Dear {$client_name},
This is a notification that your service has now been suspended. The details of this suspension are below:
Product/Service: {$service_product_name}{if $service_domain}Domain: {$service_domain}{/if}Amount: {$service_recurring_amount}Due Date: {$service_next_due_date}Suspension Reason: {$service_suspension_reason}
Please contact us as soon as possible to get your service reactivated.
An order has received its first payment but the automatic provisioning has failed and requires you to manually check & resolve.
Client ID: {$client_id}{if $service_id}Service ID: {$service_id}Product/Service: {$service_product}Domain: {$service_domain}{else}Domain ID: {$domain_id}Registration Type: {$domain_type}Domain: {$domain_name}{/if}Error: {$error_msg}
An order has received its first payment and the product/service has been automatically provisioned successfully.
Client ID: {$client_id}{if $service_id}Service ID: {$service_id}Product/Service: {$service_product}Domain: {$service_domain}{else}Domain ID: {$domain_id}Registration Type: {$domain_type}Domain: {$domain_name}{/if}
An invoice for the renewal of a domain has been paid but the renewal request submitted to the registrar failed.
Client ID: {$client_id}Domain ID: {$domain_id}Domain Name: {$domain_name}Error: {$error_msg}
An invoice for the renewal of a domain has been paid and the renewal request was submitted to the registrar successfully.
Client ID: {$client_id}Domain ID: {$domain_id}Domain Name: {$domain_name}
Order Information
Order ID: {$order_id}\r\nOrder Number: {$order_number}\r\nDate/Time: {$order_date}\r\nInvoice Number: {$invoice_id}\r\nPayment Method: {$order_payment_method}
Customer Information
Customer ID: {$client_id}\r\nName: {$client_first_name} {$client_last_name}\r\nEmail: {$client_email}\r\nCompany: {$client_company_name}\r\nAddress 1: {$client_address1}\r\nAddress 2: {$client_address2}\r\nCity: {$client_city}\r\nState: {$client_state}\r\nPostcode: {$client_postcode}\r\nCountry: {$client_country}\r\nPhone Number: {$client_phonenumber}
Order Items
Order Notes
ISP Information
IP: {$client_ip}\r\nHost: {$client_hostname}
This product/service has received its next payment but the automatic reactivation has failed.
Client ID: {$client_id}Service ID: {$service_id}Product/Service: {$service_product}Domain: {$service_domain}Error: {$error_msg}
This product/service has received its next payment and has been reactivated successfully.
Client ID: {$client_id}Service ID: {$service_id}Product/Service: {$service_product}Domain: {$service_domain}
A new support ticket has been opened.
Client: {$client_name}{if $client_id} #{$client_id}{/if}Department: {$ticket_department}Subject: {$ticket_subject}Priority: {$ticket_priority}
You can respond to this ticket by simply replying to this email or through the admin area at the url below.
A new support ticket response has been made.
Client: {$client_name}{if $client_id} #{$client_id}{/if} Department: {$ticket_department} Subject: {$ticket_subject} Priority: {$ticket_priority}
--- {$ticket_message} ---