* @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ use phpseclib\Crypt\Rijndael; use phpseclib\Crypt\Twofish; use phpseclib\Crypt\Blowfish; use phpseclib\Crypt\TripleDES; use phpseclib\Crypt\DES; use phpseclib\Crypt\RC2; use phpseclib\Crypt\RC4; use phpseclib\Crypt\Random; use phpseclib\Crypt\Base; if (!defined('MCRYPT_MODE_ECB')) { /**#@+ * mcrypt constants * * @access public */ // http://php.net/manual/en/mcrypt.constants.php define('MCRYPT_MODE_ECB', 'ecb'); define('MCRYPT_MODE_CBC', 'cbc'); define('MCRYPT_MODE_CFB', 'cfb'); define('MCRYPT_MODE_OFB', 'ofb'); define('MCRYPT_MODE_NOFB', 'nofb'); define('MCRYPT_MODE_STREAM', 'stream'); define('MCRYPT_ENCRYPT', 0); define('MCRYPT_DECRYPT', 1); define('MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM', 0); define('MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM', 1); define('MCRYPT_RAND', 2); // http://php.net/manual/en/mcrypt.ciphers.php define('MCRYPT_3DES', 'tripledes'); define('MCRYPT_ARCFOUR_IV', 'arcfour-iv'); define('MCRYPT_ARCFOUR', 'arcfour'); define('MCRYPT_BLOWFISH', 'blowfish'); define('MCRYPT_CAST_128', 'cast-128'); define('MCRYPT_CAST_256', 'cast-256'); define('MCRYPT_CRYPT', 'crypt'); define('MCRYPT_DES', 'des'); // MCRYPT_DES_COMPAT? // MCRYPT_ENIGMA? define('MCRYPT_GOST', 'gost'); define('MCRYPT_IDEA', 'idea'); define('MCRYPT_LOKI97', 'loki97'); define('MCRYPT_MARS', 'mars'); define('MCRYPT_PANAMA', 'panama'); define('MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128', 'rijndael-128'); define('MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_192', 'rijndael-192'); define('MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256', 'rijndael-256'); define('MCRYPT_RC2', 'rc2'); // MCRYPT_RC4? define('MCRYPT_RC6', 'rc6'); // MCRYPT_RC6_128 // MCRYPT_RC6_192 // MCRYPT_RC6_256 define('MCRYPT_SAFER64', 'safer-sk64'); define('MCRYPT_SAFER128', 'safer-sk128'); define('MCRYPT_SAFERPLUS', 'saferplus'); define('MCRYPT_SERPENT', 'serpent'); // MCRYPT_SERPENT_128? // MCRYPT_SERPENT_192? // MCRYPT_SERPENT_256? define('MCRYPT_SKIPJACK', 'skipjack'); // MCRYPT_TEAN? define('MCRYPT_THREEWAY', 'threeway'); define('MCRYPT_TRIPLEDES', 'tripledes'); define('MCRYPT_TWOFISH', 'twofish'); // MCRYPT_TWOFISH128? // MCRYPT_TWOFISH192? // MCRYPT_TWOFISH256? define('MCRYPT_WAKE', 'wake'); define('MCRYPT_XTEA', 'xtea'); /**#@-*/ } if (!function_exists('phpseclib_mcrypt_list_algorithms')) { /** * Sets the key * * @param Base $td * @param string $key * @access private */ function phpseclib_set_key(Base $td, $key) { $length = $origLength = strlen($key); $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($td); switch ($reflection->getShortName()) { case 'TripleDES': $length = 24; break; case 'DES': $length = 8; break; case 'Twofish': case 'Rijndael': switch (true) { case $length <= 16: $length = 16; break; case $length <= 24: $length = 24; break; default: $length = 32; } break; case 'Blowfish': switch (true) { case $length <= 3: while (strlen($key) <= 5) { $key.= $key; } $key = substr($key, 0, 6); $td->setKey($key); return; case $length > 56: $length = 56; } break; case 'RC2': if ($length > 128) { $length = 128; } break; case 'RC4': if ($length > 256) { $length = 256; } } if ($length != $origLength) { $key = str_pad(substr($key, 0, $length), $length, "\0"); } $td->setKey($key); } /** * Sets the IV * * @param Base $td * @param string $iv * @access private */ function phpseclib_set_iv(Base $td, $iv) { if ($td->mode != Base::MODE_ECB && $td->mode != Base::MODE_STREAM) { $length = $td->getBlockLength() >> 3; $iv = str_pad(substr($iv, 0, $length), $length, "\0"); $td->setIV($iv); } } /** * Gets an array of all supported ciphers. * * @param string $lib_dir optional * @return array * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_list_algorithms($lib_dir = '') { return array( 'rijndael-128', 'twofish', 'rijndael-192', 'blowfish-compat', 'des', 'rijndael-256', 'blowfish', 'rc2', 'tripledes', 'arcfour' ); } /** * Gets an array of all supported modes * * @param string $lib_dir optional * @return array * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_list_modes($lib_dir = '') { return array( 'cbc', 'cfb', 'ctr', 'ecb', 'ncfb', 'nofb', //'ofb', 'stream' ); } /** * Creates an initialization vector (IV) from a random source * * The IV is only meant to give an