verify_request(); /* Decide what to continue with */ switch($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) { case 'GET': /* Detect if we only need an object, or the whole list */ if(isset($this->params[0])) { $this->get(); } else { $this->get_all(); } break; case 'POST': /* Detect what method to use */ if(isset($this->params[0])) { $this->patch(); } else { $this->post(); } break; case 'DELETE': $this->delete(); break; } $this->return_404(); } private function get_all() { /* Prepare the filtering system */ $filters = (new \Altum\Filters([], [], [])); $filters->set_default_order_by('project_id', $this->api_user->preferences->default_order_type ?? settings()->main->default_order_type); $filters->set_default_results_per_page($this->api_user->preferences->default_results_per_page ?? settings()->main->default_results_per_page); $filters->process(); /* Prepare the paginator */ $total_rows = database()->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `projects` WHERE `user_id` = {$this->api_user->user_id}")->fetch_object()->total ?? 0; $paginator = (new \Altum\Paginator($total_rows, $filters->get_results_per_page(), $_GET['page'] ?? 1, url('api/projects?' . $filters->get_get() . '&page=%d'))); /* Get the data */ $data = []; $data_result = database()->query(" SELECT * FROM `projects` WHERE `user_id` = {$this->api_user->user_id} {$filters->get_sql_where()} {$filters->get_sql_order_by()} {$paginator->get_sql_limit()} "); while($row = $data_result->fetch_object()) { /* Prepare the data */ $row = [ 'id' => (int) $row->project_id, 'user_id' => (int) $row->user_id, 'name' => $row->name, 'color' => $row->color, 'last_datetime' => $row->last_datetime, 'datetime' => $row->datetime, ]; $data[] = $row; } /* Prepare the data */ $meta = [ 'page' => $_GET['page'] ?? 1, 'total_pages' => $paginator->getNumPages(), 'results_per_page' => $filters->get_results_per_page(), 'total_results' => (int) $total_rows, ]; /* Prepare the pagination links */ $others = ['links' => [ 'first' => $paginator->getPageUrl(1), 'last' => $paginator->getNumPages() ? $paginator->getPageUrl($paginator->getNumPages()) : null, 'next' => $paginator->getNextUrl(), 'prev' => $paginator->getPrevUrl(), 'self' => $paginator->getPageUrl($_GET['page'] ?? 1) ]]; Response::jsonapi_success($data, $meta, 200, $others); } private function get() { $project_id = isset($this->params[0]) ? (int) $this->params[0] : null; /* Try to get details about the resource id */ $project = db()->where('project_id', $project_id)->where('user_id', $this->api_user->user_id)->getOne('projects'); /* We haven't found the resource */ if(!$project) { $this->return_404(); } /* Prepare the data */ $data = [ 'id' => (int) $project->project_id, 'user_id' => (int) $project->user_id, 'name' => $project->name, 'color' => $project->color, 'last_datetime' => $project->last_datetime, 'datetime' => $project->datetime, ]; Response::jsonapi_success($data); } private function post() { /* Check for the plan limit */ $total_rows = db()->where('user_id', $this->api_user->user_id)->getValue('projects', 'count(`project_id`)'); if($this->api_user->plan_settings->projects_limit != -1 && $total_rows >= $this->api_user->plan_settings->projects_limit) { $this->response_error(l('global.info_message.plan_feature_limit'), 401); } /* Check for any errors */ $required_fields = ['name']; foreach($required_fields as $field) { if(!isset($_POST[$field]) || (isset($_POST[$field]) && empty($_POST[$field]) && $_POST[$field] != '0')) { $this->response_error(l('global.error_message.empty_fields'), 401); break 1; } } $_POST['name'] = trim($_POST['name']); $_POST['color'] = !isset($_POST['color']) || !preg_match('/#([A-Fa-f0-9]{3,4}){1,2}\b/i', $_POST['color']) ? '#000' : $_POST['color']; /* Database query */ $project_id = db()->insert('projects', [ 'user_id' => $this->api_user->user_id, 'name' => $_POST['name'], 'color' => $_POST['color'], 'datetime' => get_date(), ]); /* Clear the cache */ cache()->deleteItem('projects?user_id=' . $this->api_user->user_id); cache()->deleteItem('projects_total?user_id=' . $this->api_user->user_id); /* Prepare the data */ $data = [ 'id' => $project_id ]; Response::jsonapi_success($data, null, 201); } private function patch() { $project_id = isset($this->params[0]) ? (int) $this->params[0] : null; /* Try to get details about the resource id */ $project = db()->where('project_id', $project_id)->where('user_id', $this->api_user->user_id)->getOne('projects'); /* We haven't found the resource */ if(!$project) { $this->return_404(); } $_POST['name'] = trim($_POST['name'] ?? $project->name); $_POST['color'] = isset($_POST['color']) && preg_match('/#([A-Fa-f0-9]{3,4}){1,2}\b/i', $_POST['color']) ? $_POST['color'] : $project->color; /* Database query */ db()->where('project_id', $project->project_id)->update('projects', [ 'name' => $_POST['name'], 'color' => $_POST['color'], 'last_datetime' => get_date(), ]); /* Clear the cache */ cache()->deleteItem('projects?user_id=' . $this->api_user->user_id); /* Prepare the data */ $data = [ 'id' => $project->project_id ]; Response::jsonapi_success($data, null, 200); } private function delete() { $project_id = isset($this->params[0]) ? (int) $this->params[0] : null; /* Try to get details about the resource id */ $project = db()->where('project_id', $project_id)->where('user_id', $this->api_user->user_id)->getOne('projects'); /* We haven't found the resource */ if(!$project) { $this->return_404(); } /* Delete the resource */ db()->where('project_id', $project_id)->delete('projects'); /* Clear the cache */ cache()->deleteItem('projects?user_id=' . $this->api_user->user_id); cache()->deleteItem('projects_total?user_id=' . $this->api_user->user_id); http_response_code(200); die(); } }