' . sprintf(__('Site has been successfully reset to default settings.User "%1$s" was restored with the password unchanged. Open WP Reset to do another reset.', 'wp-reset'), esc_html($current_user->user_login), esc_url(admin_url('tools.php?page=wp-reset'))) . '
'; echo 'If WP Reset helped you please rate it so we can continue supporting it and helping others. Thank you!'; echo 'You deserve it, I\'ll rate it! I already rated it'; echo '
'; $out .= ' '; $out .= ' '; if ($plural) { if ($modify_files && $modify_db) { $out .= 'these tools modify files & the database'; } elseif (!$modify_files && $modify_db) { $out .= 'these tools modify the database but they don\'t modify any files'; } elseif ($modify_files && !$modify_db) { $out .= 'these tools modify files but they don\'t modify the database'; } } else { if ($modify_files && $modify_db) { $out .= 'this tool modifies files & the database'; } elseif (!$modify_files && $modify_db) { $out .= 'this tool modifies the database but it doesn\'t modify any files'; } elseif ($modify_files && !$modify_db) { $out .= 'this tool modifies files but it doesn\'t modify the database'; } else { $out .= 'this tool doesn\'t modify files or the database'; } } $out .= '
Get PRO now
Install & activate the free WP Force SSL plugin
WP Force SSL is a free WP plugin maintained by the same team as this Maintenance plugin. It has +150,000 users, 5-star rating, and is hosted on the official WP repository.
Your license has been verified & activated.To start using the PRO version, please follow these steps:'; echo '
' . __('Please be careful when using WP Reset with multisite enabled. It\'s not recommended to reset the main site. Sub-sites should be OK. We\'re working on making it fully compatible with WP-MU. Till then please be careful. Thank you for understanding.', 'wp-reset') . '
' . __('If you use & enjoy WP Reset, please rate it on WordPress.org. It only takes a second and helps us keep the plugin maintained. Thank you!', 'wp-reset') . '
' . esc_html__('Rate the plugin ★★★★★', 'wp-reset') . ' ' . esc_html__('I\'ve already rated it', 'wp-reset') . '
The following table details what data will be deleted (reset or destroyed) when a selected reset tool is run. Please read it! '; echo 'If something is not clear contact support before running any tools. It\'s better to ask than to be sorry!'; echo '
- tool WILL delete, reset or destroy the noted data'; echo ' - tool will NOT touch the noted data in any way
' . esc_html__('What happens when I run any Reset tool?', 'wp-reset') . '
' . esc_html__('WP-CLI Support', 'wp-reset') . ''; /* translators: %s is replaced with the literal html "wp help reset" */ echo '' . sprintf(esc_html__('All tools available via GUI are available in WP-CLI as well. To get the list of commands run %s. Instead of the active user, the first user with admin privileges found in the database will be restored. ', 'wp-reset'), 'wp help reset'); /* translators: %s is replaced with the literal html "--yes" */ echo sprintf(esc_html__('All actions have to be confirmed. If you want to skip confirmation use the standard %s option. Please be careful and backup first.', 'wp-reset'), '--yes') . '
wp help reset
Options table will be reset to default values meaning all WP core settings, widgets, theme settings and customizations, and plugin settings will be gone. Other content and files will not be touched including posts, pages, custom post types, comments and other data stored in separate tables. Site URL and name will be kept as well. Please see the table above for details.
