'use strict'; var _ = require('underscore'), $ = require('jquery'), App = require('%PathToCoreWebclientModule%/js/App.js'), iDefaultRatio = 0.8, aOpenedWins = [] ; /** * @return string */ function GetSizeParameters() { var iScreenWidth = window.screen.width, iWidth = Math.ceil(iScreenWidth * iDefaultRatio), iLeft = Math.ceil((iScreenWidth - iWidth) / 2), iScreenHeight = window.screen.height, iHeight = Math.ceil(iScreenHeight * iDefaultRatio), iTop = Math.ceil((iScreenHeight - iHeight) / 2) ; return ',width=' + iWidth + ',height=' + iHeight + ',top=' + iTop + ',left=' + iLeft; } module.exports = { /** * @param {string} sUrl * @param {string=} sWinName * * @return Object */ openTab: function (sUrl, sWinName) { $.cookie('aft-cache-ctrl', '1'); var oWin = window.open(sUrl, '_blank'); if (oWin) { oWin.focus(); oWin.name = sWinName ? sWinName : (App.currentAccountId ? App.currentAccountId() : 0); aOpenedWins.push(oWin); } return oWin; }, /** * @param {string} sUrl * @param {string} sPopupName * @param {boolean=} bMenubar = false * * @return Object */ open: function (sUrl, sPopupName, bMenubar, sSize = '') { var sMenubar = (bMenubar) ? ',menubar=yes' : ',menubar=no', sParams = 'location=no,toolbar=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes' + sMenubar, oWin = null ; sPopupName = sPopupName.replace(/\W/g, ''); // forbidden characters in the name of the window for ie sParams += sSize === '' ? GetSizeParameters() : sSize; oWin = window.open(sUrl, sPopupName, sParams); if (oWin) { oWin.focus(); oWin.name = App.currentAccountId ? App.currentAccountId() : 0; aOpenedWins.push(oWin); } return oWin; }, /** * Attempts to get the "origin" value for an opened window. * Returns false if this is not possible. * This means that the user has opened some other site in it. * @param {object} oWin * @returns {bool} */ isSameOrigin: function (oWin) { var sWinOrigin = ''; try { sWinOrigin = oWin.location.origin; } catch (oError) { // There is "accessing a cross-origin frame" error if something else was opened in the oWin tab console.log('The following error was catched:'); console.error(oError); } return window.location.origin === sWinOrigin; }, /** * @returns {Array} */ getOpenedWindows: function () { aOpenedWins = _.filter(aOpenedWins, function (oWin) { return this.isSameOrigin(oWin) && !oWin.closed; }.bind(this)); return aOpenedWins; }, closeAll: function () { _.each(aOpenedWins, function (oWin) { // Check of windows origin doesn't work in unload event handler, so it is moved to onbeforeunload event handler if (!oWin.closed) { oWin.close(); } }); aOpenedWins = []; } };