e) { if (e.type === 'blur' || (e.type === 'keydown' && e.keyCode === 13)) { var number = jQuery(this).intlTelInput("getNumber"), countryData = jQuery(this).intlTelInput("getSelectedCountryData"), countryPrefix = '+' + countryData.dialCode; if (number.indexOf(countryPrefix) === 0 && (number.match(/\+/g) || []).length > 1) { number = number.substr(countryPrefix.length); } jQuery(this).intlTelInput("setNumber", number); } }); jQuery('#populated' + inputName + 'CountryCode').val(thisInput.intlTelInput('getSelectedCountryData').dialCode); countryInput.on('blur', function() { if (thisInput.val() === '') { var country = assertTelephoneCountry(jQuery(this).val()); thisInput.intlTelInput('setCountry', country); } }); }); } } });