<?php /* * @copyright Copyright (c) 2024 AltumCode (https://altumcode.com/) * * This software is exclusively sold through https://altumcode.com/ by the AltumCode author. * Downloading this product from any other sources and running it without a proper license is illegal, * except the official ones linked from https://altumcode.com/. */ namespace Altum\Controllers; use Altum\Alerts; use Altum\Title; class TeamMemberCreate extends Controller { public function index() { if(!\Altum\Plugin::is_active('teams')) { redirect('not-found'); } \Altum\Authentication::guard(); $team_id = isset($this->params[0]) ? (int) $this->params[0] : null; if(!$team = db()->where('team_id', $team_id)->where('user_id', $this->user->user_id)->getOne('teams')) { redirect('teams'); } /* Check for the plan limit */ $total_rows = database()->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `teams_members` WHERE `team_id` = {$team->team_id}")->fetch_object()->total ?? 0; if($this->user->plan_settings->team_members_limit != -1 && $total_rows >= $this->user->plan_settings->team_members_limit) { Alerts::add_info(l('global.info_message.plan_feature_limit')); redirect('team/' . $team->team_id); } $teams_access = require APP_PATH . 'includes/teams_access.php'; if(!empty($_POST)) { $_POST['user_email'] = trim(filter_var($_POST['user_email'], FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL)); /* Generate the access variable for the database */ $access = []; foreach($teams_access as $key => $value) { foreach($value as $access_key => $access_translation) { $access[$access_key] = in_array($access_key, $_POST['access'] ?? []); } } /* Force read access */ $access['read.all'] = true; //ALTUMCODE:DEMO if(DEMO) if($this->user->user_id == 1) Alerts::add_error('Please create an account on the demo to test out this function.'); /* Check for any errors */ $required_fields = ['user_email']; foreach($required_fields as $field) { if(!isset($_POST[$field]) || (isset($_POST[$field]) && empty($_POST[$field]) && $_POST[$field] != '0')) { Alerts::add_field_error($field, l('global.error_message.empty_field')); } } if(!\Altum\Csrf::check()) { Alerts::add_error(l('global.error_message.invalid_csrf_token')); } if(!filter_var($_POST['user_email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { Alerts::add_field_error('user_email', l('global.error_message.invalid_email')); } if($_POST['user_email'] == $this->user->email) { Alerts::add_field_error('user_email', ''); } if(db()->where('user_email', $_POST['user_email'])->where('team_id', $team->team_id)->has('teams_members')) { Alerts::add_field_error('user_email', l('team_members.error_message.email_exists')); } if(!Alerts::has_field_errors() && !Alerts::has_errors()) { /* Database query */ $team_member_id = db()->insert('teams_members', [ 'team_id' => $team->team_id, 'user_email' => $_POST['user_email'], 'access' => json_encode($access), 'datetime' => get_date(), ]); /* Is the invited user already registered on the platform? */ $user_exists = db()->where('email', $_POST['user_email'])->has('users'); /* Prepare the email */ $email_template = get_email_template( [ '{{TEAM:NAME}}' => $team->name, ], l('global.emails.team_member_create.subject'), [ '{{TEAM:NAME}}' => $team->name, '{{USER:NAME}}' => str_replace('.', '. ', $this->user->name), '{{USER:EMAIL}}' => $this->user->email, '{{LOGIN_LINK}}' => url('login?redirect=teams-member&email=' . $_POST['user_email']), '{{REGISTER_LINK}}' => url('register?redirect=teams-member&email=' . $_POST['user_email']) . '&unique_registration_identifier=' . md5($_POST['user_email'] . $_POST['user_email']), ], $user_exists ? l('global.emails.team_member_create.body_login') : l('global.emails.team_member_create.body_register')); send_mail($_POST['user_email'], $email_template->subject, $email_template->body); /* Set a nice success message */ Alerts::add_success(sprintf(l('team_member_create.success_message'), '<strong>' . $_POST['user_email'] . '</strong>')); redirect('team/' . $team_id); } } /* Set default values */ $values = [ 'user_email' => $_POST['user_email'] ?? '', 'access' => $_POST['access'] ?? ['read.all'], ]; /* Set a custom title */ Title::set(sprintf(l('team_member_create.title'), $team->name)); /* Prepare the view */ $data = [ 'values' => $values, 'team' => $team, 'teams_access' => $teams_access, ]; $view = new \Altum\View('team-member-create/index', (array) $this); $this->add_view_content('content', $view->run($data)); } }