'use strict'; var $ = require('jquery'); /** * Object for saving and restoring data in local storage or cookies. * * @constructor */ function CStorage() { this.bHtml5 = true; this.init(); } /** * Returns **true** if data with specified key exists in the storage. * * @param {string} sKey * @returns {boolean} */ CStorage.prototype.hasData = function (sKey) { var sValue = this.bHtml5 ? localStorage.getItem(sKey) : $.cookie(sKey); return !!sValue; }; /** * Returns value of data with specified key from the storage. * * @param {string} sKey * @returns {string|number|Object} */ CStorage.prototype.getData = function (sKey) { var sValue = this.bHtml5 ? localStorage.getItem(sKey) : $.cookie(sKey), oResult = '' ; try { oResult = $.parseJSON(sValue); } catch (oException) { } return oResult; }; /** * Sets value of data with specified key to the storage. * * @param {string} sKey * @param {string|number|Object} mValue */ CStorage.prototype.setData = function (sKey, mValue) { var sValue = JSON.stringify(mValue); if (this.bHtml5) { localStorage.setItem(sKey, sValue); } else { $.cookie(sKey, sValue, { expires: 30 }); } }; /** * Removes data with specified key from the storage. * * @param {srting} sKey */ CStorage.prototype.removeData = function (sKey) { if (this.bHtml5) { localStorage.removeItem(sKey); } else { $.cookie(sKey, null); } }; /** * Initializes the object for work with local storage or cookie. */ CStorage.prototype.init = function () { if (typeof Storage === 'undefined') { this.bHtml5 = false; } else { try { localStorage.setItem('aurora_core_check', 'aurora'); localStorage.removeItem('aurora_core_check'); } catch (err) { this.bHtml5 = false; } } }; CStorage.prototype.replaceStorageDataKey = function(oldKey, newKey) { let data = this.getData(oldKey); if (data) { this.removeData(oldKey); if (oldKey === 'MessageDetailsVisible') { data = data === '1'; } if (newKey) { this.setData(newKey, data); } } }; CStorage.prototype.convertStorageData = function(userId, AccountList) { const convertMap = [ { old: 'showNewTimezone', new: 'aurora_core_browser-timezone' }, { old: 'folderAccordionCleared', new: '' }, { old: 'message_listResizerWidth', new: 'aurora_mail_resizer-width' }, { old: 'folder_2pane_listResizerWidth', new: 'aurora_mail_hr_folders_resizer-width' }, { old: 'message_2pane_listResizerWidth', new: 'aurora_mail_hr_messages_resizer-width' }, { old: 'compose_attachmentsResizerWidth', new: 'aurora_mail_compose_resizer-width' }, { old: 'contact_listResizerWidth', new: 'aurora_contacts_resizer-width' }, { old: 'files_listResizerWidth', new: 'aurora_files_resizer-width' }, { old: 'files_list1ResizerWidth', new: 'aurora_files_preview_resizer-width' }, { old: 'calendarResizerWidth', new: 'aurora_calendar_resizer-width' }, { old: 'tasks_listResizerWidth', new: 'aurora_tasks_resizer-width' }, { old: 'sendersExpanded', new: 'aurora_custom_senders-expanded' }, { old: 'moveMessagesHistoryData', new: 'aurora_custom_move-messages-history-data' }, { old: 'MailtoAsked', new: 'aurora_mail_is-mailto-asked' }, { old: 'MessageDetailsVisible', new: 'aurora_mail_is-message-details-visible' } ]; convertMap.forEach(dataKeys => { this.replaceStorageDataKey(dataKeys.old, dataKeys.new); }); this.replaceStorageDataKey(`user_${userId}_cryptoKeyEncrypted`, `aurora_paranoid_user_${userId}_encrypted-crypto-key`); this.replaceStorageDataKey(`user_${userId}_public-keys`, `aurora_openpgp_user_${userId}_public-keys`); this.replaceStorageDataKey(`user_${userId}_private-keys`, `aurora_openpgp_user_${userId}_private-keys`); if (AccountList) { this.replaceStorageDataKey('folderAccordion', `aurora_mail_account_${AccountList.currentId()}_expanded-folders`); AccountList.collection().forEach(account => { this.replaceStorageDataKey(`customSenderList-${account.id()}`, `aurora_custom_account_${account.id()}_sender-list`); }); } }; module.exports = new CStorage();