aContainer = [ "Disabled" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "Setting to true disables the module", ), "EnableUploadSizeLimit" => new SettingsProperty( true, "bool", null, "If true, upload file size limit is set", ), "UploadSizeLimitMb" => new SettingsProperty( 100, "int", null, "Upload file size limit value, in Mbytes", ), "UserSpaceLimitMb" => new SettingsProperty( 100, "int", null, "Default filestorage disk space quota for new user accounts created", ), "TenantSpaceLimitMb" => new SettingsProperty( 1000, "int", null, "With multitenancy enabled, default tenant space quota; with multitenancy disabled, total disk space quota for the installation", ), "CustomTabTitle" => new SettingsProperty( "", "string", null, "The value will be used as the tab title in the web UI", ), ]; } }