oStorage->getCalendarAccess($oUser->PublicId, $sCalendarId); } return $oResult; } /** * @param string $sHash * * @return \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Calendar|false $oCalendar */ public function getPublicCalendarByHash($sHash) { return $this->getPublicCalendar($sHash); } /** * @param string $sCalendarId * * @return \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Calendar|false $oCalendar */ public function getPublicCalendar($sCalendarId) { $oCalendar = false; try { $oCalDAVCalendar = $this->oStorage->getPublicCalendar($sCalendarId); if ($oCalDAVCalendar) { $oCalendar = $this->oStorage->parseCalendar($oCalDAVCalendar); } } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oCalendar = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oCalendar; } /** * Loads calendar. * * @param int $sUserPublicId * @param string $sCalendarId Calendar ID * * @return \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Calendar|false $oCalendar */ public function getCalendar($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId) { $oCalendar = false; try { $oCalendar = $this->oStorage->getCalendar($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oCalendar = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oCalendar; } /** * @param string $sCalendarId * * @return string|false */ public function getPublicCalendarHash($sCalendarId) { $oResult = null; try { $oResult = $this->oStorage->getPublicCalendarHash($sCalendarId); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } /** * (Aurora only) Returns list of user account the calendar was shared with. * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Calendar $oCalendar Calendar object * * @return array|bool */ public function getCalendarUsers($sUserPublicId, $oCalendar) { $mResult = null; try { $mResult = $this->oStorage->getCalendarUsers($sUserPublicId, $oCalendar); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $mResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $mResult; } /** * * @return string|bool */ public function getPublicUser() { $oResult = null; try { $oResult = $this->oStorage->getPublicUser(); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } /** * * @return string|bool */ public function getTenantUser($oUser = null) { $mResult = null; try { $mResult = $this->oStorage->getTenantUser($oUser); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $mResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $mResult; } /** * * @return mixed $oAccount */ public function getPublicAccount() { $oResult = null; try { $oResult = $this->oStorage->getPublicAccount(); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } /** * Returns list of calendars for the account. * * @param string $sUserPublicId * * @return array */ public function getUserCalendars($sUserPublicId) { return $this->oStorage->getCalendars($sUserPublicId); } /** * Creates new calendar. * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param string $sName Name of the calendar * @param string $sDescription Description of the calendar * @param int $iOrder Ordinal number of the calendar in calendars list * @param string $sColor Color code * * @return \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Calendar|false */ public function createCalendar($sUserPublicId, $sName, $sDescription, $iOrder, $sColor, $sUUID = null) { $oResult = null; try { $oResult = $this->oStorage->createCalendar($sUserPublicId, $sName, $sDescription, $iOrder, $sColor, $sUUID); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } public function validateSubscribedCalebdarSource($sSource) { $isValid = false; $client = new Client(); try { $res = $client->get( $sSource, [ 'headers' => [ 'Accept' => '*/*', ], 'http_errors' => false ] ); if ($res->getStatusCode() === 200) { $data = (string) $res->getBody(); try { \Sabre\VObject\Reader::read($data); $isValid = true; } catch (ParseException $oEx) { $isValid = false; } } } catch (ConnectException $oEx) { } return $isValid; } public function createSubscribedCalendar($sUserPublicId, $sName, $sSource, $iOrder, $sColor, $sUUID = null) { $oResult = null; try { $oResult = $this->oStorage->createSubscribedCalendar($sUserPublicId, $sName, $sSource, $iOrder, $sColor, $sUUID); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } /** * Updates calendar properties. * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param string $sCalendarId Calendar ID * @param string $sName Name of the calendar * @param string $sDescription Description of the calendar * @param int $iOrder Ordinal number of the calendar in calendars list * @param string $sColor Color code * * @return \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Calendar|false */ public function updateCalendar($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sName, $sDescription, $iOrder, $sColor) { $oResult = null; try { $oResult = $this->oStorage->updateCalendar($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sName, $sDescription, $iOrder, $sColor); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } /** * Updates calendar