oModuleSettings; } /** * * @return Manager */ public function getManager() { if ($this->oManager === null) { $this->oManager = new Manager($this); } return $this->oManager; } public function getFilecacheManager() { if ($this->oFilecacheManager === null) { $this->oFilecacheManager = new \Aurora\System\Managers\Filecache(); } return $this->oFilecacheManager; } public function init() { $this->aErrors = [ Enums\ErrorCodes::CannotFindCalendar => $this->i18N('ERROR_NO_CALENDAR'), Enums\ErrorCodes::InvalidSubscribedIcs => $this->i18N('ERROR_INVALID_SUBSCRIBED_ICS') ]; $this->AddEntries( array( 'calendar-pub' => 'EntryCalendarPub', 'calendar-download' => 'EntryCalendarDownload' ) ); $this->subscribeEvent('Mail::GetBodyStructureParts', array($this, 'onGetBodyStructureParts')); $this->subscribeEvent('MobileSync::GetInfo', array($this, 'onGetMobileSyncInfo')); $this->subscribeEvent('Mail::ExtendMessageData', array($this, 'onExtendMessageData')); $this->subscribeEvent('Core::DeleteUser::before', array($this, 'onBeforeDeleteUser')); $this->subscribeEvent('Core::DeleteUser::after', array($this, 'onAfterDeleteUser')); } /** * Obtains list of module settings for authenticated user. * * @return array */ public function GetSettings() { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::Anonymous); $aSettings = array( 'AddDescriptionToTitle' => $this->oModuleSettings->AddDescriptionToTitle, 'AllowTasks' => $this->oModuleSettings->AllowTasks, 'DefaultTab' => $this->oModuleSettings->DefaultTab, 'HighlightWorkingDays' => $this->oModuleSettings->HighlightWorkingDays, 'HighlightWorkingHours' => $this->oModuleSettings->HighlightWorkingHours, 'ShowWeekNumbers' => $this->oModuleSettings->ShowWeekNumbers, 'PublicCalendarId' => $this->oHttp->GetQuery('calendar-pub', ''), 'WeekStartsOn' => $this->oModuleSettings->WeekStartsOn, 'WorkdayEnds' => $this->oModuleSettings->WorkdayEnds, 'WorkdayStarts' => $this->oModuleSettings->WorkdayStarts, 'AllowSubscribedCalendars' => $this->oModuleSettings->AllowSubscribedCalendars, 'AllowPrivateEvents' => $this->oModuleSettings->AllowPrivateEvents, 'AllowDefaultReminders' => $this->oModuleSettings->AllowDefaultReminders, 'DefaultReminders' => [], 'CalendarColors' => $this->oModuleSettings->CalendarColors, ); $oUser = \Aurora\System\Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); if ($oUser && $oUser->isNormalOrTenant()) { if (null !== $oUser->getExtendedProp(self::GetName() . '::HighlightWorkingDays')) { $aSettings['HighlightWorkingDays'] = $oUser->getExtendedProp(self::GetName() . '::HighlightWorkingDays'); } if (null !== $oUser->getExtendedProp(self::GetName() . '::HighlightWorkingHours')) { $aSettings['HighlightWorkingHours'] = $oUser->getExtendedProp(self::GetName() . '::HighlightWorkingHours'); } if (null !== $oUser->getExtendedProp(self::GetName() . '::ShowWeekNumbers')) { $aSettings['ShowWeekNumbers'] = $oUser->getExtendedProp(self::GetName() . '::ShowWeekNumbers'); } if (null !== $oUser->getExtendedProp(self::GetName() . '::WorkdayStarts')) { $aSettings['WorkdayStarts'] = $oUser->getExtendedProp(self::GetName() . '::WorkdayStarts'); } if (null !== $oUser->getExtendedProp(self::GetName() . '::WorkdayEnds')) { $aSettings['WorkdayEnds'] = $oUser->getExtendedProp(self::GetName() . '::WorkdayEnds'); } if (null !== $oUser->getExtendedProp(self::GetName() . '::WeekStartsOn')) { $aSettings['WeekStartsOn'] = $oUser->getExtendedProp(self::GetName() . '::WeekStartsOn'); } if (null !== $oUser->getExtendedProp(self::GetName() . '::DefaultTab')) { $aSettings['DefaultTab'] = $oUser->getExtendedProp(self::GetName() . '::DefaultTab'); } if (null !