alternative seed to the encryption routines. This IV does not need * to be secret at all, though it can be desirable. You even can send it along with your ciphertext * without losing security. * * @param int $size * @param int $source optional * @return string * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_create_iv($size, $source = MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM) { if ($size < 1 || $size > 0x7FFFFFFF) { trigger_error('mcrypt_create_iv(): Cannot create an IV with a size of less than 1 or greater than 2147483647', E_USER_WARNING); return ''; } return Random::string($size); } /** * Opens the module of the algorithm and the mode to be used * * This function opens the module of the algorithm and the mode to be used. The name of the algorithm * is specified in algorithm, e.g. "twofish" or is one of the MCRYPT_ciphername constants. The module * is closed by calling mcrypt_module_close(). * * @param string $algorithm * @param string $algorithm_directory * @param string $mode * @param string $mode_directory * @return object * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_module_open($algorithm, $algorithm_directory, $mode, $mode_directory) { $modeMap = array( 'ctr' => Base::MODE_CTR, 'ecb' => Base::MODE_ECB, 'cbc' => Base::MODE_CBC, 'cfb' => Base::MODE_CFB8, 'ncfb'=> Base::MODE_CFB, 'nofb'=> Base::MODE_OFB, 'stream' => Base::MODE_STREAM ); switch (true) { case !isset($modeMap[$mode]): case $mode == 'stream' && $algorithm != 'arcfour': case $algorithm == 'arcfour' && $mode != 'stream': trigger_error('mcrypt_module_open(): Could not open encryption module', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } switch ($algorithm) { case 'rijndael-128': $cipher = new Rijndael($modeMap[$mode]); $cipher->setBlockLength(128); break; case 'twofish': $cipher = new Twofish($modeMap[$mode]); break; case 'rijndael-192': $cipher = new Rijndael($modeMap[$mode]); $cipher->setBlockLength(192); break; case 'des': $cipher = new DES($modeMap[$mode]); break; case 'rijndael-256': $cipher = new Rijndael($modeMap[$mode]); $cipher->setBlockLength(256); break; case 'blowfish': $cipher = new Blowfish($modeMap[$mode]); break; case 'rc2': $cipher = new RC2($modeMap[$mode]); break; case'tripledes': $cipher = new TripleDES($modeMap[$mode]); break; case 'arcfour': $cipher = new RC4(); break; default: trigger_error('mcrypt_module_open(): Could not open encryption module', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } $cipher->disablePadding(); return $cipher; } /** * Returns the maximum supported keysize of the opened mode * * Gets the maximum supported key size of the algorithm in bytes. * * @param Base $td * @return int * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_key_size(Base $td) { // invalid parameters with mcrypt result in warning's. type hinting, as this function is doing, // produces a catchable fatal error. $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($td); switch ($reflection->getShortName()) { case 'Rijndael': case 'Twofish': return 32; case 'DES': return 8; case 'TripleDES': return 24; case 'RC4': return 256; case 'Blowfish': return 56; case 'RC2': return 128; } } /** * Gets the name of the specified cipher * * @param string $cipher * @return mixed * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_get_cipher_name($cipher) { switch ($cipher) { case 'rijndael-128': return 'Rijndael-128'; case 'twofish': return 'Twofish'; case 'rijndael-192': return 'Rijndael-192'; case 'des': return 'DES'; case 'rijndael-256': return 'Rijndael-256'; case 'blowfish': return 'Blowfish'; case 'rc2': return 'RC2'; case 'tripledes': return '3DES'; case 'arcfour': return 'RC4'; default: return false; } } /** * Gets the block size of the specified cipher * * @param string $cipher * @param string $mode optional * @return int * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_get_block_size($cipher, $mode = false) { if (!$mode) { $mode = $cipher == 'rc4' ? 'stream' : 'cbc'; } $td = @phpseclib_mcrypt_module_open($cipher, '', $mode, ''); if ($td === false) { trigger_error('mcrypt_get_block_size(): Module initialization failed', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } return phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_block_size($td); } /** * Gets the key size of the specified cipher * * @param string $cipher * @param string $mode optional * @return int * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_get_key_size($cipher, $mode = false) { if (!