properties. * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param string $sCalendarId Calendar ID * @param string $sName Name of the calendar * @param string $sSource Description of the calendar * @param int $iOrder Ordinal number of the calendar in calendars list * @param string $sColor Color code * * @return \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Calendar|false */ public function updateSubscribedCalendar($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sName, $sSource, $iOrder, $sColor) { $oResult = null; try { $oResult = $this->oStorage->updateSubscribedCalendar($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sName, $sSource, $iOrder, $sColor); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } /** * @param string $sCalendarId * @param int $iVisible * * @return bool */ public function updateCalendarVisible($sCalendarId, $iVisible) { $oResult = null; try { $this->oStorage->updateCalendarVisible($sCalendarId, $iVisible); $oResult = true; } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } /** * Change color of the calendar. * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param string $sCalendarId Calendar ID * @param string $sColor New color code * * @return bool */ public function updateCalendarColor($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sColor) { $oResult = null; try { $oResult = $this->oStorage->updateCalendarColor($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sColor); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } public function deletePrincipalCalendars($sUserPublicId) { $oResult = null; try { $oResult = $this->oStorage->deletePrincipalCalendars($sUserPublicId); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } /** * Deletes calendar. * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param string $sCalendarId Calendar ID * * @return bool */ public function deleteCalendar($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId) { $oResult = null; try { $oResult = $this->oStorage->deleteCalendar($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } /** * Removes calendar from list of those shared with the specific account. [Aurora only.](http://dev.afterlogic.com/aurora) * * @param string $sUserPublicId Account object * @param string $sCalendarId Calendar ID * * @return bool */ public function unsubscribeCalendar($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId) { $oResult = null; if ($this->isCalendarSharingSupported($sUserPublicId)) { try { $oResult = $this->oStorage->unsubscribeCalendar($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } } return $oResult; } /** * (Aurora only) Share or remove sharing calendar with all users. * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param string $sCalendarId Calendar ID * @param bool $bShareToAll If set to **true**, add sharing; if **false**, sharing is removed * @param int $iPermission Permissions set for the account. Accepted values: * - **ECalendarPermission::Read** (read-only access); * - **ECalendarPermission::Write** (read/write access); * - **ECalendarPermission::RemovePermission** (effectively removes sharing with the account). * * @return bool */ public function updateCalendarShareToAll($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $bShareToAll, $iPermission) { $sUserId = $this->getTenantUser($sUserPublicId); $aShares[] = array( 'name' => $sUserId, 'email' => $sUserId, 'access' => $bShareToAll ? $iPermission : \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Enums\Permission::RemovePermission ); return $this->updateCalendarShares($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $aShares); } /** * (Aurora only) Share or remove sharing calendar with the listed users. * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param string $sCalendarId Calendar ID * @param array $aShares Array defining list of users and permissions. Each array item needs to have the following keys: * ["email"] - email which denotes user the calendar is shared to; * ["access"] - permission settings equivalent to those used in updateCalendarShare method. * * @return bool */ public function updateCalendarShares($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $aShares) { $oResult = false; if ($this->isCalendarSharingSupported($sUserPublicId)) { $aProcessedEmails = []; $oUser = \Aurora\Modules\Core\Module::getInstance()->getUsersManager()->getUserByPublicId($sUserPublicId); foreach ($aShares as $aShare) { if (in_array($aShare['email'], $aProcessedEmails)) {//duplicated shares return $oResult; } $aProcessedEmails[] = $aShare['email']; if ($aShare['email'] !== $this->getTenantUser($oUser) && $aShare['email'] !