== $oUser->getExtendedProp(self::GetName() . '::DefaultReminders')) { $aSettings['DefaultReminders'] = $oUser->getExtendedProp(self::GetName() . '::DefaultReminders'); } $oUser->save(); } return $aSettings; } public function UpdateSettings($HighlightWorkingDays, $HighlightWorkingHours, $WorkdayStarts, $WorkdayEnds, $WeekStartsOn, $DefaultTab, $DefaultReminders, $ShowWeekNumbers) { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::NormalUser); $oUser = \Aurora\System\Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); if ($oUser) { if ($oUser->isNormalOrTenant()) { $oCoreDecorator = \Aurora\Modules\Core\Module::Decorator(); $oUser->setExtendedProps([ self::GetName() . '::HighlightWorkingDays' => $HighlightWorkingDays, self::GetName() . '::HighlightWorkingHours' => $HighlightWorkingHours, self::GetName() . '::ShowWeekNumbers' => $ShowWeekNumbers, self::GetName() . '::WorkdayStarts' => $WorkdayStarts, self::GetName() . '::WorkdayEnds' => $WorkdayEnds, self::GetName() . '::WeekStartsOn' => $WeekStartsOn, self::GetName() . '::DefaultTab' => $DefaultTab, self::GetName() . '::DefaultReminders' => $DefaultReminders, ]); return $oCoreDecorator->UpdateUserObject($oUser); } if ($oUser->Role === \Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::SuperAdmin) { $this->setConfig('HighlightWorkingDays', $HighlightWorkingDays); $this->setConfig('HighlightWorkingHours', $HighlightWorkingHours); $this->setConfig('ShowWeekNumbers', $ShowWeekNumbers); $this->setConfig('WorkdayStarts', $WorkdayStarts); $this->setConfig('WorkdayEnds', $WorkdayEnds); $this->setConfig('WeekStartsOn', $WeekStartsOn); $this->setConfig('DefaultTab', $DefaultTab); return $this->saveModuleConfig(); } } return false; } /** * Loads calendar. * * @param int $UserId * @param string $CalendarId Calendar ID * * @return Classes\Calendar|false $oCalendar */ public function GetCalendar($UserId, $CalendarId) { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $oUser = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserById($UserId); $oCalendar = $this->getManager()->getCalendar($oUser->PublicId, $CalendarId); if ($oCalendar) { // $oCalendar = $this->getManager()->populateCalendarShares($UserId, $oCalendar); } return $oCalendar; } /** * * @param string $CalendarId * * @return array|false */ public function GetPublicCalendar($CalendarId) { $mResult = false; \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::Anonymous); $oPublicCalendar = $this->getManager()->getPublicCalendar($CalendarId); if ($oPublicCalendar) { $mResult = [ 'Calendars' => [$oPublicCalendar] ]; } return $mResult; } /** * * @param int $UserId * @return array|boolean */ public function GetCalendars($UserId) { $mResult = false; $mCalendars = false; \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $oUser = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserById($UserId); if ($oUser) { $mCalendars = $this->getManager()->getCalendars($oUser->PublicId); } // When $mCalendars is an empty array with condition "if ($mCalendars)" $mResult will be false if (is_array($mCalendars)) { $mResult = array( 'Calendars' => $mCalendars ); } return $mResult; } /** * * @return void */ public function EntryCalendarDownload() { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::NormalUser); $RawKey = \Aurora\System\Router::getItemByIndex(1, ''); $aValues = \Aurora\System\Api::DecodeKeyValues($RawKey); $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById(\Aurora\System\Api::getAuthenticatedUserId()); if (isset($aValues['CalendarId'])) { $sCalendarId = $aValues['CalendarId']; $sOutput = $this->getManager()->exportCalendarToIcs($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId); if (false !== $sOutput) { header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Type: text/calendar'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $sCalendarId . '.ics";'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); echo $sOutput; } } } /** * * @param int $UserId * @param string $Name * @param string $Description * @param string $Color * @return array|boolean */ public function CreateCalendar($UserId, $Name, $Description, $Color, $UUID = null) { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $mResult = false; $mCalendarId = $this->getManager()->createCalendar($sUserPublicId, $Name, $Description, 1, $Color, $UUID); if ($mCalendarId) { $oCalendar = $this->getManager()->getCalendar($sUserPublicId, $mCalendarId); if ($oCalendar instanceof Classes\Calendar) { $mResult = $oCalendar->toResponseArray($sUserPublicId); } } return $mResult; } public function CreateSubscribedCalendar($UserId, $Name, $Source, $Color, $UUID = null) { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $mResult = false; if (!