$mode) { $mode = $cipher == 'rc4' ? 'stream' : 'cbc'; } $td = @phpseclib_mcrypt_module_open($cipher, '', $mode, ''); if ($td === false) { trigger_error('mcrypt_get_key_size(): Module initialization failed', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } return phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_key_size($td); } /** * Returns the size of the IV belonging to a specific cipher/mode combination * * @param string $cipher * @param string $mode * @return int * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_get_iv_size($cipher, $mode) { $td = @phpseclib_mcrypt_module_open($cipher, '', $mode, ''); if ($td === false) { trigger_error('mcrypt_get_iv_size(): Module initialization failed', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } return phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td); } /** * Returns the maximum supported keysize of the opened mode * * Gets the maximum supported keysize of the opened mode. * * @param string $algorithm * @param string $lib_dir * @return int * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size($algorithm, $lib_dir = '') { $mode = $algorithm == 'rc4' ? 'stream' : 'cbc'; $td = @phpseclib_mcrypt_module_open($algorithm, '', $mode, ''); if ($td === false) { trigger_error('mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size(): Module initialization failed', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } return phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_key_size($td); } /** * Returns the size of the IV of the opened algorithm * * This function returns the size of the IV of the algorithm specified by the encryption * descriptor in bytes. An IV is used in cbc, cfb and ofb modes, and in some algorithms * in stream mode. * * @param Base $td * @return int * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size(Base $td) { return $td->getBlockLength() >> 3; } /** * Returns the blocksize of the opened algorithm * * Gets the blocksize of the opened algorithm. * * @param Base $td * @return int * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_block_size(Base $td) { return $td->getBlockLength() >> 3; } /** * Returns the blocksize of the specified algorithm * * Gets the blocksize of the specified algorithm. * * @param string $algorithm * @param string $lib_dir * @return int * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_module_get_algo_block_size($algorithm, $lib_dir = '') { // cbc isn't a valid mode for rc4 but that's ok: -1 will still be returned $td = @phpseclib_mcrypt_module_open($algorithm, '', 'cbc', ''); if ($td === false) { return -1; } return $td->getBlockLength() >> 3; } /** * Returns the name of the opened algorithm * * This function returns the name of the algorithm. * * @param Base $td * @return string|bool * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name(Base $td) { $reflection = new \ReflectionObject($td); switch ($reflection->getShortName()) { case 'Rijndael': return 'RIJNDAEL-' . $td->getBlockLength(); case 'Twofish': return 'TWOFISH'; case 'Blowfish': return 'BLOWFISH'; // what about BLOWFISH-COMPAT? case 'DES': return 'DES'; case 'RC2': return 'RC2'; case 'TripleDES': return 'TRIPLEDES'; case 'RC4': return 'ARCFOUR'; } return false; } /** * Returns the name of the opened mode * * This function returns the name of the mode. * * @param Base $td * @return string|bool * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name(Base $td) { $modeMap = array( Base::MODE_CTR => 'CTR', Base::MODE_ECB => 'ECB', Base::MODE_CBC => 'CBC', Base::MODE_CFB => 'nCFB', Base::MODE_OFB => 'nOFB', Base::MODE_STREAM => 'STREAM' ); return isset($modeMap[$td->mode]) ? $modeMap[$td->mode] : false; } /** * Checks whether the encryption of the opened mode works on blocks * * Tells whether the algorithm of the opened mode works on blocks (e.g. FALSE for stream, and TRUE for cbc, cfb, ofb).. * * @param Base $td * @return bool * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm_mode(Base $td) { return $td->mode != Base::MODE_STREAM; } /** * Checks whether the algorithm of the opened mode is a block algorithm * * Tells whether the algorithm of the opened mode