== $this->getPublicUser()) { $oSharedUser = \Aurora\Modules\Core\Module::getInstance()->getUsersManager()->getUserByPublicId($aShare['email']); if ($oSharedUser instanceof \Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\User) { //return $oResult; //TODO: Uncomment if not import } unset($oSharedUser); } } $oResult = $this->oStorage->updateCalendarShares($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $aShares); } return $oResult; } /** * Set/unset calendar as public. * * @param string $sCalendarId Calendar ID * @param bool $bIsPublic If set to **true**, calendar is made public; if **false**, setting as public gets cancelled * @param \Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\User $oUser * @return bool */ public function publicCalendar($sCalendarId, $bIsPublic = false, $oUser = null) { $oResult = null; try { $oResult = $this->oStorage->publicCalendar($sCalendarId, $bIsPublic, $oUser); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } /** * Set/unset calendar as public. * * @param string $sCalendarId Calendar ID * * @return bool */ public function getPublishStatus($sCalendarId) { $oResult = null; try { $oResult = $this->oStorage->getPublishStatus($sCalendarId); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } /** * Share or remove sharing calendar with the specific user account. [Aurora only.](http://dev.afterlogic.com/aurora) * * @param string $sUserPublicId Account object * @param string $sCalendarId Calendar ID * @param string $sUserId User Id * @param int $iPermission Permissions set for the account. Accepted values: * - **ECalendarPermission::Read** (read-only access); * - **ECalendarPermission::Write** (read/write access); * - **ECalendarPermission::RemovePermission** (effectively removes sharing with the account). * * @return bool */ public function updateCalendarShare($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sUserId, $iPermission) { $oResult = null; if ($this->isCalendarSharingSupported($sUserPublicId)) { try { $oResult = $this->oStorage->updateCalendarShare($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sUserId, $iPermission); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } } return $oResult; } /** * Returns calendar data as ICS data. * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param string $sCalendarId Calendar ID * * @return string|bool */ public function exportCalendarToIcs($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId) { $mResult = null; try { $mResult = $this->oStorage->exportCalendarToIcs($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $mResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $mResult; } /** * Populates calendar from .ICS file. * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param string $sCalendarId Calendar ID * @param string $sTempFileName .ICS file name data are imported from * * @return int|bool integer (number of events added) */ public function importToCalendarFromIcs($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sTempFileName) { $mResult = null; try { $mResult = $this->oStorage->importToCalendarFromIcs($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sTempFileName); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $mResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $mResult; } /** * Account object * * @param string $sUserUUID * @param array | string $mCalendarId Calendar ID * @param string $dStart Date range start * @param string $dFinish Date range end * * @return array|bool */ public function getEvents($sUserUUID, $mCalendarId, $dStart = null, $dFinish = null) { $aResult = array(); try { $dStart = ($dStart != null) ? date('Ymd\T000000\Z', intval($dStart) - 86400) : null; $dFinish = ($dFinish != null) ? date('Ymd\T235959\Z', intval($dFinish)) : null; $mCalendarId = !is_array($mCalendarId) ? array($mCalendarId) : $mCalendarId; foreach ($mCalendarId as $sCalendarId) { $aEvents = $this->oStorage->getEvents($sUserUUID, $sCalendarId, $dStart, $dFinish); if ($aEvents && is_array($aEvents)) { $aResult = array_merge($aResult, $aEvents); } } } catch (\Exception $oException) { $aResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $aResult; } public function getEventsByUrls($sUserPublicId, $mCalendarId, $aUrls, $dStart, $dEnd, $bExpand) { $result = []; $this->oStorage->init($sUserPublicId); $oCalDAVCalendar = $this->oStorage->getCalDAVCalendar('calendar/' . $mCalendarId); if ($oCalDAVCalendar) { $result = $this->oStorage->getItemsByUrls($sUserPublicId, $oCalDAVCalendar, $aUrls, $dStart, $dEnd, $bExpand); } return $result; } /** * @param array | string $mCalendarId Calendar ID * @param string $dStart Date range start * @param string $dFinish Date range end * * @return array|bool */ public function getPublicEvents($mCalendarId, $dStart = null, $dFinish = null, $bExpand = true, $sDefaultTimeZone = null) { $aResult = array(); $dStart = ($dStart != null) ? date('Ymd\T000000\Z', intval($dStart) - 86400) : null; $dFinish = ($dFinish != null) ? date('Ymd\T235959\Z', intval($dFinish)) : null; $mCalendarId = !is_array($mCalendarId) ? array($mCalendarId) : $mCalendarId; foreach ($mCalendarId as $sCalendarId) { $aEvents = $this->oStorage->getPublicEvents($sCalendarId, $dStart, $dFinish, $bExpand, $sDefaultTimeZone); if ($aEvents && is_array($aEvents)) { $aResult = array_merge($aResult, $aEvents); } } return $aResult; } /** * Account object * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param array | string $mCalendarId Calendar ID * @param string $dStart Date range start * @param string $dFinish Date range end * * @return