$this->getManager()->validateSubscribedCalebdarSource($Source)) { throw new ApiException(Enums\ErrorCodes::InvalidSubscribedIcs); } $mCalendarId = $this->getManager()->createSubscribedCalendar($sUserPublicId, $Name, $Source, 1, $Color, $UUID); if ($mCalendarId) { $oCalendar = $this->getManager()->getCalendar($sUserPublicId, $mCalendarId); if ($oCalendar instanceof Classes\Calendar) { $mResult = $oCalendar->toResponseArray($sUserPublicId); } } return $mResult; } /** * * @param int $UserId * @param string $Id * @param string $Name * @param string $Description * @param string $Color * @return array|boolean */ public function UpdateCalendar($UserId, $Id, $Name, $Description, $Color) { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); return $this->getManager()->updateCalendar($sUserPublicId, $Id, $Name, $Description, 0, $Color); } /** * * @param int $UserId * @param string $Id * @param string $Name * @param string $Source * @param string $Color * @return array|boolean */ public function UpdateSubscribedCalendar($UserId, $Id, $Name, $Source, $Color) { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); if (!$this->getManager()->validateSubscribedCalebdarSource($Source)) { throw new ApiException(Enums\ErrorCodes::InvalidSubscribedIcs); } return $this->getManager()->updateSubscribedCalendar($sUserPublicId, $Id, $Name, $Source, 0, $Color); } /** * * @param int $UserId * @param string $Id * @param string $Color * @return array|boolean */ public function UpdateCalendarColor($UserId, $Id, $Color) { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); return $this->getManager()->updateCalendarColor($sUserPublicId, $Id, $Color); } /** * * @param int $UserId * @param string $Id * @param boolean $IsPublic * @param string $Shares * @param boolean $ShareToAll * @param int $ShareToAllAccess * @return array|boolean */ public function UpdateCalendarShare($UserId, $Id, $IsPublic, $Shares, $ShareToAll = false, $ShareToAllAccess = Enums\Permission::Read) { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $aShares = json_decode($Shares, true) ; $oUser = null; $oAuthenticatedUser = \Aurora\System\Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); if ($oAuthenticatedUser->Id !== $UserId && $oAuthenticatedUser->Role === \Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::SuperAdmin) { $oUser = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserById($UserId); } else { $oUser = $oAuthenticatedUser; } $oCalendar = $this->getManager()->getCalendar($oUser->PublicId, $Id); if (!$oCalendar) { throw new \Aurora\System\Exceptions\ApiException(\Aurora\System\Notifications::InvalidInputParameter); } //Calendar can be shared by owner or user with write access except SharedWithAll calendars if ($oCalendar->Owner !== $sUserPublicId && $oCalendar->Access !== Enums\Permission::Write) { return false; } // Share calendar to all users if ($ShareToAll) { $aShares[] = array( 'email' => $this->getManager()->getTenantUser($oUser), 'access' => $ShareToAllAccess ); } else { $aShares[] = array( 'email' => $this->getManager()->getTenantUser($oUser), 'access' => Enums\Permission::RemovePermission ); } return $this->getManager()->updateCalendarShares($sUserPublicId, $Id, $aShares); } /** * * @param string $Id User publicId * @param boolean $IsPublic * @param int $UserId * @return array|boolean */ public function UpdateCalendarPublic($Id, $IsPublic, $UserId = null) { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $oUser = null; $oAuthenticatedUser = \Aurora\System\Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); if ($oAuthenticatedUser->PublicId !