ACTION_SHOW_CALENDAR = "カレンダー" HEADING_BROWSER_TAB = "カレンダー" LABEL_SETTINGS_TAB = "カレンダー" HEADING_SETTINGS_TAB = "Calendar settings" INFO_CANCELED_APPOINTMENT = "%SENDER% canceled" INFO_ACCEPTED_APPOINTMENT = "Accepted by %ATTENDEE%" INFO_DECLINED_APPOINTMENT = "Declined by %ATTENDEE%" INFO_TENTATIVELY_ACCEPTED_APPOINTMENT = "Tentatively accepted by %ATTENDEE%" HEADING_EDIT_CALENDAR = "Edit calendar" HEADING_CREATE_CALENDAR = "Create calendar" ERROR_CALENDAR_NAME_BLANK = "You cannot leave the calendar name blank." INFO_REMINDER = "Alarm %REMINDERS% before" ERROR_SUBJECT_BLANK = "You cannot leave the subject blank." CONFIRM_REMOVE_ALL_ATTENDEES = "Remove all attendees?" ERROR_EMAIL_BLANK = "Please enter email" LABEL_HOURS_PLURAL = "%COUNT% hour|%COUNT% hours" LABEL_DAYS_PLURAL = "%COUNT% day|%COUNT% days" LABEL_WEEKS_PLURAL = "%COUNT% week|%COUNT% weeks" LABEL_REPEAT_NEVER = "Never" LABEL_REPEAT_DAILY = "Daily" LABEL_REPEAT_WEEKLY = "Weekly" LABEL_REPEAT_MONTHLY = "Monthly" LABEL_REPEAT_YEARLY = "Yearly" CONFIRM_REMOVE_ALL_ALARMS = "Remove all alarms?" LABEL_REPEAT_YEARLY_DAYMONTH = "on %DAYMONTH%" LABEL_REPEAT_MONTHLY_DAY = "on %DAY% day" CONFIRM_EDIT_RECURRENCE = "Would you like to change only this event or all events in the series?" CONFIRM_EDIT_RECURRENCE_TASKS = "Would you like to change only this task or all tasks in the series?" ACTION_CHANGE_ONLY_THIS_INSTANCE = "Only this instance" ACTION_CHANGE_ALL_EVENTS = "All events in the series" ACTION_CHANGE_ALL_TASKS = "All tasks in the series" ERROR_FILE_NOT_ICS = "The file must have .ICS extension." LABEL_READ_ACCESS = "Can see all event details" LABEL_WRITE_ACCESS = "Can make changes to events" LABEL_ALL_DAY = "All day" INFO_NO_CALENDAR_FOUND = "No calendar found" CONFIRM_UNSUBSCRIBE_CALENDAR = "Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from calendar %CALENDARNAME%?" CONFIRM_REMOVE_CALENDAR = "Are you sure you want to delete calendar %CALENDARNAME%?" ERROR_EVENT_NOT_UPDATED = "Unable to update event." ACTION_EDIT_CALENDAR = "Edit Calendar" ACTION_IMPORT_CALENDAR = "Import ICS file" ACTION_GET_CALENDAR_LINK = "Get link" ACTION_SHARE_CALENDAR = "Share calendar" ACTION_REMOVE_CALENDAR = "Remove calendar" ACTION_UNSUBSCRIBE_CALENDAR = "Unsubscribe from calendar" LABEL_WORKDAY_STARTS = "勤務日の 開始時刻" LABEL_WORKDAY_ENDS = "終了時刻" LABEL_SHOW_WORKDAY = "勤務日を表示する" LABEL_WEEK_STARTS_ON = "週の開始曜日" LABEL_SATURDAY = "土曜日" LABEL_SUNDAY = "日曜日" LABEL_MONDAY = "月曜日" LABEL_HIGHLIGHT_WORK_DAYS = "土日も表示する" LABEL_SHOW_WEEK_NUMBERS = "Show week numbers" HINT_SHOW_WEEK_NUMBERS = "Week numbers only work if the week starts on Monday" LABEL_WEEK_SHORT = "W" LABEL_DEFAULT_TAB = "初期表示タブ" LABEL_WEEK = "週" LABEL_DEFAULT_REMINDERS_SELECT_OPTION = "Select an option" LABEL_DEFAULT_REMINDERS = "Default reminders" ACTION_CREATE_EVENT = "New Event" ACTION_CREATE_CALENDAR = "Create calendar" HEADING_MY_CALENDARS = "My calendars" HEADING_SHARED_WITH_ME = "Shared with me" HEADING_SHARED_WITH_ALL = "Shared with all" ACTION_SHOW_TODAY = "Today" ACTION_SHOW_DAY_VIEW = "Day" ACTION_SHOW_WEEK_VIEW = "Week" ACTION_SHOW_MONTH_VIEW = "Month" LABEL_CALENDAR_NAME = "Calendar name" LABEL_CALENDAR_DESCRIPTION = "Calendar description" LABEL_HOST = "Host:" ACTION_ADD_GUESTS = "Add guests" LABEL_EMAIL_OR_NAME = "Email or Name" ACTION_ACCEPT_APPOINTMENT = "Accept" ACTION_TENTATIVE_APPOINTMENT = "Tentative" ACTION_DECLINE_APPOINTMENT = "Decline" LABEL_REPEATS = "Repeats" LABEL_REPEAT_WEEKLY_ON_DAYS = "on" LABEL_MON = "Mon" LABEL_TUE = "Tue" LABEL_WED = "Wed" LABEL_THU = "Thu" LABEL_FRI = "Fri" LABEL_SAT = "Sat" LABEL_SUN = "Sun" LABEL_REPEAT_EVERY = "every" LABEL_REPEAT_WEEK = "week" LABEL_REPEAT_ALWAYS = "always" LABEL_REPEAT_UNTIL = "until" LABEL_SUBJECT = "Subject" LABEL_DESCRIPTION = "Description" LABEL_LOCATION = "Location" LABEL_ORGANIZER = "Organizer" LABEL_ATTENDEE = "Attendee" LABEL_ATTENDEES = "Attendees" LABEL_TITLE = "Title" ACTION_REMOVE_ALARM = "Remove" ACTION_NEW_ALARM = "New alarm" ACTION_ADD_FIRST_ALARM = "Alarm" ACTION_EDIT_GUESTS = "Guests" HEADING_GET_CALENDAR_LINK = "Get link" LABEL_DAV_URL = "DAV URL" LABEL_ICS_LINK = "Link to .ics" LABEL_WEB_ACCESS = "Make public web link to this calendar" LABEL_WEB_LINK = "Web link" INFO_OLD_VERSION_INVITATION = "There must be a newer version of this invitation in your mailbox. This one is no longer valid as the meeting has been updated since you received it." ACTION_ADD_ICAL = "Add to calendar" REPORT_EVENT_SAVED = "Your event has been saved." REPORT_EVENT_EXISTS = "Event already exists in calendar." LABEL_CALENDAR = "Calendar" LABEL_WHEN = "When" HEADING_IMPORT_ICALENDAR = "Import iCalendar file" INFO_SELECT_OR_DRAGNDROP = "Click Import to select an .ics file or close this dialog and drag-n-drop that file from your desktop." INFO_EXISTING_EVENTS = "The events which are already in your calendar will not be deleted." HEADING_CALDAV_ACCESS = "CalDAV access to your calendars" ERROR_NO_EDITABLE_CALENDAR = "No calendar with write access available" HEADING_SELECT_CALENDAR = "Select calendar for uploaded event" HEADING_SHARE_CALENDAR = "Share calendar" LABEL_CAN_SEE = "Who can see" LABEL_CAN_EDIT = "Who can edit" LABEL_SHARE_WITH_ALL = "Share with all" INFO_SHARED_WITH_ALL = "All teammates will have access." INFO_RECURRING_EVENT = "Recurring event" LABEL_THIS_IS_A_TASK = "This is a task" ACTION_SHARE_AND_PUBLISH = "Share calendar" TITLE_SHARE_CALENDAR = "Share calendar" ERROR_SHARE_NOT_UPDATED = "Unable to update share." ACTION_SHOW_LIST_VIEW = "List" INFO_NO_EVENTS_TO_DISPLAY = "No events to display" ACTION_REMOVE_DATE = "Remove date" ACTION_ADD_DATE = "Add date" LABEL_ATTENDER_STATUS_PENDING = "pending" LABEL_ATTENDER_STATUS_ACCEPTED = "accepted" LABEL_ATTENDER_STATUS_DECLINED = "declined" LABEL_ATTENDER_STATUS_TENTATIVE = "tentative" ERROR_SHARE_CONFLICT_EMAILS = "Cannot give read-only and read-write access to the same user: %CONFLICT_EMAILS%. Please remove it from one of the sections.|Cannot give read-only and read-write access to the same users: %CONFLICT_EMAILS%. Please remove them from one of the sections." LABEL_SUBSCRIBED = "Subscribe to iCal feed" LABEL_CALENDAR_SOURCE = "iCal URL" LABEL_PRIVATE_EVENT = "This event is private" LABEL_NO_EVENT_INFORMATION = "No information"