# zbateson/mb-wrapper Charset conversion and string manipulation wrapper with a large defined set of aliases. [](https://travis-ci.org/zbateson/mb-wrapper) [](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/zbateson/mb-wrapper/?branch=master) [](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/zbateson/mb-wrapper/?branch=master) [](https://packagist.org/packages/zbateson/mb-wrapper) [](https://packagist.org/packages/zbateson/mb-wrapper) The goals of this project are to be: * Well written * Tested where possible * Support as wide a range of charset aliases as possible To include it for use in your project, please install via composer: ``` composer require zbateson/mb-wrapper ``` ## Requirements mb-wrapper requires PHP 5.4 or newer. Tested on PHP 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 on travis. Please note: hhvm support has been dropped as it no longer supports 'php' as of version 4. Previous versions of hhvm may still work, but are no longer supported. ## Description MbWrapper is intended for use wherever mb_* or iconv_* is used. It scans supported charsets returned by mb_list_encodings(), and prefers mb_* functions, but will fallback to iconv if a charset isn't supported. A list of aliased charsets is maintained for both mb_* and iconv, where a supported charset exists for an alias. This is useful for mail and http parsing as other systems may report encodings not recognized by mb_* or iconv. Charset lookup is done by removing non-alphanumeric characters as well, so UTF8 will always be matched to UTF-8, etc... ## Usage The following wrapper methods are exposed: * mb_convert_encoding, iconv with MbWrapper::convert * mb_substr, iconv_substr with MbWrapper::getSubstr * mb_strlen, iconv_strlen with MbWrapper::getLength * mb_check_encoding, iconv (for verification) with MbWrapper::checkEncoding ```php $mbWrapper = new \ZBateson\MbWrapper\MbWrapper(); $fromCharset = 'ISO-8859-1'; $toCharset = 'UTF-8'; $mbWrapper->convert('data', $fromCharset, $toCharset); $mbWrapper->getLength('data', 'UTF-8'); $mbWrapper->substr('data', 'UTF-8', 1, 2); if ($mbWrapper->checkEncoding('data', 'UTF-8')) { echo 'Compatible'; } ``` ## License BSD licensed - please see [license agreement](https://github.com/zbateson/mb-wrapper/blob/master/LICENSE).