'use strict'; var _ = require('underscore'), ko = require('knockout'), App = require('%PathToCoreWebclientModule%/js/App.js'), Popups = require('%PathToCoreWebclientModule%/js/Popups.js'), ViewPopup = require('modules/%ModuleName%/js/popups/ViewPopup.js'), UrlUtils = require('%PathToCoreWebclientModule%/js/utils/Url.js') ; module.exports = function (oAppData) { return { /** * Runs before application start. Subscribes to the event before post displaying. * * @param {Object} ModulesManager */ start: function (ModulesManager) { var selector = null, filesCollection = ko.observableArray(), fillHtmlData = function(item) { var bResult = false, sCommonHtmlData = '
'; ; if (item.extension().match(/(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$/i)) { item.htmlData = ko.observable(sCommonHtmlData + '
'); bResult = true; } else if (item.bIsLink && item.sLinkUrl.match(/(youtube.com|youtu.be)/i)) { item.htmlData = ko.observable(sCommonHtmlData + '
'); bResult = true; } else if (item.extension().match(/(doc|docx|xls|xlsx)$/i)) { // item.htmlData = ko.observable(sCommonHtmlData + '
'); // bResult = true; } else if (item.extension().match(/(txt)$/i)) { item.htmlData = ko.observable(sCommonHtmlData + '
'); bResult = true; } return bResult; } ; ViewPopup.onClose = function (){ for (var i=0; i
file.hash() === oParams.hash); if (isFileInList) { oParams.continueView = false; if (selector) { selector.useKeyboardKeys(false); } Popups.showPopup(ViewPopup, [filesCollection, oParams.index]); } }); App.subscribeEvent('FilesWebclient::ConstructView::after', function (oParams) { selector = oParams.View.selector; oParams.View.filesCollection.subscribe(function(newCollection) { var collection = [], index = 0 ; _.each(newCollection, function(item){ item.index(index); if (fillHtmlData(item)) { collection.push(item); } index++; }); filesCollection(collection); App.broadcastEvent('FileViewerWebclientPlugin::FilesCollection::after', {aFilesCollection: filesCollection}); }); }); } }; };