Properties[$prop])) { $result = $this->Properties[$prop]; } return $result; } public function setExtendedProp($prop, $value) { $this->Properties[$prop] = $value; } public function populate($Contact) { parent::populate($Contact); if (is_string($this->Properties)) { $this->Properties = \json_decode($this->Properties, true); } $uid = $this->getExtendedProp('DavContacts::VCardUID'); if (!isset($uid)) { $this->setExtendedProp('DavContacts::VCardUID', $this->UUID); } } } class Helper { public static $InitialisedUserId = null; public static $Principal = null; public static function getStorage($sStorage) { $sResult = Constants::ADDRESSBOOK_DEFAULT_NAME; if ($sStorage === StorageType::Personal) { $sResult = Constants::ADDRESSBOOK_DEFAULT_NAME; } elseif ($sStorage === StorageType::Shared) { $sResult = Constants::ADDRESSBOOK_SHARED_WITH_ALL_NAME; } elseif ($sStorage === StorageType::Collected) { $sResult = Constants::ADDRESSBOOK_COLLECTED_NAME; } elseif ($sStorage === StorageType::Team) { $sResult = 'gab'; } return $sResult; } /** * @param int $iUserId */ public static function init($iUserId) { $bInitialized = false; if (self::$InitialisedUserId !== $iUserId) { $oUser = CoreModule::Decorator()->GetUserWithoutRoleCheck($iUserId); self::$InitialisedUserId = $iUserId; if ($oUser) { $aPrincipalProperties = \Afterlogic\DAV\Backend::Principal()->getPrincipalByPath(Constants::PRINCIPALS_PREFIX . $oUser->PublicId); if ($aPrincipalProperties) { if (isset($aPrincipalProperties['uri'])) { self::$Principal = $aPrincipalProperties['uri']; } } $bInitialized = true; } } else { $bInitialized = true; } return $bInitialized; } public static function getAddressBook($iUserId, $sName) { $oAddressBook = false; if (self::init($iUserId)) { $oUserAddressBooks = new \Afterlogic\DAV\CardDAV\AddressBookRoot( \Afterlogic\DAV\Backend::Carddav(), self::$Principal ); if ($oUserAddressBooks->childExists($sName)) { $oAddressBook = $oUserAddressBooks->getChild($sName); } } return $oAddressBook; } public static function getDBAddressBook($UserId, $AddressBookId) { return Capsule::connection()->table('contacts_addressbooks') ->where('Id', $AddressBookId) ->where('UserId', $UserId) ->first(); } public static function getCard($oAddressBook, $sId) { $bResult = false; if ($oAddressBook) { if ($oAddressBook->childExists($sId)) { $bResult = $oAddressBook->getChild($sId); } } return $bResult; } public static function getDavContactById($iUserId, $sAddressBookName, $mContactId) { $oContact = false; if (self::init($iUserId)) { $oAddressBook = self::getAddressBook($iUserId, $sAddressBookName); $oContactItem = self::getCard($oAddressBook, $mContactId . '.vcf'); if ($oContactItem) { $sVCardData = $oContactItem->get(); if ($sVCardData) { $oContact = new MigrationContact(); $oContact->InitFromVCardStr($iUserId, $sVCardData); $oContact->ETag = trim($oContactItem->getETag(), '"'); } } return $oContact; } } public static function updateContactCardProperties($oCard, $oContact) { $result = false; $cardData = \Closure::bind( function ($oCard) { return $oCard->cardData; }, null, \Sabre\CardDAV\Card::class )($oCard); if ($cardData) { $properties = null; if ($oContact && isset($oContact->Properties)) { $properties = $oContact->Properties; if (isset($properties['DavContacts::UID'])) { unset($properties['DavContacts::UID']); } if (isset($properties['DavContacts::VCardUID'])) { unset($properties['DavContacts::VCardUID']); } } if (isset($properties) && is_array($properties) && count($properties) > 0) { $result = !!ContactCard::where('CardId', $cardData['id'])->update(['Properties' => \json_encode($properties)]); } } return $result; } public static function updateDavContact($oContact) { $bResult = false; $oAddressBook = null; if ($oContact->Storage === StorageType::Personal) { $oAddressBook = self::getAddressBook($oContact->IdUser, Constants::ADDRESSBOOK_DEFAULT_NAME); } elseif ($oContact->Storage === StorageType::Shared) { $oAddressBook = self::getAddressBook($oContact->IdUser, Constants::ADDRESSBOOK_SHARED_WITH_ALL_NAME); } elseif ($oContact->Storage === StorageType::Team) { $bResult = true; } elseif ($oContact->Storage === StorageType::AddressBook) { $oAddressBook = self::getDBAddressBook($oContact->IdUser, $oContact->IdUser); if ($oAddressBook) { $oAddressBook = self::getAddressBook($oContact->IdUser, $oAddressBook->UUID); } } $sDavContactsUID = $oContact->UUID; if ($sDavContactsUID) { $oContactItem = $oAddressBook ? self::getCard($oAddressBook, $sDavContactsUID . '.vcf') : null; if ($oContactItem) { $sData = $oContactItem->get(); $oVCard = \Sabre\VObject\Reader::read($sData); if ($oVCard) { \Aurora\Modules\Contacts\Classes\VCard\Helper::UpdateVCardFromContact($oContact, $oVCard); $oContactItem->put($oVCard->serialize()); self::updateContactCardProperties($oContactItem, $oContact); $bResult = true; } unset($oVCard); } } return $bResult; } public static function createDavContact($oContact) { $bResult = false; if ($oContact) { self::init($oContact->IdUser); $oAddressBook = null; if ($oContact->Storage === StorageType::Personal) { if (!$oContact->Auto) { $oAddressBook = self::getAddressBook($oContact->IdUser, Constants::ADDRESSBOOK_DEFAULT_NAME); } else { $oAddressBook = self::getAddressBook($oContact->IdUser, Constants::ADDRESSBOOK_COLLECTED_NAME); } } elseif ($oContact->Storage === StorageType::Shared) { $oAddressBook = self::getAddressBook($oContact->IdUser, Constants::ADDRESSBOOK_SHARED_WITH_ALL_NAME); } elseif ($oContact->Storage === StorageType::AddressBook) { $oAddressBook = self::getDBAddressBook($oContact->IdUser, $oContact->AddressBookId); if ($oAddressBook) { $oAddressBook = self::getAddressBook($oContact->IdUser, $oAddressBook->UUID); } } if ($oAddressBook) { $sDavContactsUID = $oContact->UUID . '.vcf'; $oVCard = new \Sabre\VObject\Component\VCard(); \Aurora\Modules\Contacts\Classes\VCard\Helper::UpdateVCardFromContact($oContact, $oVCard); $oAddressBook->createFile($sDavContactsUID, $oVCard->serialize()); $oContactItem = self::getCard($oAddressBook, $sDavContactsUID); if ($oContactItem) { self::updateContactCardProperties($oContactItem, $oContact); } $bResult = true; } } return $bResult; } public static function getContactsIdsFromUUIDs($UserId, $UUIDs) { $Uris = array_map(function ($item) { return $item . '.vcf'; }, $UUIDs); $contactsIds = Capsule::connection()->table('adav_cards') ->join('adav_addressbooks', 'adav_cards.addressbookid', '=', 'adav_addressbooks.id') ->select('adav_cards.id as card_id') ->where('principaluri', Constants::PRINCIPALS_PREFIX . Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId)) ->whereIn('adav_cards.uri', $Uris)->get()->all(); return array_map(function ($item) { return $item->card_id; }, $contactsIds); } public static function log($message) { Api::Log($message, \Aurora\System\Enums\LogLevel::Error, 'contacts-migration-'); } } function UpdateContact($aContact) { Helper::log('Process contact: ' . $aContact['UUID']); if (is_array($aContact)) { $Contact = new MigrationContact(); $Contact->populate($aContact); $UserId = $Contact->IdUser; $sContactStorage = $Contact->Storage; if ($sContactStorage === StorageType::Personal && isset($Contact->Auto) && $Contact->Auto === true) { $sContactStorage = StorageType::Collected; } $sStorage = Helper::getStorage($sContactStorage); $aStorageParts = \explode('-', $sContactStorage); if (isset($aStorageParts[0]) && $aStorageParts[0] === StorageType::AddressBook) { $oAddressBook = Helper::getDBAddressBook($Contact->IdUser, $Contact->IdUser); if ($oAddressBook) { $sStorage = $oAddressBook->UUID; } else { $sUserPrincipalUri = Constants::PRINCIPALS_PREFIX . Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $dBPrefix = Api::GetSettings()->DBPrefix; $stmt = Api::GetPDO()->prepare("select sa.* from " . $dBPrefix . "adav_shared_addressbooks sa left join " . $dBPrefix . "adav_addressbooks da on sa.addressbook_id = da.id right join " . $dBPrefix . "contacts_addressbooks ca on da.uri = ca.UUID where ca.Id = ? and sa.principaluri = ?"); $stmt->execute([$Contact->AddressBookId, $sUserPrincipalUri]); $res = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (is_array($res) && count($res) > 0) { $sStorage = $res[0]['addressbookuri']; } } } $oDavContact = Helper::getDavContactById( $UserId, $sStorage, $Contact->UUID ); if ($oDavContact) { Helper::log('Contact is already exists: ' . $Contact->UUID); // $aStorageParts = \explode('-', $Contact->Storage); // if (isset($aStorageParts[0]) && $aStorageParts[0] === StorageType::AddressBook) { // $Contact->Storage = StorageType::AddressBook; // } // if (Helper::updateDavContact($Contact)) { // Helper::log('Contact updated successfully: ' . $Contact->UUID); // } } else { if (Helper::createDavContact($Contact)) { Helper::log('Contact created successfully: ' . $Contact->UUID); } } } } $usersCount = -1; $offset = 0; $limit = 100; while ($offset < $usersCount || $usersCount === -1) { // getting users list $result = CoreModule::Decorator()->GetUsers(0, $offset, $limit); if ($usersCount < 0) { Helper::log('Users count: ' . $result['Count']); } $usersCount = $result['Count']; $offset = $offset + $limit - 1; foreach ($result['Items'] as $user) { Helper::log(''); Helper::log('===> Process user: ' . $user['Id']); // getting user contacts $contactsQuery = Capsule::connection()->table('contacts')->where('IdUser', $user['Id']); $contactsCount = $contactsQuery->count(); Helper::log('Contacts count: ' . $contactsCount); $contactsOffset = 0; while ($contactsOffset < $contactsCount) { $contacts = $contactsQuery->offset($contactsOffset)->limit($limit)->get(); foreach ($contacts as $contact) { $contact = json_decode(json_encode($contact), true); // update contact UpdateContact($contact); } $contactsOffset = $contactsOffset + $limit - 1; } // getting groups $groups = Capsule::connection()->table('contacts_groups') ->where('IdUser', $user['Id']) ->get(); Helper::log('Groups count: ' . count($groups)); foreach ($groups as $group) { $group = json_decode(json_encode($group), true); Helper::log('Process group: ' . $group['UUID']); $groupIds = Helper::getContactsIdsFromUUIDs($user['Id'], [$group['UUID']]); $DavGroup = false; if (isset($groupIds[0])) { $DavGroup = ContactsModule::Decorator()->GetGroup($user['Id'], $groupIds[0]); } // if the group does not exist if (!$DavGroup) { $groupContacts = Capsule::connection()->table('contacts_group_contact') ->leftJoin('contacts', 'contacts.Id', '=', 'contacts_group_contact.ContactId') ->where('contacts.IdUser', $user['Id']) ->where('contacts_group_contact.GroupId', $group['Id']) ->select('contacts.UUID as DavUid') ->pluck('DavUid')->toArray(); Helper::log('Group contacts count: ' . count($groupContacts)); $group['Contacts'] = Helper::getContactsIdsFromUUIDs($user['Id'], $groupContacts); // creating the group if (!!ContactsModule::Decorator()->CreateGroup($group, $user['Id'])) { Helper::log('Group created successfully: ' . $group['UUID']); } else { Helper::log('An error occurred while creating the group: ' . $group['UUID']); } } else { Helper::log('Group already exists: ' . $group['UUID']); } } } }