0, 'before' => null]; /** @var array Required configuration options. */ private static $required = [ 'acceptors', 'delay', 'maxAttempts', 'operation', ]; /** * The array of configuration options include: * * - acceptors: (array) Array of acceptor options * - delay: (int) Number of seconds to delay between attempts * - maxAttempts: (int) Maximum number of attempts before failing * - operation: (string) Name of the API operation to use for polling * - before: (callable) Invoked before attempts. Accepts command and tries. * * @param AwsClientInterface $client Client used to execute commands. * @param string $name Waiter name. * @param array $args Command arguments. * @param array $config Waiter config that overrides defaults. * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the configuration is incomplete. */ public function __construct( AwsClientInterface $client, $name, array $args = [], array $config = [] ) { $this->client = $client; $this->name = $name; $this->args = $args; // Prepare and validate config. $this->config = $config + self::$defaults; foreach (self::$required as $key) { if (!isset($this->config[$key])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'The provided waiter configuration was incomplete.' ); } } if ($this->config['before'] && !is_callable($this->config['before'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'The provided "before" callback is not callable.' ); } } public function promise() { return Promise\coroutine(function () { $name = $this->config['operation']; for ($state = 'retry', $attempt = 1; $state === 'retry'; $attempt++) { // Execute the operation. $args = $this->getArgsForAttempt($attempt); $command = $this->client->getCommand($name, $args); try { if ($this->config['before']) { $this->config['before']($command, $attempt); } $result = (yield $this->client->executeAsync($command)); } catch (AwsException $e) { $result = $e; } // Determine the waiter's state and what to do next. $state = $this->determineState($result); if ($state === 'success') { yield $command; } elseif ($state === 'failed') { $msg = "The {$this->name} waiter entered a failure state."; if ($result instanceof \Exception) { $msg .= ' Reason: ' . $result->getMessage(); } yield new RejectedPromise(new \RuntimeException($msg)); } elseif ($state === 'retry' && $attempt >= $this->config['maxAttempts'] ) { $state = 'failed'; yield new RejectedPromise(new \RuntimeException( "The {$this->name} waiter failed after attempt #{$attempt}." )); } } }); } /** * Gets the operation arguments for the attempt, including the delay. * * @param $attempt Number of the current attempt. * * @return mixed integer */ private function getArgsForAttempt($attempt) { $args = $this->args; // Determine the delay. $delay = ($attempt === 1) ? $this->config['initDelay'] : $this->config['delay']; if (is_callable($delay)) { $delay = $delay($attempt); } // Set the delay. (Note: handlers except delay in milliseconds.) if (!isset($args['@http'])) { $args['@http'] = []; } $args['@http']['delay'] = $delay * 1000; return $args; } /** * Determines the state of the waiter attempt, based on the result of * polling the resource. A waiter can have the state of "success", "failed", * or "retry". * * @param mixed $result * * @return string Will be "success", "failed", or "retry" */ private function determineState($result) { foreach ($this->config['acceptors'] as $acceptor) { $matcher = 'matches' . ucfirst($acceptor['matcher']); if ($this->{$matcher}($result, $acceptor)) { return $acceptor['state']; } } return $result instanceof \Exception ? 'failed' : 'retry'; } /** * @param Result $result Result or exception. * @param array $acceptor Acceptor configuration being checked. * * @return bool */ private function matchesPath($result, array $acceptor) { return !($result instanceof ResultInterface) ? false : $acceptor['expected'] == $result->search($acceptor['argument']); } /** * @param Result $result Result or exception. * @param array $acceptor Acceptor configuration being checked. * * @return bool */ private function matchesPathAll($result, array $acceptor) { if (!($result instanceof ResultInterface)) { return false; } $actuals = $result->search($acceptor['argument']) ?: []; foreach ($actuals as $actual) { if ($actual != $acceptor['expected']) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @param Result $result Result or exception. * @param array $acceptor Acceptor configuration being checked. * * @return bool */ private function matchesPathAny($result, array $acceptor) { if (!($result instanceof ResultInterface)) { return false; } $actuals = $result->search($acceptor['argument']) ?: []; return in_array($acceptor['expected'], $actuals); } /** * @param Result $result Result or exception. * @param array $acceptor Acceptor configuration being checked. * * @return bool */ private function matchesStatus($result, array $acceptor) { if ($result instanceof ResultInterface) { return $acceptor['expected'] == $result['@metadata']['statusCode']; } if ($result instanceof AwsException && $response = $result->getResponse()) { return $acceptor['expected'] == $response->getStatusCode(); } return false; } /** * @param Result $result Result or exception. * @param array $acceptor Acceptor configuration being checked. * * @return bool */ private function matchesError($result, array $acceptor) { if ($result instanceof AwsException) { return $result->isConnectionError() || $result->getAwsErrorCode() == $acceptor['expected']; } return false; } }