array|bool */ public function getTasks($sUserPublicId, $mCalendarId, $bCompeted = true, $sSearch = '', $dStart = null, $dFinish = null, $bExpand = true) { $aResult = array(); try { $now = new \DateTime('now'); $now->setTime(0, 0); if ($dStart === null) { $dStart = $now->getTimestamp() - 86400 * 30; } if ($dFinish === null) { $dFinish = $now->getTimestamp() + 86400 * 30; } $dStart = ($dStart != null) ? date('Ymd\T000000\Z', intval($dStart) - 86400) : null; $dFinish = ($dFinish != null) ? date('Ymd\T235959\Z', intval($dFinish)) : null; $mCalendarId = !is_array($mCalendarId) ? array($mCalendarId) : $mCalendarId; foreach ($mCalendarId as $sCalendarId) { $aTasks = $this->oStorage->getTasks($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $bCompeted, $sSearch, $dStart, $dFinish, $bExpand); if ($aTasks && is_array($aTasks)) { $aResult = array_merge($aResult, $aTasks); } } } catch (\Exception $oException) { $aResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $aResult; } /** * @param string $sUserPublicId Account object * @param mixed $mCalendarId * @param object $dStart * @param object $dEnd * @param bool $bGetData * * @return string */ public function getEventsInfo($sUserPublicId, $mCalendarId, $dStart = null, $dEnd = null, $bGetData = false) { $aResult = array(); try { $dStart = ($dStart != null) ? date('Ymd\T000000\Z', $dStart - 86400) : null; $dEnd = ($dEnd != null) ? date('Ymd\T235959\Z', $dEnd) : null; $mCalendarId = !is_array($mCalendarId) ? array($mCalendarId) : $mCalendarId; foreach ($mCalendarId as $sCalendarId) { $aEvents = $this->oStorage->getEventsInfo($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $dStart, $dEnd, $bGetData); if ($aEvents && is_array($aEvents)) { $aResult = array_merge($aResult, $aEvents); } } } catch (\Exception $oException) { $aResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $aResult; } /** * Return specific event. * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param string $sCalendarId Calendar ID * @param string $sEventId Event ID * * @return array|bool */ public function getEvent($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sEventId) { $mResult = null; try { $mResult = array(); $aData = $this->oStorage->getEvent($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sEventId); if ($aData !== false) { if (isset($aData['vcal'])) { $oVCal = $aData['vcal']; $oCalendar = $this->oStorage->getCalendar($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId); $mResult = \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Parser::parseEvent($sUserPublicId, $oCalendar, $oVCal, $oVCal); $mResult['vcal'] = $oVCal; } } } catch (\Exception $oException) { $mResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $mResult; } // Events /** * For recurring event, gets a base one. * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param string $sCalendarId Calendar ID * @param string $sEventId Event ID * * @return array|bool */ public function getBaseEvent($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sEventId) { $mResult = null; try { $mResult = array(); $aData = $this->oStorage->getEvent($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sEventId); if ($aData !== false) { if (isset($aData['vcal'])) { $oVCal = $aData['vcal']; $oVCalOriginal = clone $oVCal; $oCalendar = $this->oStorage->getCalendar($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId); $oVEvent = $oVCal->getBaseComponents('VEVENT'); if (isset($oVEvent[0])) { unset($oVCal->VEVENT); $oVCal->VEVENT = $oVEvent[0]; } $oEvent = \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Parser::parseEvent($sUserPublicId, $oCalendar, $oVCal, $oVCalOriginal); if (isset($oEvent[0])) { $mResult = $oEvent[0]; } } } } catch (\Exception $oException) { $mResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $mResult; } /** * For recurring event, gets all occurences within a date range. * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param string $sCalendarId Calendar ID * @param string $sEventId Event ID * @param string $dStart Date range start * @param string $dEnd Date range end * * @return array|bool */ public function getExpandedEvent($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sEventId, $dStart = null, $dEnd = null) { $mResult = null; try { $dStart = ($dStart != null) ? date('Ymd\T000000\Z', $dStart/* + 86400*/) : null; $dEnd = ($dEnd != null) ? date('Ymd\T235959\Z', $dEnd) : null; $mResult = $this->oStorage->getExpandedEvent($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sEventId, $dStart, $dEnd); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $mResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $mResult; } /** * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param string $sCalendarId * @param string $sEventId * @param array $sData * * @return mixed */ public function createEventFromRaw($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sEventId, $sData) { $mResult = false; $aEvents = array(); try { $oVCal = \Sabre\VObject\Reader::read($sData); if ($oVCal && ($oVCal->VEVENT || $oVCal->VTODO)) { if (!empty($sEventId)) { $mResult = $this->oStorage->createEvent($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sEventId, $oVCal); } else { foreach ($oVCal->VEVENT as $oVEvent) { $sUid = (string)$oVEvent->UID; if (!isset($aEvents[$sUid])) { $aEvents[$sUid] = new \Sabre\VObject\Component\VCalendar(); } $aEvents[$sUid]->add($oVEvent); } $aVTodo = !empty($oVCal->VTODO) ? $oVCal->VTODO : []; foreach ($aVTodo as $oVTodo) { $sUid = (string)$oVTodo->UID; if (!isset($aEvents[$sUid])) { $aEvents[$sUid] = new \Sabre\VObject\Component\VCalendar(); } $aEvents[$sUid]->add($oVTodo); } $aCreatedUids = []; foreach ($aEvents as $sUid => $oVCalNew) { $sCreatedUid = $this->oStorage->createEvent($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sUid, $oVCalNew); if ($sCreatedUid) { $aCreatedUids[] = $sCreatedUid; } } if (!empty($aCreatedUids)) { $mResult = $aCreatedUids; } } } } catch (\Exception $oException) { $this->setLastException($oException); } return $mResult; } /** * Creates event from event object. * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Event $oEvent Event object * * @return mixed */ public function createEvent($sUserPublicId, $oEvent) { $oResult = null; try { $oEvent->Id = \Sabre\DAV\UUIDUtil::getUUID(); $oVCal = new \Sabre\VObject\Component\VCalendar(); $sComponentName = !empty($oEvent->Type) ? $oEvent->Type : 'VEVENT'; $oComponent = new \Sabre\VObject\Component\VEvent( $oVCal, $sComponentName, [ 'SEQUENCE' => 0, 'TRANSP' => 'OPAQUE', 'DTSTAMP' => new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')), ], true ); $oVCal->add($oComponent); \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Helper::populateVCalendar($sUserPublicId, $oEvent, $oVCal, $oVCal->$sComponentName); $aArgs = [ 'sUserPublicId' => $sUserPublicId, 'oEvent' => $oEvent, 'oVCal' => $oVCal ]; $this->GetModule()->broadcastEvent( 'populateVCalendar', $aArgs, $oVCal->$sComponentName ); $oResult = $this->oStorage->createEvent($sUserPublicId, $oEvent->IdCalendar, $oEvent->Id, $oVCal); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } /** * Update events using event object. * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Event $oEvent Event object * * @return bool */ public function updateEvent($sUserPublicId, $oEvent) { $oResult = null; try { $aData = $this->oStorage->getEvent($sUserPublicId, $oEvent->IdCalendar, $oEvent->Id); if ($aData !== false) { /** @var \Sabre\VObject\Component\VCalendar */ $oVCal = $aData['vcal']; if ($oEvent->Type === 'VTODO' && isset($oVCal->VEVENT)) { $sRawEventData = $oVCal->serialize(); $sRawEventData = str_replace('VEVENT', 'VTODO', $sRawEventData); $oVCal = \Sabre\VObject\Reader::read($sRawEventData); } if ($oEvent->Type === 'VEVENT' && isset($oVCal->VTODO)) { $sRawEventData = $oVCal->serialize(); $sRawEventData = str_replace('VTODO', 'VEVENT', $sRawEventData); $oVCal = \Sabre\VObject\Reader::read($sRawEventData); } if ($oVCal) { $sComponent = $oEvent->Type; $iIndex = \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Helper::getBaseVComponentIndex($oVCal->{$sComponent}); if ($iIndex !== false) { \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Helper::populateVCalendar($sUserPublicId, $oEvent, $oVCal, $oVCal->{$sComponent}[$iIndex]); $aArgs = [ 'sUserPublicId' => $sUserPublicId, 'oEvent' => $oEvent, 'oVCal' => $oVCal ]; $this->GetModule()->broadcastEvent( 'populateVCalendar', $aArgs, $oVCal->{$sComponent}[$iIndex] ); } $oVCalResult = clone $oVCal; if (!isset($oEvent->RRule)) { unset($oVCalResult->{$sComponent}); if (isset($oVCal->{$sComponent})) { foreach ($oVCal->{$sComponent} as $oVComponent) { $oVComponent->SEQUENCE = (int) $oVComponent->SEQUENCE->getValue() + 1; if (!isset($oVComponent->{'RECURRENCE-ID'})) { $oVCalResult->add($oVComponent); } } } } $oResult = $this->oStorage->updateEvent($sUserPublicId, $oEvent->IdCalendar, $aData['url'], $oVCalResult); } } } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } /** * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param string $sCalendarId * @param string $sEventUrl * @param string $sData * * @return bool */ public function updateEventRaw($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sEventUrl, $sData) { return $this->oStorage->updateEventRaw($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sEventUrl, $sData); } /** * Moves event to a different calendar. * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param string $sCalendarId Current calendar ID * @param string $sCalendarIdNew New calendar ID * @param string $sEventId Event ID * * @return bool */ public function moveEvent($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sCalendarIdNew, $sEventId) { $oResult = null; try { $aData = $this->oStorage->getEvent($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sEventId); if ($aData !