' . esc_html__('Reactivate current theme', 'wp-reset') . ' - ' . esc_html($theme_name) . '
Reactivate ' . esc_attr(sizeof($active_plugins)) . ' currently active plugin' . (sizeof($active_plugins) != 1 ? 's' : '') . ' (WP Reset will reactivate by default)
Reset all options - PRO tool
' . esc_html__('Reactivate current theme', 'wp-reset') . ' - ' . esc_html($theme->get('Name')) . '
' . esc_html__('Reactivate WP Reset plugin', 'wp-reset') . '
' . esc_html__('Reactivate all currently active plugins', 'wp-reset') . '
' . __('Type reset in the confirmation field to confirm the reset and then click the "Reset WordPress" button.Always create a snapshot before resetting if you want to be able to undo.', 'wp-reset') . '
'; echo '' . esc_html__('Reset Site', 'wp-reset') . ''; WP_Reset_Utility::wp_kses_wf($this->get_snapshot_button('reset-wordpress', 'Before resetting the site')); echo '
All data will be deleted or reset (see the explanation table for details). All data stored in the database including custom tables with ' . esc_html($wpdb->prefix) . ' prefix, as well as all files in wp-content, themes and plugins folders. The only thing restored after reset will be your user account so you can log in again, and the basic WP settings like site URL. Please see the table above for details.
' . esc_html($wpdb->prefix) . '
This tool is not compatible with WP multisite (WPMU). Using it would delete files shared by multiple sites in the WP network.
' . __('Type reset in the confirmation field to confirm the reset and then click the "Reset WordPress & Delete All Custom Files & Data" button. There is NO UNDO.', 'wp-reset') . '
'; echo '' . esc_html__('Reset WordPress & Delete All Custom Files & Data', 'wp-reset') . ' - PRO tool
' . __('All options (mods) for all themes will be reset; not just for the active theme. The tool works only for themes that use the WordPress theme modification API. If options are saved in some other, custom way they won\'t be reset. Always create a snapshot before using this tool if you want to be able to undo its actions.', 'wp-reset') . '
create a snapshot if you want to be able to undo') . '." data-text-done="Options for %n themes have been reset." data-text-done-singular="Options for one theme have been reset." class="button button-delete" href="#" id="reset-theme-options">Reset theme options'; WP_Reset_Utility::wp_kses_wf($this->get_snapshot_button('reset-theme-options', 'Before resetting theme options') . '
Default user roles\' capatibilities will be reset to their default values. All custom roles will be deleted.Users that had custom roles will not be assigned any default ones and might not be able to log in. Roles have to be (re)assigned to them manually.
Reset user roles - PRO tool'; WP_Reset_Utility::wp_kses_wf($this->get_snapshot_button('reset-user-roles', 'Before resetting user roles') . '
All transient related database entries will be deleted. Including expired and non-expired transients, and orphaned transient timeout entries.Always create a snapshot before using this tool if you want to be able to undo its actions.
create a snapshot if you want to be able to undo') . '." data-text-done="%n transient database entries have been deleted." data-text-done-singular="One transient database entry has been deleted." class="button button-delete" href="#" id="delete-transients">Delete all transients'; WP_Reset_Utility::wp_kses_wf($this->get_snapshot_button('delete-transients', 'Before deleting transients') . '
All cache objects stored in both files and the database will be deleted. Along with WP object cache and transients, cache from the following plugins will be purged: W3 Total Cache, WP Cache, LiteSpeed Cache, Endurance Page Cache, SiteGround Optimizer, WP Fastest Cache and Swift Performance.
Purge cache
All local storage and session storage data will be deleted. Cookies without a custom set path will be deleted as well. WP cookies are not touched, with Delete Local Data button.Deleting all WordPress cookies (including authentication cookies) will delete all WP related cookies and user (you) will be logged out on the next page reload.
Delete local dataDelete all WordPress cookies
Besides content, all linked or child records (for selected content) will be deleted to prevent creating orphaned rows in the database. For instance, for posts that\'s posts, post meta, and comments related to posts. Delete process does not call any WP hooks such as before_delete_post. Choosing a post type or taxonomy does not delete that parent object it deletes the child objects. Parent objects are defined in code. If you want to remove them, remove their code definition. When media is deleted, files are left in the uploads folder. To delete files use the Clean uploads Folder tool. Deleting users does not affect the current, logged in user account. All orphaned objects will be reassigned to him.