is a block algorithm. * * @param Base $td * @return bool * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm(Base $td) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name($td) != 'ARCFOUR'; } /** * Checks whether the opened mode outputs blocks * * Tells whether the opened mode outputs blocks (e.g. TRUE for cbc and ecb, and FALSE for cfb and stream). * * @param Base $td * @return bool * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_is_block_mode(Base $td) { return $td->mode == Base::MODE_ECB || $td->mode == Base::MODE_CBC; } /** * Runs a self test on the opened module * * This function runs the self test on the algorithm specified by the descriptor td. * * @param Base $td * @return bool * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_self_test(Base $td) { return true; } /** * This function initializes all buffers needed for en/decryption. * * @param Base $td * @param string $key * @param string $iv * @return int * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_generic_init(Base $td, $key, $iv) { $iv_size = phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td); if (strlen($iv) != $iv_size && $td->mode != Base::MODE_ECB) { trigger_error('mcrypt_generic_init(): Iv size incorrect; supplied length: ' . strlen($iv) . ', needed: ' . $iv_size, E_USER_WARNING); } if (!strlen($key)) { trigger_error('mcrypt_generic_init(): Key size is 0', E_USER_WARNING); return -3; } $max_key_size = phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_key_size($td); if (strlen($key) > $max_key_size) { trigger_error('mcrypt_generic_init(): Key size too large; supplied length: ' . strlen($key) . ', max: ' . $max_key_size, E_USER_WARNING); } phpseclib_set_key($td, $key); phpseclib_set_iv($td, $iv); $td->enableContinuousBuffer(); $td->mcrypt_polyfill_init = true; return 0; } /** * Encrypt / decrypt data * * Performs checks common to both mcrypt_generic and mdecrypt_generic * * @param Base $td * @param string $data * @param string $op * @return string|bool * @access private */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_generic_helper(Base $td, &$data, $op) { // in the orig mcrypt, if mcrypt_generic_init() was called and an empty key was provided you'd get the following error: // Warning: mcrypt_generic(): supplied resource is not a valid MCrypt resource // that error doesn't really make a lot of sense in this context since $td is not a resource nor should it be one. // in light of that we'll just display the same error that you get when you don't call mcrypt_generic_init() at all if (!isset($td->mcrypt_polyfill_init)) { trigger_error('m' . $op . '_generic(): Operation disallowed prior to mcrypt_generic_init().', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } // phpseclib does not currently provide a way to retrieve the mode once it has been set via "public" methods if (phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_is_block_mode($td)) { $block_length = phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td); $extra = strlen($data) % $block_length; if ($extra) { $data.= str_repeat("\0", $block_length - $extra); } } return $op == 'crypt' ? $td->encrypt($data) : $td->decrypt($data); } /** * This function encrypts data * * This function encrypts data. The data is padded with "\0" to make sure the length of the data * is n * blocksize. This function returns the encrypted data. Note that the length of the * returned string can in fact be longer than the input, due to the padding of the data. * * If you want to store the encrypted data in a database make sure to store the entire string as * returned by mcrypt_generic, or the string will not entirely decrypt properly. If your original * string is 10 characters long and the block size is 8 (use mcrypt_enc_get_block_size() to * determine the blocksize), you would need at least 16 characters in your database field. Note * the string returned by mdecrypt_generic() will be 16 characters as well...use rtrim($str, "\0") * to remove the padding. * * If you are for example storing the data in a MySQL database remember that varchar fields * automatically have trailing spaces removed during insertion. As encrypted data can end in a * space (ASCII 32), the data will be damaged by this removal. Store data in a tinyblob/tinytext * (or larger) field instead. * * @param