== false && isset($aData['vcal']) && $aData['vcal'] instanceof \Sabre\VObject\Component\VCalendar) { $oResult = $this->oStorage->moveEvent($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sCalendarIdNew, $sEventId, $aData['vcal']->serialize()); // $this->updateEventGroupByMoving($sCalendarId, $sEventId, $sCalendarIdNew); return true; } return false; } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } /** * @param string $sCalendarId * @param string $sEventId * @param string $sNewCalendarId */ public function updateEventGroupByMoving($sCalendarId, $sEventId, $sNewCalendarId) { $oContactsModule = \Aurora\System\Api::GetModule('Contacts'); if ($oContactsModule) { $aEvents = $oContactsModule->CallMethod('getGroupEvent', array($sCalendarId, $sEventId)); if (is_array($aEvents) && 0 < count($aEvents)) { foreach ($aEvents as $aEvent) { if (isset($aEvent['id_group'])) { $oContactsModule->CallMethod('removeEventFromGroup', array($aEvent['id_group'], $sCalendarId, $sEventId)); $oContactsModule->CallMethod('addEventToGroup', array($aEvent['id_group'], $sNewCalendarId, $sEventId)); } } } } } /** * Updates or deletes exclusion from recurring event. * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Event $oEvent Event object * @param string $sRecurrenceId Recurrence ID * @param bool $bDelete If **true**, exclusion is deleted * * @return bool */ public function updateExclusion($sUserPublicId, $oEvent, $sRecurrenceId, $bDelete = false) { $oResult = null; try { $oUser = \Aurora\System\Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); $aData = $this->oStorage->getEvent($sUserPublicId, $oEvent->IdCalendar, $oEvent->Id); if ($aData !== false && isset($aData['vcal']) && $aData['vcal'] instanceof \Sabre\VObject\Component\VCalendar) { $oVCal = $aData['vcal']; $sComponent = isset($oVCal->VEVENT) ? 'VEVENT' : 'VTODO'; $iIndex = \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Helper::getBaseVComponentIndex($oVCal->{$sComponent}); if ($iIndex !== false) { /** @var \Sabre\VObject\Component $oVComponent */ $oVComponent = &$oVCal->{$sComponent}[$iIndex]; $oVComponent->{'LAST-MODIFIED'} = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); $oDTExdate = \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Helper::prepareDateTime($sRecurrenceId, $oUser->DefaultTimeZone); /** @var \Sabre\VObject\Property\ICalendar\DateTime */ $DTSTART = $oVComponent->DTSTART; $oDTStart = $DTSTART->getDatetime(); $mIndex = \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Helper::isRecurrenceExists($oVCal->{$sComponent}, $sRecurrenceId); if ($bDelete) { // if exclude first event in occurrence if ($oDTExdate === $oDTStart) { $it = new \Sabre\VObject\Recur\EventIterator($oVCal, (string) $oVCal->{$sComponent}[$iIndex]->UID); $it->fastForward($oDTStart); $it->next(); if ($it->valid()) { $oEventObj = $it->getEventObject(); $oVComponent->DTSTART = $oEventObj->DTSTART; $oVComponent->DTEND = $oEventObj->DTEND; } } if (isset($oVComponent->EXDATE)) { $oEXDATE = clone $oVComponent->EXDATE; unset($oVComponent->EXDATE); foreach ($oEXDATE as $oExDate) { if ($oExDate->getDateTime() !== $oDTExdate) { $oVComponent->add('EXDATE', $oExDate->getDateTime()); } } } $oVComponent->add('EXDATE', $oDTExdate); if (false !== $mIndex) { $aVEvents = $oVCal->{$sComponent}; unset($oVCal->{$sComponent}); foreach ($aVEvents as $oVEvent) { if ($oVEvent->{'RECURRENCE-ID'}) { $iRecurrenceId = \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Helper::getTimestamp($oVEvent->{'RECURRENCE-ID'}, $oUser->DefaultTimeZone); if ((int)$iRecurrenceId == (int) $sRecurrenceId) { continue; } } $oVCal->add($oVEvent); } } } else { $oVEventRecur = null; if ($mIndex === false) { $oVEventRecur = $oVCal->add($sComponent, array( 'SEQUENCE' => 1, 'TRANSP' => 'OPAQUE', 'RECURRENCE-ID' => $oDTExdate )); } else { $oVEventRecur = &$oVCal->{$sComponent}[$mIndex]; } if ($oVEventRecur) { $oEvent->RRule = null; \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Helper::populateVCalendar($sUserPublicId, $oEvent, $oVCal, $oVEventRecur); $aArgs = [ 'sUserPublicId' => $sUserPublicId, 'oEvent' => $oEvent, 'oVCal' => $oVCal ]; $this->GetModule()->broadcastEvent( 'populateVCalendar', $aArgs, $oVEventRecur ); } } $this->oStorage->updateEvent($sUserPublicId, $oEvent->IdCalendar, $oEvent->Id, $oVCal); return true; } } return false; } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } /** * deleteExclusion * * @param string $sUserPublicId Account object * @param string $sCalendarId Calendar ID * @param string $sEventId Event ID * @param string $iRecurrenceId Recurrence ID * * @return bool */ public function deleteExclusion($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sEventId, $iRecurrenceId) { $oResult = null; try { $aData = $this->oStorage->getEvent($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sEventId); $oUser = \Aurora\Modules\Core\Module::Decorator()->GetUserByPublicId($sUserPublicId); if ($oUser && $aData !