<?php /* * @copyright Copyright (c) 2024 AltumCode (https://altumcode.com/) * * This software is exclusively sold through https://altumcode.com/ by the AltumCode author. * Downloading this product from any other sources and running it without a proper license is illegal, * except the official ones linked from https://altumcode.com/. */ namespace Altum; class Meta { public static $link_alternate = true; public static $description = null; public static $keywords = null; public static $canonical = null; public static $robots = null; public static $open_graph = [ 'type' => 'website', 'url' => null, 'title' => null, 'description' => null, 'image' => null ]; public static $twitter = [ 'card' => 'summary_large_image', 'url' => null, 'title' => null, 'description' => null, 'image' => null ]; public static function initialize() { /* Add the prefix if needed */ $language_key = preg_replace('/-/', '_', \Altum\Router::$controller_key); if(\Altum\Router::$path != '') { $language_key = \Altum\Router::$path . '_' . $language_key; } /* Check if the default is viable and use it */ self::$description = l($language_key . '.meta_description', null, true); self::$keywords = l($language_key . '.meta_keywords', null, true); } public static function set_description($value) { self::$description = $value; } public static function set_keywords($value) { self::$keywords = $value; } public static function set_social_url($value) { self::$open_graph['url'] = $value; self::$twitter['url'] = $value; } public static function set_social_title($value) { self::$open_graph['title'] = $value; self::$twitter['title'] = $value; } public static function set_social_description($value) { self::$open_graph['description'] = $value; self::$twitter['description'] = $value; } public static function set_social_image($value) { self::$open_graph['image'] = $value; self::$twitter['image'] = $value; } public static function set_canonical_url($value = null) { self::$canonical = $value ?? url(\Altum\Router::$original_request); } public static function set_robots($value) { self::$robots = $value; } public static function output() { if(\Altum\Meta::$open_graph['url']) { echo '<!-- Open Graph / Facebook / Twitter -->'; foreach(\Altum\Meta::$open_graph as $key => $value) { if($value) { echo '<meta property="og:' . $key . '" content="' . $value . '" />'; echo '<meta property="twitter:' . $key . '" content="' . $value . '" />'; } } } } public static function set_link_alternate($value) { self::$link_alternate = $value; } }