The department this ticket is assigned to has been changed to a department you are a member of.
Client: {$client_name}{if $client_id} #{$client_id}{/if}Department: {$ticket_department}Subject: {$ticket_subject}Priority: {$ticket_priority}
You can respond to this ticket by simply replying to this email or through the admin area at the url below.
Dear {$client_name},
This is confirmation that a {if $invoice_status eq "Refunded"}full{else}partial{/if} refund has been processed for Invoice #{$invoice_num}
The refund has been {if $invoice_refund_type eq "credit"}credited to your account balance with us{else}returned via the payment method you originally paid with{/if}.
Amount Refunded: {$invoice_last_payment_amount}{if $invoice_last_payment_transid}Transaction #: {$invoice_last_payment_transid}{/if}
You may review your invoice history at any time by logging in to your client area.