Base $td * @param string $data * @return string|bool * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_generic(Base $td, $data) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_generic_helper($td, $data, 'crypt'); } /** * Decrypts data * * This function decrypts data. Note that the length of the returned string can in fact be * longer than the unencrypted string, due to the padding of the data. * * @param Base $td * @param string $data * @return string|bool * @access public */ function phpseclib_mdecrypt_generic(Base $td, $data) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_generic_helper($td, $data, 'decrypt'); } /** * This function deinitializes an encryption module * * This function terminates encryption specified by the encryption descriptor (td). * It clears all buffers, but does not close the module. You need to call * mcrypt_module_close() yourself. (But PHP does this for you at the end of the * script.) * * @param Base $td * @return bool * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_generic_deinit(Base $td) { if (!isset($td->mcrypt_polyfill_init)) { trigger_error('mcrypt_generic_deinit(): Could not terminate encryption specifier', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } $td->disableContinuousBuffer(); unset($td->mcrypt_polyfill_init); return true; } /** * Closes the mcrypt module * * Closes the specified encryption handle. * * @param Base $td * @return bool * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_module_close(Base $td) { //unset($td->mcrypt_polyfill_init); return true; } /** * Returns an array with the supported keysizes of the opened algorithm * * Returns an array with the key sizes supported by the specified algorithm. * If it returns an empty array then all key sizes between 1 and mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size() * are supported by the algorithm. * * @param string $algorithm * @param string $lib_dir optional * @return array * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_module_get_supported_key_sizes($algorithm, $lib_dir = '') { switch ($algorithm) { case 'rijndael-128': case 'rijndael-192': case 'rijndael-256': case 'twofish': return array(16, 24, 32); case 'des': return array(8); case 'tripledes': return array(24); //case 'arcfour': //case 'blowfish': //case 'rc2': default: return array(); } } /** * Returns an array with the supported keysizes of the opened algorithm * * Gets the supported key sizes of the opened algorithm. * * @param Base $td * @return array * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes(Base $td) { $algorithm = strtolower(phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name($td)); return phpseclib_mcrypt_module_get_supported_key_sizes($algorithm); } /** * Returns if the specified module is a block algorithm or not * * This function returns TRUE if the mode is for use with block algorithms, otherwise it returns FALSE. (e.g. FALSE for stream, and TRUE for cbc, cfb, ofb). * * @param string $mode * @param string $lib_dir optional * @return bool * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm_mode($mode, $lib_dir = '') { switch ($mode) { case 'cbc': case 'ctr': case 'ecb': case 'cfb': case 'ncfb': case 'nofb': return true; } return false; } /** * This function checks whether the specified algorithm is a block algorithm * * This function returns TRUE if the specified algorithm is a block algorithm, or FALSE if it is a stream one. * * @param string $mode * @param string $lib_dir optional * @return bool * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm($algorithm, $lib_dir = '') { switch ($algorithm) { case 'rijndael-128': case 'twofish': case 'rijndael-192': case 'des': case 'rijndael-256': case 'blowfish': case 'rc2': case 'tripledes': return true; } return false; } /** * Returns if the specified mode outputs blocks or not * * This function returns TRUE if the mode outputs blocks of bytes or FALSE if it outputs just bytes. (e.g. TRUE for cbc and ecb, and FALSE for cfb and stream). * * @param string $mode * @param string $lib_dir optional * @return bool * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_module_is_block_mode($mode, $lib_dir = '') { switch ($mode) { case 'cbc': case 'ecb': return true; } return false; } /** * Returns if the specified mode can use an IV or not * * @param