'; // phpcs:ignore db call warning as we are using uncommon queries echo 'Comments (' . ((int) $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(comment_id) FROM $wpdb->comments")) . ')'; // phpcs:ignore echo 'Users (' . ((int) $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM $wpdb->users")) . ')'; // phpcs:ignore foreach ($post_types as $type) { $count = wp_count_posts($type->name, 'readable'); $tmp = 0; foreach ($count as $cnt) { $tmp += (int) $cnt; } echo 'Post type - ' . esc_html($type->label . ' (' . $tmp) . ')'; } // foreach post types foreach ($taxonomies as $tax) { echo 'Taxonomy - ' . esc_html($tax->label . ' (' . wp_count_terms($tax->name)) . ')'; } // foreach post types echo ''; echo 'Select content object(s) you want to delete. Use ctrl + click to select multiple objects.
Delete content - PRO tool
All widgets, orphaned, active and inactive ones, as well as widgets in active and inactive sidebars will be deleted including their settings. After deleting, WordPress will automatically recreate default, empty database entries related to widgets. So, no matter how many times users run the tool it will never return "no data deleted". That\'s expected and normal.
Delete widgets - PRO tool
' . sprintf(__('All themes will be deleted. Including the currently active theme - %s.There is NO UNDO. WP Reset does not make any file backups.', 'wp-reset'), esc_html($theme->get('Name'))) . '
Delete all themes
' . __('All plugins will be deleted except for WP Reset which will remain active.There is NO UNDO. WP Reset does not make any file backups.', 'wp-reset') . '
Delete plugins
MU Plugins are located in /wp-content/mu-plugins/ and are, as the name suggests, must-use plugins that are automatically activated by WP and can\'t be deactiavated via the plugins interface, although if any are used, they are listed in the "Must Use" tab.'; echo 'Drop-ins are pieces of code found in /wp-content/ that replace default, built-in WordPress functionality. Most often used are db.php and advanced-cache.php that implement custom DB and cache functionality. They can\'t be deactivated via the plugins interface but if any are present are listed in the "Drop-in" tab.
This tool is not compatible with WP multisite (WPMU). Using it would delete plugins for all sites in the network since they all share the same plugin files.
Delete must use plugins - PRO toolDelete drop-ins - PRO tool
' . sprintf(__('All files in %1$s folder will be deleted. Including folders and subfolders, and files in subfolders. Files associated with media entries will be deleted too.There is NO UNDO. WP Reset does not make any file backups.', 'wp-reset'), esc_html($upload_dir['basedir']), esc_url(admin_url('upload.php'))) . '
Tool is not available. Folder is not writeable by WordPress. Please check file and folder access rights.
Delete all files & folders in uploads folder
All folders and their content in wp-content folder except the following ones will be deleted: mu-plugins, plugins, themes, uploads, wp-reset-autosnapshots, wp-reset-snapshots-export.
Clean wp-content folder - PRO tool
' . sprintf(__('This action affects only custom tables with %s prefix. Core WP tables and other tables in the database that do not have that prefix will not be deleted/emptied. Deleting (dropping) tables completely removes them from the database. Emptying (truncating) removes all content from them, but keeps the structure intact.Always create a snapshot before using this tool if you want to be able to undo its actions.
' . sprintf(__('The following %d custom tables are affected by this tool: ', 'wp-reset'), sizeof($custom_tables))); foreach ($custom_tables as $tbl) { echo '' . esc_html($tbl['name']) . ''; if (next($custom_tables)) { echo ', '; } } // foreach echo '.
' . esc_html($tbl['name']) . '
' . esc_html__('There are no custom tables. There\'s nothing for this tool to empty or delete.', 'wp-reset') . '
create a snapshot if you want to be able to undo') . '." data-text-done="%n custom tables have been emptied." data-text-done-singular="One custom table has been emptied." class="button button-delete' . esc_attr($custom_tables_btns) . '" href="#" id="truncate-custom-tables">Empty (truncate) custom tables'; echo 'create a snapshot if you want to be able to undo') . '." data-text-done="%n custom tables have been deleted." data-text-done-singular="One custom table has been deleted." class="button button-delete' . esc_attr($custom_tables_btns) . '" href="#" id="drop-custom-tables">Delete (drop) custom tables'; WP_Reset_Utility::wp_kses_wf($this->get_snapshot_button('drop-custom-tables', 'Before deleting custom tables')); echo '
This tool is not compatible with WP multisite (WPMU). Using it would change the WP version for all sites in the network since they all share the same core files.
