A new cancellation request has been submitted.
Client ID: {$client_id}Client Name: {$clientname}Service ID: {$service_id}Product Name: {$product_name}Cancellation Type: {$service_cancellation_type}Cancellation Reason: {$service_cancellation_reason}
Dear {$client_name},
This email is to confirm that we have received your cancellation request for the service listed below.
Product/Service: {$service_product_name}Domain: {$service_domain}
{if $service_cancellation_type=="Immediate"}The service will be terminated within the next 24 hours.{else}The service will be cancelled at the end of your current billing period on {$service_next_due_date}.{/if}
Thank you for using {$company_name} and we hope to see you again in the future.
A new support ticket has been flagged to you.
Ticket #: {$ticket_tid}Client Name: {$client_name} (ID {$client_id})Department: {$ticket_department}Subject: {$ticket_subject}Priority: {$ticket_priority}
Recently you placed a domain transfer order with us but unfortunately it has failed. The reason for the failure if available is shown below so once this has been resolved, please contact us to re-attempt the transfer.
Domain: {$domain_name}Failure Reason: {$domain_transfer_failure_reason}
If you have any questions, please open a support ticket from our client area @ {$whmcs_link}
{if $days_until_expiry}The domain(s) listed below are due to expire within the next {$days_until_expiry} days.{else}The domain(s) listed below are going to expire in {$domain_days_until_expiry} days. Renew now before it\'s too late...{/if}
{if $expiring_domains}{foreach from=$expiring_domains item=domain}{$domain.name} - {$domain.nextduedate} ({$domain.days} Days){/foreach}{else}{$domain_name} - {$domain_next_due_date} ({$domain_days_until_nextdue} Days){/if}
To ensure the domain does not expire, you should renew it now. You can do this from the domains management section of our client area here: {$whmcs_link}
Should you allow the domain to expire, you will be able to renew it for up to 30 days after the renewal date. During this time, the domain will not be accessible so any web site or email services associated with it will stop working.
Here is the quote you requested for {$quote_subject}. The quote is valid until {$quote_valid_until}. You may {if $client_id}view the quote at any time at {$quote_link} and {/if}simply reply to this email with any further questions or requirement.
\r\nDear {$client_name}, \r\n
\r\nThis is a confirmation that quote generated on {$quote_date_created} has been accepted by you and invoice # {$invoice_num} is generated.\r\n
\r\n{$signature} \r\n
A quote has been accepted by the following customer.
Customer Information
Customer ID: {$client_id}\r\nName: {$clientname}\r\nEmail: {$client_email}\r\nCompany: {$client_company_name}\r\nAddress 1: {$client_address1}\r\nAddress 2: {$client_address2}\r\nCity: {$client_city}\r\nState: {$client_state}\r\nPostcode: {$client_postcode}\r\nCountry: {$client_country}\r\nPhone Number: {$client_phonenumber}
Quote Information
Quote #: {$quote_number}\r\nQuote Subject: {$quote_subject}