Typical uses for this include producing hard paper copies for mailing to clients or record keeping. DESCRIPTION; require("../includes/gatewayfunctions.php"); if ($noresults) { infoBox("No Invoices Match Criteria", "No invoices were found matching the criteria you specified"); $reportdata["description"] .= $infobox; } $range = App::getFromRequest('range'); if (!$range) { $today = Carbon::today()->endOfDay(); $lastMonth = Carbon::today()->subDays(29)->startOfDay(); $range = $lastMonth->toAdminDateFormat() . ' - ' . $today->toAdminDateFormat(); } $clientsDropDown = $aInt->clientsDropDown($userid, false, 'userid', true); $gatewayOptions = ''; foreach (GatewaySetting::getActiveGatewayFriendlyNames() as $gateway => $friendlyName) { $gatewayOptions .= "
"; } $statusOptions = ''; foreach (Invoices::getInvoiceStatusValues() as $invoiceStatusOption) { if ($invoiceStatusOption == 'Unpaid') { $isSelected = 'selected'; } else { $isSelected = ''; } $optionName = $aInt->lang('status', strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $invoiceStatusOption))); $statusOptions .= "
"; } $reportdata["headertext"] = <<
Client Name
Filter By
Date Created
Due Date
Date Paid
Date Range
Payment Methods
Sort Order
Invoice ID
Invoice Number
Date Paid
Due Date
Client ID
Client Name
HTML; $report = '';