Dear [CustomerName],
Thank you for your domain transfer order. Your order has been received and we have now initiated the transfer process. The details of the domain purchase are below:
Domain: [Domain]Registration Length: [RegPeriod]Transfer Price: [FirstPaymentAmount]Renewal Price: [RecurringAmount]Next Due Date: [NextDueDate]
You may login to your client area at [ClientAreaLink] to manage your domain.
Thank you for your domain renewal order. Your domain renewal request for the domain listed below has now been completed.
Domain: [Domain]Renewal Length: [RegPeriod]Renewal Price: [RecurringAmount]Next Due Date: [NextDueDate]
The domain name listed below will expire in [DaysUntilExpiry] days.
[Domain] - [NextDueDate]
To ensure the domain does not expire, you should renew it now. You can do this from the domains management section of our client area here: [ClientAreaLink]
Should you allow the domain to expire, you will be able to renew it for up to 30 days after the renewal date. During this time, the domain will not be accessible so any web site or email services associated with it will stop working.