string $mode * @return bool * @access private */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_module_is_iv_mode($mode) { switch ($mode) { case 'ecb': case 'stream': return false; } return true; } /** * This function runs a self test on the specified module * * This function runs the self test on the algorithm specified. * * @param string $mode * @param string $lib_dir optional * @return bool * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_module_self_test($algorithm, $lib_dir = '') { return in_array($algorithm, phpseclib_mcrypt_list_algorithms()); } /** * Encrypt / decrypt data * * Performs checks common to both mcrypt_encrypt and mcrypt_decrypt * * @param string $cipher * @param string $key * @param string $data * @param string $mode * @param string $iv * @param string $op * @return string|bool * @access private */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_helper($cipher, $key, $data, $mode, $iv, $op) { // PHP 5.6 made mcrypt_encrypt() a lot less tolerant of bad input but it neglected to change // anything about mcrypt_generic(). and despite the changes insufficiently long plaintext // is still accepted. $keyLen = strlen($key); $sizes = phpseclib_mcrypt_module_get_supported_key_sizes($cipher); if (count($sizes) && !in_array($keyLen, $sizes)) { trigger_error( 'mcrypt_' . $op . '(): Key of size ' . $keyLen . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes ' . preg_replace('#, (\d+)$#', ' or $1', implode(', ', $sizes)) . ' supported', E_USER_WARNING ); return false; } $td = @phpseclib_mcrypt_module_open($cipher, '', $mode, ''); if ($td === false) { trigger_error('mcrypt_encrypt(): Module initialization failed', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } $maxKeySize = phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_key_size($td); if (!count($sizes) && $keyLen > $maxKeySize) { trigger_error( 'mcrypt_' . $op . '(): Key of size ' . $keyLen . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of size 1 to ' . $maxKeySize . ' supported', E_USER_WARNING ); return false; } if (phpseclib_mcrypt_module_is_iv_mode($mode)) { $iv_size = phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td); if (!isset($iv) && $iv_size) { trigger_error( 'mcrypt_' . $op . '(): Encryption mode requires an initialization vector of size ' . $iv_size, E_USER_WARNING ); return false; } if (strlen($iv) != $iv_size) { trigger_error( 'mcrypt_' . $op . '(): Received initialization vector of size ' . strlen($iv) . ', but size ' . $iv_size . ' is required for this encryption mode', E_USER_WARNING ); return false; } } else { $iv = null; } phpseclib_mcrypt_generic_init($td, $key, $iv); return $op == 'encrypt' ? phpseclib_mcrypt_generic($td, $data) : phpseclib_mdecrypt_generic($td, $data); } /** * Encrypts plaintext with given parameters * * Encrypts the data and returns it. * * @param string $cipher * @param string $key * @param string $data * @param string $mode * @param string $iv optional * @return string|bool * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_encrypt($cipher, $key, $data, $mode, $iv = null) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_helper($cipher, $key, $data, $mode, $iv, 'encrypt'); } /** * Decrypts crypttext with given parameters * * Decrypts the data and returns the unencrypted data. * * @param string $cipher * @param string $key * @param string $data * @param string $mode * @param string $iv optional * @return string|bool * @access public */ function phpseclib_mcrypt_decrypt($cipher, $key, $data, $mode, $iv = null) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_helper($cipher, $key, $data, $mode, $iv, 'decrypt'); } /** * mcrypt_compat stream filter * * @author Jim Wigginton