== $Id && $oAuthenticatedUser->Role === \Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::SuperAdmin) { $oUser = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserById($UserId); } return $this->getManager()->publicCalendar($Id, $IsPublic, $oUser); } /** * * @param int $UserId * @param string $Id * @return array|boolean */ public function DeleteCalendar($UserId, $Id) { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); return $this->getManager()->deleteCalendar($sUserPublicId, $Id); } /** * * @param int $UserId * @param string $calendarId * @param string $uid * @return array|boolean */ public function GetBaseEvent($UserId, $calendarId, $uid) { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); return $this->getManager()->getBaseEvent($sUserPublicId, $calendarId, $uid); } /** * * @param int $UserId * @param array $CalendarIds * @param int $Start * @param int $End * @param boolean $IsPublic * @param boolean $Expand * @return array|boolean */ public function GetEvents($UserId, $CalendarIds, $Start, $End, $IsPublic, $Expand = true, $DefaultTimeZone = null) { $mResult = false; if ($IsPublic) { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::Anonymous); $mResult = $this->getManager()->getPublicEvents($CalendarIds, $Start, $End, $Expand, $DefaultTimeZone); } else { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $mResult = $this->getManager()->getEvents($sUserPublicId, $CalendarIds, $Start, $End); } $aResult = []; if (is_array($mResult)) { foreach ($mResult as $event) { if (TextUtils::isHtml($event['description'])) { $event['description'] = TextUtils::clearHtml($event['description']); } if (TextUtils::isHtml($event['location'])) { $event['location'] = TextUtils::clearHtml($event['location']); } $aResult[] = $event; } } return $aResult; } /** * * @param int $UserId * @param string $CalendarId * @param array $EventUids * @param int|null $Start * @param int|null $End * @param boolean $Expand * @return array|boolean */ public function GetEventsByUids($UserId, $CalendarId, $EventUids, $Start = null, $End = null, $Expand = false) { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $EventUrls = []; if (is_array($EventUids)) { $EventUrls = array_map(function ($EventUid) { return $EventUid . '.ics'; }, $EventUids); } $Start = ($Start != null) ? date('Ymd\T000000\Z', intval($Start) - 86400) : null; $End = ($End != null) ? date('Ymd\T235959\Z', intval($End)) : null; $mResult = $this->getManager()->getEventsByUrls($sUserPublicId, $CalendarId, $EventUrls, $Start, $End, $Expand); $aResult = []; if (is_array($mResult)) { foreach ($mResult as $event) { if (TextUtils::isHtml($event['description'])) { $event['description'] = TextUtils::clearHtml($event['description']); } if (TextUtils::isHtml($event['location'])) { $event['location'] = TextUtils::clearHtml($event['location']); } $aResult[] = $event; } } return $aResult; } /** * * @param int $UserId * @param array $CalendarIds * @param int $Start * @param int $End * @param boolean $Expand * @return array|boolean */ public function GetTasks($UserId, $CalendarIds, $Completed = true, $Search = '', $Start = null, $End = null, $Expand = true) { $mResult = []; if ($this->oModuleSettings->AllowTasks) { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $mResult = $this->getManager()->getTasks($sUserPublicId, $CalendarIds, $Completed, $Search, $Start, $End, $Expand); } return $mResult; } private function _checkUserCalendar($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId) { $oCalendar = $this->getManager()->getCalendar($sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId); if (!$oCalendar) { throw new Exceptions\Exception(Enums\ErrorCodes::CannotFindCalendar); } elseif ($oCalendar->Access === Enums\Permission::Read) { throw new Exceptions\Exception(Enums\ErrorCodes::NoWriteAccessForCalendar); } } /** * * @param int $UserId * @param string $newCalendarId * @param string $subject * @param string $description * @param string $location * @param int $startTS * @param int $endTS * @param boolean $allDay * @param string $alarms * @param string $attendees * @param string $rrule * @param int $selectStart * @param int $selectEnd * @return array|boolean */ public function CreateEvent( $UserId, $newCalendarId, $subject, $description, $location, $startTS, $endTS, $allDay, $alarms, $attendees, $rrule, $selectStart, $selectEnd, $type = 'VEVENT', $status = false, $withDate = true, $owner = '', $isPrivate = false ) { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $this->_checkUserCalendar($sUserPublicId, $newCalendarId); $now = new \DateTime('now'); $now->setTime(0, 0); if ($selectStart === null) { $selectStart = $now->getTimestamp() - 86400 * self::DEFAULT_PERIOD_IN_DAYS; } if ($selectEnd === null) { $selectEnd = $now->getTimestamp() + 86400 * self::DEFAULT_PERIOD_IN_DAYS; } $oEvent = new Classes\Event(); $oEvent->IdCalendar = $newCalendarId; $oEvent->Name = $subject; $oEvent->Description = TextUtils::isHtml($description) ? TextUtils::clearHtml($description) : $description; $oEvent->Location = TextUtils::isHtml($location) ? TextUtils::clearHtml($location) : $location; $oEvent->IsPrivate = $isPrivate; if ($withDate) { $oEvent->Start = $startTS; $oEvent->End = $endTS; $oEvent->AllDay = $allDay; $oEvent->Alarms = @json_decode($alarms, true); $aRRule = !empty($rrule) ? @json_decode($rrule, true) : false; if ($aRRule) { $oUser = \Aurora\System\Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); $oRRule = new Classes\RRule($oUser->DefaultTimeZone); $oRRule->Populate($aRRule); $oEvent->RRule = $oRRule; } } $oEvent->Attendees = []; $oEvent->Type = $type; $oEvent->Status = $status && $type === 'VTODO'; if ($type === 'VTODO') { $attendees = json_encode([]); } $aArgs = [ 'attendees' => $attendees, 'owner' => $owner, 'UserPublicId' => $sUserPublicId ]; $this->broadcastEvent( 'UpdateEventAttendees', $aArgs, $oEvent ); $mResult = $this->getManager()->createEvent($sUserPublicId, $oEvent); if ($mResult) { $aArgs = ['Event' => $oEvent]; $this->broadcastEvent( 'CreateEvent', $aArgs ); $mResult = $this->getManager()->getExpandedEvent($sUserPublicId, $oEvent->IdCalendar, $mResult, $selectStart, $selectEnd); } return $mResult; } /** * * @param int $UserId * @param string $CalendarId * @param string $EventId * @param array $Data * @return mixed */ public function CreateEventFromData($UserId, $CalendarId, $EventId, $Data) { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $this->_checkUserCalendar($sUserPublicId, $CalendarId); return $this->getManager()->createEventFromRaw($sUserPublicId, $CalendarId, $EventId, $Data); } /** * * @param int $UserId * @param string $CalendarId * @param string $Subject * @return array|boolean */ public function CreateTask($UserId, $CalendarId, $Subject) { $mResult = false; if ($this->oModuleSettings->AllowTasks) { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $this->_checkUserCalendar($sUserPublicId, $CalendarId); $oEvent = new Classes\Event(); $oEvent->IdCalendar = $CalendarId; $oEvent->Name = $Subject; $oEvent->Start = \time(); $oEvent->End = \time(); $oEvent->Type = 'VTODO'; $mResult = $this->getManager()->createEvent($sUserPublicId, $oEvent); } return $mResult; } /** * * @param int $UserId * @param string $CalendarId * @param string $TaskId * @param string $Subject * @param string $Status * @param bool $WithDate * @return array|boolean */ public function UpdateTask($UserId, $CalendarId, $TaskId, $Subject, $Status, $WithDate = false) { $bResult = false; if ($this->oModuleSettings->AllowTasks) { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $this->_checkUserCalendar($sUserPublicId, $CalendarId); $oEvent = new Classes\Event(); $oEvent->IdCalendar = $CalendarId; $oEvent->Id = $TaskId; $oEvent->Name = $Subject; $oEvent->Type = 'VTODO'; $oEvent->Status = $Status ? 