format($format) === $date; } /* Helper to easily and fast output dates to the screen */ public static function get($date = '', $format_type = -1, $timezone = '') { $timezone = !$timezone ? self::$timezone : $timezone; if(is_null($date)) { $date = ''; } if(is_string($date)) { $datetime = (new \DateTime($date))->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone($timezone)); } else { $datetime = $date->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone($timezone)); } /* No format at all */ if(is_null($format_type)) { return $datetime; } switch($format_type) { case $format_type === -1: return $datetime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); break; case $format_type === 1: return sprintf( l('global.date.datetime_ymd_his_format'), $datetime->format('Y'), $datetime->format('m'), $datetime->format('d'), $datetime->format('H'), $datetime->format('i'), $datetime->format('s') ); break; case $format_type === 2: return sprintf( l('global.date.datetime_readable_format'), $datetime->format('j'), l('global.date.long_months.' . $datetime->format('n')), $datetime->format('Y') ); break; case $format_type === 3: return sprintf( l('global.date.datetime_his_format'), $datetime->format('H'), $datetime->format('i'), $datetime->format('s') ); break; case $format_type === 4: return sprintf( l('global.date.datetime_ymd_format'), $datetime->format('Y'), $datetime->format('m'), $datetime->format('d') ); break; case $format_type === 5: return sprintf( l('global.date.datetime_small_readable_format'), $datetime->format('j'), l('global.date.short_months.' . $datetime->format('n')) ); break; /* No specific format type */ default: return $datetime->format($format_type); break; } } /* Helper to generate start_date and end_date for datepicker */ public static function get_start_end_dates($start_date, $end_date, $current_timezone = '', $wanted_timezone = '') { $current_timezone = !$current_timezone ? self::$timezone : $current_timezone; $wanted_timezone = !$wanted_timezone ? self::$default_timezone : $wanted_timezone; $return = new \StdClass(); $query_format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'; if($start_date && $end_date) { $return->start_date = $start_date; $return->end_date = $end_date; $return->start_date_query = (new \DateTime($start_date, new \DateTimeZone($current_timezone)))->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone($wanted_timezone))->format($query_format); $return->end_date_query = (new \DateTime($end_date, new \DateTimeZone($current_timezone)))->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone($wanted_timezone))->modify('+1 day')->format($query_format); } else { $return->start_date_query = (new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone($current_timezone)))->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone($wanted_timezone))->modify('-30 day')->format($query_format); $return->end_date_query = (new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone($current_timezone)))->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone($wanted_timezone))->modify('+1 day')->format($query_format); $return->start_date = (new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone($current_timezone)))->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone($wanted_timezone))->modify('-30 day')->format('Y-m-d'); $return->end_date = (new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone($current_timezone)))->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone($wanted_timezone))->format('Y-m-d'); } $return->input_date_range = $return->start_date . ',' . $return->end_date; return $return; } /* Another helper function, expecting Y-m-d format */ public static function get_start_end_dates_new($start_date = null, $end_date = null, $current_timezone = null, $wanted_timezone = null) { $current_timezone = new \DateTimeZone(($current_timezone ? $current_timezone : self::$timezone)); $wanted_timezone = new \DateTimeZone(($wanted_timezone ? $wanted_timezone : self::$default_timezone)); if(is_null($start_date) && is_null($end_date)) { $start_date = isset($_GET['start_date']) && self::validate($_GET['start_date'], 'Y-m-d') ? (new \DateTime($_GET['start_date'], $current_timezone)) : (new \DateTime('now', $current_timezone))->modify('-30 day'); $end_date = isset($_GET['end_date']) && self::validate($_GET['end_date'], 'Y-m-d') ? (new \DateTime($_GET['end_date'], $current_timezone)) : (new \DateTime('now', $current_timezone)); } else { $start_date = self::validate($start_date, 'Y-m-d') ? (new \DateTime($start_date, $current_timezone)) : (new \DateTime('now', $current_timezone))->modify('-30 day'); $end_date = self::validate($end_date, 'Y-m-d') ? (new \DateTime($end_date, $current_timezone)) : (new \DateTime('now', $current_timezone)); } $difference = $start_date->diff($end_date); $return = []; /* Display hours on chart */ if($start_date->format('d') == $end_date->format('d')) { $return['query_date_format'] = '%Y-%m-%d %H'; $return['process'] = function($date, $ignore_timezone = false) { $date = explode(' ', $date); if($ignore_timezone) { return ((new \DateTime($date[0]))->setTime($date[1], 0)->format('H A')); } else { return ((new \DateTime($date[0]))->setTime($date[1], 0)->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(\Altum\Date::$timezone))->format('H A')); } }; } /* Display days on chart */ $days_difference = $difference->d + ($difference->m * 30) + ($difference->y * 365); if($days_difference >= 1) { $return['query_date_format'] = '%Y-%m-%d'; $return['process'] = function($date, $ignore_timezone = false) { if($ignore_timezone) { return \Altum\Date::get($date, 5, \Altum\Date::$default_timezone); } else { return \Altum\Date::get($date, 5); } }; } /* Display months on chart */ $months_difference = ($difference->d / 30) + $difference->m + ($difference->y * 12); if($months_difference >= 2) { $return['query_date_format'] = '%Y-%m'; $return['process'] = function($date, $ignore_timezone = false) { if($ignore_timezone) { return \Altum\Date::get($date, 'Y-m', \Altum\Date::$default_timezone); } else { return \Altum\Date::get($date, 'Y-m'); } }; } /* Display years on chart */ $years_difference = ($difference->d / 365) + ($difference->m / 12) + $difference->y; if($years_difference >= 2) { $return['query_date_format'] = '%Y'; $return['process'] = function($date, $ignore_timezone = false) { if($ignore_timezone) { return ((new \DateTime())->setDate($date, 6, 1)->format('Y')); } else { return ((new \DateTime())->setDate($date, 6, 1)->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(\Altum\Date::$timezone))->format('Y')); } }; } $return['start_date'] = $start_date->format('Y-m-d'); $return['end_date'] = $end_date->format('Y-m-d'); $return['query_start_date'] = $start_date->setTimezone($wanted_timezone)->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $return['query_end_date'] = $end_date->setTimezone($wanted_timezone)->modify('+1 day')->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); return $return; } /* Seconds to his */ public static function get_seconds_to_his($seconds) { $seconds = (int) $seconds; $hours = sprintf('%02d', floor($seconds / 3600)); $minutes = sprintf('%02d', floor(round($seconds / 60) % 60)); $seconds = sprintf('%02d', $seconds % 60); return sprintf( l('global.date.datetime_his_format'), $hours, $minutes, $seconds ); } public static function seconds_to_his($seconds) { // Handle edge case of negative or invalid input if (!is_numeric($seconds) || $seconds < 0) { return null; } // Handle zero seconds if ($seconds == 0) { return '0 ' . l('global.date.seconds'); } $seconds = (int) $seconds; // Calculate hours, minutes, and remaining seconds $hours = floor($seconds / 3600); $minutes = floor(($seconds % 3600) / 60); $remaining_seconds = $seconds % 60; // Handle specific edge case of exactly 60 seconds = "1 minute" if ($seconds == 60) { return '1 ' . l('global.date.minute'); } // Format based on hours, minutes, and seconds if ($hours > 0) { // Hours, minutes, and seconds return sprintf('%d:%02d:%02d ' . l('global.date.hours'), $hours, $minutes, $remaining_seconds); } elseif ($minutes > 0) { // Only minutes and seconds (handling 1 or more minutes) return $remaining_seconds == 0 ? sprintf('%d ' . ($minutes > 1 ? l('global.date.minutes') : l('global.date.minute')), $minutes) : sprintf('%d:%02d ' . l('global.date.minutes'), $minutes, $remaining_seconds); } else { // Only seconds return sprintf('%d ' . l('global.date.seconds'), $remaining_seconds); } } public static function get_elapsed_time($date, $end_date = null, $timings_to_display = 3) { $end_date = $end_date ? (new \DateTime($end_date))->getTimestamp() : time(); $estimate_time = $end_date - (new \DateTime($date))->getTimestamp(); if($estimate_time < 1) { return l('global.date.now'); } $condition = [ 12 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 => 'year', 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 => 'month', 24 * 60 * 60 => 'day', 60 * 60 => 'hour', 60 => 'minute', 1 => 'second' ]; $result = ''; $counter = 1; foreach($condition as $seconds => $string) { if($counter > $timings_to_display) break; $d = $estimate_time / $seconds; if($d >= 1) { $r = floor($d); /* Determine the language string needed */ $language_string_time = $r > 1 ? l('global.date.' . $string . 's') : l('global.date.' . $string); /* Append it to the result */ $result .= ' ' . $r . ' ' . $language_string_time; $estimate_time -= $r * $seconds; $counter++; } } return $result; } /* Helper to have the timeago from one point to now */ public static function get_timeago($date) { $estimate_time = time() - (new \DateTime($date ?? ''))->getTimestamp(); if($estimate_time < 1) { return l('global.date.now'); } $condition = [ 12 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 => 'year', 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 => 'month', 24 * 60 * 60 => 'day', 60 * 60 => 'hour', 60 => 'minute', 1 => 'second' ]; foreach($condition as $secs => $str) { $d = $estimate_time / $secs; if($d >= 1) { $r = round($d); /* Determine the language string needed */ $language_string_time = $r > 1 ? l('global.date.' . $str . 's') : l('global.date.' . $str); return sprintf( l('global.date.time_ago'), $r, $language_string_time ); } } } /* Helper to have the time left from now to one point in time */ public static function get_time_until($date) { $estimate_time = (new \DateTime($date))->getTimestamp() - time(); if($estimate_time < 1) { return l('global.date.now'); } $condition = [ 12 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 => 'year', 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 => 'month', 24 * 60 * 60 => 'day', 60 * 60 => 'hour', 60 => 'minute', 1 => 'second' ]; foreach($condition as $secs => $str) { $d = $estimate_time / $secs; if($d >= 1) { $r = round($d); /* Determine the language string needed */ $language_string_time = $r > 1 ? l('global.date.' . $str . 's') : l('global.date.' . $str); return sprintf( l('global.date.time_until'), $r, $language_string_time ); } } } public static function get_timezone_difference($timezone1, $timezone2, $date = 'now') { // Create DateTimeZone objects for both timezones $tz1 = new \DateTimeZone($timezone1); $tz2 = new \DateTimeZone($timezone2); // Create DateTime objects for the specified date in each timezone $date_time1 = new \DateTime($date, $tz1); $date_time2 = new \DateTime($date, $tz2); // Calculate the offset in seconds for each timezone $offset1 = $tz1->getOffset($date_time1); $offset2 = $tz2->getOffset($date_time2); // Calculate the difference in seconds (switched the order of offsets) $difference_in_seconds = $offset2 - $offset1; // Convert seconds to hours and minutes $hours = (int)($difference_in_seconds / 3600); $minutes = abs(($difference_in_seconds % 3600) / 60); // Format the result (e.g., '+02:00', '-05:30') return sprintf('%+03d:%02d', $hours, $minutes); } }