aContainer = [ "Disabled" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "Setting to true disables the module", ), "CpanelHost" => new SettingsProperty( "", "string", null, "Hostname of cPanel server the integration is configured for", ), "CpanelPort" => new SettingsProperty( "2083", "string", null, "Port number used to connect to cPanel server", ), "CpanelUser" => new SettingsProperty( "", "string", null, "User account used for integration with cPanel server", ), "CpanelPassword" => new SettingsProperty( "", "string", null, "Password of the account used for integration with cPanel server", ), "UserDefaultQuotaMB" => new SettingsProperty( 1, "int", null, "Default quota of new email accounts created on cPanel", ), "SupportedServers" => new SettingsProperty( [ "*" ], "array", null, "List of mail servers the integration applies to, * for all the mail servers", ), "AllowCreateDeleteAccountOnCpanel" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "Enables managing email accounts from within adminpanel interface of our product", ), "AllowAliases" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "Enables creating mail aliases from our adminpanel", ), "ForwardScriptPath" => new SettingsProperty( "", "string", null, "Filesystem location of custom mail forwarder, defaults to scripts/process_mail.php file", ), ]; } }