== false && isset($aData['vcal']) && $aData['vcal'] instanceof \Sabre\VObject\Component\VCalendar) { $oVCal = $aData['vcal']; $sComponent = 'VEVENT'; if ($oVCal->VTODO) { $sComponent = 'VTODO'; } $aVComponents = $oVCal->{$sComponent}; unset($oVCal->{$sComponent}); foreach ($aVComponents as $oVComponent) { if (isset($oVComponent->{'RECURRENCE-ID'})) { $iServerRecurrenceId = \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Helper::getStrDate($oVComponent->{'RECURRENCE-ID'}, $oUser->DefaultTimeZone, 'Ymd'); if ($iRecurrenceId == $iServerRecurrenceId) { continue; } } $oVCal->add($oVComponent); } return $this->oStorage->updateEvent($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sEventId, $oVCal); } return false; } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } /** * * @param int $start * @param int $end * * @return array|bool */ public function getReminders($start = null, $end = null) { $oResult = null; try { $oResult = $this->oStorage->getReminders($start, $end); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } /** * * @param string $sEventId * @return bool */ public function deleteReminder($sEventId) { $oResult = null; try { $oResult = $this->oStorage->deleteReminder($sEventId); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } /** * * @param string $sCalendarUri * * @return bool */ public function deleteReminderByCalendar($sCalendarUri) { $oResult = null; try { $oResult = $this->oStorage->deleteReminderByCalendar($sCalendarUri); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } /** * * @param int $time * * @return bool */ public function deleteOutdatedReminders($time) { $oResult = false; try { $oResult = $this->oStorage->deleteOutdatedReminders($time); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } /** * * @param string $sEmail * @param string $sCalendarUri * @param string $sEventId * @param string $sData * * @return bool */ public function updateReminder($sEmail, $sCalendarUri, $sEventId, $sData) { $oResult = null; try { $oCalendar = $this->getCalendar($sEmail, $sCalendarUri); if ($oCalendar) { $oResult = $this->oStorage->updateReminder($oCalendar, $sEventId, $sData); } } catch (\Exception $oException) { $oResult = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $oResult; } /** * Returns default calendar of the account. * * @param string $sUserPublicId * * @return \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Calendar|false $oCalendar */ public function getDefaultCalendar($sUserPublicId) { $mResult = null; $aCalendars = $this->getCalendars($sUserPublicId); foreach ($aCalendars as $key => $val) { if (strpos($key, \Afterlogic\DAV\Constants::CALENDAR_DEFAULT_UUID) !== false) { $mResult = $val; break; } } return $mResult; } /** * @param string $sUserPublicId * * @return bool */ public function getCalendars($sUserPublicId) { $aCalendars = []; try { $aCalendars = $this->oStorage->getCalendars($sUserPublicId); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $aCalendars = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $aCalendars; } public function getSharedCalendars($sUserPublicId) { $aCalendars = []; try { $aCalendars = $this->oStorage->getSharedCalendars($sUserPublicId); } catch (\Exception $oException) { $aCalendars = false; $this->setLastException($oException); } return $aCalendars; } /** * Deletes event. * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param string $sCalendarId Calendar ID * @param string $sEventId Event ID * * @return bool */ public function deleteEvent($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sEventId) { $oResult = false; $oUser = \Aurora\Modules\Core\Module::Decorator()->GetUserByPublicId($sUserPublicId); if ($oUser instanceof \Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\User) { $aData = $this->oStorage->getEvent($oUser->PublicId, $sCalendarId, $sEventId); if ($aData !== false && isset($aData['vcal']) && $aData['vcal'] instanceof \Sabre\VObject\Component\VCalendar) { $oVCal = $aData['vcal']; $aArgs = [ 'sUserPublicId' => $oUser->PublicId ]; $this->GetModule()->broadcastEvent( 'DeleteEvent', $aArgs, $oVCal ); $oResult = $this->oStorage->deleteEvent($oUser->PublicId, $sCalendarId, $aData['url']); if ($oResult) { // TODO realise 'removeEventFromAllGroups' method in 'Contacts' module //$oContactsModule = \Aurora\System\Api::GetModule('Contacts'); //$oContactsModule->CallMethod('removeEventFromAllGroups', array($sCalendarId, $sEventId)); } } } return $oResult; } /** * Deletes event. * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param string $sCalendarId Calendar ID * @param string $sEventUrl Event URL * * @return bool */ public function deleteEventByUrl($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sEventUrl) { return $this->oStorage->deleteEventByUrl($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sEventUrl); } /** * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param string $sData * @param string $mFromEmail * @param bool $bUpdateAttendeeStatus * * @return array|bool */ public function processICS($sUserPublicId, $sData, $mFromEmail, $bUpdateAttendeeStatus = false) { $mResult = false; $oAuthenticatedUser = Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); $aAccountEmails = ['mailto:' . $oAuthenticatedUser->PublicId]; $oUser = \Aurora\Modules\Core\Module::Decorator()->GetUserByPublicId($sUserPublicId); if ($oUser instanceof \Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\User) { /** @var \Aurora\Modules\Mail\Module */ $oMailModuleDecorator = Api::GetModuleDecorator('Mail'); if ($oMailModuleDecorator) { $aUserAccounts = $oMailModuleDecorator->GetAccounts($oUser->Id); foreach ($aUserAccounts as $oMailAccount) { if ($oMailAccount instanceof \Aurora\Modules\Mail\Models\MailAccount) { $aAccountEmails[] = 'mailto:' . $oMailAccount->Email; } } } $aAccountEmails = array_unique($aAccountEmails); /** @var \Sabre\VObject\Component\VCalendar */ $newVCal = \Sabre\VObject\Reader::read($sData); if ($newVCal) { $newBaseVEvent = $newVCal->getBaseComponent('VEVENT'); $sMethod = isset($newVCal->METHOD) ? $newVCal->METHOD->getValue() : 'SAVE'; if (!in_array($sMethod, ['REQUEST', 'REPLY', 'CANCEL', 'PUBLISH', 'SAVE'])) { return false; } if ($sMethod === 'REPLY') { $aAccountEmails = ['mailto:' . $mFromEmail]; } if ($newBaseVEvent) { $oldBaseVEvent = null; $sEventId = (string)$newBaseVEvent->UID; $oldSequence = 0; $newSequence = isset($newBaseVEvent->{'SEQUENCE'}) && $newBaseVEvent->{'SEQUENCE'}->getValue() ? $newBaseVEvent->{'SEQUENCE'}->getValue() : 0 ; $sCalendarId = $this->oStorage->findEventInCalendars($sUserPublicId, $sEventId); if ($sCalendarId) { $oldEventData = $this->oStorage->getEvent($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $sEventId); if ($oldEventData !== false) { $oldVCal = $oldEventData['vcal']; if ($oldVCal) { $oldBaseVEvent = $oldVCal->getBaseComponent('VEVENT'); if ($oldBaseVEvent) { $oldSequence = isset($oldBaseVEvent->{'SEQUENCE'}) && $oldBaseVEvent->{'SEQUENCE'}->getValue() ? $oldBaseVEvent->{'SEQUENCE'}->getValue() : 0 ; } } $broker = new ITipBroker(); $messages = $broker->parseEvent($newVCal, $aAccountEmails, $oldVCal); $schedulePlugin = Server::getInstance()->getPlugin('caldav-schedule'); if ($schedulePlugin instanceof \Afterlogic\DAV\CalDAV\Schedule\Plugin) { foreach ($messages as $message) { $schedulePlugin->scheduleLocalDeliveryParent($message); } } } } // $sWhen = ''; if (isset($newBaseVEvent->DTSTART)) { /** @var \Sabre\VObject\Property\ICalendar\DateTime */ $newDTStart = $newBaseVEvent->DTSTART; $sWhenDateFormat = $newDTStart->hasTime() ? 'D, M d, Y, H:i' : 'D, M d, Y'; $sWhen = \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Helper::getStrDate($newDTStart, $oUser->DefaultTimeZone, $sWhenDateFormat); if ($this->oModule->oModuleSettings->ShowWeekNumbers) { $sWeek = \Aurora\Modules\Calendar\Classes\Helper::getStrDate($newDTStart, $oUser->DefaultTimeZone, 'W'); $sWhen .= ' (' . $this->oModule->i18n('LABEL_WEEK_SHORT') . $sWeek . ')'; } } $organizerEmail = ''; $organizer = []; if (isset($newBaseVEvent->ORGANIZER)) { $organizerEmail = str_ireplace('mailto:', '', (string) $newBaseVEvent->ORGANIZER); $displayName = ''; if (isset($newBaseVEvent->ORGANIZER['CN'])) { /** @var \Sabre\VObject\Property\ICalendar\CalAddress */ $cn = $newBaseVEvent->ORGANIZER['CN']; $displayName = $cn->getValue(); } $organizer = [ 'DisplayName' => $displayName, 'Email' => $organizerEmail ]; } $ateendeeList = []; if (isset($newBaseVEvent->ATTENDEE)) { foreach ($newBaseVEvent->ATTENDEE as $oAttendee) { $ateendee = str_ireplace('mailto:', '', (string) $oAttendee); if (strtolower($ateendee) !== strtolower($organizerEmail)) { $ateendeeList[] = [ 'DisplayName' => (isset($oAttendee['CN'])) ? $oAttendee['CN']->getValue() : '', 'Email' => $ateendee ]; } } } if ($sMethod === 'CANCEL' && $bUpdateAttendeeStatus) { $aArgs = [ 'sUserPublicId' => $oUser->PublicId, 'sCalendarId' => $sCalendarId, 'sEventId' => $sEventId ]; $this->GetModule()->broadcastEvent( 'processICS::Cancel', $aArgs, $mResult ); } $mResult = [ 'Calendars' => $this->oStorage->GetCalendarNames($sUserPublicId), 'CalendarId' => $sCalendarId, 'UID' => $sEventId, 'Body' => $newVCal->serialize(), 'Action' => $sMethod, 'Location' => isset($newBaseVEvent->LOCATION) ? (string)$newBaseVEvent->LOCATION : '', 'Description' => isset($newBaseVEvent->DESCRIPTION) ? (string)$newBaseVEvent->DESCRIPTION : '', 'Summary' => isset($newBaseVEvent->SUMMARY) ? (string)$newBaseVEvent->SUMMARY : '', 'When' => $sWhen, 'Sequence' => $newSequence, 'Organizer' => $organizer, 'AttendeeList' => $ateendeeList, ]; if ($oldSequence && $oldSequence >= $newSequence) { $aArgs = [ 'oVEventResult' => $sMethod === 'REPLY' ? $newBaseVEvent : $oldBaseVEvent, 'sMethod' => $sMethod, 'aAccountEmails' => $aAccountEmails ]; $this->GetModule()->broadcastEvent( 'processICS::AddAttendeesToResult', $aArgs, $mResult ); } } } } return $mResult; } /** * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param string $uid * * @return string|false */ public function findEventInCalendars($sUserPublicId, $uid) { return $this->oStorage->findEventInCalendars($sUserPublicId, $uid); } /** * @param string $sUserPublicId * * @return bool */ public function clearAllCalendars($sUserPublicId) { $bResult = false; $oUser = Api::getUserById(Api::getUserIdByPublicId($sUserPublicId)); if ($oUser instanceof \Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\User) { $bResult = $this->oStorage->clearAllCalendars($sUserPublicId); } return $bResult; } public function getChangesForCalendar($userPublicId, $calendarId, $syncToken, $limit = null) { return $this->oStorage->getChangesForCalendar($userPublicId, $calendarId, $syncToken, $limit); } }