monitors_heartbeats->heartbeats_is_enabled) { redirect('not-found'); } \Altum\Authentication::guard(); $heartbeat_id = isset($this->params[0]) ? (int) $this->params[0] : null; if(!$heartbeat = db()->where('heartbeat_id', $heartbeat_id)->where('user_id', $this->user->user_id)->getOne('heartbeats')) { redirect('heartbeats'); } $heartbeat->settings = json_decode($heartbeat->settings ?? ''); $start_date = isset($_GET['start_date']) ? query_clean($_GET['start_date']) : Date::get('', 4); $end_date = isset($_GET['end_date']) ? query_clean($_GET['end_date']) : Date::get('', 4); $date = \Altum\Date::get_start_end_dates($start_date, $end_date); /* Get the required statistics */ $heartbeat_logs = []; $heartbeat_logs_chart = []; $heartbeat_logs_result = database()->query(" SELECT `is_ok`, `datetime` FROM `heartbeats_logs` WHERE `heartbeat_id` = {$heartbeat->heartbeat_id} AND (`datetime` BETWEEN '{$date->start_date_query}' AND '{$date->end_date_query}') "); $total_runs = 0; $total_missed_runs = 0; /* Get heartbeat logs to calculate data and display charts */ while($heartbeat_log = $heartbeat_logs_result->fetch_object()) { $heartbeat_logs[] = $heartbeat_log; $label = $start_date == $end_date ? \Altum\Date::get($heartbeat_log->datetime, 3) : \Altum\Date::get($heartbeat_log->datetime, 1); $heartbeat_logs_chart[$label] = [ 'is_ok' => $heartbeat_log->is_ok, 'is_ok_chart' => $heartbeat_log->is_ok ? 1 : 0.25, 'hour_minute_second_label' => \Altum\Date::get($heartbeat_log->datetime, 3) ]; $total_runs = $heartbeat_log->is_ok ? $total_runs + 1 : $total_runs; $total_missed_runs = !$heartbeat_log->is_ok ? $total_missed_runs + 1 : $total_missed_runs; } /* Set a custom title */ Title::set(sprintf(l('heartbeat.title'), $heartbeat->name)); /* Export handler */ process_export_csv($heartbeat_logs, 'include', ['is_ok', 'datetime'], sprintf(l('heartbeat.title'), $heartbeat->name)); process_export_json($heartbeat_logs, 'include', ['is_ok', 'datetime'], sprintf(l('heartbeat.title'), $heartbeat->name)); $heartbeat_logs_chart = get_chart_data($heartbeat_logs_chart); /* Get the available incidents */ $heartbeat_incidents = []; $heartbeat_incidents_result = database()->query(" SELECT `start_datetime`, `end_datetime`, `comment`, `incident_id` FROM `incidents` WHERE `heartbeat_id` = {$heartbeat->heartbeat_id} AND `start_datetime` >= '{$date->start_date_query}' AND (`end_datetime` <= '{$date->end_date_query}' OR `end_datetime` IS NULL) ORDER BY `incident_id` DESC "); while($row = $heartbeat_incidents_result->fetch_object()) { $heartbeat_incidents[] = $row; } /* calculate some data */ $total_heartbeat_logs = count($heartbeat_logs); $uptime = $total_runs > 0 ? $total_runs / ($total_runs + $total_missed_runs) * 100 : 0; $downtime = 100 - $uptime; /* Prepare the view */ $data = [ 'heartbeat' => $heartbeat, 'heartbeat_logs_chart' => $heartbeat_logs_chart, 'heartbeat_logs' => $heartbeat_logs, 'total_heartbeat_logs' => $total_heartbeat_logs, 'heartbeat_logs_data' => [ 'uptime' => $uptime, 'downtime' => $downtime, 'total_runs' => $total_runs, 'total_missed_runs' => $total_missed_runs ], 'date' => $date, 'heartbeat_incidents' => $heartbeat_incidents, ]; $view = new \Altum\View('heartbeat/index', (array) $this); $this->add_view_content('content', $view->run($data)); } }