* @copyright Copyright (c) WHMCS Limited 2005-2019 * @license https://www.whmcs.com/license/ WHMCS Eula * @version $Id$ * @link https://www.whmcs.com/ */ use WHMCS\Billing\Tax\Vat; use WHMCS\Database\Capsule; use WHMCS\Utility\Country; if (!defined("WHMCS")) { die("This file cannot be accessed directly"); } // Define report parameters. $reportdata['title'] = "VAT MOSS Settlement Data"; $reportdata['description'] = "This report provides the information needed to complete a VATMOSS return. " . "Please check with your tax authority to confirm how you can upload your settlement data into the MOSS portal. " . "You should also contact your MOSS registration country if you have any further questions in relation to the MOSS return."; // Fetch input parameters. $reportQuarter = $whmcs->get_req_var('reportquarter'); // List of EU Countries. $euCountries = array_keys(Vat::EU_COUNTRIES); // Quarter definitions. $periodLabels = array( 1 => 'January - March', 2 => 'April - June', 3 => 'July - September', 4 => 'October - December', ); // Initialise variables. $queryStartDate = ''; $queryEndDate = ''; $selectHtml = ''; $currencyCode = (isset($currency['code'])) ? $currency['code'] : ''; // Build dropdown of quarters. $periods = array(); for ($i = 2015; $i <= date("Y"); $i++) { $quartersToShow = ($i < date("Y")) ? 4 : ceil(date("m") / 3); for ($a = 1; $a <= $quartersToShow; $a++) { $periodLabel = $i . ' Q' . $a . ' - ' . $periodLabels[$a]; $selectHtml .= '
' . $periodLabel . '
'; if ($periodLabel == $reportQuarter) { $queryStartDate = mktime(0, 0, 0, (($a-1)*3)+1, 1, $i); $queryEndDate = mktime(0, 0, 0, ($a*3)+1, 0, $i); } } } // Form to select quarter. $reportdata['description'] .= '
Select Quarter:
' . $selectHtml . '
'; if (!$reportQuarter) { $reportdata['headertext'] .= '
Currency selection will become available on report generation.
'; } // Generate report if period is selected. if ($queryStartDate && $queryEndDate) { $reportdata['currencyselections'] = true; // Define table headings. $reportdata['tableheadings'] = array( 'Country Name', 'Country Code', 'VAT Rate', 'Number of Invoices', 'Total Value Invoiced (Excl. VAT)', 'Total VAT Collected', 'Currency', ); // Output reporting period. $reportdata['headertext'] .= '
For Period ' . date("jS F Y", $queryStartDate) . ' to ' . date("jS F Y", $queryEndDate) . '
'; // Fetch country names. $countries = new Country(); $countries = $countries->getCountryNameArray(); // Fetch all configured country based tax rates. $taxRates = Capsule::table('tbltax') ->where('state', '') ->where('country', '!=', '') ->pluck('taxrate', 'country') ->all(); // Build query to calculate data for report. $results = Capsule::table('tblinvoices') ->select( 'tblclients.country', 'tblinvoicedata.country as invoice_country', Capsule::raw('count(tblinvoices.id) as `invoicecount`'), Capsule::raw('sum(tblinvoices.subtotal) as `totalinvoiced`'), Capsule::raw('sum(tblinvoices.tax + tblinvoices.tax2) as `totalvat`') ) ->distinct() ->join('tblclients', 'tblclients.id', '=', 'tblinvoices.userid') ->leftJoin('tblinvoicedata', 'tblinvoices.id', '=', 'tblinvoicedata.invoice_id') ->leftJoin('tblinvoiceitems', function ($join) { $join->on('tblinvoiceitems.invoiceid', '=', 'tblinvoices.id'); $join->on(function ($join) { $join ->on('tblinvoiceitems.type', '=', Capsule::raw('"Add Funds"')) ->orOn('tblinvoiceitems.type', '=', Capsule::raw('"Invoice"')); }); }) ->where(function ($query) { $query->where('tblinvoices.tax', '>', '0') ->orWhere('tblinvoices.tax2', '>', '0'); }) ->where(function ($query) use ($euCountries) { $query->where(function ($query) use ($euCountries) { $query->whereNotNull('tblinvoicedata.country') ->whereIn('tblinvoicedata.country', $euCountries); }) ->orWhere(function ($query) use ($euCountries) { $query->whereNull('tblinvoicedata.country') ->whereIn('tblclients.country', $euCountries); }); }) ->whereBetween('datepaid', [ date("Y-m-d", $queryStartDate), date("Y-m-d", $queryEndDate) . ' 23:59:59', ]) ->where('tblinvoices.status', '=', 'Paid') ->where('currency', '=', (int) $currencyid) ->whereNull('tblinvoiceitems.id') ->groupBy('tblclients.country') ->orderBy('tblclients.country', 'asc') ->get(); foreach ($results as $result) { $countryCode = $result->country; if ($result->invoice_country) { $countryCode = $result->invoice_country; } $invoiceCount = $result->invoicecount; $totalInvoiced = $result->totalinvoiced; $totalVat = $result->totalvat; if (isset($countries[$countryCode])) { $countryName = $countries[$countryCode]; } else { $countryName = 'Unrecognised Country'; } if (isset($taxRates[$countryCode])) { $taxRate = $taxRates[$countryCode] . '%'; } else { $taxRate = 'Tax Rate Not Found'; } $reportdata['tablevalues'][] = [ $countryName, $countryCode, $taxRate, $invoiceCount, $totalInvoiced, $totalVat, $currencyCode, ]; } $reportdata['footertext'] = "* If a country does not appear in the report, then no VAT was collected " . "from customers in that country during the period selected."; $reportdata['footertext'] .= "
Isle of Man (GB) and Monaco (FR) are listed in this report as " . "EU Overseas Territories of their respective countries and should be included in any figures " . "provided to tax authorities. " . "
More Information
"; }