<?php /* * @copyright Copyright (c) 2024 AltumCode (https://altumcode.com/) * * This software is exclusively sold through https://altumcode.com/ by the AltumCode author. * Downloading this product from any other sources and running it without a proper license is illegal, * except the official ones linked from https://altumcode.com/. */ namespace Altum\Controllers; use Altum\Models\Payments; use YooKassa\Model\Notification\NotificationSucceeded; use YooKassa\Model\NotificationEventType; class WebhookYookassa extends Controller { public function index() { if((strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) != 'POST')) { die(); } $yookassa = new \YooKassa\Client(); $yookassa->setAuth(settings()->yookassa->shop_id, settings()->yookassa->secret_key); $payload = @file_get_contents('php://input'); $data = json_decode($payload, true); try { $notification = new NotificationSucceeded($data); } catch (\Exception $exception) { http_response_code(400); die($exception->getCode() . ':' . $exception->getMessage()); } if($notification->getEvent() == NotificationEventType::PAYMENT_SUCCEEDED) { $payment_subscription_id = null; /* Start getting the payment details */ $external_payment_id = $notification->getObject()->getId(); $payment_total = $notification->getObject()->getAmount()->getValue(); $payment_currency = $notification->getObject()->getAmount()->getCurrency(); $payment_type = $payment_subscription_id ? 'recurring' : 'one_time'; /* Payment payer details */ $payer_email = ''; $payer_name = ''; /* Process meta data */ $metadata = $notification->getObject()->getMetadata(); $user_id = (int) $metadata->user_id; $plan_id = (int) $metadata->plan_id; $payment_frequency = $metadata->payment_frequency; $code = isset($metadata->code) ? $metadata->code : ''; $discount_amount = isset($metadata->discount_amount) ? $metadata->discount_amount : 0; $base_amount = isset($metadata->base_amount) ? $metadata->base_amount : 0; $taxes_ids = isset($metadata->taxes_ids) ? $metadata->taxes_ids : null; (new Payments())->webhook_process_payment( 'yookassa', $external_payment_id, $payment_total, $payment_currency, $user_id, $plan_id, $payment_frequency, $code, $discount_amount, $base_amount, $taxes_ids, $payment_type, $payment_subscription_id, $payer_email, $payer_name ); die('successful'); } die(); } }