Replace current WordPress version with the selected new version. Switching from a previous version, to a newer version is mostly supported and properly handled by the WP installer. Reverting WordPress, rolling back WordPress to a previous version is not supported. Results may vary!
Select the WordPress version to switch to: '; echo ''; echo 'select WordPress version'; foreach ($wp_versions as $version => $release_date) { if ($release_date == 'bleeding') { echo 'WordPress v' . esc_html($version) . ' (Bleeding edge nightly)' . ($wp_version == $version ? ' - installed' : '') . ''; } elseif ($release_date == 'point') { echo 'WordPress v' . esc_html($version) . ' (Point release nightly)' . ($wp_version == $version ? ' - installed' : '') . ''; } else { echo 'WordPress v' . esc_html($version) . ' (' . esc_attr(gmdate('Y-m-d', $release_date)) . ')' . ($wp_version == $version ? ' - installed' : '') . ''; } } echo '
'; echo 'Switch WordPress version - PRO tool'; echo '
' . sprintf(__('This action deletes the .htaccess file located in %sThere is NO UNDO. WP Reset does not make any file backups.
If you need to edit .htaccess, install our free WP Htaccess Editor plugin. It automatically creates backups when you edit .htaccess as well as checks for syntax errors. To create the default .htaccess file open Settings - Permalinks and re-save settings. WordPress will recreate the file.
Delete .htaccess file
' . __('Have a set of plugins (and themes) that you install and activate after every reset? Or on every fresh WordPress installation? Well, no more clicking install & active for ten minutes! Build the collection once and install it with one click as many times as needed.
WP Reset stores collections in the cloud so they\'re accessible on every site you build. You can use free plugins and themes from the official repo, and PRO ones by uploading a ZIP file. We\'ll safely store your license keys too, so you have everything in one place.', 'wp-reset') . '
Add a new collection - PRO feature Reload my saved collections from the cloud - PRO feature
' . sprintf(__('All tools and features are explained in detail in the documentation. We did our best to describe how things work on both the code level and an "average user" level.', 'wp-reset'), esc_url($this->generate_web_link('support-tab', '/documentation/'))) . '
Emergency Recovery Script is a standalone, single-file, WordPress independent PHP script created to recover WordPress sites from the most difficult situations. When access to the admin is not possible when core files are compromised (accidental delete or malware related situations), when you get the white screen of death, can\'t log in for whatever reason or a plugin has killed your site - emergency recovery script can fix the problem! Some of the things ERS can do;
You can install the script as a preventive measure, so it\'s always available in case of an emergency (don\'t worry, it\'s password protected), or upload it only when needed. On production sites, when big and potentially dangerous changes rarely happen, we suggest uploading it only when needed. On test sites, have it ready in advance because there\'s a higher probability that you\'ll need it. Emergency Recovery Script is a WP Reset PRO tool.
' . __('We are very active on the official WP Reset support forum. If you found a bug, have a feature idea or just want to say hi - please drop by. We love to hear back from our users.', 'wp-reset') . '
Need urgent support? Have one of our devs personally help you with your issue. All PRO license holders have access to premium email support. Get WP Reset PRO now.
' . __('No need for donations :) If you can give us a five star rating you\'ll help out more than you can imagine. A public mention @webfactoryltd also does wonders. Thank you!', 'wp-reset') . '
More ways to reset your site, more tools, automatic snapshots, collections, email support and the emergency recover script - that\'s WP Reset PRO in a nutshell. The same quality and easy-of-use you experienced in the free version is very much a part of the PRO one, but extended and upgraded with more tools that will save you even more time.
