'use strict'; var _ = require('underscore'), ko = require('knockout'), ModulesManager = require('%PathToCoreWebclientModule%/js/ModulesManager.js'), CAbstractSettingsFormView = ModulesManager.run('SettingsWebclient', 'getAbstractSettingsFormViewClass'), Settings = require('modules/%ModuleName%/js/Settings.js'), TextUtils = require('%PathToCoreWebclientModule%/js/utils/Text.js'), App = require('%PathToCoreWebclientModule%/js/App.js'), UserSettings = require('%PathToCoreWebclientModule%/js/Settings.js') ; /** * Inherits from CAbstractSettingsFormView that has methods for showing and hiding settings tab, * updating settings values on the server, checking if there was changins on the settings page. * * @constructor */ function SettingsFormView() { CAbstractSettingsFormView.call(this, Settings.ServerModuleName); this.server = ko.observable(Settings.Server); this.linkToManual = ko.observable(Settings.LinkToManual); this.infoCredentials = TextUtils.i18n('%MODULENAME%/INFO_CREDENTIALS', {'EMAIL': App.getUserPublicId()}); this.bDemo = UserSettings.IsDemo; this.infoDemo = TextUtils.i18n('%MODULENAME%/INFO_DEMO', {'PRODUCT_NAME': Settings.ProductName}); } _.extendOwn(SettingsFormView.prototype, CAbstractSettingsFormView.prototype); /** * Name of template that will be bound to this JS-object. 'SimpleChatWebclient' - name of the object, * 'SimpleChatSettingsFormView' - name of template file in 'templates' folder. */ SettingsFormView.prototype.ViewTemplate = '%ModuleName%_SettingsFormView'; /** * Returns array with all settings values wich is used for indicating if there were changes on the page. * * @returns {Array} Array with all settings values; */ SettingsFormView.prototype.getCurrentValues = function () { return [ this.server() ]; }; /** * Reverts all settings values to global ones. */ SettingsFormView.prototype.revertGlobalValues = function () { this.server(Settings.Server); }; module.exports = new SettingsFormView();