LOCATION = "Ubicación" ACCEPT = "Aceptar" TENTATIVE = "Es posible" DECLINE = "Rechazar" CALENDAR = "Calendario" WHEN = "Cuando" DESCRIPTION = "Descripción" INFORMATION = "Este mensaje llega a su email %Email% cuando ha sido invitado a un evento." USER_REACTION = "Reacción: " EVENT_BEGIN = "Empieza el: " ERROR_APPOINTMENT_NOT_FOUND = "Appointment not found" ERROR_APPOINTMENT_UPDATE_STATUS = "Unable to update event status" ERROR_CANNOT_SEND_APPOINTMENT_MESSAGE = "Message wasn't sent to organizer" ERROR_CANNOT_SEND_APPOINTMENT_MESSAGE_NO_ORGANIZER = "Organizer is not specified in appointment. Message wasn't sent" SUBJECT_PREFFIX_ACCEPTED = "Accepted" SUBJECT_PREFFIX_DECLINED = "Declined" SUBJECT_PREFFIX_TENTATIVE = "Tentative" SUBJECT_SUFFIX_CANCELED = "Cancelado"