Dear {$client_name},
Recently a request was submitted to reset your password for our client area. If you did not request this, please ignore this email. It will expire and become useless in 2 hours time.
To reset your password, please visit the url below:{$pw_reset_url}
When you visit the link above, your password will be reset, and the new password will be emailed to you.
As you requested, your password for our client area has now been reset.
If it was not at your request, then please contact support immediately.
The escalation rule {$rule_name} has just been applied to this ticket.
Client: {$client_name}{if $client_id} #{$client_id}{/if} Department: {$ticket_department} Subject: {$ticket_subject} Priority: {$ticket_priority}
You can respond to this ticket by simply replying to this email or through the admin area at the url below.
This support request has been marked as completed.
We would really appreciate it if you would just take a moment to let us know about the quality of your experience.
Your feedback is very important to us.
Thank you for your business.