push_notifications->is_enabled) { redirect('not-found'); } if(!\Altum\Authentication::check() && !settings()->push_notifications->guests_is_enabled) { redirect('not-found'); } if(empty($_POST)) { redirect(); } /* Check for any errors */ $required_fields = ['endpoint', 'p256dh', 'auth']; foreach($required_fields as $field) { if(!isset($_POST[$field]) || (isset($_POST[$field]) && empty($_POST[$field]) && $_POST[$field] != '0')) { redirect(); } } /* Parse the data */ $_POST['endpoint'] = get_url($_POST['endpoint']); $subscriber_id = md5($_POST['endpoint']); $keys = json_encode([ 'p256dh' => $_POST['p256dh'], 'auth' => $_POST['auth'], ]); /* Make sure only whitelisted endpoints are accepted */ $endpoint = parse_url($_POST['endpoint']); $whitelisted_hosts = [ 'android.googleapis.com', 'fcm.googleapis.com', 'updates.push.services.mozilla.com', 'updates-autopush.stage.mozaws.net', 'updates-autopush.dev.mozaws.net', 'notify.windows.com', 'push.apple.com', ]; $accepted = false; foreach($whitelisted_hosts as $whitelisted_host) { if(string_ends_with($whitelisted_host, $endpoint['host'])) { $accepted = true; } } if(!$accepted) { redirect(); } $ip = get_ip(); /* Detect the location */ try { $maxmind = (new Reader(APP_PATH . 'includes/GeoLite2-City.mmdb'))->get($ip); } catch(\Exception $exception) { /* :) */ } $continent_code = isset($maxmind) && isset($maxmind['continent']) ? $maxmind['continent']['code'] : null; $country_code = isset($maxmind) && isset($maxmind['country']) ? $maxmind['country']['iso_code'] : null; $city_name = isset($maxmind) && isset($maxmind['city']) ? $maxmind['city']['names']['en'] : null; /* Detect extra details about the user */ $whichbrowser = new \WhichBrowser\Parser($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $browser_name = $whichbrowser->browser->name ?? null; $os_name = $whichbrowser->os->name ?? null; $browser_language = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) ? mb_substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2) : null; $device_type = get_device_type($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); /* Insert / update */ db()->onDuplicate([ 'user_id', 'endpoint', 'keys', ])->insert('push_subscribers', [ 'subscriber_id' => $subscriber_id, 'user_id' => \Altum\Authentication::check() ? $this->user->user_id : null, 'endpoint' => $_POST['endpoint'], 'keys' => $keys, 'ip' => $ip, 'city_name' => $city_name, 'country_code' => $country_code, 'continent_code' => $continent_code, 'os_name' => $os_name, 'browser_name' => $browser_name, 'browser_language' => $browser_language, 'device_type' => $device_type, 'datetime' => get_date(), ]); die(); } public function delete_ajax() { if(!\Altum\Plugin::is_active('push-notifications') || !settings()->push_notifications->is_enabled) { redirect('not-found'); } if(!\Altum\Authentication::check() && !settings()->push_notifications->guests_is_enabled) { redirect('not-found'); } if(empty($_POST)) { redirect(); } /* Check for any errors */ $required_fields = ['endpoint', 'p256dh', 'auth']; foreach($required_fields as $field) { if(!isset($_POST[$field]) || (isset($_POST[$field]) && empty($_POST[$field]) && $_POST[$field] != '0')) { redirect(); } } /* Parse the data */ $_POST['endpoint'] = get_url($_POST['endpoint']); $subscriber_id = md5($_POST['endpoint']); /* Make sure only whitelisted endpoints are accepted */ $endpoint = parse_url($_POST['endpoint']); $whitelisted_hosts = [ 'android.googleapis.com', 'fcm.googleapis.com', 'updates.push.services.mozilla.com', 'updates-autopush.stage.mozaws.net', 'updates-autopush.dev.mozaws.net', 'notify.windows.com', 'push.apple.com', ]; $accepted = false; foreach($whitelisted_hosts as $whitelisted_host) { if(string_ends_with($whitelisted_host, $endpoint['host'])) { $accepted = true; } } if(!$accepted) { redirect(); } /* Database query */ db()->where('subscriber_id', $subscriber_id)->delete('push_subscribers'); die(); } }