'COMPLETED' : ''; if ($WithDate) { $aEvent = $this->GetBaseEvent($UserId, $CalendarId, $TaskId); if ($aEvent) { $oEvent->Start = $aEvent['startTS']; $oEvent->End = $aEvent['endTS']; } } if ($this->getManager()->updateEvent($sUserPublicId, $oEvent)) { return $this->GetBaseEvent($UserId, $CalendarId, $TaskId); } } return $bResult; } /** * * @param int $UserId * @param string $newCalendarId * @param string $calendarId * @param string $uid * @param string $subject * @param string $description * @param string $location * @param int $startTS * @param int $endTS * @param boolean $allDay * @param string|null $alarms * @param string $attendees * @param string|null $rrule * @param int $allEvents * @param string $recurrenceId * @param int $selectStart * @param int $selectEnd * @return array|boolean */ public function UpdateEvent( $UserId, $newCalendarId, $calendarId, $uid, $subject, $description, $location, $startTS, $endTS, $allDay, $alarms, $attendees, $rrule, $allEvents, $recurrenceId, $selectStart, $selectEnd, $type = 'VEVENT', $status = false, $withDate = true, $isPrivate = false, $owner = '' ) { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $mResult = false; $this->_checkUserCalendar($sUserPublicId, $calendarId); if ($calendarId !== $newCalendarId) { $this->_checkUserCalendar($sUserPublicId, $newCalendarId); } $now = new \DateTime('now'); $now->setTime(0, 0); if ($selectStart === null) { $selectStart = $now->getTimestamp() - 86400 * self::DEFAULT_PERIOD_IN_DAYS; } if ($selectEnd === null) { $selectEnd = $now->getTimestamp() + 86400 * self::DEFAULT_PERIOD_IN_DAYS; } $oEvent = new Classes\Event(); $oEvent->IdCalendar = $calendarId; $oEvent->Id = $uid; $oEvent->Name = $subject; $oEvent->Description = TextUtils::isHtml($description) ? TextUtils::clearHtml($description) : $description; $oEvent->Location = TextUtils::isHtml($location) ? TextUtils::clearHtml($location) : $location; $oEvent->IsPrivate = $isPrivate; if ($withDate) { $oEvent->Start = $startTS; $oEvent->End = $endTS; $oEvent->AllDay = $allDay; if (isset($alarms)) { $oEvent->Alarms = @json_decode($alarms, true); } $aRRule = isset($rrule) ? @json_decode($rrule, true) : false; if ($aRRule) { $oUser = \Aurora\System\Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); $oRRule = new Classes\RRule($oUser->DefaultTimeZone); $oRRule->Populate($aRRule); $oEvent->RRule = $oRRule; } } $oEvent->Attendees = []; $oEvent->Type = $type; if ($type === 'VTODO') { $attendees = json_encode([]); } $aArgs = [ 'attendees' => $attendees, 'owner' => $owner, 'UserPublicId' => $sUserPublicId ]; $this->broadcastEvent( 'UpdateEventAttendees', $aArgs, $oEvent ); if (!empty($status)) { $oEvent->Status = $status && $type === 'VTODO'; } if ($allEvents === 1) { $mResult = $this->getManager()->updateExclusion($sUserPublicId, $oEvent, $recurrenceId); } else { $mResult = $this->getManager()->updateEvent($sUserPublicId, $oEvent); if ($mResult && $newCalendarId !== $oEvent->IdCalendar) { $mResult = $this->getManager()->moveEvent($sUserPublicId, $oEvent->IdCalendar, $newCalendarId, $oEvent->Id); $oEvent->IdCalendar = $newCalendarId; } } if ($mResult) { $aArgs = ['Event' => $oEvent]; $this->broadcastEvent( 'CreateEvent', $aArgs ); $mResult = $this->getManager()->getExpandedEvent($sUserPublicId, $oEvent->IdCalendar, $oEvent->Id, $selectStart, $selectEnd); } return $mResult; } /** * * @param int $UserId * @param string $calendarId * @param string $uid * @param boolean $allEvents * @param string $recurrenceId * @return array|boolean */ public function DeleteEvent($UserId, $calendarId, $uid, $allEvents, $recurrenceId) { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $this->_checkUserCalendar($sUserPublicId, $calendarId); $mResult = false; if ($sUserPublicId) { if ($allEvents === 1) { $oEvent = new Classes\Event(); $oEvent->IdCalendar = $calendarId; $oEvent->Id = $uid; $mResult = $this->getManager()->updateExclusion($sUserPublicId, $oEvent, $recurrenceId, true); } else { $mResult = $this->getManager()->deleteEvent($sUserPublicId, $calendarId, $uid); } } return $mResult; } /** * * @param int $UserId * @param string $CalendarId * @param string $File * @return array|boolean * @throws \Aurora\System\Exceptions\ApiException */ public function AddEventsFromFile($UserId, $CalendarId, $File) { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::NormalUser); $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $mResult = false; $this->_checkUserCalendar($sUserPublicId, $CalendarId); if (empty($CalendarId) || empty($File)) { throw new \Aurora\System\Exceptions\ApiException(\Aurora\System\Notifications::InvalidInputParameter); } $sData = $this->getFilecacheManager()->get($sUserPublicId, $File, '', self::GetName()); if (!empty($sData)) { $mResult = $this->getManager()->createEventFromRaw($sUserPublicId, $CalendarId, null, $sData); } return $mResult; } public function EntryCalendarPub() { $sResult = ''; $oApiIntegrator = \Aurora\System\Managers\Integrator::getInstance(); if ($oApiIntegrator) { \Aurora\Modules\CoreWebclient\Module::Decorator()->SetHtmlOutputHeaders(); if (!strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), 'firefox')) { @\header('Last-Modified: ' . \gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); } $oSettings = &\Aurora\System\Api::GetSettings(); if (($oSettings->CacheCtrl && isset($_COOKIE['aft-cache-ctrl']))) { @\setcookie( 'aft-cache-ctrl', '', \strtotime('-1 hour'), \Aurora\System\Api::getCookiePath(), null, \Aurora\System\Api::getCookieSecure() ); \MailSo\Base\Http::NewInstance()->StatusHeader(304); exit(); } $oCoreClientModule = \Aurora\System\Api::GetModule('CoreWebclient'); if ($oCoreClientModule instanceof \Aurora\System\Module\AbstractModule) { $sResult = file_get_contents($oCoreClientModule->GetPath() . '/templates/Index.html'); if (is_string($sResult)) { $sFrameOptions = $oSettings->XFrameOptions; if (0 < \strlen($sFrameOptions)) { @\header('X-Frame-Options: ' . $sFrameOptions); } $sAuthToken = isset($_COOKIE[\Aurora\System\Application::AUTH_TOKEN_KEY]) ? $_COOKIE[\Aurora\System\Application::AUTH_TOKEN_KEY] : ''; $sResult = strtr($sResult, array( '{{AppVersion}}' => \Aurora\System\Application::GetVersion(), '{{IntegratorDir}}' => $oApiIntegrator->isRtl() ? 'rtl' : 'ltr', '{{IntegratorLinks}}' => $oApiIntegrator->buildHeadersLink(), '{{IntegratorBody}}' => $oApiIntegrator->buildBody( array( 'public_app' => true, 'modules_list' => $oApiIntegrator->GetModulesForEntry('CalendarWebclient') ) ) )); } } } return $sResult; } /** * * @param int $UserId * @param string $Data * @param string $FromEmail * @return boolean */ public function ProcessICS($UserId, $Data, $FromEmail) { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); return $this->getManager()->processICS($UserId, $Data, $FromEmail); } /** * * @param int $UserId * @param array $UploadData * @param string $CalendarID * @return array * @throws \Aurora\System\Exceptions\ApiException */ public function UploadCalendar($UserId, $UploadData, $CalendarID) { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $sCalendarId = !empty($CalendarID) ? $CalendarID : ''; $sError = ''; $aResponse = array( 'ImportedCount' => 0 ); if (is_array($UploadData)) { $bIsIcsExtension = strtolower(pathinfo($UploadData['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) === 'ics'; if ($bIsIcsExtension) { $sSavedName = 'import-post-' . md5($UploadData['name'] . $UploadData['tmp_name']); if ($this->getFilecacheManager()->moveUploadedFile($sUserPublicId, $sSavedName, $UploadData['tmp_name'], '', self::GetName())) { $iImportedCount = $this->getManager()->importToCalendarFromIcs( $sUserPublicId, $sCalendarId, $this->getFilecacheManager()->generateFullFilePath($sUserPublicId, $sSavedName, '', self::GetName()) ); if (false !== $iImportedCount && -1 !== $iImportedCount) { $aResponse['ImportedCount'] = $iImportedCount; } else { $sError = 'unknown'; } $this->getFilecacheManager()->clear($sUserPublicId, $sSavedName, '', self::GetName()); } else { $sError = 'unknown'; } } else { throw new \Aurora\System\Exceptions\ApiException(\Aurora\System\Notifications::IncorrectFileExtension); } } else { $sError = 'unknown'; } if (0 < strlen($sError)) { $aResponse['Error'] = $sError; } return $aResponse; } /** * * @param int $UserId * @param string $CalendarId * @param string $SyncToken * @param int|null $Limit * @return array|bool */ public function GetChangesForCalendar($UserId, $CalendarId, $SyncToken, $Limit = null) { \Aurora\System\Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $UserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $oCalendar = $this->getManager()->getCalendar($UserPublicId, $CalendarId); if (!