'use strict'; var ko = require('knockout'), _ = require('underscore'), Types = require('%PathToCoreWebclientModule%/js/utils/Types.js') ; module.exports = { ServerModuleName: '%ModuleName%', HashModuleName: 'files', /** * Setting indicates if module is enabled by user or not. * The Core subscribes to this setting changes and if it is **true** displays module tab in header and its screens. * Otherwise the Core doesn't display module tab in header and its screens. */ enableModule: ko.observable(false), enablePreviewPane: ko.observable(false), /** * Initializes settings from AppData object sections. * * @param {Object} oAppData Object contained modules settings. */ init: function (oAppData) { var oAppDataSection = oAppData['%ModuleName%']; if (!_.isEmpty(oAppDataSection)) { this.enableModule(Types.pBool(oAppDataSection.EnableModule, this.enableModule())); this.enablePreviewPane(Types.pBool(oAppDataSection.EnablePreviewPane, this.enablePreviewPane())); } }, /** * Updates settings of simple chat module after editing. * * @param {boolean} bEnableModule New value of setting 'EnableModule' * @param {boolean} bEnablePreviewPane New value of setting 'EnablePreviewPane' */ update: function (bEnableModule, bEnablePreviewPane) { this.enableModule(bEnableModule); this.enablePreviewPane(bEnablePreviewPane); } };