WP Reset PRO is aimed towards webmasters, agencies, and everyone who buildsa a lot of WordPress sites. It\'s much, much more than a "reset" tool. It\'s an easy way to start a new site, to test changes and to get out of the thickest jams. And thanks to its cloud features and the Dashboard it\'ll give you access to collections and snapshots on all the sites you\'re working on - instantly, without dragging any files along.
Give WP Reset PRO a go. It\'ll pay itself out in hours saved within the first few days!
If you already have a PRO license, activate it below.
License key is visible on the confirmation screen, right after purchasing. You can also find it in the confirmation email sent to the email address provided on purchase. Or use keys created with the license manager.
If you don\'t have a license - purchase one now. In case of problems with the license please contact support.
License Key: '; echo 'Status: '; if ($this->license->is_active()) { $license_formatted = $this->license->get_license_formatted(); echo 'Active Type: ' . esc_html($license_formatted['name_long']); echo 'Valid: ' . esc_html($license_formatted['valid_until']); echo '
Thank you for purchasing WP Reset PRO! Your license has been verified and activated.'; echo 'To start using the PRO version, please follow these steps:
'; if ($this->license->is_active()) { echo 'Save & Revalidate License'; echo ' Deactivate License'; } else { echo 'Save & Activate License'; echo ' Keyless Activation'; } echo '
By attempting to activate a license you agree to share the following data with WebFactory Ltd: license key, site URL, site title, site WP version, site IP, and WP Reset plugin (free) version.'; echo '
A snapshot is a copy of all WP database tables, standard and custom ones, saved in the site\'s database. Watch a short video overview and tutorial about Snapshots.
Snapshots are primarily a development tool. When using various reset tools we advise using our 1-click snapshot tool available in every tool\'s confirmation dialog. If a full backup that includes files is needed, use one of the backup plugins from the repo.
Use snapshots to find out what changes a plugin made to your database or to quickly restore the dev environment after testing database related changes. Restoring a snapshot does not affect other snapshots, or WP Reset settings.
To automatically generate snapshots on plugin, theme, and core update, activate, deactivate and similar events enable automatic snapshots available in WP Reset PRO.
Currently used WordPress tables, prefixed with ' . esc_html($wpdb->prefix) . ', consist of ' . esc_html($tbl_core) . ' standard and '; if ($tbl_custom) { echo esc_attr($tbl_custom) . ' custom table' . ($tbl_custom == 1 ? '' : 's'); } else { echo 'no custom tables'; } echo ' (show details)'; } else { echo 'Tables information is not available. Something is not working properly on your site. Snapshots won\'t work.'; } echo '
There are no user created snapshots. Create a new snapshot.
WP Reset PRO creates automatic snapshots before significant events occur on your site that can cause it to stop working correctly. Plugin, theme and core updates, plugin and theme activations and deactivations all of those can happen in the background without your knowledge. With automatic snapshots, you can roll back any update with a single click. Snapshots can be uploaded to the WP Reset Cloud, Dropbox, Google Drive or pCloud, giving you an extra layer of security. Upgrade to WP Reset PRO to enable automatic snapshots and give your site an extra layer of safety.
' . number_format($table['rows']) . ' row' . ($table['rows'] == 1 ? '' : 's') . ' totaling ' . WP_Reset_Utility::format_size($table['size_data']) . ' in data and ' . WP_Reset_Utility::format_size($table['size_index']) . ' in index.
' . $table['schema'] . '
' . number_format($tbl_current['rows']) . ' rows totaling ' . WP_Reset_Utility::format_size($tbl_current['size_data']) . ' in data and ' . WP_Reset_Utility::format_size($tbl_current['size_index']) . ' in index.
' . $tbl_current['schema'] . '
' . number_format($tbl_snapshot['rows']) . ' rows totaling ' . WP_Reset_Utility::format_size($tbl_snapshot['size_data']) . ' in data and ' . WP_Reset_Utility::format_size($tbl_snapshot['size_index']) . ' in index.
' . $tbl_snapshot['schema'] . '
Detailed data diff is not available for this table.