$oCalendar) { throw new Exceptions\Exception(Enums\ErrorCodes::CannotFindCalendar); } $changes = $this->getManager()->getChangesForCalendar($UserPublicId, $CalendarId, $SyncToken, $Limit); $result = []; if (is_array($changes)) { foreach ($changes as $action => &$uris) { if (is_array($uris) && $action !== 'syncToken') { foreach ($uris as $key => $uri) { if (empty(trim($uri))) { unset($uris[$key]); } else { $pinfo = pathinfo($uri); if (isset($pinfo['filename'])) { $uris[$key] = $pinfo['filename']; } } } $uris = array_values($uris); } $result[ucfirst($action)] = $uris; } } return $result; } public function onGetBodyStructureParts($aParts, &$aResult) { foreach ($aParts as $oPart) { if ($oPart instanceof \MailSo\Imap\BodyStructure && $oPart->ContentType() === 'text/calendar') { $aResult[] = $oPart; break; } } } public function onExtendMessageData($aData, &$oMessage) { $oUser = \Aurora\System\Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserPublicIdById($oUser->Id); $sFromEmail = ''; $oFromCollection = $oMessage->getFrom(); if ($oFromCollection && 0 < $oFromCollection->Count()) { $oFrom = &$oFromCollection->GetByIndex(0); if ($oFrom) { $sFromEmail = trim($oFrom->GetEmail()); } } foreach ($aData as $aDataItem) { if ($aDataItem['Part'] instanceof \MailSo\Imap\BodyStructure && $aDataItem['Part']->ContentType() === 'text/calendar') { $sData = $aDataItem['Data']; if (!empty($sData)) { try { $mResult = $this->getManager()->processICS($sUserPublicId, $sData, $sFromEmail); } catch (\Exception $oEx) { $mResult = false; } if (is_array($mResult) && !empty($mResult['Action']) && !empty($mResult['Body'])) { $sTemptFile = md5($sFromEmail . $sData) . '.ics'; if ($this->getFilecacheManager()->put($sUserPublicId, $sTemptFile, $sData, '', self::GetName())) { $oIcs = Classes\Ics::createInstance(); $mResult['Description'] = !empty($mResult['Description']) ? $mResult['Description'] : ''; $mResult['Location'] = !empty($mResult['Location']) ? $mResult['Location'] : ''; $mResult['Description'] = TextUtils::isHtml($mResult['Description']) ? TextUtils::clearHtml($mResult['Description']) : $mResult['Description']; $mResult['Location'] = TextUtils::isHtml($mResult['Location']) ? TextUtils::clearHtml($mResult['Location']) : $mResult['Location']; $oIcs->Uid = $mResult['UID']; $oIcs->Sequence = $mResult['Sequence']; $oIcs->File = $sTemptFile; $oIcs->Type = 'SAVE'; $oIcs->Attendee = null; $oIcs->Location = $mResult['Location']; $oIcs->Description = $mResult['Description']; $oIcs->Summary = !empty($mResult['Summary']) ? $mResult['Summary'] : ''; $oIcs->When = !empty($mResult['When']) ? $mResult['When'] : ''; $oIcs->CalendarId = !empty($mResult['CalendarId']) ? $mResult['CalendarId'] : ''; $oIcs->AttendeeList = $mResult['AttendeeList']; $oIcs->Organizer = $mResult['Organizer']; $this->broadcastEvent( 'CreateIcs', $mResult, $oIcs ); $oMessage->addExtend('ICAL', $oIcs); } else { \Aurora\System\Api::Log('Can\'t save temp file "' . $sTemptFile . '"', \Aurora\System\Enums\LogLevel::Error); } } } } } } public function onGetMobileSyncInfo($aArgs, &$mResult) { /** @var \Aurora\Modules\Dav\Module */ $oDavModule = \Aurora\Modules\Dav\Module::Decorator(); $iUserId = \Aurora\System\Api::getAuthenticatedUserId(); $aCalendars = self::Decorator()->GetCalendars($iUserId); if (isset($aCalendars['Calendars']) && is_array($aCalendars['Calendars']) && 0 < count($aCalendars['Calendars'])) { foreach ($aCalendars['Calendars'] as $oCalendar) { if ($oCalendar instanceof Classes\Calendar) { $mResult['Dav']['Calendars'][] = array( 'Name' => $oCalendar->DisplayName, 'Url' => rtrim($oDavModule->GetServerUrl() . $oCalendar->Url, "/") . "/" ); } } } } public function onBeforeDeleteUser($aArgs, &$mResult) { if (isset($aArgs['UserId'])) { $this->oUserForDelete = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserById($aArgs['UserId']); } } public function onAfterDeleteUser($aArgs, &$mResult) { $sUserPublicId = $this->oUserForDelete instanceof \Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\User ? $this->oUserForDelete->PublicId : null; if ($sUserPublicId) { $this->getManager()->deletePrincipalCalendars($sUserPublicId); } } }