* @access public */ class phpseclib_mcrypt_filter extends php_user_filter { /** * The Cipher Object * * @var object * @access private */ private $cipher; /** * To encrypt or decrypt * * @var boolean * @access private */ private $op; /** * Buffer for ECB / CBC * * @var string * @access private */ private $buffer = ''; /** * Cipher block length * * @var int * @access private */ private $block_length; /** * Cipher block mode * * @var bool * @access private */ private $block_mode; /** * Buffer handle * * @var resource * @access private */ private $bh; /** * Called when applying the filter * * This method is called whenever data is read from or written to the attached stream * (such as with fread() or fwrite()). * * @param resource $in * @param resource $out * @param int $consumed * @param bool $closing * @link http://php.net/manual/en/php-user-filter.filter.php * @return int * @access public */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function filter($in, $out, &$consumed, $closing) { $newlen = 0; while ($bucket = stream_bucket_make_writeable($in)) { if ($this->block_mode) { $bucket->data = $this->buffer . $bucket->data; $extra = strlen($bucket->data) % $this->block_length; if (!$extra) { $this->buffer = ''; } else { $this->buffer = substr($bucket->data, -$extra); $bucket->data = substr($bucket->data, 0, -$extra); } if (!strlen($bucket->data)) { continue; } } $bucket->data = $this->op ? $this->cipher->encrypt($bucket->data) : $this->cipher->decrypt($bucket->data); $newlen+= strlen($bucket->data); $consumed+= $bucket->datalen; stream_bucket_append($out, $bucket); } if ($closing && strlen($this->buffer)) { $temp = $this->buffer . str_repeat("\0", $this->block_length - strlen($this->buffer)); $data = $this->op ? $this->cipher->encrypt($temp) : $this->cipher->decrypt($temp); $newlen+= strlen($data); $bucket = stream_bucket_new($this->bh, $data); $this->buffer = ''; $newlen = 0; stream_bucket_append($out, $bucket); } return $this->block_mode && $newlen && $newlen < $this->block_length ? PSFS_FEED_ME : PSFS_PASS_ON; } /** * Called when creating the filter * * This method is called during instantiation of the filter class object. * If your filter allocates or initializes any other resources (such as a buffer), * this is the place to do it. * * @link http://php.net/manual/en/php-user-filter.oncreate.php * @return bool * @access public */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function onCreate() { if (!isset($this->params) || !is_array($this->params)) { trigger_error('stream_filter_append(): Filter parameters for ' . $this->filtername . ' must be an array'); return false; } if (!isset($this->params['iv']) || !is_string($this->params['iv'])) { trigger_error('stream_filter_append(): Filter parameter[iv] not provided or not of type: string'); return false; } if (!isset($this->params['key']) || !is_string($this->params['key'])) { trigger_error('stream_filter_append(): key not specified or is not a string'); return false; } $filtername = substr($this->filtername, 0, 10) == 'phpseclib.' ? substr($this->filtername, 10) : $this->filtername; $parts = explode('.', $filtername); if (count($parts) != 2) { trigger_error('stream_filter_append(): Could not open encryption module'); return false; } switch ($parts[0]) { case 'mcrypt': case 'mdecrypt': break; default: trigger_error('stream_filter_append(): Could not open encryption module'); return false; } $mode = isset($this->params['mode']) ? $this->params['mode'] : 'cbc'; $cipher = @phpseclib_mcrypt_module_open($parts[1], '', $mode, ''); if ($cipher === false) { trigger_error('stream_filter_append(): Could not open encryption module'); return false; } $cipher->enableContinuousBuffer(); phpseclib_set_key($cipher, $this->params['key']); phpseclib_set_iv($cipher, $this->params['iv']); $this->op = $parts[0] == 'mcrypt'; $this->cipher = $cipher; $this->block_length = phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($cipher); $this->block_mode = phpseclib_mcrypt_module_is_block_mode($mode); if ($this->block_mode) { $this->bh = fopen('php://memory', 'w+'); } return true; } /** * Called when closing the filter * * This method is called upon filter shutdown (typically, this is also during stream shutdown), and is * executed after the flush method is called. If any resources were allocated or initialized during * onCreate() this would be the time to destroy or dispose of them. * * @link http://php.net/manual/en/php-user-filter.onclose.php * @access public */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function onClose() { if ($this->bh) { fclose($this->bh); } } } stream_filter_register('phpseclib.mcrypt.*', 'phpseclib_mcrypt_filter'); stream_filter_register('phpseclib.mdecrypt.