'use strict'; var _ = require('underscore'), ko = require('knockout'), hasher = require('hasher'), UrlUtils = require('%PathToCoreWebclientModule%/js/utils/Url.js'), Screens = require('%PathToCoreWebclientModule%/js/Screens.js') ; /** * @constructor */ function CRouting() { this.currentHash = ko.observable(this.getHashFromHref()); this.previousHash = ko.observable(this.getHashFromHref()); } /** * Initializes object. */ CRouting.prototype.init = function () { hasher.initialized.removeAll(); hasher.changed.removeAll(); hasher.initialized.add(this.parseRouting, this); hasher.changed.add(this.parseRouting, this); hasher.init(); hasher.initialized.removeAll(); }; /** * Finalizes the object and puts an empty hash. */ CRouting.prototype.finalize = function () { hasher.dispose(); }; /** * Sets a new hash. * * @param {string} sNewHash * * @return {boolean} */ CRouting.prototype.setHashFromString = function (sNewHash) { var bSame = (location.hash === sNewHash); if (!bSame) { location.hash = sNewHash; } return bSame; }; /** * Sets a new hash without part. * * @param {string} sUid */ CRouting.prototype.replaceHashWithoutMessageUid = function (sUid) { if (typeof sUid === 'string' && sUid !== '') { var sNewHash = location.hash.replace('/msg' + encodeURIComponent(sUid), ''); this.replaceHashFromString(sNewHash); } }; /** * Sets a new hash. * * @param {string} sNewHash */ CRouting.prototype.replaceHashFromString = function (sNewHash) { if (location.hash !== sNewHash) { location.replace(UrlUtils.getAppPath() + window.location.search + sNewHash); } }; /** * Sets a new hash made up of an array. * * @param {Array} aRoutingParts * * @return boolean */ CRouting.prototype.setHash = function (aRoutingParts) { return this.setHashFromString(this.buildHashFromArray(aRoutingParts)); }; /** * @param {Array} aRoutingParts */ CRouting.prototype.replaceHash = function (aRoutingParts) { this.replaceHashFromString(this.buildHashFromArray(aRoutingParts)); }; /** * @param {Array} aRoutingParts */ CRouting.prototype.replaceHashDirectly = function (aRoutingParts) { hasher.stop(); this.replaceHashFromString(this.buildHashFromArray(aRoutingParts)); this.currentHash(location.hash.replace(/^#/, '')); hasher.init(); }; CRouting.prototype.setPreviousHash = function () { var sPrevHash = this.previousHash(), aPrevHash = sPrevHash.split(/[-|\/]/) ; if (this.currentHash() === sPrevHash) { sPrevHash = aPrevHash.length > 0 && aPrevHash[0] !== sPrevHash ? aPrevHash[0] : ''; } location.hash = sPrevHash; }; CRouting.prototype.stopListening = function () { hasher.stop(); }; CRouting.prototype.startListening = function () { hasher.init(); }; /** * Makes a hash of a string array. * * @param {(string|Array)} aRoutingParts * * @return {string} */ CRouting.prototype.buildHashFromArray = function (aRoutingParts) { var iIndex = 0, iLen = 0, sHash = '' ; if (_.isArray(aRoutingParts)) { for (iLen = aRoutingParts.length; iIndex < iLen; iIndex++) { aRoutingParts[iIndex] = encodeURIComponent(aRoutingParts[iIndex]); } } else { aRoutingParts = [encodeURIComponent(aRoutingParts.toString())]; } sHash = aRoutingParts.join('/'); if (sHash !== '') { sHash = '#' + sHash; } return sHash; }; /** * Returns the value of the hash string of location.href. * location.hash returns the decoded string and location.href - not, so it uses location.href. * * @return {string} */ CRouting.prototype.getHashFromHref = function () { var iPos = location.href.indexOf('#'), sHash = '' ; if (iPos !== -1) { sHash = location.href.substr(iPos + 1); } return sHash; }; /** * @param {Array} aRoutingParts * @param {Array} aAddParams */ CRouting.prototype.goDirectly = function (aRoutingParts, aAddParams) { hasher.stop(); this.setHash(aRoutingParts); this.parseRouting(aAddParams); hasher.init(); }; /** * @param {string} sNeedScreen */ CRouting.prototype.historyBackWithoutParsing = function (sNeedScreen) { hasher.stop(); location.hash = this.currentHash(); hasher.init(); }; /** * @returns {String} */ CRouting.prototype.getScreenFromHash = function () { var sHash = this.getHashFromHref(), aHash = sHash.split('/') ; return decodeURIComponent(aHash.shift()); }; /** * Checks if there are changes in current screen and continues screen change or discards changes. * @param {Array} aAddParams */ CRouting.prototype.parseRouting = function (aAddParams) { var App = require('%PathToCoreWebclientModule%/js/App.js'), fContinueScreenChange = _.bind(this.chooseScreen, this, aAddParams), fRevertScreenChange = _.bind(this.historyBackWithoutParsing, this, aAddParams), oCurrentScreen = _.isFunction(Screens.getCurrentScreen) ? Screens.getCurrentScreen() : null ; if (oCurrentScreen && _.isFunction(oCurrentScreen.hasUnsavedChanges) && oCurrentScreen.hasUnsavedChanges()) { App.askDiscardChanges(fContinueScreenChange, fRevertScreenChange, oCurrentScreen); } else if (_.isFunction(fContinueScreenChange)) { fContinueScreenChange(); } }; /** * Parses the hash string and opens the corresponding routing screen. * * @param {Array} aAddParams */ CRouting.prototype.chooseScreen = function (aAddParams) { var sHash = this.getHashFromHref(), aParams = _.map(sHash.split('/'), function (sHashPart) { return decodeURIComponent(sHashPart); }) ; this.previousHash(this.currentHash()); this.currentHash(sHash); aAddParams = _.isArray(aAddParams) ? aAddParams : []; Screens.route(aParams.concat(aAddParams)); }; var Routing = new CRouting(); module.exports = { init: _.bind(Routing.init, Routing), buildHashFromArray: _.bind(Routing.buildHashFromArray, Routing), replaceHashWithoutMessageUid: _.bind(Routing.replaceHashWithoutMessageUid, Routing), setHash: _.bind(Routing.setHash, Routing), replaceHash: _.bind(Routing.replaceHash, Routing), finalize: _.bind(Routing.finalize, Routing), currentHash: Routing.currentHash, replaceHashDirectly: _.bind(Routing.replaceHashDirectly, Routing), setPreviousHash: _.bind(Routing.setPreviousHash, Routing), clearPreviousHash: function () { Routing.previousHash(''); }, stopListening: _.bind(Routing.stopListening, Routing), startListening: _.bind(Routing.startListening, Routing), goDirectly: _.bind(Routing.goDirectly, Routing), getCurrentHashArray: function () { return Routing.currentHash().split('/'); }, getAppUrlWithHash: function (aRoutingParts) { return UrlUtils.getAppPath() + Routing.buildHashFromArray(aRoutingParts); } };