'use strict'; var $ = require('jquery'), ko = require('knockout'), _ = require('underscore'), TextUtils = require('%PathToCoreWebclientModule%/js/utils/Text.js'), Types = require('%PathToCoreWebclientModule%/js/utils/Types.js') ; var CustomTooltip = { _$Region: null, _$ArrowTop: null, _$Text: null, _$ArrowBottom: null, _iArrowBorderLeft: 0, _iArrowMarginLeft: 0, _iLeftShift: 0, _bInitialized: false, _bShown: false, iHideTimer: 0, iTimer: 0, init: function () { if (!this._bInitialized) { this._$Region = $('
').appendTo('body').hide(); this._$ArrowTop = $('
').appendTo(this._$Region); this._$Text = $('
').appendTo(this._$Region); this._$ArrowBottom = $('
').appendTo(this._$Region); this._iArrowMarginLeft = Types.pInt(this._$ArrowTop.css('margin-left')); this._iArrowBorderLeft = Types.pInt(this._$ArrowTop.css('border-left-width')); this._iLeftShift = Types.pInt(this._$Region.css('margin-left')) + this._iArrowMarginLeft + this._iArrowBorderLeft; this._bInitialized = true; } this._$ArrowTop.show(); this._$ArrowBottom.hide(); this._$ArrowTop.css({ 'margin-left': this._iArrowMarginLeft + 'px' }); this._$ArrowBottom.css({ 'margin-left': this._iArrowMarginLeft + 'px' }); }, show: function (sText, $ItemToAlign) { this.init(); var oItemOffset = $ItemToAlign.offset(), iItemWidth = $ItemToAlign.width(), iItemHalfWidth = (iItemWidth < 70) ? iItemWidth/2 : iItemWidth/4, iItemPaddingLeft = Types.pInt($ItemToAlign.css('padding-left')), jqBody = $('body'), iTop = oItemOffset.top + $ItemToAlign.outerHeight() - $('html').scrollTop(); ; this._$Text.html(sText); this._bShown = true; this._$Region.stop().fadeIn(260, _.bind(function () { if (!this._bShown) { this._$Region.hide(); } }, this)).css({ 'top': iTop, 'left': oItemOffset.left + iItemPaddingLeft + iItemHalfWidth - this._iLeftShift, 'right': 'auto' }); if (jqBody.outerHeight() < this._$Region.outerHeight() + this._$Region.offset().top) { this._$ArrowTop.hide(); this._$ArrowBottom.show(); this._$Region.css({ 'top': iTop - this._$Region.outerHeight() - $ItemToAlign.outerHeight() }); } setTimeout(function () { if (jqBody.width() < (this._$Region.outerWidth(true) + this._$Region.offset().left)) { this._$Region.css({ 'left': 'auto', 'right': 0 }); this._$ArrowTop.css({ 'margin-left': (iItemHalfWidth + oItemOffset.left - this._$Region.offset().left - this._iArrowBorderLeft) + 'px' }); this._$ArrowBottom.css({ 'margin-left': (iItemHalfWidth + oItemOffset.left - this._$Region.offset().left - this._iArrowBorderLeft + Types.pInt(this._$Region.css('margin-right'))) + 'px' }); } }.bind(this), 1); }, hide: function () { if (this._bInitialized) { this._bShown = false; this._$Region.hide(); } } }; function InitCustomTooltip(oElement, oCommand) { // tooltip text should be HTML encoded because of XSS vulnerability // for example mail attachments names should be HTML encoded var sTooltipText = TextUtils.encodeHtml(_.isFunction(oCommand) ? oCommand() : TextUtils.i18n(oCommand)), $Element = $(oElement), $Dropdown = $Element.find('span.dropdown'), bShown = false, fMouseIn = function () { var $ItemToAlign = $(this); if (!$ItemToAlign.hasClass('expand')) { clearTimeout(CustomTooltip.iHideTimer); bShown = true; clearTimeout(CustomTooltip.iTimer); CustomTooltip.iTimer = setTimeout(function () { if (bShown) { if ($ItemToAlign.hasClass('expand')) { bShown = false; clearTimeout(CustomTooltip.iTimer); CustomTooltip.hide(); } else { CustomTooltip.show(sTooltipText, $ItemToAlign); } } }, 100); } }, fMouseOut = function () { clearTimeout(CustomTooltip.iHideTimer); CustomTooltip.iHideTimer = setTimeout(function () { bShown = false; clearTimeout(CustomTooltip.iTimer); CustomTooltip.hide(); }, 10); }, fEmpty = function () {}, fBindEvents = function () { $Element.unbind('mouseover', fMouseIn); $Element.unbind('mouseout', fMouseOut); $Element.unbind('click', fMouseOut); $Dropdown.unbind('mouseover', fMouseOut); $Dropdown.unbind('mouseout', fEmpty); if (sTooltipText !== '') { $Element.bind('mouseover', fMouseIn); $Element.bind('mouseout', fMouseOut); $Element.bind('click', fMouseOut); $Dropdown.bind('mouseover', fMouseOut); $Dropdown.bind('mouseout', fEmpty); } }, fSubscribtion = null ; fBindEvents(); if (_.isFunction(oCommand) && _.isFunction(oCommand.subscribe) && fSubscribtion === null) { fSubscribtion = oCommand.subscribe(function (sValue) { sTooltipText = sValue; fBindEvents(); }); } } ko.bindingHandlers.customTooltip = { 'update': function (oElement, fValueAccessor) { InitCustomTooltip(oElement, fValueAccessor()); } }; module.exports = { init: InitCustomTooltip };