*', 'phpseclib_mcrypt_filter'); } // define if (!function_exists('mcrypt_list_algorithms')) { function mcrypt_list_algorithms($lib_dir = '') { return phpseclib_mcrypt_list_algorithms($lib_dir); } function mcrypt_list_modes($lib_dir = '') { return phpseclib_mcrypt_list_modes($lib_dir); } function mcrypt_create_iv($size, $source = MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_create_iv($size, $source); } function mcrypt_module_open($algorithm, $algorithm_directory, $mode, $mode_directory) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_module_open($algorithm, $algorithm_directory, $mode, $mode_directory); } function mcrypt_enc_get_key_size(Base $td) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_key_size($td); } function mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size(Base $td) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td); } function mcrypt_enc_get_block_size(Base $td) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_block_size($td); } function mcrypt_generic_init(Base $td, $key, $iv) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_generic_init($td, $key, $iv); } function mcrypt_generic(Base $td, $data) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_generic($td, $data); } function mcrypt_generic_deinit(Base $td) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_generic_deinit($td); } function mcrypt_module_close(Base $td) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_module_close($td); } function mdecrypt_generic(Base $td, $data) { return phpseclib_mdecrypt_generic($td, $data); } function mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name(Base $td) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name($td); } function mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name(Base $td) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name($td); } function mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm_mode(Base $td) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm_mode($td); } function mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm(Base $td) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm($td); } function mcrypt_enc_self_test(Base $td) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_self_test($td); } function mcrypt_module_get_supported_key_sizes($algorithm, $lib_dir = '') { return phpseclib_mcrypt_module_get_supported_key_sizes($algorithm, $lib_dir); } function mcrypt_encrypt($cipher, $key, $data, $mode, $iv = null) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_encrypt($cipher, $key, $data, $mode, $iv); } function mcrypt_module_get_algo_block_size($algorithm, $lib_dir = '') { return phpseclib_mcrypt_module_get_algo_block_size($algorithm, $lib_dir); } function mcrypt_get_block_size($cipher, $mode = '') { return phpseclib_mcrypt_get_block_size($cipher, $mode); } function mcrypt_get_cipher_name($cipher) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_get_cipher_name($cipher); } function mcrypt_get_key_size($cipher, $mode = false) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_get_key_size($cipher, $mode); } function mcrypt_get_iv_size($cipher, $mode) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_get_iv_size($cipher, $mode); } function mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size($algorithm, $lib_dir = '') { return phpseclib_mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size($algorithm, $lib_dir); } function mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes(Base $td) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes($td); } function mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm_mode($mode, $lib_dir = '') { return phpseclib_mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm_mode($mode, $lib_dir); } function mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm($algorithm, $lib_dir= '') { return phpseclib_mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm($algorithm, $lib_dir); } function mcrypt_module_is_block_mode($mode, $lib_dir = '') { return phpseclib_mcrypt_module_is_block_mode($mode, $lib_dir); } function mcrypt_module_self_test($algorithm, $lib_dir = '') { return phpseclib_mcrypt_module_self_test($algorithm, $lib_dir); } function mcrypt_decrypt($cipher, $key, $data, $mode, $iv = null) { return phpseclib_mcrypt_decrypt($cipher, $key, $data, $mode, $iv); } //if (!in_array('mcrypt.*', stream_get_filters()) { stream_filter_register('mcrypt.*', 'phpseclib_mcrypt_filter'); stream_filter_register('mdecrypt.*', 'phpseclib_mcrypt_filter'); //} }